In the opening flight of the Spanish Poker Festival Main Event, a total of 96 players participated, and we've identified the first ten qualifiers. Gyoergy Takacs performed the best today with a stack of 1,359,000. The Main Event will continue with its 1B flight starting at 15:00, and at 22:00, the 1C – Turbo flight opens its doors. At 16:00, Day 2 of the Highroller event with a buy-in of 1,000€ begins, and late registration is available on this day until the end of the thirteenth level. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1A:
4:45 Dimitrios Nanos becomes the bubble boy
On the river 2x 6x Jx Ax Ax, Nanos went all-in for his 325,000 with 2x 2x, and Gonzalo Mencia turned Ax Jx. Dimitrios exits Flight 1A as the last player, and the remaining players are packing their stacks.
4:30 We are playing hand for hand
From Ep, Conceader shoved his stack of about 230,000 with Ax 7x. Zamarron, with a short stack, called with 9x. The board revealed Qc 5c 5x 6x 7x, giving Zamarron a double-up. Simultaneously, Maksym Ronshyn was eliminated from the tournament at the second table, and we are now in hand-for-hand play.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 400,000, ent.: 12/96
4:15 Zamarron notches something
On the turn of 4s 6h 9d 3c, there was 53,000 in the pot, and Zamarron bet 21,000. Muhammad thought for a moment but eventually folded his cards. On the adjacent table, Robin Hood was eliminated from the tournament, leaving us one elimination away from the hand-for-hand mode.
Chipcounts and seating Highroller day 2:
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 369,231, ent.: 13/96
3:50 Dimitrios Nanos all in
Momimoon limped from the cutoff, Rascon from the button, and Nanos, from the small blind, pushed his 105,000 into the pot. Mencia in the big blind struggled for a moment but eventually folded. Momimoon and Rascon also folded.
3:35 Reshove
Gyoergy Takacs opened to 25,000 from the cutoff, and Condeander Gonzales from the small blind announced an all-in for around 250,000. Gyoergy thought hard but eventually folded his cards. A moment ago, Jakub Kordulasinski bustedfrom the same table.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 320,000, ent.: 15/96
3:00 Matthias Pialek Doubles Up
Maksym opened to 20,000, and Pialek from the big blind called. On the flop 8x 7x 2x, Maksym bet 30,000, and Matthias went all in for 152,000. Maksym with Qx Qx instantly called, but Matthias revealed 6h 5h. However, after the turn 4c and the river 5s, Pialek completed his straight, and Maksym lost a substantial part of his stack.
2:45 Hernandez Segura Successful
Segura opened from early position with 16,000, and Mierim called from the big blind. On the flop 9s 3s 8h, Segura bet 10,000 after a moment of hesitation, and Mierim folded.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 300,000, ent.: 16/96, HR ent.: 26/34
2:30 Flip
Two players engaged in a preflop all-in with approximately 30 big blinds. The higher stack held Ax Kx, while the lower one had Jx Jx. However, after a blank board, the short stack doubles up, and we'll have to wait a bit for the next seat to open.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 208,696, ent.: 23/96, HR ent.: 26/34
2:00 Dimitrios All In
On the turn Th 6d 4c Tc, there was approximately 70,000 in the pot, and Ayestaran bet 30,000. Dimitrios chose to push his 130,000 over the line. Ayestaran contemplated for several minutes and eventually decided to fold.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 171,429, ent.: 28/96
1:40 Successful hero call
On the river 9c Ah 7d 3d 7c, the pot was around 110,000, and Malouchos bet 40,000. Ayestaran thought for so long that the time was called. Ayestaran eventually decided to call, and Malouchos revealed tens. However, they weren't enough to beat the Spanish player's Ax 4x, and Malouchos relinquishes a portion of his stack.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 141,176, ent.: 34/96, HR ent.: 28/34
Registration for flight 1A has been closed. 10 players will advance to day 2.
Break 15 min
00:50 Vasyl Kvak emerges victorious
Vasyl opened to 6,500, Llop and Rascon called. On the flop Kx 8x 8x, Vasyl c-bet 11,500, and both opponents surrendered their cards.
00:35 Muhammad wins a decent pot
On the river with the board showing Tx 4x Qx 7x Tx and a pot of approximately 90,000, Hadjisocratous bet 40,000. Muhammad hesitated for a moment and eventually opted for a raise to 100,000. The call came almost instantly, and Hadjisocratous revealed Jx Tx. However, it wasn't enough against Muhammad's fours, and he takes down a substantial pot.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,730, ent.: 37/96, HR ent.: 30/34
00:20 Marios all in
Momimoon opened to 5,000, Rascon called, and Marios Pavlou from the small blind went all in for approximately 76,000. Both opponents folded after a moment.
00:10 Alejandro Sampere double up
On the turn with the board showing Tx 2x 4x 4x and a pot of approximately 40,000, Sampere bet 20,000. His opponent raised to 78,000, and Sampere went all in for 126,000. After a quick call with pocket twos, Sampere revealed Qx Tx. With the river card being Tx, Sampere secures a significant double up, and his Bulgarian opponent falls short, losing several hands.
23:50 The Highroller event will play the first eight levels today.
However, late registration is open for a portion of day 2 until the end of the thirteenth level. The buy-in is set at €1,000 with a guarantee of 50,000€ !
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 104,444, ent.: 45/94, HR ent.: 30/32
23:40 Pedro Vs. Jose
On the flop Ax Kx Jx with about 30,000 in the pot, Pedro bet 10,000. Jose thought for a minute and opted for a raise to 27,000. His opponent promptly folded.
