As promised, this was hell of a ride. 1,271 entries created prizepool of massive 603,750€ and after tough battles and almost fourteen hours we got to know final sixteen. Actual chipleader is Michel Molenaar with stack of 5,775,000. Final Day starts tommorow at 14:00 and we will be there !
Complete Day 2 payout :
17. Nene Sandeep - 3,805€
18. Lykouris Dimitrios - 3,805€
19. Mende Mario - 3,805€
20. Ntamaris Konstantinos - 3,805€
21. Kharman Adam - 3,805€
22. Ugland Are - 3,805€
23. Onnestam Alf - 3,805€
24. Hans Erlandsson 3,080€
25. Luka Bojovic 3,080€
26. Giovanni Piccione 3,080€
27. Robert Laskowski 3,080€
28. Ori Elul 3,080€
29. Paul Hoefer 3,080€
30. Attila Kuna 3,080€
31. Michael Sklenicka 3,080€
32. Johan Sundgren 2,775€
33. Giorgi Gogoladze 2,775€
34. Frank Visser 2,775€
35. Miroslav Juris 2,775€
36. Karl Sundin 2,775€
37. Peter Zolnai 2,775€
38. Marc Muller 2,775€
39. Riccardo De Rubais 2,775€
40. Michael Wehner 2,295€
41. Elod Zsombok 2,295€
42. Zsolt Lassu 2,295€
43. Vladimir Bartko 2,295€
44. Richard Miklosovic 2,295€
45. Istvan Toth 2,295€
46. Markku Tammisto 2,295€
47. Dmitri Dudakov 2,295€
48. Sergejs Cugainovs 1,900€
49. Thomas Naess 1,900€
50. Erik Seffer 1,900€
51. Nils Linden 1,900€
52. Sebastian Schulze 1,900€
53. Carsten Larsen 1,900€
54. Grangel Fortea 1,900€
55. David Kurbel 1,900€
56. Kenneth Aspestrand 1,570€
57. Nils Doverklint 1,570€
58. Robert Komlodi 1,570€
59. Ergo Rohi 1,570€
60. Ayrton Turudic 1,570€
61. Leif Iversen 1,570€
62. Marius Hoegtun 1,570€
63. Raymond Forsland 1,570€
64. Savvas Papadopoulos 1,300€
65. Domenik Schlesinger 1,300€
66. Mateusz Moolhuizen 1,300€
67. Daniel Jackson 1,300€
68. Jakub Matusiak 1,300€
69. Siegfried Rath 1,300€
70. Viktor Eriksson 1,300€
71. Paul Maguire 1,300€
72. Szerhij Danasevszkij 1,085€
73. Yaron Amsalem 1,085€
74. Peder Behr 1,085€
75. Gyoergy Laszlo 1,085€
76. Erik Zackrisson 1,085€
77. Patrik Kuník 1,085€
78. Matúš Kučera 1,085€
79. Johannes Huisman 1,085€
80. Alexander Moser 935€
81. Karlo Finka 935€
82. Iraklis Manikaros 935€
83. Daniyel Destici 935€
84. Alexander Van Dijk 935€
85. Kristiyan Spasov 935€
86. Jozsef Dobos 935€
87. Zdenko Slavik 935€
88. Krzysztof Nowakowski 815€
89. Holger Brueck 815€
90. Cole Maguire 815€
91. Kyrill Leutwyler 815€
92. Dragos Negrii 815€
93. Michael Zauner 815€
94. Roberts Krigers 815€
95. Štefan Bugár 815€
96. Miroslav Zitka 815€
97. Dominik Desset 815€
98. Damian Marcinkowski 815€
99. Ivan Barczi 815€
100. Emmanouil Zacharakis 815€
101. Matyas Kende 815€
102. Richard Aotaeht 815€
103. Daniel Schausberger 815€
104. Tibor Benko 725€
105. Ervin Kuglis 725€
106. Andreas Pavli 725€
107. Tamas Braun 725€
108. Adam Jindra 725€
109. Aalst Van 725€
110. Plamen Yakimov 725€
111. Dominik Znášik 725€
112. Johan Amren 725€
113. Sebastian Kotowicz 725€
114. Espen Gundersen 725€
115. Miroslav Druga 725€
116. David Courselles 725€
117. Robinho - 725€
118. Simon Ye 725€
119. Symeon Marvakis 725€
120. Christos Vettas 665€
