Polish Poker Days Warm Up 50,000€ GTD ended in 5-way deal and winner is Maté Sándor for 6,444€. Tournament had 418 entries and Banco Casino Bratislava had to donate a bit to the guarantee. Since Monday Polish Poker Days Main Event 200,000€ GTD starts and you can find full schedule below. For more informations check our website and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
PPC Warm Up Payout:
1.Maté Sándor - 6,444€
2.Aziz Maged - 4,944€
3.Geiger Tamas - 4,444€
4.Mitrovski Marjan - 4,444€
5.Mikkelsen TOrben - 4,444€
6.Kralovič Martin - 2,150€
7.Zimáni Michal - 1,490€
8.Sonsbeek Petr - 1,220€
9. Mekinulow Benjamin - 950€
10.RAPO DUSAN - 750€
11.Nguyen Manh Tu - 750€
12.Mika Oskar Wiktor - 750€
14.Smuczer Csaba - 580€
15.De Groot Luuk - 580€
16.Schneider Joachim - 460€
17.TAKACS GEJZA - 460€
19.Dobos Jozsef - 380€
20.Kaing Ty - 380€
21.Zuberovski Aleksandar - 380€
22.Dieber Patrik Heinrich - 340€
23.Peimli Istvan - 340€
25.Frommel Christian - 300€
26.Moades Oren - 300€
27.Khursin Ihar - 300€
28.Vettas Christos - 260€
29.Berghold Julian - 260€
30.Li Nu - 260€
31.Jaskulski Dominik Szczepan - 260€
33.Dudas Janos - 260€
35.Levy Yoav - 220€
36.LAKATOS ALAN - 220€
37.Nagy Gabor - 220€
39.Kanjuh Nemanja - 220€
40.Sodoma Jan - 220€
41.Hallo Donald - 220€
42.MS - 220€
Deal dicussion !
6:50 Sixth place belongs to Martin Kralovič for 2,150€
At first Kralovič clashes with Kx Jx against Maté Sándor with pocket queens. Runout Jx 3x 9x 8x 2x left Martin with last 15,000 that he lost with Kx 9x against pocket aces held by Mitrovic after runout Ax 3x 3x 5x Ax.
6:35 Zimáni done in 7th place for 1,490€
Zimáni jammed his 1,210,000 from Co and Mitrovski in bb called with Ax 6x. Zimáni tabled Qx Jx and after board 4x 3x 9x Ax 5x was eliminated.
Level 25: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,535,714, ent.: 7/418
6:15 Aziz double up
Petr Sonsbeek opens and Aziz rejams with Kx Jx. Sonsbeek calls with Ah 5h for 1,420,000 and runout 7x 5x 9x Kx Tx doubled up Aziz.After this hand Petr was left with less than ante and busted out very next hand for 1,220€.
Level 24: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg.3,093,750, ent.: 8/418
6:05 Benjamin Mekinulow finished in 9th place for 950€
Ben jammed last 195,000 with Td 9d and Kralovič in sb with Mitrovski in bb called. Board Jd 8d 2s As Jc was checked down by active players and Kralovič tabled Kx 2x, Mitrovic took pot down with Ax 2x.
Final Table chipcounts:
Final Table payouts:
1. 8,950€
2. 5,840€
3. 4,200€
4. 3,170€
5. 2,560€
6. 2,150€
7. 1,490€
8. 1,220€
9. 950€
Best six players will take ticket to Cyprus Series of Poker Main Event 250,000€ GTD with value of 250€ and these money are already accounted in payouts.