The Spanish Poker Cup has reached its final table!
In the next few hours, we will find out who will take home 12,000€!
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 93,000, ent.: 50/93, HR ent.: 30/32
23:20 Kokompelis raises on the turn
With the board showing Ah 6h 4s 8c and a pot of 15,800, Francisco bet 9,000. Kokompelis raised to 22,500, and after a few minutes of consideration, Francisco folded.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 78,182, ent.: 55/86, HR ent.: 24/26
Break 15 min
22:30 Merino Dominguez c-bets
On the flop Ac Tc 4c with a pot of 8,700, Merino bet 2,500. However, Baláž and Robin Hood both folded their cards.
22:15 Sad end for Miro
With a flop of 9c 7s 5h, six players wanted to see the turn for 2,500 each. After several checks, Miro pushed for 18,000, and four players folded. Gazulla Bielsa, however, snap-called with a set of sevens, and Miro revealed 9h 2h. After the turn 4x and river 8x, Miro exits the tournament for now.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,455, ent.: 55/83, HR ent.: 24/26
21:50 Rafael Ben with small bets
Ben opened from early position, and only Carrasco from the big blind called. On the flop Ah 5h 7c, Ben bet 1,300, and Carrasco called. On the turn As, Ben continued with 1,500, but Carrasco quickly folded.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,102, ent.: 59/78, HR ent.: 24/26
21:30 Sanz Lopez all in
On the turn 5s Tc Ts 8c, the pot was 17,200, and Sandra bet 6,000. Zyle folded, Sanz called, and Kizzik folded. On the river 9x, Sandra checked, and Sanz went all-in with 42,600. After some thought, Sandra decided to fold.
21:20 Lokšo out
Lokšo became short-stacked and pushed the last 7,300 into the pot with Th 9h. However, Vasyl Kvak turned over aces, and with the board showing 7x Ax Jx Tx 3x, Lokšo was eliminated.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 62,931, ent.: 58/73, HR ent: 14/14
21:00 Svoboda Vs. Lokšo
On the flop Ah Th 8s, Lokšo bet 3,000 into a pot of nearly 6,000. Svoboda called, and the other two opponents folded. On the turn 8h, Lokšo checked, and Svoboda bet 3,000. Lokšo's cards quickly went into the muck.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,273, ent.: 55/63
Break 30 min
19:50 Nice call
On the turn Jh 5s 6s 2c, the pot was 3,100, and Rodriguez bet 1,100 from the blinds. Kokompelis called, and on the river 8d, Rodriguez bet 6,500. Kokompelis thought for about two minutes, and Rodriguez mucked his cards. Kokompelis showed 8h 4h.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 55,882, ent.: 51/57
19:35 High-stakes on a low level
On the flop 8x 2x 6x, the pot was something over 30,000. Melichar bet 17,500, and Maceira opted for a raise to 66,000. Melichar pushed his entire stack, and Maceira called a total of 77,000. Melichar held Qx Qx, and Maceira revealed Ax Kx. After the turn Kh and the river 8x, Melichar loses a portion of his stack, he unusually titles his opponent, and adds 50 cents to the pot. After a short walk, Melichar returned with the remaining approximately twenty thousand, so we'll see what he comes up with.
19:20 Carasco wins without a showdown
On the flop Qs Td 2h, Carasco bet 1,600 into a pot of about 3,000. Garcia called, and the third player in the game folded. On the turn Kh, both checked, and on the river 8c, Carasco bet 2,300. However, Garcia silently folded.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,980, ent.: 51/52
19:00 A-high is enough
On the flop 9x 7x 3x, all four players checked. On the turn 2d, Martin bet 600, Castillo called, and Asprogenous raised to 2,000. Vettas folded, Martin called, and Castillo folded. On the river 4s, it checked through, and Martin revealed 8d 6d, but this time, it wasn't enough against the Ax 8x of the Cypriot opponent.
18:45 Mera Llop takes a smaller pot
Bielsa started the hand with an open raise to 700, Ayestaran called, and Llop from the big blind joined. On the flop Qd 9d Ah, all three players checked. On the turn Kc, Mera bet 1,300. However, both opponents smoothly folded.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 50,000, ent.: 39/39
18:30 Muhammad emerges victorious
Muhammad opened from Early Position to 800, and Sandra from the small blind called. The flop came Ac Jc Ah, and both players checked. On the turn As, Sandra bet 1,500, and Muhammad folded face up with Kc Qc.
18:15 In the heat of the battle:
Players including Correa, Iglesias, Melichar, Sedláček, Kizzik, and others are actively competing.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 35/35
During the past days, the Spanish Poker Cup 50,000€ GTD took place.
A total of 487 players registered for the tournament, accumulating a prize pool of 62,457€
1. 12,000€
2. 8,500€
3. 5,800€
4. 4,650€
5. 3,747€
6. 2,975€
7. 2,340€
8. 1,750€
9. 1,400€
10-12. 1,100€
13-15. 825€
16-19. 640€
20-23. 540€
24-27. 460€
28-31. 390€
32-39. 325€
33-39. 325€
40-49. 280€
Chipcounts Spanish Poker Cup 50,000€ GTD Day 2:
SPF Main Event 300.000€ GTD :
Day 1 will be played down to ITM = 10%
Late Registration: 12 levels
5% deducted from the prize pool
Spanish Poker Festival with a 600,000€ guarantee for the first time in Slovakia!
Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD will kick off the new year for only 185€!
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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