In Day 2 of the SOPC Main Event, 206 players advanced from the initial flights. After a long day and a flurry of seat opens at the end, we now know the final fourteen players who will compete tomorrow for the title and nearly 41,000€ in cash. Leading the pack is Kastriot Delija, who amassed a stack of 11,425,000 during Day 2. A total of 1,653 players registered for the tournament, contributing to an impressive prize pool of 259,930€. The Final Day kicks off at 16:00, and you can find the stream link below. Additionally, at 18:00, the SOPC Farewell Turbo Deepstack with a guaranteed prize pool of €5,000 begins. We look forward to seeing you there!
Final day redraw:
Day 2 eliminations:
15. Nanos Dimitrios - 1,700€
16. Lishchuk Vadym - 1,700€
17. Lineburg Dmitry - 1,395€
18. Macejak Matej - 1,395€
19. Lakatoš Alan - 1,395€
20. Jaskulski Dominik - 1,285€
21. Kiss Gabor - 1,285€
22. Mahmud Maged Akram Haj Yousef - 1,285€
23. Stojanovic Mladen - 1,285€
24. Hansen Mike - 1,185€
25. Liagkas Vasileios - 1,185€
26. Mc Bride Declan Thomas - 1,185€
27. Stojka Nikolas - 1,185€
28. Nielsen Thomas Michael Fensholdt - 1,185€
29. Sandberg Brian - 1,185€
30. Bathori Laszlo Endre - 1,185€
31. El Khatib Mohammed Kassim - 1,185€
32. Vukicevic Mihael - 1,095€
33. Kenyeres Sandor - 1,095€
34. Travar Goran - 1,095€
35. Batte Elliott Ross - 1,095€
36. Kurland Kenneth - 1,095€
37. Nielsen Kenn Kruuse - 1,095€
38. Julian Pojer - 1,095€
39. Panak Igor - 1,095€
40. Koukianakis Stylianos - 1,010€
41. Pinkhas Pinkhasov Liron - 1,010€
42. Pagonakis Anastasios - 1,010€
43. Mikkel Krunger Aasdq Andersen - 1,010€
44. Nielsen Lars Torben - 1,010€
45. Otescu Gabriel - 1,010€
46. Bohm Zoltan - 1,010€
47. Mate Sandor - 1,010€
48. La Chan Cuong - 930€
49. Thorvaldsen Andreas - 930€
50. Hansen Chris Jorgen Dyhr - 930€
51. Chen Guanxiu - 930€
52. Konstantinou Michalis - 930€
53. Koevesdi Peter - 930€
54. Homola Marek - 930€
55. Ruzicka Milan - 930€
56. Nielsen Mads Kristian Juel - 855€
57. Piasecki Adrian Oskar - 855€
58. Kuniszyk Alex Krzysztof - 855€
59. Sebeledi Ivan - 855€
60. Mr. Andrei Manoliu - 855€
61. Karathanasis Apostolos - 855€
62. Markusson Markus - 855€
63. Latter Edward William - 855€
64. Mikic Slobodan - 785€
65. Csore Istvan - 785€
66. Sherman Daniel Dror - 785€
67. Koppl Martin - 785€
68. Andersen Lasse Wedell - 785€
69. Bidstrup Jesper Lundberg - 785€
70. Jonikas Vygerdas - 785€
71. Jean Jonathan Adrien Frederic Simon - 785€
72. Andresen Dennis Geertsen - 720€
73. Schausberger Daniel Herwig - 720€
74. Misic Ozren - 720€
75. Katsikas Dimitrios - 720€
76. Harila Kjell Christian - 720€
77. Jelavic Petar - 720€
78. Dej Martin - 720€
79. Nikolaou Nikos - 720€
80. Ilavsky Martin - 660€
81. Deak Laszlo Tibor - 660€
82. Szabo Zsolt - 660€
83. Pavelko Patrik - 660€
84. De Hondt Lionel Charles A - 660€
85. Kadoglou Prodromos - 660€
86. Paxian Vojtech - 660€
87. Nemeth Istvan Janos - 660€
88. Klemens Laszlo Ferenc - 605€
89. Vonsild Tommy Winston - 605€
90. Dahl Vegard - 605€
91. Litera Petr - 605€
92. Muldur Nihat - 605€
93. Sechlidis Savvas - 605€
94. Redl Harald - 605€
