In Flight 1B, a total of 156 players participated, and 16 players advanced to Day 2. Rudolf Kosa secured the highest stack for the day with a total of 1,393,000. Day 2 of the Highroller event also took place today, and at its conclusion, we identified the seven players who will compete for the title and 17,500€ tomorrow. The chip leader for this tournament before the third day of play is Rojo Diaz with a stack of 3,400,000. Flight 1D starts today at 15:00, and the Turbo Flight 1E begins at 22:00. At 17:00, the Ladies event with a guarantee of €2,000 opens its doors. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1B:
HR chipcounts and seating:
2:25 Ruiz Delgado becomes the bubble boy.
Delgado put his short stack into play with Kx 9x against Qx 4x held by Christos Vettas. After the board comes Jx 8x 5x Qx 7x, the players pack up their stacks.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 458,824, ent.: 17/156
2:05 Magikarp doubles up.
Magikarp went all in preflop with sevens for his 276,000, and Jimenez had Ax Kx. The flip turned out significantly better for the paired combination, and the short stack survives after the board comes 7x 6x 3x Ax Tx.
1:55 Silence before the storm.
One split, one short stack doubles up, and we are still looking for the bubble boy.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 458,824, ent.: 17/156
1:25 Anton Martinez is out, and we are playing hand for hand.
On the flop 4x Xx Xx, Martinez bet 42,000 into a pot of about 100,000, and Kosa called. On the turn Xx, Martinez pushed for about 180,000, and Kosa snap-called with a set of fours. Martinez had "only" jacks, and after a blank river, he angrily exits the tournament. After this hand, we are looking for the last player to bust from flight 1B!
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 410,526, ent.: 19/156, 1C ent.: 12/30
1:00 Harry69 also wins something
On the river As 2d Jc Jh Td, there was about 70,000 in the pot, and Harry69 bet 50,000. Kosa thought for a while and paid, but he couldn't beat his opponent's Kx Jx.
00:40 Magikarp Vs. Marios
On the flop Qs 4s 8h, Magikarp bet 61,000 into a pot of about 100,000. Marios Pavlou silently called, and they both checked the turn 2c. On the river As, both players also checked, and disappointed Marios revealed Ks Js. Magikarp immediately mucked his cards.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 312,000, ent.: 25/156, HR ent.: 7/53, 1C ent.: 20/29
Break 15 min
00:00 Martinez Vs. Magikarp
Both agreed on an amount of 50,000 before the flop, and with the flop Ah 8d 9c, Martinez valued it at 27,000. Magikarp called, and they both checked the turn Tc. On the river As, Magikarp bet 87,000, and Martinez silently folded.
23:45 Pavel53 eliminates
Morren Molina shoved around 70,000 with Kx Jx, and Pavel found Qx Qx behind him. With the board running 2x 4x Tx 5x 5x, Pavel53 eliminates his opponent.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 288,889, ent.: 27/156
23:35 Krisztian Fejerdi double up
Csaba shoved for 125,000, and after a long thought, Krisztian called with Ax Qx. No one else joined, and Csaba turned Kd 2d. The board ran Tx 4x 7x Jx Qx, and after stack counting, Krisztian was left with only 92,000, surviving this hand.
23:20 Amir gives up something
On the turn 5c 8d 9h Jc with about 120,000 in the pot, Amir Juwan bet 55,000, and Roberto Agus thought for a while. Eventually, he called, and on the river 5d, both uncertainly checked. Roberto had tens, and Amir quickly tossed his cards into the muck.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 222,857, ent.: 35/156, HR ent.: 9/53
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
23:00 Flop raise
On the flop Ax Tx 9x with around 40,000 in the pot, Gonzalo bet 20,000. His opponent raised to 55,000, and after several minutes of consideration, Gonzalo folded.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 177,273, ent.: 44/156
22:40 Rudolf Kosa double up
Kokompelis otváral na 8,000, Fejerdi 3-betol na 22,000 a Kosa z bb posunul za čiaru svojich 95,000. Kokompelis zahodil ale Fejerdi s Kx Kx okamžite dorovnal. Kosa držal Ax Qx a po boarde 6x 3x 7x Ax Jx si tak pripísal dôležitý double up.
22:20 Miro Lelek all in
Kilin otváral na 8,000 z buttonu. Lelek z blindov však zahlásil all in za 92,000. Kilin tak po krátkom zamyslení karty zahodil.
HR payouts:
1. 17,500€
2. 10,450€
3. 6,475€
4. 4,600€
5. 3,500€
6. 2,750€
7. 2,225€
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 150,000, ent.: 52/156, HR ent.: 11/53
Break 15 min
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
21:45 Turn raise
On the turn Jx Tx 2x Tx with a pot of about 40,000, Daniel bet 30,000. His opponent opted for a raise to 72,000, and Daniel folded his cards.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 130,000, ent.: 60/156, HR ent.: 13/53
21:25 Trickster busts
Trickster went all in preflop with Ah Qd against Silverman's Ad Ks. With a board of 5d 2d Kh 3d 4d, Andrew Silverman completes a straight flush, and Trickster surrenders his roughly 40,000.
