SOPC Main Event 250,000€ GTD attracted in total 1,113 entries and champion is Tina Christensen. Tina won the tournament without any deal for full 40,965€. While one adventure is over, another one starts ! Banco Casino Summer Cup 100,000€ GTD will start today with flight 1A and buy in is set to very friendly 100€. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day payout:
1.Christensen Tina 40 965 €
2.Kovacs Dominik 24 840 €
3.Kusiewicz Filip 16 315 €
4.Christensen Marcus 12 040 €
5.Christiansen Anders 9 190 €
6.Mohammad Kashi 6 815 €
7.Aradinovic Safet 4 940 €
8.Kunc Nikola 3 515 €
9.Bereyne Syilvia 2 765 €
10.Mezriczki Ferenc 2 340 €
11.Rapo Dušan 2 340 €
12.Rasmussen Karsten 2 340 €
13.Tsouloftas Georgios 2 040 €
14.Soerensen Jacob 2 040 €
15.Bumba Peter 2 040 €
16.Paleta Rastislav 1 740 €
1:15 Dominik Kovacs finishes in second place for 24,840€
Dominik shoves last 7bb with Kx Jx. Tina made the call with Kx 7x from bb and board 7x 7x 4x 8x Jx was last board of SOPC Main Event !
1:00 Headsup Christensen Vs Kovacs
Kovacs have behind only 7bb, Tina is holding rest, this might be really quick !
00:45 Tina eliminated Kusiewicz in third place for 16,315€
Kusiewicz at first doubled up with pocket queens against Ax 7x held by Kovacs. Few hands later Tina opens to 2,300,000, Kovacs calls and Kusiewicz jams for 5,300,000. Both Tina and Dominik made the call and on the flop Ad 9d 8h active player checks. On the turn Td Tina bets 3,000,000 and Dominik calls. On the river 5h Tina puts Dominik all in and he snapfolded. Tina tabled Kd 5d and Kusiewicz held only Jh 9h.
00:30 Marcus Christensen eliminated in 4th place for 12,040€
On the flop 2s 7s Js pot was 4,400,000 and Marcus leads out for 1,300,000 out of bb. Dominik Kovacs made the call and on the turn 6c Marcus continues for 1,500,000 and Dominik calmly calls again. On the river 9d Christensen checks and Kovacs shoves for 6,200,000. Marcus took his time and made the call with Jd 5d. Kovacs held As 6s for flopped nuts flush and Marcus is another eliminated player.
Level 35: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800, avg. 13,912,500, ent.: 4/1,113
Break 15 min
23:55 Anders Christiansen busto in 5th place for 9,190€
Marcus limps Co, Anders completes his sb and Kusiewicz checks. On the flop Ks 4s 3c all three players checks. On the turn 2s Anders bet 1,100,000 and Marcus responds witha a raise to 2,200,000. Anders puts his 3,000,000 behind the line and Marcus snapcalls wit 2d 2c. Anders shows Kc Td and after river 8d is Anders eliminated in fifth place for 9,190€.
23:40 Filip Kusiewicz to ultrashort
Kusiewicz got his 7,600,000 in with Kx Qx against Dominik Kovacs that held about two millions less. Kovacs tabled pocket aces and after board 3x Ax 6x 5x 9x Filip is left with around 3bb.
This summer at Banco Casino Bratislava is going to be insanely hot !
Level 34: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 11,130,000, ent.: 5/1,113
23:20 Filip Kusiewicz double up
Tina opens to 1,500,000 from Ep and Kusiewicz shoves for remaining 3,000,000 from bb. Tina calls with Ac 9d and Filip tabled 8d 8c. Board 7x 6x Tx Qx 6x held for paired combination.
23:10 Pot for Tina
Tina completes her sb and Marcus checks from bb. On the flop 7s 3s 4d Tina bets for 1,000,000 and Marcus raises to 2,000,000 and Tina calls. On the turn 9h Tina fires for two million , Marcus calls and on the river Ks Tina bets for two millions again, Marcus makes the call with 7x 6x, but Tina tabled Jx 7x and took this pot down.
Level 33: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 11,130,000, ent.: 5/1,113
22:45 During the technical difficulties Aradinovic and Mohammad were eliminated
Unfortunately we have no hands. Safet Aradinovic left tournament in 7th place for 4,940€, Kashi Mohammad was eliminated in 6th place for 6,815€. We apologize !
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 11,130,000, ent.: 5/1,113
Break 20 min
21:25 Nikola Kunc eliminated in 8th place for 3,515€
Kunc shoves his 3,200,000 from Ep with Ks Td and Marcus Christensen calls few seats later with As Kc. Board Ax Jx 2x 2x 5x was last for Kunc.
21:10 Dominik Kovacs another double up
Dominik opens to 2,000,000, Nikola Kunc reshoves his 4,800,000 and Dominik calls remaining 1,400,000 with Ad Qd. Nikola tabled As Kd and after runout Jd 6d Kh 3s 7d crashes to shortstack.