95. Petrauskas Klaidas - 605€
96. Benes Stefan - 605€
97. Vedelfort Tommy - 605€
98. Serhiienko Mykola - 555€
99. Kerekes Krisztian - 555€
100. Gross Ivan - 555€
101. Hothershoej Dannie Liljedahl - 555€
102. Ninu George - 555€
103. Klindrup Brian - 555€
104. Klein David - 510€
105. Uharcek Marian - 510€
106. Riemer Daniel - 510€
107. Bel Mondo - 510€
108. Bugar Norbert - 510€
109. Merva Darius - 510€
110. Nanos Konstantinos - 510€
111. Shkliar Yaroslav - 510€
112. Cerkaski Pawel Maria - 510€
113. Panich Jaroslaw - 510€
114. Thorberg Charlotte - 510€
115. Mikoczy Frantisek - 510€
116. Olaru Mircea George - 510€
117. Nielsen Jens Christian - 510€
118. Wolf Sascha Josef Mario - 510€
119. Nemeth Milos - 510€
120. Papadopoulos Nikos - 470€
121. Waaben Niels - 470€
122. Nanos Ioannis - 470€
123. Francisty Filip - 470€
124. Trabolt Lars - 470€
125. Roder Andreas - 470€
126. Constantinou Constantinos - 470€
127. Zwierz Krzysztof - 470€
128. Ratusnyak Miklos - 470€
129. Jaernstroem Nico Benjamin - 470€
130. Varonic Donald - 470€
131. Abildskov Gert - 470€
132. Tar Matyas - 470€
133. Zijlstra Stefan - 470€
134. Pavel53 - 470€
135. Nguyen Huu Nghi - 470€
136. Marlovits Erwin - 435€
137. Mejlstrup Keld Brabrand - 435€
138. Kovac Jaroslav - 435€
139. Aisov Yury - 435€
140. Koskiniotis Georgios - 435€
141. Seskevicius Julius - 435€
142. Remenar Igor - 435€
143. Boltenkov Vitalij - 435€
144. Sellei Tamas - 435€
145. Kuremszki Viktor Jozef - 435€
146. Roslan Radoslaw Krzysztof - 435€
147. Aluan Robert Alberto Buur - 435€
148. Hammerl Pascal Fabian - 435€
149. Christensen Allan Niels - 435€
150. Jarmonthavat Nat - 435€
151. Eegholm Thomas Hinze - 435€
152. Bak Jess Hedeman Raabjerg - 435€
153. Chalkiotis Charalampos Emmanouil - 435€
154. Gabzdil Matus - 405€
155. Hillinger Christoph - 405€
156. Andersen Mikael - 405€
157. Iversen Jan Erik Larsen - 405€
158. Li Nu - 405€
159. Fally Peter - 405€
160. Nahlik Michal - 405€
161. Shcherba Vitalii - 405€
162. Hansen Lars Evald Samson - 405€
163. Karampina or Karabi Klaounta or Klauda - 405€
164. Stopka Lukas - 405€
165. Schmidt Palle Hein - 405€
166. Minzariu Paul - 405€
167. Spot Ludovit - 405€
168. Kilintaris Dimitrios - 385€
169. Antonsen Morten - 385€
170. Scamardella Rocco - 385€
171. Lauridsen Steen Groendahl - 385€
172. Walker Ian Wydmuch - 385€
173. Matejevic Mihael - 385€
174. Balazs Elisabeth Nordskog - 385€
175. Whys Betting - 385€
176. Stipanovic Hrvoje - 385€
177. Robertsenn Britt - 385€
178. Bailakis Michail - 385€
179. Boigner Lukas - 385€
180. Kirkegaard Ib Nielsen - 385€
181. Buderer Istvan - 385€
182. Malouchos Dionysios - 385€
183. Tseko Christaki - 385€
184. Khostiyan Artur - 370€
185. Storgaard Nikolaj Nyskov - 370€
186. Bach William - 370€
187. Falkenstrom Christopher Stig - 370€
188. Mitrovic Hrvoje - 370€
189. Stevic Zeljko - 370€
190. Falkowski Jaroslaw Kamil - 370€
191. Piorkowski Dawid - 370€
192. Mantsis Ioannis - 370€
193. Brenden Oeystein - 370€
194. Varga Janos - 370€
195. Jesko Peter - 370€
196. Rudolf Cuso - 370€
197. Epstathios Nathanailidis - 370€
198. Kulcsar David - 370€
