Tana delle Tigri Main Event 250,000€ GTD ended with the triumph of Alessio Liscia, who took home 27,000€ for his performance during the tournament and after a 3-way deal. The tournament attracted a total of 964 players, and the guarantee was not surpassed. However, Banco Casino Bratislava doesn't stop there, as the 39th edition of Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD is already prepared for you starting from May 13th. For more information about upcoming tournaments, follow our website and social media channels. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day payouts:
1. Liscia Alessio - 27,000€
2. Skobelev Alexandar Georgiev - 20,000€
3. Maceják Matej - 20,000€
4. Luca Bizzozero - 11,400€
5. Giampaolo Cecamore - 9,300€
6. Luciano Messina - 7,840€
7. Alem Noah - 6,750€
8. Lorenzo Riva - 5,800€
9. Daniel Degrassi - 5,100€
10. Lorenzo Acampora - 4,500€
11. Adam Piotr Robaszynski Janiec - 4,500€
12. Niccolo Cadoni - 3,950€
13. Nikola Beatovic - 3,950€
14. Ivo Gazde - 3,450€
15. Filip Filipovic - 3,450€
16. Marian Uharcek - 3,000€
17. Kento Suzuki - 3,000€
18. Davide Cameran - 2,650€
19. Americ Andreas Stiller - 2,650€
20. Enes Sabic - 2,350€
21. Erich Svik - 2,350€
22. Amine El Mouflih - 2,100€
23. Lorenzo Dantimi - 2,100€
24. Jan Cerny - 1,880€
25. Christoph Hillinger - 1,880€
26. Roland Laszlo - 1,880€
27. Marco Toralti - 1,880€
28. Maurizio Pigliapoco - 1,680€
29. Markus Cerny - 1,680€
30. Gavino Faedda - 1,680€
31. Bruni Salvatore - 1,680€
32. Charalampos Palaontas - 1,500€
33. Francesco Palumbo - 1,500€
34. Massimo Pieralisi - 1,500€
35. Cristian Stefanita Baltatu - 1,500€
36. Dimitar Dimitrov Ordzhanov - 1,340€
37. Johan Marie Martin Lamas - 1,340€
38. Giovanni Anello - 1,340€
39. Andrejus Sizincevas - 1,340€
40. Vittorio Morello - 1,200€
7:40 Alexandar Skobelev finishes in second place for 20,000€
Alessio collected several smaller pots and pushed the last 6,000,000 across the line with Kc Jc. Liscia called with As 8h, and after the board 9x 8x 3x 4x Tx, the Tana delle Tigri Main event concludes.
7:25 Headsup chipcounts:
Liscia – 27,000,000
Skobelev – 11,000,000
7:21 Matej Maceják finishes in third place and takes home 20,000€
Matej lost some chips in several hands and fell back to 10,000,000. In his last hand, Liscia completed the small blind, and Matej checked. On the flop Jx 3x Kx, Matej bet 400,000, and Liscia called. On the turn 7s, Matej bet 1,500,000, but Liscia decided to raise to 4,300,000. Matej pushed all-in for 6,500,000, and Liscia snap-called with Kx Jx. However, Matej only had Kx 4x, and the river Jx couldn't help him.
Level 38: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 12,853,333, ent.: 3/964
Break 5 min
6:40 Maceják takes over the chip lead
On the flop Ks 7s Qh, Matej bet 900,000, and Skobelev called. On the turn 7c, Matej continued for 2,000,000, and Skobelev immediately folded.
6:30 Not much is happening
Chips are moving around, but the finish line is still far away for the winner.
6:10 Maceják improves his stack
Liscia completed his small blind, and Maceják raised to 900,000. Liscia immediately called, and on the flop Jh 6c 9d, Liscia bet 1,200,000. On the turn 3c, Liscia checked. Matej took the initiative and bet 3,000,000. Liscia called. The river 4d brought an all-in of 6,100,000 from Matej, and Liscia immediately called with his 6h 7h. However, Maceják held Ah Ad, so he claims the double-up.
The deal looks like this:
All three players agreed to a sum of 20,000€ each. The remaining 7,000€ and the winner's trophy are still up for grabs.
Discussion about a deal is ongoing.
5:40 Maceják pushes
Matej opened for 650,000, and Skobelev 3-bet. Matej responded with an all-in for 10,000,000. Skobelev contemplated, but ultimately, quite begrudgingly, folded his tens.