These players didn´t make it to the final table today:
10.RAPO DUSAN - 750€
11.Nguyen Manh Tu - 750€
12.Mika Oskar Wiktor - 750€
14.Smuczer Csaba - 580€
15.De Groot Luuk - 580€
16.Schneider Joachim - 460€
17.TAKACS GEJZA - 460€
19.Dobos Jozsef - 380€
20.Kaing Ty - 380€
21.Zuberovski Aleksandar - 380€
22.Dieber Patrik Heinrich - 340€
23.Peimli Istvan - 340€
25.Frommel Christian - 300€
26.Moades Oren - 300€
27.Khursin Ihar - 300€
28.Vettas Christos - 260€
29.Berghold Julian - 260€
30.Li Nu - 260€
31.Jaskulski Dominik Szczepan - 260€
33.Dudas Janos - 260€
35.Levy Yoav - 220€
36.LAKATOS ALAN - 220€
37.Nagy Gabor - 220€
39.Kanjuh Nemanja - 220€
40.Sodoma Jan - 220€
41.Hallo Donald - 220€
42.MS - 220€
5:45 Two quick hands and we are going to final table
Nguyen somehow fell to the shortstack and jammed last few bigblinds with Ax Tx. Mitrovic found pocket threes and called from bb. Blank board held for pair combination and on next table Zimáni got his short in with Ax 8x, Rapo held pocket queens and third player in hand as covering stack found pocket kings. Board Ax 4x 2x 5x 6x brought triple up for Zimáni and Rapo was last one to leave tournament before the final table.
5:20 How sad...
Kralovič got his stack in with pocket nines against Aziz with aces. Board 9x Kx 8x 8x 8x completed higher fullhouse for Martin and Aziz with very loud expressions is loosing this hand.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,903,846, ent.: 13/418
Break 15 min
5:00 C-bet good enough
Geiger opens to 160,000 and Mika calls from bb. On the flop 4h 2h 7d Geiger bets 210,000 and Mika instantly folds.
4:45 Dušan Rapo double up
Rapo got his 370,000 behind the line with Kx Qx against Zimáni with Ax 9x. Board 4x 2x Kx Jx Tx doubled up Dušan. In following minutes we quickly lost Vavrinec, Takacs, Schneider and De Groot.
Level 22: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,375,000, ent.: 18/418
4:35 Nguyen Vs Smuczer
Nguyen opens ot 120,000 and Smuczer 3-bets to 240,000. Nobody else joined and Nguyen decided to call. On the flop Ah 8s 8c both checked. On the turn 6s Smuczer bets 250,000 and Nguyen calls. River 7h is checked again and Nguyen tables Ax Kx. Smuczer mucks his hand.
4:20 Zimáni eliminating Janos Dudas
Janos jammed 440,000 with Ax 9x from the button, Zimáni reshoves from sb with Ax 4x and Benjamin in bb folded. Board 7x 7x 4x Xx Xx moved us to last two tables !
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Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,302,632, ent.: 19/418
Next batch of eliminations:
20.Kaing Ty - 380€
21.Zuberovski Aleksandar - 380€
22.Dieber Patrik Heinrich - 340€
23.Peimli Istvan - 340€
25.Frommel Christian - 300€
26.Moades Oren - 300€
27.Khursin Ihar - 300€
28.Vettas Christos - 260€
3:55 Gejza eliminates Oren Moades
Oren jammed last around 300,000 with pocket deuces and Gejza reshoved around 500,000 with pocket eights. Board 8x 8x Jx Ax Kx brought quads to Gejza and Oren is eliminated in style.
Level 22: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 916,667, ent.: 27/418
29.Berghold Julian - 260€
30.Li Nu - 260€
31.Jaskulski Dominik Szczepan - 260€
33.Dudas Janos - 260€
35.Levy Yoav - 220€
36.LAKATOS ALAN - 220€
37.Nagy Gabor - 220€
39.Kanjuh Nemanja - 220€
40.Sodoma Jan - 220€
41.Hallo Donald - 220€
42.MS - 220€
Banco Casino Masters comming back in April !
3:25 3-bet
Torben Mikkelsen opens to 70,000 and Jozsef Dobos raises to 265,000 out of bigblind. Torben folded after short while.
3:15 Vettas shoves
Everyone folded to Christos in Lp and he sent his shortstack in. Both blinds folded smoothly and Christos took blinds and ante.
Level 19: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 687,500, ent.: 36/418
Break 15 min
2:40 Sonsbeek jams the river
On the river 2c 4c Ad 7d 2s pot was around 500,000 and Petr Sonsbeek jams for remaining 400,000. Martin Kralovič thought about it for a minute and in the end folded his hand.