121. Eden Azulay 665€
122. Onkioa Ankava 665€
123. Aurelie Dassi 665€
124. Attila Tarko 665€
125. Feng Li 665€
126. Chen Keren 665€
127. Konstantinos Nanos 665€
128. Emmanuel Leghait 665€
129. Wang Lu 665€
130. Kwan Lau 665€
131. Patrik Ciklamini 665€
132. Alain Berth 665€
133. Almir Koljenovic 665€
134. Filip Sramka 665€
135. Andras Matrai 665€
136. Robin Cornet 605€
137. Natanel Mamis 605€
138. Yordan Dichev 605€
139. Emir Jusuframic 605€
140. Slimane Mameche 605€
141. Ole Wasenius 605€
142. Sivan Mirani 605€
143. Per Lindstroem 605€
144. Jozef Bartalos 605€
145. Joel Salmirinne 605€
146. Richard Msall 605€
147. Rene Vonwald 605€
148. Morten Bremseth 605€
149. Robert Perelman 605€
150. Vojtech Paxian 605€
151. Jon Kyte 605€
152. Wessam Bitar 605€
153. Jenny Westerlund 605€
154. Andrej Kocian 605€
155. Dimitrios Nanos 605€
156. Alexandros Fixmer 605€
157. Dalil Masaud 605€
158. Branislav Ondrus 605€
159. Teodor Popovič 605€
160. Zoltan Kovacs 605€
1:25 Last two bustouts of day 2 !
Lykouris got it in with Ax 9x against Rakovan who held Ax Jx. Board Kx Kx 3x 7x 6x was no surprise and Lykouris is busted in 17th place. Sandeep Nene got it in with Qx 9x and Leo Sigurdsson found Qx Qx. Board was blank aswell and remaining players are bagging their chips for final battles !
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,242,941, ent.: 17/1,271
1:05 Andrew Hanak aj Adam Kharman do final day nejdú.
Hanak dostal svoje Kx Tx za čiaru proti Bermannovi s Kx Qx. Runout Ax 8x 7x 3x 8x znamenal jasnú elimináciu pre Hanaka. Na druhom stole Kharman otvára na 120,000 a Zapantis 3-betuje na 290,000. Kharman dorovnal a na flope Td 8h 5h check calloval bet 250,000 od Zapantisa. Turn 2c Zapantis nacenil na 325,000 a po hodnej chvíli Kharman poslal svojich 800,000 s deviatkami. Zapantis snapcalloval so setom desiatok a river bol len formalitou.
1:00 Roland Zapantis double up
Zapantis opens to 100,000 and Kamaras raises to 285,000. Zapantis jams for 1,100,000 and Kamaras with pocket kings snapcalls. Zapantis shows up with Ac 4c and after board 6x 5x Tx Ax Qx Zapantis spikes his ace and doubles up. Kamaras however is still left with 4,500,000.
00:50 During day 2 Thirty grand side event took place
Buy in was set to 125€ and guarantee was set to 30,000€. Tournament recorded 415 entries and players are battling for prizepool of 45,650€. First place will take home 9,750€ !
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,657,826, ent.: 23/1,271
00:25 Kamaras takes chiplead
On the turn 5h 4h 7c 6d Erlandsson jams for about one million and there is much less in the pot. Kamaras thought about it for some time and calls with pocket queens. Erlandson show up with Jc Th and after river 2s Peter Kamaras take over chiplead with about five million.
00:10 Luka Bojovic eliminated
Bojovic moved his 20bb from sb with Ax 6x and Sigurdsson insta called with pocket kings. Board 9x 8x 2x 4x 2x was no help for Luka and we are merging to last three tables.
