The Winamax Poker Open attracted a total of 1,577 players, bringing the prize pool to a handsome €693,880. Martin Bartoš clinched a cool €100,000 for himself, picking up momentum towards the end of the tournament and taking it down decisively. Coming up in early October is the next Banco Casino Masters with a €250,000 guarantee, followed by the Slovak Series of Poker at the end of October, where the Main Event has a €300,000 guarantee. For more details, keep an eye on our website and social media. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day Results:
1. Bartoš Martin - 100,000€
2. Miklošovič Richard - 64,500€
3. Fryda Victor - 42,000€
4. Neuville Pierre - 28,000€
5. Hoogstoel Victor - 21,000€
6. Kitai Davidi - 16,000€
7. Margets Leo - 12,300€
8. Large Maxime - 9,000€
9. Colin Leo - 9,000€
10. Guyon Adrien - 7,000€
11. Andre Alexis - 7,000€
12. Legendre Thomas - 5,560€
13. Pardoux Roland - 5,560€
00:15 Rišo Miklošovič finishes in second place for €64,500
Bartoš pushed from the button with Jd Td and Miklošovič, after a short moment, called with Qs Js for his last 13,000,000. With a board of Ts Ah 3d 2d 7c, Rišo Miklošovič takes second place for €64,500 and Martin Bartoš emerges as the winner!
23:55 Bartoš double up
Stacks went over the line again, this time Bartoš held Jx Jx and Miklošovič Kc Qc. After the board of 3c 8c Jh 3s 7h, Bartoš secures a double up.
23:25 Miklošovič double up
24,000,000 went over the line from both sides. Miklošovič held Ax Qx and Bartoš Ax Tx. After the board of Ax 5x Kx Qx 8x, Bartoš drops to 32,000,000 and Miklošovič rises to 47,000,000.
Level 48: 600,000 - 1,200,000 / 1,200,000, avg. 39,000,000, ent.: 2/1,577
Break 15 min
23:00 Bartoš Vs. Miklošovič
At the start of the heads-up, Maťo Bartoš holds approximately 53,000,000, and Rišo has 26,000,000.
23:00 Victor Fryda eliminated in third place for €42,000.
Bartoš from the sb effectively pushed 5,500,000 with Kx Qx and Fryda called with Qd 8h. This time, the dealer laid out a board of As 8s 4d 9d Ks, and Victor Fryda finishes in third place for €42,000. We move on to the Slovak heads-up!
22:55 Rišo Miklošovič doubles up
From the small blind, Frida pushed with 8h 6h and Rišo confidently snap-called with As Ac. The board ran 9c 7c Hh Ad 4s, sending Victor Fryda down to a mere 2,500,000 while Rišo climbs up to 26,000,000. In the following hand, Fryda put the remainder of his stack into play with Jc 6h, and Bartoš in the big blind found Js Tc. With the board showing 6s 7h 8c Qh 4c, Fryda narrowly survives.
Top 3 livestream:
Level 47: 500,000 - 1,000,000 / 1,000,000, avg. 26,283,333, ent. :3/1,577
22:20 After a quiet spell, Pierre Neuville bows out in fourth place for €28,000
Pierre pushed 4,800,000 from the small blind with Jh 2h, and Fryda in the big blind made the call with Kh 7h. The board ran Ad 5d 5h 7d Qc, and thus, the legendary poker player departs from the event.
21:50 Bartoš's turn to shine
Fryda pushed all-in from early position with pocket fours, and Bartoš found Qx Qx in the small blind, calling with his 16,000,000 stack. The board ran Tc Kd 7h Kc As, awarding Bartoš a significant double up. It seems Fryda is now on shaky ground.
21:40 Miklošovič doubles up
Fryda pushes all-in from the small blind for 9,200,000. Miklošovič called with As 5c, and Fryda held Td 3s. With a board of 4d 9d 9c 2d Jh, Rišo climbs back to approximately 20,000,000.
Level 46. 400,000 - 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 17,345,000, ent.:4/1,577
21:35 Miklošovič goes all-in
Victor Fryda opened for 1,500,000 and Miklošovič pushed 4,100,000 with As 5d. Fryda called with Qc Tc, and after a board of 4s 3h Jd 3c Jc, Rišo claims a double up.
