A total of 202 players entered Flight 1I, and 25 players advanced to tomorrow's Day 2. The chip leader of this flight is Martin Bartoš, who bagged an impressive 904,000 in chips. Flight 1J produced a total of 219 entries, resulting in 27 qualifiers. Flight 1K Turbo will send two players through, and 19 players registered for this flight. The overlay still offers more than 75,000€ in additional value. Your last chance to qualify for Day 2 is the morning Flight 1L - Hyperturbo, which starts at 10:00. Day 2 kicks off at 16:00, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Chipcounts 1I:
1:20 Bubble boy becomes Mohammed Kashi
Mohammad shoved with around 150,000 with Ax Tx, and his opponent had Ax Kx. After the board showed 5x 4x 7x 7x Jx, Mohammad is eliminated, and players are bagging their chips.
01:00 Not yet...
Pagonakis went all in for 100,000 with Ax Qx against Hoffman's Ax Jx. However, the board showing Kx 2x 5x Kx 3x brought a double up for the smaller stack.
00:45 Sorin Tirc was eliminated from the tournament just before the break.
26 players remain, with 25 advancing. We are now playing hand for hand!
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 310,769, ent.: 26/202
Break 15 min
00:25 Evgenyia ends
On the turn with 4h 8d 2d Ad, the pot was approximately 80,000, and Evgenyia bet 50,000. Martin Bartoš behind her contemplated and called. On the river with 8c, Evgenyia went all in for 157,000, and Bartoš quickly called with his 9d 7d. Evgenyia held only Kd 9x and is out of the tournament.
00:00 Evgeniya Zyuba double up
I'm not sure how it happened, but Evgeniya doubled up her 96,000 with 7x 8x against Desset's sixes after the river showed 8x 2x 4x 2x Kx. Andrej didn't seem too thrilled.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 260,645, ent.: 31/202, 1J ent.: 79/214, 1K ent.: 11/17
23:40 Ion Dragu emerges victorious
On the flop with Td 2d Ac, the pot reached around 25,000, and Dragu bet 13,000. Rojc and Mohammad folded. On the turn with Kd, Dragu bet 37,000, and both opponents discarded their cards.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 252,500, ent.: 32/202
23:10 Alen Rojc takes a multiway pot
Julian Herold opened for 11,000, and three opponents called. On the flop with Ah 8h 6h, Julian bet 18,000, and Mohammad and Dragu folded, but Rojc called. On the turn with Jh, Rojc bet 30,000, and Julian folded.
23:00 Thomas Kuess with aces
On the river with Jx Jx 6x 6x 2x, the pot was about 40,000, and Kuess bet 15,000. Mielnik called, and Vadym folded. Kuess revealed aces, and his opponent quickly mucked his cards.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 224,444, ent.: 36/202, 1J etn: :100/194, 1K ent.: 8/8
Break 15 min
22:00 4-bet push
Julian Herold opened from EP for 8,500, Desset 3-bet to 20,500, and Mohammad Kashiarian pushed in for around 125,000. Herold folded immediately, Andrej had his opponent's stack counted and needed a moment to think. In the end, he also folded his cards.
21:40 David Křístek ends
Adam Baradziej shoved all in from the small blind, and David called with Ks Ts, putting his 37,000 at risk. Adam showed Ac 3c, but after the board revealed Kx 4s 8c 5s Ax, David was eliminated from Flight 1I.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 197,073, ent.: 41/202
21:20 Benas Kuzmickas with two barrels
On the flop with 5h 3h 7d, Benas bet 12,000, and Imal Amiri called. On the turn with Qh, Benas continued for 26,500, and Amiri promptly folded.
21:00 Alex Kuniszyk with three barrels
On the flop with Th 6c 7c, the pot was 16,500, and Alex bet 7,500. Norbert Kovacs immediately called. On the turn with 9d, Alex bet 9,500, and once again, he received an immediate call. On the river with 6x, Alex hesitated for a moment but then bet 21,500. Kovacs snap-called, and Alex revealed Tx 8x. Kovacs disappointingly mucked his cards.
The winner of the Highroller Event is Marcin Puczylowski, who took home 9,500€ without a deal!
HR results:
1. Puczylowski Marcin Igor - 9,500€
2. Krajan Jozef - 6,000€
3. Kosa Rudolf Adolf - 3,750€
4. Ostrowski Dominik - 2,500€
5. Lelek Miroslav - 2,000€
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 175,652, ent.: 46/202, 1J ent.: 110/164
20:30 Alexandre Turc in the tank
On the turn with Kc 4c 3h 8h, the pot was around 40,000, and Vitalii bet 17,500 from his position. Turc thought for a very long time and eventually decided to fold.
20:10 Pirník shoves
On the river with Tc 3d 6h 8h 9d, the pot reached about 120,000, and Pirník went all-in, effectively around 50,000. Rusu contemplated for a long time, and a time was called, but about halfway through the countdown, Marius folded his cards. Pirník thus claims a decent pot without a showdown.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 130,323, ent.: 62/202, 1J ent.: 101/128
Break 15 min
19:30 Just a while ago, the Progressive KO side event also kicked off.
The buy-in is set at 115€, and the guaranteed prize pool is 20,000€!
19:20 Sufficient C-bet
On the flop with Kx Kx 6x, the pot was approximately 15,000, and Peter bet 8,000. Both of his opponents folded without any issues.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 116,471, ent.: 68/198, 1J ent.: 96/115
19:00 Flešár takes a 3-bet pot
Nandor Blasko opened for 3,500, and Marián 3-bet to 10,500. The others folded, and Nandor called. On the flop with Qh 3h Ks, Flešár c-bet 14,000. Blasko promptly folded.