199. Manfred Walter - 370€
200. Petersen Michel Orstrom - 370€
201. Visvader Jan - 370€
202. Quaade Thomas - 370€
203. Baradziej Adam Sylwester - 370€
204. Kunc Nikola - 370€
205. Savic Miso - 370€
206. Hansen Keld - 370€
Day 2 eliminations:
15. Nanos Dimitrios - 1,700€
16. Lishchuk Vadym - 1,700€
17. Lineburg Dmitry - 1,395€
18. Macejak Matej - 1,395€
19. Lakatoš Alan - 1,395€
20. Jaskulski Dominik - 1,285€
21. Kiss Gabor - 1,285€
22. Mahmud Maged Akram Haj Yousef - 1,285€
23. Stojanovic Mladen - 1,285€
24. Hansen Mike - 1,185€
25. Liagkas Vasileios - 1,185€
26. Mc Bride Declan Thomas - 1,185€
27. Stojka Nikolas - 1,185€
28. Nielsen Thomas Michael Fensholdt - 1,185€
29. Sandberg Brian - 1,185€
30. Bathori Laszlo Endre - 1,185€
31. El Khatib Mohammed Kassim - 1,185€
32. Vukicevic Mihael - 1,095€
33. Kenyeres Sandor - 1,095€
34. Travar Goran - 1,095€
35. Batte Elliott Ross - 1,095€
36. Kurland Kenneth - 1,095€
37. Nielsen Kenn Kruuse - 1,095€
38. Julian Pojer - 1,095€
39. Panak Igor - 1,095€
40. Koukianakis Stylianos - 1,010€
41. Pinkhas Pinkhasov Liron - 1,010€
42. Pagonakis Anastasios - 1,010€
43. Mikkel Krunger Aasdq Andersen - 1,010€
44. Nielsen Lars Torben - 1,010€
45. Otescu Gabriel - 1,010€
46. Bohm Zoltan - 1,010€
47. Mate Sandor - 1,010€
48. La Chan Cuong - 930€
49. Thorvaldsen Andreas - 930€
50. Hansen Chris Jorgen Dyhr - 930€
51. Chen Guanxiu - 930€
52. Konstantinou Michalis - 930€
53. Koevesdi Peter - 930€
54. Homola Marek - 930€
55. Ruzicka Milan - 930€
56. Nielsen Mads Kristian Juel - 855€
57. Piasecki Adrian Oskar - 855€
58. Kuniszyk Alex Krzysztof - 855€
59. Sebeledi Ivan - 855€
60. Mr. Andrei Manoliu - 855€
61. Karathanasis Apostolos - 855€
62. Markusson Markus - 855€
63. Latter Edward William - 855€
64. Mikic Slobodan - 785€
65. Csore Istvan - 785€
66. Sherman Daniel Dror - 785€
67. Koppl Martin - 785€
68. Andersen Lasse Wedell - 785€
69. Bidstrup Jesper Lundberg - 785€
70. Jonikas Vygerdas - 785€
71. Jean Jonathan Adrien Frederic Simon - 785€
72. Andresen Dennis Geertsen - 720€
73. Schausberger Daniel Herwig - 720€
74. Misic Ozren - 720€
75. Katsikas Dimitrios - 720€
76. Harila Kjell Christian - 720€
77. Jelavic Petar - 720€
78. Dej Martin - 720€
79. Nikolaou Nikos - 720€
80. Ilavsky Martin - 660€
81. Deak Laszlo Tibor - 660€
82. Szabo Zsolt - 660€
83. Pavelko Patrik - 660€
84. De Hondt Lionel Charles A - 660€
85. Kadoglou Prodromos - 660€
86. Paxian Vojtech - 660€
87. Nemeth Istvan Janos - 660€
88. Klemens Laszlo Ferenc - 605€
89. Vonsild Tommy Winston - 605€
90. Dahl Vegard - 605€
91. Litera Petr - 605€
92. Muldur Nihat - 605€
93. Sechlidis Savvas - 605€
94. Redl Harald - 605€
95. Petrauskas Klaidas - 605€
96. Benes Stefan - 605€
97. Vedelfort Tommy - 605€
98. Serhiienko Mykola - 555€
99. Kerekes Krisztian - 555€
100. Gross Ivan - 555€
101. Hothershoej Dannie Liljedahl - 555€
102. Ninu George - 555€
103. Klindrup Brian - 555€
104. Klein David - 510€
105. Uharcek Marian - 510€
106. Riemer Daniel - 510€
107. Bel Mondo - 510€
108. Bugar Norbert - 510€
109. Merva Darius - 510€
110. Nanos Konstantinos - 510€
111. Shkliar Yaroslav - 510€