21:25 Bartoš starts with a double up
Bartoš went all-in preflop for about 11,000,000 holding aces against Miklošovič's Kx Qx in the big blind. The board ran out 7x 9x Kx 2x 8x, allowing Martin to climb to 22,000,000 while Miklošovič falls to a remaining 4,400,000.
Level 45: 350,000 - 700,000 / 700,000, avg. 17,345,000, entrants: 4/1,577
Break 60 Min
20:00 After a flip, Victor Hoogstoel finishes in fifth place for 21,000€
Hoogstoel went all-in preflop with about his last 5,000,000 holding pocket fours, and Fryda called with Ax Jx. The board ran out Ax 2x 2x Qx 5x, and Hoogstoel's tournament comes to an end.
19:45 Pierre Neuville doubles up
Pierre went all-in preflop for 3,200,000 with Ah 6d against Viktor Fryda's Ad Td. However, the board of 5s 7d 8h 6h Qc allowed Neuville to survive, and he loudly celebrates with his rail.
Level 44: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 15,770,000, ent.: 5/1,577
19:30 David Kitai finishes in sixth place for 16,000€
Kitai opened with 2,400,000 from the Hj, and Fryda decided to call from the sb. The flop showed Kd 8d 2c and both checked. On the turn 4d, Fryda bet 1,000,000. Kitai pushed 1,300,000 and got a snap call. Fryda revealed Kh Ks and Kitai had Ac 3c. However, with a blank river, David Kitai's tournament journey ends.
19:15 Neuville doubles up
Miklošovič opened with 1,000,000 from Co, and Neuville shoved 2,900,000 from the bb. Rišo called with 8c 7c. Neuville held Ax 9x and after the board of 6x Kx Ax 9x 8x, Pierre added a valuable double up to his stack.
19:00 Miklošovič loses the chiplead
Fryda limped from the sb, and Miklošovič raised to 1,500,000. Fryda 3-bet to 5,000,000, which Miklošovič quickly folded. After this hand, Fryda holds about a million more than Rišo, making the chiplead very tight.
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD starts in early october !
Level 43: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 13,141,111, ent.: 6/1,577,000
18:40 Leo is out
Leo shoved all in with 3,200,000 holding Ah 5c, and Rišo Miklošovič decided to call with Js Ts. With the board showing 4d 2s Ks Kc 4s, Miklošovič eliminates his opponent. For her seventh-place finish, Leo takes home 12,300€.
Level 42: 200,000 - 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 13,141,000, ent.: 7/1,577
FT chipcounts:
Break 20 min
17:30 Maxime Large is the last to leave before the final table
Large got into a preflop all-in with just under two million with Tx 8x, and Kitai held Ax Kx. After the board 6x Jx Ax 8x 4x, Maxime takes home 9,000 and after the break, we'll move to the final table.
16:50 Nothing significant is happening
Miklošovič is making the most of the situation, covering the stacks behind him and thus pushing many all-ins.
Level 41: 150,000 – 350,000 / 350,000, avg. 9,856,250, ent.: 8/1,577
16:30 Martin Bartoš doubles up
Frida opened and Bartoš pushed 3,300,000 from the bb. Fryda called with Qs Js, and Bartoš turned over Ac 2c. With a board of 8h 7s 9c 5c 8c, Maťo completed a flush and significantly improved his stack.
16:15 Play has slowed down
We're just one elimination away from forming the final table, and thus, the game has noticeably tightened up. Significant chip movements haven't been observed for a while now.
Level 40: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 9,856,250, ent.: 8/1,577
Break 15 min
15:25 Hoogstel doubles up
Kitai opened from the sb for 85,000 and Hoogstoel called from the bb. On the flop of 5s 9c 6c, Kitai decided to shove and after some thought, Hoogstoel called with 8s 6s. Kitai held Ad Jc and after the turn card of 4h and river card of 3c, Hoogstoel added more than 5,500,000 to his stack.