18:40 Vitalii Shcherba has to give up something
On the flop with 9h 6h Ts, the pot was about 8,000, and Vitalii bet 3,500 from his position. Martin Gregor called, and both checked the turn 2s and the river 9s. Gregor revealed 6x 8x, and Vitalii mucked his cards.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 91,707, ent.: 82/188, 1J ent.: 72/79
17:55 Andrej Desset triple up
Andrej went all-in preflop for 40,000 with Ah Th against Jaskulski's Kx Qx, while Marius Rusu held fours. With the board showing 3x 8x 2x Tx 7x, Andrej secures a triple up, and Jaskulski is eliminated.
17:45 Norbert Kovacs takes a multiway pot
Kovacs limped from EP, Fotios raised to 3,400, and Lunga 3-bet to 11,000. Both opponents called, and on the flop with 8s 5s Kd, Kovacs bet 10,000, leading to both opponents folding their cards.
HR Livestream is already running!
1. 9,500€
2. 6,000€
3. 3,750€
4. 2,500€
5. 2,000€
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 76,211, ent.: 95/181, 1J ent.: 56/56
Break 30 min
16:10 Peter Apostol secures a smaller pot
On the flop with 5d 3d Ac, the pot was at 9,000, and both Seremet and Apostol checked. On the turn with 9d, Apostol bet 6,000, and Seremet called. On the river with 7c, both checked again, and Seremet revealed Kc Qd. Apostol had Ts 9s and claimed the pot.
15:45 Norbert Kovacs receives a gift
On the river with 8h 4c 6c Kc 7h, the pot amounted to around 25,000, and Dainius effectively pushed in 58,900. Kovacs snap-called, and Dainius turned over Ax 9x. Kovacs held Ac 5c and secured a substantial double up.
Level 6: 500- 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 68,696, ent.: 93/159
16:10 Peter Apostol secures a smaller pot
On the flop with 5d 3d Ac, the pot was at 9,000, and both Seremet and Apostol checked. On the turn with 9d, Apostol bet 6,000, and Seremet called. On the river with 7c, both checked again, and Seremet revealed Kc Qd. Apostol had Ts 9s and claimed the pot.
15:45 Norbert Kovacs receives a gift
On the river with 8h 4c 6c Kc 7h, the pot amounted to around 25,000, and Dainius effectively pushed in 58,900. Kovacs snap-called, and Dainius turned over Ax 9x. Kovacs held Ac 5c and secured a substantial double up.
15:30 Massive overlay of nearly 155,000€ !
The Main Event SSOP with a guaranteed prize pool of 300,000€ is experiencing a massive overlay. This means you can seize the opportunity to compete for a substantial amount of money from the casino for free. You can join Flight 1I until 19:45, Flight 1J starts at 17:00, and Flight 1K – Turbo at 22:00!
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 55,579, ent.: 95/132
15:15 Marián Flešár also adds to his stack
On the turn with Jc 8c 4d 7s on the board, the pot was at 15,500, and Marián bet 11,000. Alen Rojc took his time and eventually folded. Kastriot Delija folded immediately.
14:50 Evgeniya Zyuba emerges victorious
On the turn with Ah Td 6s Qs on the board, the pot reached 18,000, and Evgeniya bet 5,000. Two opponents folded, but Štvrtecký decided to call. The turn, 5c, was checked by both players. Zyuba revealed Kx Qx, and Štvrtecký returned his cards to the dealer.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 50,110, ent.: 91/114
Break 15 min
14:15 Paval Vs. Gritsch
On the river with 4 Ac Js Jc 2h on the board, the pot stood at 12,500, and Paval bet 10,500. Gritsch thought for quite some time and eventually decided to call. Paval showed Kx Jx, and Gritsch mucked his cards without a word.
14:00 Giederius Pakalniskis wins a multiway pot
On the flop with As 9c 6c, the pot was at 6,700, and Giederius bet 5,000. Jirout and Malinowska immediately folded.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 47,500, ent.: 80/95
13:40 Balogh Vs. Spielmann
On the turn with 5d As 2c 7h on the board, Balogh bet 2,200 into a pot of around 4,000, and Spielmann called. On the river with 9d, Balogh bet 6,100, which also gets called. Balogh reveals a set of deuces, and Spielmann immediately mucks his cards.
13:15 Štefan Bielich triple up
Gerald opened, Dujmovic called, and Bielich pushed in 13,700. Both Gerald and Dujmovic called, and on the flop Td 6c 7s, Gerald goes all-in. Dujmovic quickly folds, and Gerald has a set of sixes, while Bielich turns over threes. However, after the turn 4x and the river 5x, Štefan completes a straight, scoring a triple up.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 41,194, ent.: 67/69
Highroller FT stream:
12:40 Fabian Gritsch loses at the start
On the turn, with Tc 4c 4h 8s on the board and a pot of 4,500, Gritsch bet 2,800, and Paul Turek folded, while Štefan Fabián called. On the river, with 6d, the action repeated with a bet of 4,000, and Gritsch revealed Qx Jx. Štefan takes down the pot with Qx Qx.
12:15 In Flight 1I, the following players are already seated:
Kuník, Gregor, Antala, Demon, Kuess, Grabics, Halo, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent: 41/41
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD
Start: 18:00
Buy-in: 250€
Starting Stack: 40.000 chips
Late Reg: 9 lvls
Day 1 will be down to ITM = 12,5%
10% Fee + 5% Staff deduction
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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