Gigantic flight 1D created another 458 entries and we have another 141 players advancing to tommorow´s day 2. During this flight, the half million guarantee was conquered and we will play for more. How much it will be is question of tommorow, as late registration is open for the first two levels of day 2 and there is Turboflight just about to start at 21:00. Chipcounts of advancing players will be published after the verification and under this post you can see whole schedule of TheFestival. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1D:
21:05 Small one for Spasov
On the turn 7x 6x 8x 3x there is 6,000 in the middle and Barthel minbets. Spasov calls and river Kx goes check check. Barthel shows Qx 3x, Spasov take this pot with 9x 7x.
20:50 Pot for Adi Rajkovic
On the river 4x Qx 3x 7x Qx there is about 13,000 in pot and Adi bets 13,200. Jussi tanks for couple of minutes but decided to fold in the end.
Heads Up Championship results:
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 86,226, ent.: 159/457
20:30 Michael Wehner takes one
On the turn Qd 9h 5c Jh there was about 20,000 in pot and Michael with Giorgio Soceanu both checks. On the river Qc Wehner bets 5,000 and Giorgio calls. Mucks quickly when he spot Kx Qx held by Wehner.
20:15 Andrew Puglisi folding an overpair
On the flop 9d 2d 2h Andrew bets for 8,000 and Zsolt Lassu raises to 55,000. There is about 37,000 in the pot but Andrew after quite some time decides to fold tens. Zsolt shows aces after the hand.
Day 5 livestream starting soon !
Level 11: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 76,705, ent.: 176/450
19:45 Christopher Ibold lucky double up
Christopher jammed his 17,800 with pocket sixes and Kourka in blinds found Kx Kx. Board 6x 9x 2x 3x 8x brought two-outer for Ibold.
19:30 Johan Amren take needed chips
On the turn Jd 3c 7c Ks Jens Esbjoersson bets 6,000 into about 10,000 pot. Geir Flataker raises to 12,000 and Amren jams his 18,000. Jens rejams and covers Flataker by a lot, which resulted in Flatakers fold and Jens tables Ax Kx. Amren shows Kh 7h and after blank river he takes this pot.
19:00 Flight 1E Turbo starts at 21:00 !
Level 10: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 64,951, ent.: 206/446
Break 20 min
18:35 Franke in action !
Franke jumped in tournament today for the first day and Franke got it in with Ax Jx against Ax Kx held by Konttinen. Franke got rewarded on the board and takes the pot down.
Level 9: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 55,210, ent.: 238/438
18:10 Giovanni Lamberti out
Giovanni got his stack of 18,000 in with Ad Td and Givi Baramidze found pocket kings. Board 2d 5d Qc 9s 6h didn´t help to Giovanni in the end and has to get up from his seat.
17:55 A fullhouse for Giorgi Gogoladze
On the flop Qh Qc 3s three players are in hand and Giorgi bets 2,000 into pot of 7,000. Lachezar Tsenov calls and Kasper Nielsen folds. Turn Th brings another bet of 2,000 from Giorgi and Tsenov calls again. River 4h bring two fast checks and Giorgi shows up pocket tens. Tsenov can´t beat that and mucks.
17:45 500,000€ GTD ? No, we are going to play for more.
At this very moment Main Event got total of 1,024 entries which means guarantee is thing of the past and we are going to play for more money !
Level 8: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 49,261, ent.: 257/422
17:25 Easy game
Sascha Manns opens to 1,600 from Ep and Petter Fjerstad next to him 3-bets to 4,500. Everyone else folded and Manns lost interest in this game too.
17:15 Christian Matkovic busto
Matkovic got his 21,700 in with pocket kings only to get snapcall from Gerianne Dijkstra with pocket aces. Board 6x 5x 4x Jx Tx didn´t bring any surprises and Christian is done for now.
Level 7: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 44,725, ent.: 273/407
Break 20 min
16:35 Flip
Two swedish players whose names i am not able to pronounce got into a preflop all in for 25,000 of shorter stack with pocket nines against Kx Qx held by higher stack. Blank board brought a double up for a shorter stack.
16:20 Riccardo De Rubeis loosing
On the flop 2h 8h 9d Riccardo bet 2,400 into about 3,000. Zjacic raised to 7,000 and Riccardo called. Turn 2s brought a bet of 7,000 from Zjacic and river 3d didn´t bring any action. Riccardo held pocket sixes but Zjacic held Qx 9x.
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
Level 6: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 39,755, ent.: 286/380
15:45 Barnabás Nagy out with the style
Barnabás fell to the shortstack and he got last 6,700 in with pocket tens against Stylianos that found pocket kings. Board Kx Tx Kx 2x 2x made players at table laugh and Barnabás is on the move with smile.
15:25 Matan Mesika busto
Matan got his around 15,000 behind the line with Ax Kx against Stylianos with pocket jacks. Board didn´t help to Matan and he had to leave his seat.
Level 5: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 35,354, ent.: 297/350
15:00 Terje Sirnes doublebarelling
On the flop 6d 9d 4c Terje bets 5,000 into a pot of about 6,000 and Tomáš Vojtek calls. Turn Ks brought bet of 10,000 from Terje and Tomáš slowly folds.
14:40 Small river valuebet
On the river 9x 3x 3x Ax 8x there was 4,000 in the pot and Vasilev bets 700. Eidsaeter calls and Spasov folds. Vasilev shows Ax Jx and his opponent mucks quickly.
Level 4: 100 - 300 / 300,avg. 32,553, ent.: 282/306
Break 20 min
13:50 Split pot
Krol opens to 600 from button and Ingela Charlez calls froms b. Board Tx 9x 6x 6x 7x was checked down and Ingela tabled Ax 3x. Krol held Ax 5x and pot was split.
13:30 Stylianos Matsentidis double up
Stylianos opens to 700, Gerianne calls and Mesika 3-bets to 2,600. Stylianos jams his 22,800, Gerianne folded and Mesika calls with pocket queens and Stylianos flips over pocket kings. Runout 3x 2x 4x Jx 6x brought nice double up for Stylianos.
Level 3: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 30,920, ent.: 261/269
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
13:00 Morten Vian jams
On the turn 6c 4c 9d 3h there was about 10,000 in the middle and Morten jams for his 18,000. Mikael Zackariasen folded pretty quickly.
12:45 Alan Tanis wins a multiway pot
On the turn Ts 6c 8c Jh there was about 4,000 in and Tanis bets 1,700. Zjacic and Hoy called slowly. On the river 6s Tanis pulls out a bet of 5,100 and both opponents folded.
Level 2: 100 - 100 / 100, avg. 30,421, ent.: 214/217
12:35 Dichev takes a pot
Dichev bet 2,000 into about 4,000 on the turn Jd 9h 2h 2d and Hamid calls. River 6h brought a bet of 5,000 from Dichev and Hamid calls quickly again. Dichev tables Kh 8h for riverred flush and wins this pot.
12:25 Dianie v Banco Casino Bratislava môžete sledovať aj na následujúcich linkoch:
Banco Casino Instagram:
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12:15 Who is already here?
I can see Sebeledi, Kollár, Druga, Panák, Walter, Halo, Barczi, Zolnai and many others at their seats yet
Level 1: 100 - 100, avg. 30,000, ent.: 191/191
Bam bam bam !
TheFestival Main Event 500,000€ GTD
Start : 12:00
Day 1 will be played 12 lvls
Late Registration : 14 levels / Late reg open first 2 lvls of Day 2
5 % deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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