15:00 Leo Colin exits in ninth place for 9,000€
Initially, Leo got into a preflop all-in with As Jh against Ah Ad held by Maxime Large. With the board showing 5h 9s Kh 2h 9d, Leo lost a substantial portion of his stack. A few hands later, Large shoved effectively for 1,200,000 from the sb and Colin called from the bb with Ad Td. Large revealed Kh Qs and with the board of 6h 2h Ks 7d 2d, Leo Colin's run came to an end.
Level 39: 125,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 8,761,111, ent.: 9/1,577
14:45 Miklošovič doubles up
On the flop of 8s Th 9c, there were about 3 million in the pot and Miklošovič bet 1,500,000 which Colin called. On the turn 4h, Miklošovič shoved 6,400,000 and Colin snap-called with Ts 9s. However, Miklošovič held pocket eights and with a set, he secured the pot after a 7s river.
14:30 After an unfortunate setup, Adrien Guyon exits
Guyon opened from the EP and Victor Fryda 3-bet to 925,000 on the button. After a very short while, Guyon 4-bet to 2,400,000 and Fryda pushed 5,200,000 across the line. Guyon instantly called with Ax Kx, but surely wasn't pleased to see his opponent's aces. The board of Ax 8x 3x Qx 5x ensured a massive double up for Fryda. Guyon sacrificed his last 4bb with Tx 6x from the bb and ran into an opponent's Ax Kx. The board of Tx Ax 7x 3x 7x ultimately dashed Adrien's hopes of a victory and he takes home 7,000€.
14:20 Leo Colin doubles up
Colin opened to 400,000, Hoogstoel 3-bet to 1,500,000 from the bb and Colin shoved 6,700,000. Hoogstoel instantly called and in the showdown, Leo held jacks and Victor had Ah Kc. With a board of Jx 6x 5x Jx 5x, Colin scores a very effective double up and Hoogstoel loses more than half of his stack.
14:10 Miklošovič under pressure
On the river Ah 2h 5c Ad Kh there was about a million in the pot and Kitai bet 750,000. Rišo took several minutes this time but decided to fold.
Level 38: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,885,000, ent.: 10/1,577
14:00 Miklošovič eliminates
Alexis opened to 320,000, Miklošovič 3-bet to 1,200,000 and Alexis pushed roughly 4,000,000. Alexis held Qx Qx and Miklošovič had Ax Kx. The board ran Ax 5x 4x 9x Kx. Alexis takes home 7,000€ for 11th place.
13:45 Cold 4-bet
Bartoš opened to 325,000, Guyon 3-bet to 1,000,000. Leo Margets from sb 4-bet to 1,800,000. Bartoš took a moment and then folded. Guyon took longer but also folded.
13:30 Thomas Legendre is out
Legendre pushed 1,800,000 from the button with Ad 3h, Guyon in the sb re-shoved 3,800,000 with nines. The board ran Qc Th 9c 3s Js. Guyon held on and Legendre takes home 5,560€.
Table 1:
Seat 1: Victor Hoogstoel - 9,500,000
Seat 2: Maxime Large - 5,395,000
Seat 3: Leo Colin - 5,760,000
Seat 4: Alexis Andre - 4,845,000
Seat 5: Richard Miklosovic - 8,335,000
Seat 6: Davidi Kitai - 7,205,000
Table 2:
Seat 1: Leo Margets - 6,725,000
Seat 2: Victor Fryda - 7,845,000
Seat 3: Pierre Neuville - 11,040,000
Seat 4: Martin Bartos - 5,880,000
Seat 5: Thomas Legendre - 2,205,000
Seat 6: Adrien Guyon - 4,025,000
13:10 Roland Pardoux finishes in 13th place for 5,560€
Pardoux shoved 1,300,000 from the button and Leo Margets from the bb called with Ad 9c. Roland was in much worse shape with Ac 3c and the board Td 8s Kd 4c As sealed his fate and we are awaiting a redraw.
Level 37: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 6,065,000, ent.: 13/1,577
12:30 We're Starting
Players are at their seats and the final day has begun. The Live Report will continue concurrently with the stream.
Final Day payouts:
1. 100,000€
2. 64,500€
3. 42,000€
4. 28,000€
5. 21,000€
6. 16,000€
7. 12,300€
8. 9,000€
9. 9,000€
10-11. 7,000€
12-13. 5,560€
Livestream link:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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