Level 37: 100,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg.12,653,333, ent.: 3/964
5:30 Luca Bizzozero finishes in fourth place for 11,400€
Bizzozero initially pushed for 5,400,000 with Kx Jx, but nobody called. Shortly after, Skobelev opened from the small blind for 750,000, and Bizzozero reshoved for 5,800,000 with 9c 8c. Skobelev snap-called with Qh Qd, and after the board 6c 5h Ks Js Kc, he held. Luca takes home 11,400€
Level 36: 100,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 9,640,000, ent.: 4/964
Break 15 min
4:30 Giampaolo Cecamore exits in fifth place for 9,300€
On the turn 8x 7x Tx Ax, there was about 2,500,000 in the pot, and Bizzozero bet 1,100,000. Cecamore responded with an all-in for 5,600,000 and received an immediate call from his opponent with 9x 6x. Giampaolo turned Ax Tx, and after the river 4h, he was left with just about 400,000. In the following hand, he claimed a double-up, but ultimately, with his Qx Tx, he couldn't beat Maceják's As Kc after the board 6x 7x Jx 3x 6x.
4:05 Alexey Mishuk becomes the winner of the TdT Masters for 9,985€
3:55 Alessio Liscia doubles up
Liscia opened for 450,000, and Matej 3-bet to 1,300,000. Liscia responded with an all-in for 5,100,000 with Ah Kh, and Matej comfortably called with Js Jc. After the unpleasant board Qh 2s 6c Th Jh, Matej handed over something more than a quarter of his stack, and Alessio takes the double-up.
Level 35: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,712,000, 5/964
3:30 Luciano Messina busts in sixth place for 7,840€
Luciano went all-in preflop for 1,700,000 with Kc Kd, and Liscia called with Ah 5h. The board Td Tc 9d Ac 2s spells the end for Luciano.
3:20 Noah Alem finishes in seventh place for 6,750€
Maceják opened for 425,000 from the small blind, and Alem, sitting in the big blind, 3-bet to 1,100,000. Matej announced all-in for 8,800,000 with aces, and Alem snap-called for 7,900,000 with Qx Qx. After the board Tx 2d Jh 3d 6c, Matej eliminates his opponent and holds almost half of the chips in play.
2:55 Luca Bizzozero doubles up.
Alem opened for 330,000 from Early Position, Bizzozero announces all-in for 2,300,000, and Cecamore has his stack counted and reshoves for 12,000,000. Alem immediately understood the problem and folded his cards. Bizzozero turned As Kd, while Cecamore had Qs Qh. However, after the board Ks 9s 7s Qc 8s, Bizzozero claims the necessary double-up.
2:45 Maceják Vs Cecamore
Maceják opened for 325,000 from Early Position, and Cecamore called from the small blind. On the flop Ts 3x 3x, Maceják bet 300,000, and Cecamore called. The 8h on the turn brought two quick checks, and the river 3s prompted Cecamore to value bet 450,000. Matej quickly folded his cards.
Upcoming events:
Level 34: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,508,571, ent.: 7/964
2:15 Skobelev falls
Cecamore opened from Early Position for 340,000, and Skobelev called from the small blind. On the flop Qx 8x Jx, both players checked. On the turn 3s, Skobelev bet 400,000, and Cecamore called. On the river 9s, Skobelev checked, and Cecamore bet 500,000. Skobelev called, but with Kx Jx after the river on Ax Tx, he didn't have enough.
1:50 Riva exits in eighth place for 5,800€
Riva went all-in preflop for 1,800,000 with nines against Matej's As Js. After the board Ax 3x 3x 8x Qx, Lorenzo Riva will take home 5,800€
Level 33: 70,000 – 140,000 / 140,000, avg. 4,820,000, ent.: 8/964
1:25 Cecamore Vs Alem
Alem opened for 250,000 from Early Position, and Cecamore called from the big blind. On the flop Qh 6d 3, Alem bet 200,000, and Cecamore called easily. On the turn Jd, Alem continued for 625,000, and again got called. On the river Ac, Alem didn't give up and bet 1,400,000. Cecamore with Ad Qd immediately called, and Alem loses a portion of his stack with his Kd 5d.
1:10 Rejam
Bizzozero opened for 265,000 from Early Position, and Riva, after a short moment, decided to push for 2,500,000 right after him. The rest of the players, including Bizzozero, folded their cards.
ME FT chipcounts:
TdT Masters Final table chipcounts:
Final Day eliminations so far...
