A total of 239 players participated in Flight 1A, and we now know 41 who advanced. Dominykas Ruskys became the chip leader of today's flight, accumulating a total of 856,000. The Winamax Poker Open Main Event will continue today with its Flight 1B starting at 12:00. For more information, follow our website and social media. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1A:
00:20 It took a moment, but hand-for-hand is behind us.
Dany Albert pushed his short stack with Jx Jx and Victor Hoogstoel found aces. After the board ran 3x Ax 8x 6x Tx, Dany is the last player who hasn't secured a spot for day 2 today.
23:45 Cyprien Chassagne is out and we move to hand-for-hand mode.
Cyprien pushed 73,000 from the sb with Kx 9x, and Ruskys in the bb found Kx Jx which he called with. After the board ran 4x 4x 5x Ax Tx, Cyprien is out and we transition to hand-for-hand mode.
Level 20: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 284,524, ent.: 42/239
23:20 Kotowicz Wins Pot Without Showdown
On the turn with a board showing 2d 5d Kc 3s and roughly 60,000 in the pot, Kalac made a bet of 30,000. Kotowicz responded by raising to approximately 115,000. After a prolonged period of contemplation, Kalac ultimately decided to fold.
Level 19:3,000 – 7,000 / 7,000, Avg.265,556, Ent.: 45/239
23:10 4-bet All-In
Calamusa initiated the action with an open, only for Evzero to 3-bet to 52,000. Without hesitation, Calamusa responded with an all-in shove for 210,000. Evzero spent a considerable amount of time pondering his decision but eventually folded his hand.
23:00 Leo Colin Wins in a 3-bet Pot
Boualam opened to 12,000, prompting a 3-bet from Colin to 33,000. With a methodical pace, Boualam made the call. The flop came Jh Tc 6d, and Colin placed a bet of 26,000. After mulling it over for several minutes, Boualam decided to fold.
Level 18: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 234,314, ent.: 50/239
22:40 Hugues Mazerolle Gets Eliminated
Hugues made an all-in move with around 50,000, holding Kx Tx, only for Leandrysena Ainonkpo to re-shove with a hefty 300,000 stack. No other players jumped into the fray, and Ainonkpo turned over Ax Kx. The board ran out 4x 4x 7 Ax 9x, leading to the exit of Hugues from the tournament.
22:20 Stephan De Jesus Bows Out
Stephan pushed all-in with a stack of 42,000, and immediately following him, Loris Gauthier made a re-shove with over 100,000. The rest of the table folded their hands, leading to a showdown between the two. Stephan revealed Js Tc, while Loris showed a stronger As Qc. The board ran 8c 6 7h 5h 6s, ensuring that Stephan was eliminated from Flight 1A.
Level 17: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 192,742, ent.: 62/239
Break 60 min
20:55 Paul Mambour Triumphs
Hoogstoel initiated the action with an 8,000 open from early position, to which Mambour from the big blind called. The flop came 8s 2s 6c. Hoogstoel continued with a bet of 10,000, and Mambour made the call. The turn was the 4s, and both players opted to check. On the river, which was the 7s, Mambour took the lead and bet 22,000. After considering for a while, Hoogstoel slowly folded his hand.
20:45 Gillet Bags Another Pot
With the turn cards showing Qd 7d 4d 8d and about 20,000 in the pot, Gillet made a bet of 5,000. Both Ruskys and Kotowicz decided to fold their hands, giving the pot to Gillet.
Level 16: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 181,061, ent.: 66/239
20:35 River bet
Na rivri Ax 3x 3x Jx Qx bolo v pote asi 100,000 a Martin sa rozhodol poslať all in asi 200,000. Jeho súper premýšľal asi tri minúty, no karty zahodil. Martin mu po hre ukázal 3x 3x.
20:20 Guillame Gillet double up
Gillet sa dostal do preflop all inu za jeho 61,400 s Ax Jx a Crepin otočil Ax Tx. Po boarde 9x 7x 4x 9x Jx si tak Gillet s lepšími kartami odnáša double up.