112. Cerkaski Pawel Maria - 510€
113. Panich Jaroslaw - 510€
114. Thorberg Charlotte - 510€
115. Mikoczy Frantisek - 510€
116. Olaru Mircea George - 510€
117. Nielsen Jens Christian - 510€
118. Wolf Sascha Josef Mario - 510€
119. Nemeth Milos - 510€
120. Papadopoulos Nikos - 470€
121. Waaben Niels - 470€
122. Nanos Ioannis - 470€
123. Francisty Filip - 470€
124. Trabolt Lars - 470€
125. Roder Andreas - 470€
126. Constantinou Constantinos - 470€
127. Zwierz Krzysztof - 470€
128. Ratusnyak Miklos - 470€
129. Jaernstroem Nico Benjamin - 470€
130. Varonic Donald - 470€
131. Abildskov Gert - 470€
132. Tar Matyas - 470€
133. Zijlstra Stefan - 470€
134. Pavel53 - 470€
135. Nguyen Huu Nghi - 470€
136. Marlovits Erwin - 435€
137. Mejlstrup Keld Brabrand - 435€
138. Kovac Jaroslav - 435€
139. Aisov Yury - 435€
140. Koskiniotis Georgios - 435€
141. Seskevicius Julius - 435€
142. Remenar Igor - 435€
143. Boltenkov Vitalij - 435€
144. Sellei Tamas - 435€
145. Kuremszki Viktor Jozef - 435€
146. Roslan Radoslaw Krzysztof - 435€
147. Aluan Robert Alberto Buur - 435€
148. Hammerl Pascal Fabian - 435€
149. Christensen Allan Niels - 435€
150. Jarmonthavat Nat - 435€
151. Eegholm Thomas Hinze - 435€
152. Bak Jess Hedeman Raabjerg - 435€
153. Chalkiotis Charalampos Emmanouil - 435€
154. Gabzdil Matus - 405€
155. Hillinger Christoph - 405€
156. Andersen Mikael - 405€
157. Iversen Jan Erik Larsen - 405€
158. Li Nu - 405€
159. Fally Peter - 405€
160. Nahlik Michal - 405€
161. Shcherba Vitalii - 405€
162. Hansen Lars Evald Samson - 405€
163. Karampina or Karabi Klaounta or Klauda - 405€
164. Stopka Lukas - 405€
165. Schmidt Palle Hein - 405€
166. Minzariu Paul - 405€
167. Spot Ludovit - 405€
168. Kilintaris Dimitrios - 385€
169. Antonsen Morten - 385€
170. Scamardella Rocco - 385€
171. Lauridsen Steen Groendahl - 385€
172. Walker Ian Wydmuch - 385€
173. Matejevic Mihael - 385€
174. Balazs Elisabeth Nordskog - 385€
175. Whys Betting - 385€
176. Stipanovic Hrvoje - 385€
177. Robertsenn Britt - 385€
178. Bailakis Michail - 385€
179. Boigner Lukas - 385€
180. Kirkegaard Ib Nielsen - 385€
181. Buderer Istvan - 385€
182. Malouchos Dionysios - 385€
183. Tseko Christaki - 385€
184. Khostiyan Artur - 370€
185. Storgaard Nikolaj Nyskov - 370€
186. Bach William - 370€
187. Falkenstrom Christopher Stig - 370€
188. Mitrovic Hrvoje - 370€
189. Stevic Zeljko - 370€
190. Falkowski Jaroslaw Kamil - 370€
191. Piorkowski Dawid - 370€
192. Mantsis Ioannis - 370€
193. Brenden Oeystein - 370€
194. Varga Janos - 370€
195. Jesko Peter - 370€
196. Rudolf Cuso - 370€
197. Epstathios Nathanailidis - 370€
198. Kulcsar David - 370€
199. Manfred Walter - 370€
200. Petersen Michel Orstrom - 370€
201. Visvader Jan - 370€
202. Quaade Thomas - 370€
203. Baradziej Adam Sylwester - 370€
204. Kunc Nikola - 370€
205. Savic Miso - 370€
206. Hansen Keld - 370€
3:00 Final flurry for farewell
Matej Maceják went all in preflop for about 2,500,000 with Jx Jx against Kastriot's Ax 8. However, after the board showed Ax 8x 5x 9x Ax, Matej unpleasantly ends his journey. But that's where we've just begun.