00:00 Next couple of months in Banco Casino Bratislava will be loaded with poker action :
Bustouts :
31. Michael Sklenicka 2,775€
32. Johan Sundgren 2,775€
33. Giorgi Gogoladze 2,775€
34. Frank Visser 2,775€
35. Miroslav Juris 2,775€
36. Karl Sundin 2,775€
37. Peter Zolnai 2,775€
38. Marc Muller 2,775€
39. Riccardo De Rubais 2,775€
40. Michael Wehner 2,295€
41. Elod Zsombok 2,295€
42. Zsolt Lassu 2,295€
43. Vladimir Bartko 2,295€
44. Richard Miklosovic 2,295€
45. Istvan Toth 2,295€
46. Markku Tammisto 2,295€
47. Dmitri Dudakov 2,295€
48. Sergejs Cugainovs 1,900€
49. Thomas Naess 1,900€
50. Erik Seffer 1,900€
51. Nils Linden 1,900€
52. Sebastian Schulze 1,900€
53. Carsten Larsen 1,900€
54. Grangel Fortea 1,900€
55. David Kurbel 1,900€
56. Kenneth Aspestrand 1,570€
57. Nils Doverklint 1,570€
58. Robert Komlodi 1,570€
59. Ergo Rohi 1,570€
60. Ayrton Turudic 1,570€
61. Leif Iversen 1,570€
62. Marius Hoegtun 1,570€
63. Raymond Forsland 1,570€
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,466,538, ent.: 26/1,271
Break 20 min
23:20 Kamaras busts Sklenička
Sklenička jams his short with Ax Qx and Kamaras called with pocket fives. Board Kx Jx 6x 7x 6x was last one for Michael Sklenička.
22:45 Ntamaris busts Muller
Ntamaris got it in with Kx 9x against Jx Tx held by Muller. After no surprises on the board, Ntamaris gets to 900,000.
Level 23: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,030,541, ent.: 37/1,271
22:30 Adi Rajkovic takes one too
Adi opens to 85,000 and Hans Erlandsson calls. Flop Qs 6s Qc is checked, on the turn Ac Adi moves 65,000 behind the line. Hans fold very quickly.
22:15 Pot for Aaron Frese
On the river 6x 4x Kx Ax 6x there was 200,000 in pot and Aaron goes with 330,000 bet. Giovanni Piccione tanks for a minute, but decided to fold in the end.
Level 22: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 828,913, ent.: 46/1,271
21:55 Michael Wehner jams
Michael opens to 45,000 and Mario Mende with Karl Sundin called. Flop Th 8s 9d brought bet of 50,000 from Mende in button. Karl folded and Michael shoves for about 350,000, being the covered stack. After little while Mende folded his hand.
21:40 Eliminations:
64. Savvas Papadopoulos 1,300€
65. Domenik Schlesinger 1,300€
66. Mateusz Moolhuizen 1,300€
67. Daniel Jackson 1,300€
68. Jakub Matusiak 1,300€
69. Siegfried Rath 1,300€
70. Viktor Eriksson 1,300€
71. Paul Maguire 1,300€
72. Szerhij Danasevszkij 1,085€
73. Yaron Amsalem 1,085€
74. Peder Behr 1,085€
75. Gyoergy Laszlo 1,085€
76. Erik Zackrisson 1,085€
77. Patrik Kuník 1,085€
78. Matúš Kučera 1,085€
79. Johannes Huisman 1,085€
80. Alexander Moser 935€
81. Karlo Finka 935€
82. Iraklis Manikaros 935€
83. Daniyel Destici 935€
84. Alexander Van Dijk 935€
85. Kristiyan Spasov 935€
86. Jozsef Dobos 935€
87. Zdenko Slavik 935€
21:25 Bojovic Vs. Juriš
On the river 6s 5s Jd 2s 3d there was 200,000 in the pot and Bojovic bets out of bigblind 35,000. Juriš calls after a while and Bojovic shows Td 5d. Juriš mucks.
Level 21: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 680,893, ent.: 56/1,271
Break 30 min
If you´re curious about more stories from TheFestival, good source of information and laughter is for sure Čeky´s blog. Check it out !
20:15 Molenaar taking nice pot
On the flop Jh 2h Tc Amsalem bets 110,000 into the pot of about 300,000. Molenaar made the call and on turn 6c Amsalem goes with bet of 115,000. Molenaar shoves and Amsalem calls his 350,000. Molenaar held Jc 4c, Amsalem needed some help with his Kh Th. River 7c completed flush for this hungarian player and Yaron Amsalem is eliminated.