Level 31: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 6,956,000, ent.: 8/1,113
20:45 Pot for Mohammad
Mohammad opens to 450,000 and only Tina calls from bb. On the flop Jh 7h Tc both players checks. On the turn As Tina bets 550,000 and Mohammad calls. On the river 2d Tina bets 1,100,000 and after short while Mohammad raises to 4,000,000. Tina folded quickly.
20:30 Dominik Kovacs double up
Kunc opens to 450,000 from Ep, Kovacs reshoves his 2,700,000 from sb and Christiansen rejams bb. Kunc folded, Kovacs shows As Jh, Christiansen tabled Qs Qc. After the board Jc Jd 5s 7s 8d Kovacs double up.
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,956,000, ent.: 8/1,113
Official Final Table chipcounts:
Livestream link:
Short break
19:15 Syilvia Bereyne eliminated in 9th place for 2,765€
Syilvia got her last 575,000 in with Ah Kd against Marcus with Jd Td. Board 8x 7x Qx 7x Tx was last one for Bereyne and we are going to official final table !
Krátky break
19:00 Dušan Rapo končí na jedenástom mieste, Mezriczki na desiatom, obaja za 2,340€
Dušan poslal zostávajúcich 600,000 s Kd Td a Tina dorovnávala s Ax 3x. Blank board Dušana vyradil. Na vedľajšom stole Mezriczki dostal svoje štyri milióny dnu s esami a Kunc sa do hry pridal s Qx Qx. BOard Qx 5x 6x 5x 7x však Ferenca nespravodlivo vyradil. Spájame sa na neoficiálny finálový stôl.
18:45 Ferenc Mezriczki double up
Ferenc got his 1,925,000 behind the line with Ad 5d and Bereyne found pocket tens. Board Ax Kx 9x 9x 9x doubled up Ferenc and Bereyne fell to the shortstack. Other than that, game is unusualy slow for this stage.
This summer at Banco Casino Bratislava is going to be insanely hot !
Level 29: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 5,059,000, ent.: 11/1,113
18:20 Karsten Rasmussen eliminated in 12th place for 2,340€
On the flop 3x 2x 5x Rasmussen got his 2,800,000 in with pocket sevens and Tina Christensen called off with pocket nines. Turn Kx and river Qx decided these were last cards for Karsten.
18:10 Georgios Tsouloftas eliminated in 13th place for 2,340€
On the river 8h 3h Kd 8c Td pot was around 2,000,000 and Georgios bets 1,200,000. Marcus Christensen shoves for about 3,000,000 Georgios had behind in total and after short while Georgios made the call with 6x 8x. Marcus tabled Tx 8x and eliminated his opponent.
17:55 Anders Christiansen double up
I dont know how this exactly happend but on the flop Kx Jx 8x Safet got his stack in with 8x 7x, while there was around 2,500,000 in the minddle against Anders with Kx Jx. Turn Tx and river 3x couldn´t change anything and Safet had to give up on additional 3,725,000.
Level 28: 75,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 4,280,769, ent.: 13/1,113
Break 15 min
17:25 15th place and 2,040€ belongs to Peter Bumba, 14th place for Soerensen
Bumba got his short in with pocket sixes against pocket tens held by Tina Christensen. After blank board was Bumba eliminated. On next table on the flop Kx 9x 4x stacks went in and Soerensen held Ax Qx. His opponent shows pocket queens and after turn Tx and river 7x is Soerensen also eliminated.
17:11 First eliminated in final day is Rasťo Paleta
Rasťo got his around 400,000 in with Jx 9x against Ax 5x held by Dominik Kovacs. Board 4x 6x 6x Kx Qx didn´t brought any help to Paleta and he will take 1,740€.
16:55 Jacob Soerensen double up
Jacob got his 490,000 in with pocket nines and Kunc found Ax Qx. After board Jx 9x 7x 7x 2x Jacob survived.
Level 27: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,478,125, ent.: 16/1,113
16:40 Mohammad Kashi double up
On the turn 4h 4s 3s 2s Mohammad jammed his 625,000 and Soerensen made the call with pair of fives. Mohammad tabled Qs Ts and river Qh confrimed double up for him.
16:20 Slower start
On the flop Td 8d 9h Kusiewicz, Georgios and Mezriczki checks. On the turn Kusiewicz bets 275,000 with about 600,000 inside, Georgios calls and Mezriczki folded. River 4d was checked rather quickly by both players and Filip tabled Jd 2c, which was enough in this case.
Final day prizes:
1. 40 965 €
2. 24 840 €
3. 16 315 €
4. 12 040 €
5. 9 190 €
6. 6 815 €
7. 4 940 €
8. 3 515 €
9. 2 765 €
10-13. 2 340 €
13-15. 2 040 €
16. 1 740 €
Players received 185€ buy in back at the end of their flights. 16 players will receive 130€ ticket to upcoming Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD and these money are accounted for in these payouts.
Level 26: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,478,125, ent.: 16/1,113
From this level there is 31 minutes left to play. All other levels will take 45 minutes
Final Day chipcounts:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 185€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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