9. Daniel Degrassi - 5,100€
10. Lorenzo Acampora - 4,500€
11. Adam Piotr Robaszynski Janiec - 4,500€
12. Niccolo Cadoni - 3,950€
13. Nikola Beatovic - 3,950€
14. Ivo Gazde - 3,450€
15. Filip Filipovic - 3,450€
16. Marian Uharcek - 3,000€
17. Kento Suzuki - 3,000€
18. Davide Cameran - 2,650€
19. Americ Andreas Stiller - 2,650€
20. Enes Sabic - 2,350€
21. Erich Svik - 2,350€
22. Amine El Mouflih - 2,100€
23. Lorenzo Dantimi - 2,100€
24. Jan Cerny - 1,880€
25. Christoph Hillinger - 1,880€
26. Roland Laszlo - 1,880€
27. Marco Toralti - 1,880€
28. Maurizio Pigliapoco - 1,680€
29. Markus Cerny - 1,680€
30. Gavino Faedda - 1,680€
31. Bruni Salvatore - 1,680€
32. Charalampos Palaontas - 1,500€
33. Francesco Palumbo - 1,500€
34. Massimo Pieralisi - 1,500€
35. Cristian Stefanita Baltatu - 1,500€
36. Dimitar Dimitrov Ordzhanov - 1,340€
37. Johan Marie Martin Lamas - 1,340€
38. Giovanni Anello - 1,340€
39. Andrejus Sizincevas - 1,340€
40. Vittorio Morello - 1,200€
Live report will continue alongside livestream !
23:55 Lorenzo Acampora finishes in tenth place for 4,500€
Alessio Liscia pushed effectively over 600,000 from the small blind with Ax 5x, and Acampora immediately called from the big blind with sevens. However, after the board Kx Kx 8x Tx Tx, Lorenzo exits in tenth place. On the second table, Matej Maceják pushed 16bb with 9x 7x, and Daniel Degrassi snap-called with Ax Kx. After the board 8x Tx Tx 6x Qx, Matej completes a straight, Daniel finishes in ninth place for 5,100€, and we move to the official final table.
23:45 Lorenzo Riva all in
Na flope Ah 7s 4c bolo v pote niečo okolo milióna a Riva hlásil all in asi 1,500,000. Skobelev dlho uvažoval a zahadzoval Acampora, ktorý bol short zahodil okamžite
23:30 Luca Bizzozero doubles up
Luca went all-in preflop for 2,250,000 with Ax Ax against Ax Kx found by Alexandar Skobelev. After the board 9x 9x 3x Jx Ax, Alexandar loses a portion of his stack.
Level 32: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 35,505,455, ent.: 11/964
Break 15 min
TdT Masters payout:
1. 9,985€
2. 6,725€
3. 4,950€
4. 3,375€
5. 2,675€
6. 2,150€
7. 1,700€
8. 1,350€
9. 1,100€
10-11. 950€
Total of 84 players has joined TdT Masters and prizepool is 35,910€
22:45 Maceják reships
Luciano Messina opened to 250,000, and Matej reshoved for about 1,700,000. Shortly after, Messina folded his cards.
22:30 After a moment of silence, Niccolo Cadoni busts
Niccolo went all-in preflop for 1,205,000 with nines against Ax Tx held by Noah. However, after the ten on the turn, Niccolo will take home €3,950 for twelfth place.
Level 31: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,213,333, entrants: 12/964
22:00 Unpleasant setup
Matej Maceják went all-in preflop with Ac Kc, and Adam Robaszynski found aces. After the board 9x 6x Jx 3x Qx, Matej handed over 2,665,000 to his opponent and is left with just about 200,000 behind. A few minutes later, Matej spun this mini-stack up to 15bb, so he surely hasn't said his final word yet.
21:30 Matej doubles up
On the turn 3h 5h Qd 2c, there was something over a million in the pot, and Matej effectively went all-in for 1,525,000 with Kh Qh. Noah Alem turned Ax 4x, but after the river 6h, Matej completed his flush and claimed a solid double-up. Moments later, from the same table, Ivo Gazde and Filip Filipovic exited. With a slow pace, we are approaching the final table.