19:45 Another batch of eliminations:
88. Krzysztof Nowakowski 815€
89. Holger Brueck 815€
90. Cole Maguire 815€
91. Kyrill Leutwyler 815€
92. Dragos Negrii 815€
93. Michael Zauner 815€
94. Roberts Krigers 815€
95. Štefan Bugár 815€
96. Miroslav Zitka 815€
97. Dominik Desset 815€
98. Damian Marcinkowski 815€
99. Ivan Barczi 815€
100. Emmanouil Zacharakis 815€
101. Matyas Kende 815€
102. Richard Aotaeht 815€
103. Daniel Schausberger 815€
104. Tibor Benko 725€
105. Ervin Kuglis 725€
106. Andreas Pavli 725€
107. Tamas Braun 725€
108. Adam Jindra 725€
109. Aalst Van 725€
110. Plamen Yakimov 725€
111. Dominik Znášik 725€
112. Johan Amren 725€
113. Sebastian Kotowicz 725€
114. Espen Gundersen 725€
115. Miroslav Druga 725€
116. David Courselles 725€
117. Robinho - 725€
118. Simon Ye 725€
119. Symeon Marvakis 725€
Level 20: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 501,711, ent.: 76/1,271
19:40 Kamaras wins one
On the river 6s 3d 9h 5s As there was about 90,000 in the pot and Kamaras checks from bb. Viktor Eriksson checks from Ep and Kamaras tables Jd 5d. Eriksson mucks his hand.
19:20 First two payjumps:
120. Christos Vettas 665€
121. Eden Azulay 665€
122. Onkioa Ankava 665€
123. Aurelie Dassi 665€
124. Attila Tarko 665€
125. Feng Li 665€
126. Chen Keren 665€
127. Konstantinos Nanos 665€
128. Emmanuel Leghait 665€
129. Wang Lu 665€
130. Kwan Lau 665€
131. Patrik Ciklamini 665€
132. Alain Berth 665€
133. Almir Koljenovic 665€
134. Filip Sramka 665€
135. Andras Matrai 665€
136. Robin Cornet 605€
137. Natanel Mamis 605€
138. Yordan Dichev 605€
139. Emir Jusuframic 605€
140. Slimane Mameche 605€
141. Ole Wasenius 605€
142. Sivan Mirani 605€
143. Per Lindstroem 605€
144. Jozef Bartalos 605€
145. Joel Salmirinne 605€
146. Richard Msall 605€
147. Rene Vonwald 605€
148. Morten Bremseth 605€
149. Robert Perelman 605€
150. Vojtech Paxian 605€
151. Jon Kyte 605€
152. Wessam Bitar 605€
153. Jenny Westerlund 605€
154. Andrej Kocian 605€
155. Dimitrios Nanos 605€
156. Alexandros Fixmer 605€
157. Dalil Masaud 605€
158. Branislav Ondrus 605€
159. Teodor Popovič 605€
160. Zoltan Kovacs 605€
19:00 Aotaeht eliminated
Richard Aotaeht got into preflop all in with Ax Jx against Ac 9c held by Riccardo De Rubeis. Runout Kx 6x 6x 5x 9x sends Richard Aoteaht to cashdesk for his reward.
Level 19: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 397,188, ent.: 96/1,271
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
18:45 Peter Kamaras in long tank
On the river 3s Tc 9d 6c 9s there was about 200,000 in pot and Kamaras checks from bb after some thinking. Michael Sklenička bets 250,000 and since Kamaras had bit less, he was facing an all in. Peter thought about this spot for six minutes before he decided to fold.
18:25 Day 2 livestream :
18:15 Wave of seat opens
Many players got eliminated in wave of seat opens. Details to come.
Level 18: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 264,792, ent.: 144/1,271
Tournament will continue with last 5 minutes of level 17 !
Break 20 min
17:40 Bubbleboy is Andrew Puglisi
Andrew got into all in with Ax 2x against Tx 7x and Ax Kx. Board wasn´t interesting and Puglisi is bubbleboy.
17:30 Still no change !
We had several all in and call situation in last 30 minutes but all of them ended up by doubling up for a short stacks. We are still waiting !