21:15 Mariscal Maestre victoriously in a multiway pot
On the flop Jd Ks Th with a pot of 18,500, Maestre bet 6,500 from the position. Fernandes and Shcherba both called. On the turn 3s, Maestre continued for 20,000, but both opponents shortly after folded.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 106,944, ent.: 72/154, HR ent.: 16/53
Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD will kick off the new year for only 185€!
20:45 Uneven battle
Jorge pushed his roughly 50,000 over the line with Jx Jx against Carlos's Kx Kx. With a blank board, Jorge surrenders his stack, likely heading for a reentry.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,055, ent.: 73/149
20:30 Fernandes takes a smaller pot
On the turn 7d 2d 2c 4c, Fernandes bet 4,500 into a pot of 12,000, and her opponent called. On the river 4s, both players checked, and Ramos showed Kd Qd. However, Fernandes won the pot with threes.
20:10 Garcia Villena wins a 3-bet pot
Ken Egeland opened to 3,500, and Garcia 3-bet to 9,000. Ken called, and on the flop Th 2d 2c, it was checked. On the turn 6s, Garcia bet 10,000, and his opponent quickly folded.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 78,889, ent.: 90/142, HR ent.: 20/53
Break 15 min
19:30 Hans victorious
On the turn Kx Kx 4x 9x, the pot was about 30,000, and Hans bet 20,000. His opponent thought for a few minutes but eventually decided to fold.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 77,778, ent.: 90/140, HR ent.: 20/53
19:10 Small bet with a big result
On the flop Ks 6s 4h, the pot was 13,500, and Karim Mansor bet 2,500. Kanani Gordhandas thought for a moment but eventually folded.
18:50 Jerez Bernal takes a multiway pot
Revuelta opened to 2,200, Nemlich called, Bernal also called, and Cardala from the bb joined. On the flop Ac 7c 5s, everyone checked. On the turn Ah, Bernal bet 3,000. However, all opponents smoothly folded.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,484, ent.: 91/121, HR ent.: 27/53
18:30 Squeeze
Harry69 opened to 2,100 from Mp, Karim Mansor called, and a few seats later, Kanani Gordhanas 3-bet to 12,000. However, both opponents gracefully folded.
18:15 Kordulasinski under pressure
On the turn 4d 8d Kc 5h, the pot was about 11,000, and Jakub bet 6,500. Zdenko Pampurík then put him under all-in pressure for just under 14,000. After a long thought, Kordulasinski frustratingly threw his cards away, leaving him with 7,200 behind, which he lost a few minutes later.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 65,517, ent.: 87/114,HR ent.: 27/52
18:00 Sadusea doubles up
Sadusea went all in preflop for his 27,000 with Ax Qx against Jakub Kordulasinski's pocket tens. After the board came Ax 3x 2x 4x 7x, Jakub loses a portion of his stack.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg.56,315, ent.: 95/107, HR ent.: 27/52
Break 30 min
17:00 Borsos Kilin wins a nice pot
On the flop 4x 4x 7x, Peter Wlachovský bet 5,000 into a pot of about 25,000, Kilin called, and Tatrn raised to 14,500. Wlachovský folded, and Kilin decided to call. The turn Qh and the river 2s were checked, and in the showdown, Kilin revealed nines. Tatrn mucked his cards.
16:45 Heger in a tough spot
On the river 8h 7h Jd 3s 7c, with more than 40,000 in the pot, Britta Egeland bet 25,000. Heger struggled for a few minutes but eventually folded his cards.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 56,429, ent.: 70/79, HR ent.: 32/44
16:30 Turn bet
On the turn Ks 2s Qs Ac, there was 5,000 in the pot, and Kamendoliev bet 4,000. However, his opponent didn't put up any resistance and tossed his cards across the line.
16:15 3-bet
Baraizarra opened to 800, and Aguilera 3-bet to 2,200. After a short pause, Baraiazarra called, and on the flop As 2h 7c, Aguilera bet 3,000. His opponent, however, silently folded.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 53,846, ent.: 65/70, HR ent.: 35/44
16:00 Day 2 of the Highroller event has just started
The buy-in for this tournament is 1,000€ with a guaranteed prize pool of 50,000€. The tournament is currently in its ninth level, and late registration is open until the end of level 13!
15:50 Vitaly Moiseev raises on the turn
On the turn 9c 8s 4d Jh, there was approximately 9,000 in the pot, and Andrew Silverman bet 3,100. Vitaly decided to raise to 11,000, and after some thought, Silverman folded his cards.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 52,273, ent.: 44/46
15:30 Asterios Kokompelis busts in the first level
On the flop 7d 4d 2h, the pot was 22,000, and Villena bet 10,000. Gedei from the small blind folded, and Kokompelis raised to 22,500. Villena, however, shoved the entire stack over the line, and Kokompelis, with a set of fours, called his approximately 50,000. Villena had Ad Qd, and after the turn 3d and river Kd, Asterios leaves his table for now. At the same time on the second table, Marios Pavlou also busted.
15:15 Players in their seats
Sajdák, Sykora, Tatrn, Sedusea, Pinhasi, Pampurík, and more...
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 30/30
Chipcount and seating Highroller day 2:
SPF Main Event 300.000€ GTD :
Day 1 will be played down to ITM = 10%
Late Registration: 12 levels
5% deducted from the prize pool
Spanish Poker Festival with a 600,000€ guarantee for the first time in Slovakia!
Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD will kick off the new year for only 185€!
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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