Matte limped from Early Position, and Dmitry Lineburg pushed in 2,600,000. Matte quickly called with Ax Kx, and against Ax Tx on the board 7x 7x 2x 8x Qx, he held. At the same time on the neighboring tables, Dimitrios Nanos was eliminated. He pushed 1,575,000 from somewhere in Middle Position with 9d 3d and was called by Zoltan Kovacs with Kx Kx. With the board showing Tx Tx 8x 7x Qx, Dimitrios also exited. To add to the action, on the last table, Vadym Lishchuk shoved 3,900,000 with threes from Early Position as two opponents left the table. However, Zimáni in the big blind showed no mercy and called with Ax Tx. The board 8x 8x Jx Ax 2x concludes the day with only fourteen players advancing to the Final Day!
Level 30: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 4,350,000, ent.: 19/1,653
2:40 Zimáni splits the pot
Michal opened from the cutoff, and Kastriot called from the small blind, while Lakatoš called from the big blind. On the Ah Tc 9c flop, Zimáni bet 500,000, and Kastriot raised to 1,300,000. Alan chose not to continue, and Zimáni called. On the 4d turn, Zimáni pushed effectively 6,000,000, and after a long thought, Kastriot called with Ac 7c. However, the river Tx brought a split pot. Shortly after, Dominik Jaskulski was eliminated from the tournament.
2:20 Double seat open
Gabor Kiss from Early Position pushed in 1,300,000 with Ax Kx, Mahmud Maged called from the small blind with sevens, holding 1,250,000 after counting stacks. Vladimir Dumic from the big blind called with Td 8d, and after the board showed 5x 6x 3x 5x, he eliminated two opponents at once. Meanwhile, on the adjacent table, Mladen Stojanovic was eliminated, leaving us with four more eliminations to reach the end of day 2.
Level 29: 75,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 3,593,478, ent.: 23/1,653
Break 15 min
01:30 Stojanovic loses again
Lineburg opened from Early Position for 275,000, and Stojanovic called from the big blind. On the board Td Js 9s 2h, both players checked, and Lineburg turned sixes. Stojanovic mucked his cards without revealing them.
01:15 Rejam
Zimáni opened for 250,000, Alan called from the small blind, and Maceják pushed his stack over the line from the big blind. Zimáni and Lakatoš both reluctantly folded.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,306,000, ent. :25/1,653
00:45 Stojanovic triple up
Karjalainen otváral na 225,000, Stojanovic posunul za čiaru 325?000 a Kotsakis dorovnal z bb. Karjalainen zaplatil tiež a na flope Ah 4s Js betoval 140,000. Kotsakis dorovnal a na turne Kc čelil betu 350,000. Po dlhšej úvahe zahodil a Karjalainen otočil Ax 9x. Stojanovic však držal Ax Kx a po rivri Jd tento pot vyhral pre seba.
00:30 Kastriot Delija double up
Vadym otváral z buttonu a Delija 3-betoval z bb. Vadym odpovedal all inom efektívne za 2,475,000 a Kastriot s Ax Kx dorovnal. Vadym otočil desiatk,y avšak po boarde Ax 7x 2x 2x 6x časť stacku musel súperovi odovzdať.
Level 27: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,504,545, ent.: 33/1,653
00:00 Kenneth Kurland eliminated
Vadym opened to 160,000, Lakatoš called, and Kurland joined from the big blind. On the 5d 4d 2h flop, Vadym bet 200,000, Lakatoš folded, and Kurland pushed in just under 600,000 with Ad 8x. Vadym turned threes, and with the turn Td and river 5c, Kenneth was eliminated from the tournament.
23:45 Delija takes it back
This time, Stylianos went all in preflop with sevens against Qx Qx held by Kastriot Delija. After the board showed 6x 4x 9x Ax 3x, Delija takes back his previous loss, and Stylianos falls to an ultrashort stack.