16:55 Shortstacks doubling up
On the river 4h Qd 2d 6s 4c there was 120,000 in pot and Bugár as a short bets for 30,000. Michel Molenaar puts him all in for 70,000 and Štefan calls with 4x 5x. Molenaar held Jd 3d. On next table Aurelie Dassi got stack in with pocket queens against Ax Kx of her opponent. Blank board brought another double up to a smaller stack. We lost a player on upper floor and that means one to go !
16:40 Tresa Clark out close to the money
Teresa got 110,000 in with Ax Qx against pocket tens held by Maguire. Maguire held and Teresa was left with less then one big blind that got in with 4x 3x in the bb and Teresa lost against Kx Tx. We still need two more eliminations in order to resume normal play.
16:20 We are playing hand for hand
There is 164 players remaining in tournament and 160 being paid. Hand for hand is starting now.
Level 17: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 226,964, ent.: 168/1,271
Payouts look following:
1. 126,650€
2. 77,450€
3. 50,550€
4. 36,975€
5. 27,900€
6. 20,375€
7. 14,350€
8. 9,870€
9. 6,820€
10-12. 5,795€
13-16. 4,710€
17-23. 3,805€
24-31. 3,080€
32-39. 2,775€
40-47. 2,295€
48-55. 1,900€
56-56. 1,570€
64-71. 1,300€
72-79. 1,085€
80-87. 935€
88-103. 815€
104-119. 725€
120-135. 665€
136-160. 605€
Main Event attracted epic 1,271 players and 160 players will be ITM. Poker comunities created together wonderful prizepool of 603,725€ !
15:35 Bugár loosing something
Giovanni Piccione jammed river 7h Ks 3s Jx 2x for 125,000 and pot was about 120,000. Bugár tanked for about two minutes before floorman with clock was called. During the countdown Štefan decides to call with As Js, but couldn´t beat Kx Jx held by his opponent.
Tournament started again !
Short break
15:15 Sandvik busto
Espen Sandvik got his last 44,000 inside with 3x 3x and Morten Bremseth held pocket deuces. River was deuce and that was end of Main Event for Espen Sandvik.
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
Level 16: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 191,608, ent.: 198/1,271
14:45 Adi Rajkovic all in
On the turn Ax 5x 3x Jx there was about 100,000 inside and Adi moved his stack of 85,000 inside. Eden Azulay took his time but in the end he talked out himself to fold.
14:30 Šeffer in game !
On the river Ax Ax 4x 5x 4x Erik goes with a bet of 50,000 into a pot of about 60,000. Matyas Kende took his time thinking, but he decided to fold in the end.
Level 15: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 152,520, ent.: 250/1,271
Break 20 min
13:35 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram:
Facebook profile Banco Casino:
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Youtube channel Banco Casino:
13:10 Antala out in two hits
In first game he lost pocket nines against pocket kings. Last 12bb Antala jammed with As 2s from EP and Riemenschneider called from bb with Ax 6x. Six on the board was last important card for Antala in this tournament.
Level 14: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4?000, avg. 117,911, ent.: 316/1,242
Last level for registration and reentry !
12:45 Flešár busto
Start of story was good, but part 2 is just sad. Marián got his 105,000 in with pocket queens against Zacharakis that found pocket aces. Board didn´t change anything and Marián is gone.
12:40 Jiří Noga out
Noga got his short inside with pocket sixes against Maguire that found jacks. Board Ax 8x 9x 7x Qx was no help for this czech player.
12:25 Story of Marián Flešár so far...
Marián got in yesterday´s flight last 400 chips after lost all in. In the end of flight 1D he bagged 105,000. Sounds like a beggining of very good story !
Level 13: 1,000 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 96,446, ent.: 378/1,212
Late registration is open for first two levels of day 2! All levels in Day 2 will be 45 minutes long.
Chipcounts 1A:
Chipcounts 1B:
Chipcounts 1C:
Chipcounts 1D:
Chipcounts 1E:
TheFestival Main Event 500,000€ GTD
Start : 12:00
Day 1 will be played 12 lvls
Late Registration : 14 levels / Late reg open first 2 lvls of Day 2
5 % deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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