2:25 We are skipping hand for hand
Matteo Tedeschi busted on table 14 and before hand for hand play was announced, Viktoria Dormann has followed, which means we are in the money without need to play hand for hand.
Level 18: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 538,043, ent.: 46/418
2:15 MobVs. Vavrinec
Vavrinec opens to 35,000, Gejza and Mo called. On the flop 8d 3d Jh Moc-bets 60,000 from position, Vavrinec calls and Gejza folds. On the turn Qd Vavrinec leads out for 100,000 and Mo folds face up Ks Js.
2:00 Dušan Rapo double up
Rapo got his 162,000 in with Ax Kx against Dominik Jaskulski with Ax Jx. Runout Ax Qx 5xx 4x Kx brought nice double up for Dušan.
Level 17: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 485,294, ent.: 51/418
1:40 Pot for Van Straten
On the river Kd 4d 3h 4h Qd Van Straten bets 55,000 into a pot of 170,000 from bb. Roland Lakatoš calls but can´t beat 9d 2d held by Van Straten.
1:20 Pavel Heger out
Pavel got around 20 bb in with Ax 3x against Tamas Geiger with pocket jacks. Board 2x 9x Qx 9x 4x held for better combination and Heger is finished.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 405,738, ent.: 61/418
Break 15 min
00:30 Tabriz Sarayedarzadek busto in crazy setup
Tabriz held Ax Kx and around 320,000, Mario Lenhart held Kx 5x and around 600,000. Torben Mikkelsen had 520,000 and pocket sevens. Stacks flew behind the line on the flop Kx Kx 7x and after blank turn or river nobody improved his hand. Tabriz is eliminated, Mario is left with a short and Torben is most likely new chipleader.
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 353,571, ent.: 70/418
Short break
1. 8,950€
2. 5,840€
3. 4,200€
4. 3,170€
5. 2,560€
6. 2,150€
7. 1,490€
8. 1,220€
9. 950€
10-12. 750€
13-15. 580€
16-18. 460€
19-21. 380€
22-24. 340€
25-27. 300€
28-33. 260€
34-42. 220€
There was 418 registration to tournament and addon was used 385 times. That means Banco Casino Bratislava had to add more than 4,000€ into a prizepool. Best six players will take ticket to Cyprus Series of Poker Main Event 250,000€ GTD with value of 250€ and these money are already accounted in payouts.
Level 14: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 257,813, ent.: 96/418
23:50 Vettas Vs Heger
On the flop Ks Js 9c Vettas c-bets 16,000 from Ep and Heger raises to 75,000. After short while Christos folded his hand.
23:30 Markus Werner eliminated
Markus got his around 50,000 in with Kx Tx against Ax Tx held by Jakub Matusiak. Runout 2x Ax 6d 4x 3x held well for polish player and Markus has to leave.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 206,250, ent.: 120/418
Break 20 min
22:55 Kizzik out
Vavrinec opens to 11,000, Mitrovski 3-bets and Kizzik jams his 60,000. Vavrinec folded quickly and Mitrovski calls with pocket queens. Kizzik held Ad 2d and after runout 2x 9x 6x 9x Jx Kizzik has to leave his seat.
22:45 Olešovský busto
I just know that Olešovský lost with his Ax Jx against Ax 4x held by his opponent. River was a deadly four.
Level 12. 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 189,594, ent.: 127/408
Last level for registration and reentry.
22:25 Pot for Oren Moades
On the river Jx Jx 5x 6x 2x pot was around 70,000 and Oren bets 25,000. Petr calls and Oren tabled Jx 2x. Petr angrily shows Ax Jx and mucks his hand.
22:10 Big bet
On the flop Td 2d 9c pot is over 50,000 and Roland Lakatoš bets 42,000. Ihar Khursin tanked for maybe a minute and made the fold.
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 149,324, ent.: 148/374
21:45 Kizzik Vs. Dieber
On the flop Ax 8x 6x pot was around 50,000 and Kizzik bets 55,000 from position. Hysen Topi folded and Dieber after short tanking called. On the turn 3h both players checks and on the river 7s Patrik Dieber bets 50,000. Kizzik stalled a bit and decided to fold.