Level 15: 1,500 – 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 161,486, ent.: 74/239
20:00 Maquerre Takes it in Two Barells
Maquerre opened the pot with a bet of 6,500, which Niveaud called. On the flop of Jx 2x 6x, Maquerre continued with a bet of 4,000. Niveaud decided to call. When the turn card revealed the Kh, Maquerre kept up the pressure, betting roughly 11,000. Niveaud quickly chose to fold his hand.
19:45 Registration to flight 1A was closed !
Total of 239 players has entered this flight and we will know 39 players that advances to day 2 !
Level 14: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 137,356, ent.: 87/239
19:30 River Bet
On the river with the board showing 4x 4x 9x Qx 2x, there was about 15,000 in the pot. Maciej made a bet of 11,000. However, his French opponent slowly decided to fold his hand.
19:20 Cedric Herwegh Takes It Down
Herwegh chose to limp in and Lamagnere checked his option from the big blind. The flop came Js 4h Td and both players checked. On the turn, 6s, Lamagnere led out for 3,000, which Cedric called. The river was the 8h and Herwegh took the initiative, betting 6,900. Shortly after, Lamagnere called. Cedric showed Jx Tx and Lamagnere sent his cards to the muck without showing.
Stream will start soon:
Level 13: 1,200 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 117,327, ent.: 101/237
Break 15 min
18:50 Aces Fall Short
On the river with a board showing Tx 9x 8x 5x 9x, there was about 50,000 in the pot. Johnatan bet 30,000. His opponent quickly called with a pair of aces, but they were bested by Johnatan's 9x 8x.
18:40 Turn Check-Raise
On the turn showing Jx Jx 8x 5x, Dmitri bet 15,000 into a pot of roughly 25,000. Joseph then raised to 40,000. After pondering for a couple of minutes, Dmitri decided to fold his hand.
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 108,333, ent.: 108/234
18:15 Martin Pollak Doubles Up
Martin went all-in preflop with Ax 6x against the tens held by Lemardeley, amounting to roughly 33,000. The board revealed Kx 5x Ax Qx 2x, enabling Pollak to eliminate his opponent.
18:00 Flop C-bet Works Wonders
On the flop with 8x 4x 3x, there was about 15,000 in the pot. Antoin made a bet of 7,000, and without any hesitation, both of his opponents folded.
Level 12: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 108,333, ent.: 108/234
18:15 Martin Pollak double up
Martin sa dostal do preflop all inu s Ax 6x proti desiatkam ktoré držal Lemardeley za asi 33,000. Po boarde Kx 5x Ax Qx 2x tak Pollak súpera vyraďuje.
18:00 Flop C-bet dostatočný
Na flope 8x 4x 3x bolo v pote asi 15,000 a Antoin betoval 7,000. Jeho obaja súperi bez zdržovania karty zahodili.
Level 11: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg . 95,041, ent: :121/230
17:45 Schmitt vyhráva betom na rivri
Na flope Ts 3h 5d bolo v pote asi 6,000 a Schmitt betoval 3,500. Leandry zaplatil a na turne 7c Schmitt betoval znova, tentokrát za 12,000. Znova dostal zaplatené a na rivri 9c Schmitt betoval 25,000. Jeho súper nešťastne zahodil.
17:30 River snapcall
Na rivri 6h 3h Qd 3s Ad bolo v pote asi 10,000 a Regis Godou betoval 7,000. Milbutas okamžite dorovnal s Ax 9x a Godou otočil iba Tc 2c.
Level 10: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,448, ent.: 134/229
17:00 Quick Hand
On the turn with Qh 2d 4c 4d, there was around 10,000 in the pot. Vincent Malet bet 3,000, and soon after, Romain Deslandes mucked his cards. Seated with them at the table is local player Andrej Cintula, who may very well make their stay at the table interesting.
16:45 3-bet pot
Andrii Nikitin opened with a 2,500 bet from early position, and Finn Zwad decided to 3-bet to 10,400. After some contemplation, Andrii called. On the flop As Qs Tx, Zwad bet another 10,000, but Andrii immediately folded.