46. Bohm Zoltan - 1,010€
47. Mate Sandor - 1,010€
48. La Chan Cuong - 930€
49. Thorvaldsen Andreas - 930€
50. Hansen Chris Jorgen Dyhr - 930€
51. Chen Guanxiu - 930€
52. Konstantinou Michalis - 930€
53. Koevesdi Peter - 930€
54. Homola Marek - 930€
55. Ruzicka Milan - 930€
56. Nielsen Mads Kristian Juel - 855€
57. Piasecki Adrian Oskar - 855€
58. Kuniszyk Alex Krzysztof - 855€
59. Sebeledi Ivan - 855€
60. Mr. Andrei Manoliu - 855€
61. Karathanasis Apostolos - 855€
62. Markusson Markus - 855€
63. Latter Edward William - 855€
64. Mikic Slobodan - 785€
65. Csore Istvan - 785€
66. Sherman Daniel Dror - 785€
67. Koppl Martin - 785€
68. Andersen Lasse Wedell - 785€
69. Bidstrup Jesper Lundberg - 785€
70. Jonikas Vygerdas - 785€
71. Jean Jonathan Adrien Frederic Simon - 785€
72. Andresen Dennis Geertsen - 720€
73. Schausberger Daniel Herwig - 720€
74. Misic Ozren - 720€
75. Katsikas Dimitrios - 720€
76. Harila Kjell Christian - 720€
77. Jelavic Petar - 720€
78. Dej Martin - 720€
79. Nikolaou Nikos - 720€
80. Ilavsky Martin - 660€
81. Deak Laszlo Tibor - 660€
82. Szabo Zsolt - 660€
83. Pavelko Patrik - 660€
84. De Hondt Lionel Charles A - 660€
85. Kadoglou Prodromos - 660€
86. Paxian Vojtech - 660€
87. Nemeth Istvan Janos - 660€
88. Klemens Laszlo Ferenc - 605€
89. Vonsild Tommy Winston - 605€
90. Dahl Vegard - 605€
91. Litera Petr - 605€
92. Muldur Nihat - 605€
93. Sechlidis Savvas - 605€
94. Redl Harald - 605€
95. Petrauskas Klaidas - 605€
96. Benes Stefan - 605€
97. Vedelfort Tommy - 605€
98. Serhiienko Mykola - 555€
99. Kerekes Krisztian - 555€
100. Gross Ivan - 555€
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,836,667, ent.: 45/1,653
Break 15 min
23:10 Mikkel double up
Mikkel went all in preflop from the small blind with aces against the nines held by Sebastian Kotowicz in the big blind. However, we did not witness an unpleasant suckout as the board came Tx 7x 2x 4x Qx.
22:50 Stylianos Koukianakis double up
Kastroit Delija pushed over the line for about 500,000 with Qh Th, and Stylianos from the big blind called with Kh Jh and 390,000. The board showed 3x 8x 7x 9x Kx, granting Stylianos a valuable double up.
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Level 25: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,530,556, ent.: 53/1,653
22:35 Vadym Vs. Alan
On the Ks Qc 8c flop with approximately 250,000 in the pot, Vadym bet 120,000. Alan Lakatoš decided to call, and on the 4h turn, Vadym continued with a 250,000 bet. Alan from the big blind eventually folded his cards.
22:20 Limp-fold
Milan Ružička limped from the cutoff, and Mladen Stojanovic rejambed effectively around 500,000 from the big blind. Milan contemplated for a while but couldn't find the courage to make the call.
Level 24: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,377,500, ent.: 60/1,653
22:00 All in!
From Early Position, Brian Sandberg decided to push about 400,000 over the line. However, no one stood in his way.
21:40 Rejam
Liagkas opened to 110,000, Chen called from the small blind, and Zoltan Kovacs rejambed from the big blind with around 1,400,000. Liagkas contemplated for a long time but eventually folded face up with Jx Jx. Chen did not reveal his cards.
Level 23: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,087,500, ent:: 76/1,653
Break 15 min
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20:40 Andreas Thorvaldsen gives back
Thorvaldsen went all in preflop for 325,000 with fours against nines held by Brian Sandberg. However, on the board Tx 8x 8x Qx 3x, this time Andreas has to surrender more than half of his stack.