17. Kento Suzuki - 3,000€
18. Davide Cameran - 2,650€
19. Americ Andreas Stiller - 2,650€
20. Enes Sabic - 2,350€
21. Erich Svik - 2,350€
22. Amine El Mouflih - 2,100€
23. Lorenzo Dantimi - 2,100€
24. Jan Cerny - 1,880€
25. Christoph Hillinger - 1,880€
26. Roland Laszlo - 1,880€
27. Marco Toralti - 1,880€
28. Maurizio Pigliapoco - 1,680€
29. Markus Cerny - 1,680€
Level 30: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,268,235, ent.:17/964
Livestream link:
Break 30 min
After this break stream will start too !
19:30 Daniel Degrassi eliminates
On the flop 9s 2s 6h, Sabic quickly went all-in for almost 1,300,000 with Jc 9c. Daniel turned As Qs, and after the Qx on the turn and 4d on the river, Enes Sabic is knocked out of the tournament.
19:15 Suzuki Vs Uharček
Suzuki opened from the small blind, and Marian called. On the flop Ah 8s 6c, Suzuki bet 135,000. Marian pondered for a moment and then got rid of his cards.
Level 29: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,928,000, ent.: 20/964
18:45 4-bet all in
One player opened, another 3-bet to 350,000. Matej Maceják, after them, decided for a quite significant all-in. Both of his opponents folded their cards, and Maceják thus claimed something for himself.
18:35 River raise
On the river 9s 9c Qh 7h Ah, there was more than 300,000 in the pot, and Lorenzo Riva bet 95,000. Americ Stiller, after a long thought, raised to 275,000, and shortly after, Riva called. Stiller revealed 7x 8x, which was however not enough against the opponent's Ax Qx.
Level 28: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,483,077, ent.: 26/964
Break 15 min
17:50 Alexandar Skobelev claims a multiway pot
Alexandar opened from the Early Position for 100,000, and both Maceják and Beatovic called. On the flop 7c Th 2d, Alexandar bet 185,000, and both opponents folded. Alexandar showed 8x after the hand.
17:40 Quite a big push
Americ Stiller from the small blind pushed for about 1,000,000, and Bizzozero contemplated for a while from the big blind. After a considerable time, he sighed and folded his cards.
17:30 The Mystery Bounty 15,000€ GTD has started
140 players are already seated in this tournament, and late registration is open until 20:50!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250.000€ GTD for 170€ - 39. th edition!
30. Gavino Faedda - 1,680€
31. Bruni Salvatore - 1,680€
32. Charalampos Palaontas - 1,500€
33. Francesco Palumbo - 1,500€
34. Massimo Pieralisi - 1,500€
35. Cristian Stefanita Baltatu - 1,500€
36. Dimitar Dimitrov Ordzhanov - 1,340€
37. Johan Marie Martin Lamas - 1,340€
38. Giovanni Anello - 1,340€
39. Andrejus Sizincevas - 1,340€
40. Vittorio Morello - 1,200€
Level 27: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,329,655, ent.: 29/964
16:50 Maceják lost a small one
Matej opened from MP to 65,000, and Skobelev called from the big blind. On the flop Jx 2x 2x, Matej c-bet 65,000, and Skobelev called. Both checked on the turn 6x and river 8x, and Matej showed Kx Qx, but Skobelev had Ax 6x and won this smaller pot.
16:35 Highroller in full swing
The Highroller event started at 15:00, and at the beginning of the fourth level, 44 out of 55 players are still battling it out. Late registration is possible until 22:00!
16:15 Rejam
El Mouflih opened to 65,000, Francesco Palumbo called from the small blind, and Ivo Gazde reshoved for about 550,000 from the big blind. Both of his opponents thought for a long time, but neither found the courage to call. Meanwhile, at the adjacent table, Plevano Pasquale eliminated two opponents at once.
Level 26: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 964,000, ent.: 40/964
Livestream link:
Final Day chipcounts:
Final day payouts:
1. 35,000€
2. 19,500€
3. 14,500€
4. 11,400€
5. 9,300€
6. 7,840€
7. 6,750€
8. 5,800€
9. 5,100€
10-11. 4,500€
12-13. 3,950€
14-15. 3,450€
16-17. 3,000€
18-19. 2,650€
20-21. 2,350€
24-27. 1,880€
28-31. 1,680€
32-35. 1,500€
36-39. 1,340€
40. 1,200€
Tana Delle Tigri ME 250,000€ GTD:
Buy-in: 225€
Fee: 25€
Starting Stack: 40k
Late reg.: 13 lvls
Each Day 1 will be played for 16 lvls
5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
August 2024 will bring the Swedish Poker Championship at Banco Casino!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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