Level 9: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 76,689, ent.: 148/227
Break 15 min
16:20 Flip
Andre found himself in a preflop all-in for his last 15 bb with Kx Qx against an Austrian opponent's pocket sevens. With a blank board, Andre had to resort to the reentry option.
16:00 Wanted Mystery event starting
Buy in is set to 150€ and one minute before the start 228 players are already registered !
Level 8: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 67,593, ent.: 162/219
15:55 Livestream link:
15:40 Zoughari in a tough spot
The pot stood at around 10,000, and Zoughari called a 5,500 bet on a 9h 5h 4h flop. Both players checked the Kd turn, but on the 8s river, Crepin pushed all in for 26,000. After some contemplation, Zoughari decided to fold.
Level 7: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 63,393, ent.: 168/213
15:15 David Pecheur wins in showdown
On the Qh Ac As 7s 6d river with 6,800 in the pot, David bet 4,000. Paul Garcia from the sb called, but Pecheur turned over Qx 2x, and this time it was good enough for the win.
15:00 Pierre Calamusa takes a smaller pot
Vincent Albert opened for 1,700, and Calamusa called from the bb. Both players checked the Qx Jx 9x flop and 2x turn. On the Qx river, Calamusa bet 2,500, but Albert instantly folded.
October will bring us Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Level 6: 300 – 700 / 700, avg. 57,910, ent.: 178/206
14:45 Turn Overbet
On the Qd Ah Kh 6s turn with 8,800 in the pot, Martinez made a bet of 14,000. Manzone quickly called, and both contemplatively checked the 4h river. Manzone held Kx 7x, but the pot went to Martinez with his Ax Qx.
14:30 Mickael Athias wins with a river bet
On the Qc 2c 8s 5c 8d river with about 15,000 in the pot, Athias bet 3,900. After some thought, Douche folded. After the hand, Athias showed Th 7h.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,389, ent.: 180/203
Break 15 min
13:45 Estelle Couhet loses
Estelle opened with 800, Malet 3-bet to 2,500 from the Co, and she called. On the 9h 3h 3d flop, Malet bet 3,500, which Estelle matched. Malet continued with a bet of 7,500 on the 7s turn, and Estelle again called. On the 5s river, Malet wagered 15,000, and Estelle quickly called with Ax Kx. However, that couldn't beat her opponent's Qx Qx.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 52,959, ent.: 169/179
13:30 Loris Gauther takes a nice pot without a showdown
On the river of 7h 8s 4s Ts with 14,600 in the pot, Gauther bet 7,000. Herwegh contemplated for a while but ultimately decided to fold his cards.
13:15 Garcia Vs. Athias
On the turn of 2c Qc 3d Qd with around 5,000 in the pot, Athias bet 1,500. Garcia quickly called, and both players checked the Tx river. Garcia showed Ax Tx while his opponent discarded his hand into the muck.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,250, ent.: 160/164
13:00 River overbet
On the river Ks 3s 4h 2h 6d with 11,100 in the pot, Mazerolle bet 13,000. After a brief moment, Loris Guathier called with Kx 6x but fell short against 5x 2x, losing a significant portion of his stack. A few hands later, he was eliminated from the tournament.
12:45 Alexandre Sigaud loses the pot
Alexandre opened from the button for 800, and Francouis called from the bb. On the flop of Ah Ad Qc, Sigaud continued for 500 and got a call. Both players checked the turn 5d, and the river Ts. Francouis revealed Qh 2h and took the pot.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 155/155
12:25 Starting off gently
On the flop Tx 9x Kx, there was around 2,000 in the pot and Bruno bet 700. Romain called, and the third player folded. However, on the turn 8x, Bruno pushed for 2,500 and his opponent immediately threw his cards away.
12:15 A few names to start
From the local players, only Martin Ilavský and Jozef Krajan are visible. From the international players, Boualam, Herwegh, Athias, Gastrin, Krutzler, Quantin, and many others are already in the game.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 123/123
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