Level 22: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 918,333, ent.: 90/1,653
20:15 Jonikas takes the pot
On the 2s 9d 7d 5d turn with approximately 300,000 in the pot, Otescu bet 150,000. Jonikas called, and the 5h river was checked. Jonikas turned aces, and his opponent, with a disappointed expression, mucked his cards.
20:00 3-bet
Lionel De Hondt opened to 55,000 from the button, Liagkas 3-bet to 195,000 from the small blind, and Nihat in the big blind took a long time to think. Eventually, he folded, and Lionel discarded his cards immediately.
101. Hothershoej Dannie Liljedahl - 555€
102. Ninu George - 555€
103. Klindrup Brian - 555€
104. Klein David - 510€
105. Uharcek Marian - 510€
106. Riemer Daniel - 510€
107. Bel Mondo - 510€
108. Bugar Norbert - 510€
109. Merva Darius - 510€
110. Nanos Konstantinos - 510€
111. Shkliar Yaroslav - 510€
112. Cerkaski Pawel Maria - 510€
113. Panich Jaroslaw - 510€
114. Thorberg Charlotte - 510€
115. Mikoczy Frantisek - 510€
116. Olaru Mircea George - 510€
117. Nielsen Jens Christian - 510€
118. Wolf Sascha Josef Mario - 510€
119. Nemeth Milos - 510€
120. Papadopoulos Nikos - 470€
121. Waaben Niels - 470€
122. Nanos Ioannis - 470€
123. Francisty Filip - 470€
124. Trabolt Lars - 470€
125. Roder Andreas - 470€
126. Constantinou Constantinos - 470€
127. Zwierz Krzysztof - 470€
128. Ratusnyak Miklos - 470€
129. Jaernstroem Nico Benjamin - 470€
130. Varonic Donald - 470€
131. Abildskov Gert - 470€
132. Tar Matyas - 470€
133. Zijlstra Stefan - 470€
134. Pavel53 - 470€
135. Nguyen Huu Nghi - 470€
136. Marlovits Erwin - 435€
137. Mejlstrup Keld Brabrand - 435€
138. Kovac Jaroslav - 435€
139. Aisov Yury - 435€
140. Koskiniotis Georgios - 435€
141. Seskevicius Julius - 435€
142. Remenar Igor - 435€
143. Boltenkov Vitalij - 435€
144. Sellei Tamas - 435€
145. Kuremszki Viktor Jozef - 435€
146. Roslan Radoslaw Krzysztof - 435€
147. Aluan Robert Alberto Buur - 435€
148. Hammerl Pascal Fabian - 435€
149. Christensen Allan Niels - 435€
150. Jarmonthavat Nat - 435€
151. Eegholm Thomas Hinze - 435€
152. Bak Jess Hedeman Raabjerg - 435€
153. Chalkiotis Charalampos Emmanouil - 435€
Level 21: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 802,427, ent.: 103/1,653
19:40 Edmondo exits
On the Tc 3c 5h Kh turn with approximately 900,000 in the pot, Edmondo pushed over the line for 430,000. After a long thought, Vegard Dahl made the call, and Edmondo revealed 7h 2h. However, Dahl held Ah 3h, and with the 7c on the river, Edmondo loses everything and has to leave his seat.
19:20 Andreas Thorvaldsen double up
Andreas went all in preflop for his 350,000 with Qd Qc against Kx Kx turned by George Ninu. The board showed 6ss 8d 7d 2d Jd, completing Andreas' flush and securing an unexpected double up.
Level 20: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 683,058, ent:: 121/1,653
Break 30 min
18:40 Panich Vs Sebelédi
Panich opened from Early Position, and Sebelédi called from the big blind. On the 8c 2h 6d flop, both players checked. On the turn Th, Ivan bet 48,000, and Panich called. On the Tc river, Ivo checked, and Panich bet 55,000. Ivan took a moment before folding his cards.
18:20 Andreas Thorvaldsen triumphant
On the Js 5c Jh 9d Ac river with the pot at over 200,000, Andreas bet 130,000. Kastriot contemplated for a while and eventually called. Andreas revealed a full house with 5x 5x and claimed the pot.
Tommorow´s final day will be streamed:
Level 19: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 630,916, ent.: 131/1,653
17:45 Flop bet
On the Kx Qx 4x flop with approximately 70,000 in the pot, one of the Danish players bet 40,000. However, his opponent showed no interest in continuing and folded his cards.
17:30 River push
On the Ax Tx 9x 8x 2x river with around 200,000 in the pot, Lars pushed over the line for a similar amount. His opponent contemplated for several minutes and ultimately folded face up with an Ace.
First batch of bustouts:
154. Gabzdil Matus - 405€
155. Hillinger Christoph - 405€
156. Andersen Mikael - 405€
157. Iversen Jan Erik Larsen - 405€
158. Li Nu - 405€
159. Fally Peter - 405€
160. Nahlik Michal - 405€
161. Shcherba Vitalii - 405€
162. Hansen Lars Evald Samson - 405€
163. Karampina or Karabi Klaounta or Klauda - 405€
164. Stopka Lukas - 405€
165. Schmidt Palle Hein - 405€
166. Minzariu Paul - 405€
167. Spot Ludovit - 405€
168. Kilintaris Dimitrios - 385€
169. Antonsen Morten - 385€
170. Scamardella Rocco - 385€
171. Lauridsen Steen Groendahl - 385€
172. Walker Ian Wydmuch - 385€
173. Matejevic Mihael - 385€
174. Balazs Elisabeth Nordskog - 385€
175. Whys Betting - 385€
176. Stipanovic Hrvoje - 385€
177. Robertsenn Britt - 385€
178. Bailakis Michail - 385€
179. Boigner Lukas - 385€
180. Kirkegaard Ib Nielsen - 385€
181. Buderer Istvan - 385€
182. Malouchos Dionysios - 385€
183. Tseko Christaki - 385€
184. Khostiyan Artur - 370€
185. Storgaard Nikolaj Nyskov - 370€
186. Bach William - 370€
187. Falkenstrom Christopher Stig - 370€
188. Mitrovic Hrvoje - 370€
189. Stevic Zeljko - 370€
190. Falkowski Jaroslaw Kamil - 370€
191. Piorkowski Dawid - 370€
192. Mantsis Ioannis - 370€
193. Brenden Oeystein - 370€
194. Varga Janos - 370€
195. Jesko Peter - 370€
196. Rudolf Cuso - 370€
197. Epstathios Nathanailidis - 370€
198. Kulcsar David - 370€
199. Manfred Walter - 370€
200. Petersen Michel Orstrom - 370€
201. Visvader Jan - 370€
202. Quaade Thomas - 370€
203. Baradziej Adam Sylwester - 370€
204. Kunc Nikola - 370€
205. Savic Miso - 370€
206. Hansen Keld - 370€
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 540,196, ent.: 153/1,653
17:00 Robbie Wilson successful
On the Th 8h 8s flop with approximately 90,000 in the pot, Robbie bet 30,000 from the button. Laszlo Klemens called, and both players checked on the Jh turn. On the river Jh, Wilson bet 80,000. After a moment, Klemens sighed and folded.
1. 40,955€
2. 25,155€
3. 17,605€
4. 13,540€
5. 10,350€
6. 7,590€
7. 5,095€
8. 3,430€
9. 2,610€
10-11. 2,110€
12-13. 1,890€
14-16. 1,700€
17-19. 1,395€
20-23. 1,285€
24-31. 1,185€
32-39. 1,095€
40-47. 1,010€
48-55. 930€
56-63. 855€
64-71. 785€
72-79. 720€
80-87. 660€
88-95. 605€
96-103. 555€
104-119. 510€
120-135. 470€
136-151. 435€
152-167. 405€
168-283. 385€
184-206. 370€
Do turnaja sa celkom zaregistrovalo 1,653 hráčov a prizepool sa tak vyšplhal na 259,930€. Všetci hráči dostali 185€ Buy in back na konci ich flightov. Najlepších 16 hráčov si odnesie 170€ ticket na nadchádzajúci Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD a tieto peniaze už sú vo výplatnej štruktúre započítane.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 428,238, ent.: 193/1,653
16:20 Gabor Kiss kicks off the action
Kiss opens to 25,000 from EP, and Thomas Poulsen calls from the button. On the flop Ks 9c 3h, both players check. The turn 6d prompts a 50,000 bet from Kiss, and Poulsen folds immediately.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 401,214, ent.: 206/1,651
We have 20 minutes left in this level. All subsequent levels will have a duration of 40 minutes. Today, we play until the final 16 players or for 16 more levels.
Day 2 redraw:
SOPC Main Event 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration: 12 levels
12,5% of the field qualify to Day 2
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD will kick off the new year for only 185€!
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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