Banco Casino Masters comming back in April !
Level 10: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 120,783, ent.: 166/339
21:30 Nice flop
On the flop Kx Jx Tx Tibor decided to bet around 20,000 into a pot of 35,000. His opponent slowly folded and Tibor tabled Ax Qx.
21:15 C-bet was more than enough
On the flop Kx 4x 9x there was around 20,000 inside and Daniel c-bets for 11,000. Both opponents folded quickly.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,912, ent.: 183/320
Break 20 min
20:20 Guenter Hermanky double up
On the flop 7c 8c 9d Luboš bets 6,300 into a pot of 12,000, Laszlo Blazsej folds and Hermanky calls. On the turn Jc Luboš checks and Hermanky jams for remaining 25,300. Luboš calls with Kd Jd, but Guenter tabled Th 7h for straight. River 7d didn´t change anything and Hermanky took double up.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 90,108, ent.: 186/284
20:00 Martina Svobodová double up
Martina got her stack of 25,900 in with Ax Tx and her opponent called off with pocket nines. Board Ax 7x 3x Jx 5x decided to double up Martina.
19:40 Oren Maodes victorious
On the turn 6s Kd Jd 6d Oren bets 13,000, Bela Miko folded and VIktoria Dormann decided to call. On the river 4s both checked and Viktoria tabled Qx 9x, which wasn´t enough against Kx Qx.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 89,783, ent.: 184/280
19:20 River check raise
On the river Kx Jx Jx 3x 2x Maciej checks and his opponent bets 15,000 into a pot of around 40,000. Maciej announces raise to 55,000. After several minutes his opponent folded and Maciej shows pocket fours.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 77,630, ent.: 173/228
19:00 Yury Aisov took one preflop
Akos Poor opens to 2,600, Frommel calls and Aisov raises to 9,300. Both opponent lost interest in this game.
18:45 Patrik Dieber took another pot
Schragen limps, Dorel calls, Dieber in position raises to 4,500 and both opponents called. On the flop Kd Js 6c Dieber bets 5,700 and both opponents folded quickly and Patrik tabled pocket jacks.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 72,202, ent.: 168/206
Break 30 min
18:00 Martina Svobodová took the pot
N the flop Qd 6h Tc pot was bit above 12,000 and Martina bets 4,000. Oskar Mika folded after short while.
17:40 Pot for Alfred Muller
On the flop Tx 8x Qx Julian Berghold bets 3,600 into a pot of around 10,000 and Muller raises to 15,000. Markus Ganglbauer folded quickly, Berghold needed some time but he gave up on his card.
Level 3: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 67,214, ent.: 140/160
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD schedule:
17:20 Marko Grudič busto
On the flop Js 7s 8d Patrik Dieber bets 5,000, Marko jams for 11,900 and Wolfgang Schragen rejams around 20,000. Dieber folded and Marko tabled Jx 5x. Wolfgang held set of eights and after turn 9x and river 9x Marko has to leave his seat.
Level 3: 200 -500 / 500, avg. 63,500, ent.: 120/129
17:00 Hanzel took a pot with raise on the flop
Schiel opens to 800, Joergensen calls and Hanzel defends his bb. On the flop Ks Kd Jc Schiel bets 1,100, Joergensen folds and Hanzel raises to 3,300. Erich folded quickly.
16:45 A herocall
On the turn 8x 8x 6x 7x Marjan bets 7,000 into a pot of around 10,000, Daniel Hohr made the quick call. On the river 7c Marjan jams for bit more than 20,000 and Hohr tanked for couple of minutes before he made the call. Marjan tabled As 9s and Hohr with Ax 6x took the risk to split the pot.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 61,443, ent.: 97/101
16:30 Just a straight flush
On the turn 3d Jc Tc Kc there was around 4,000 in the pot and Adam Polom bets 1,300. Kizzik paid and on the river 9d Adam continues for 3,500. Kizzik quickly folds and Adam shows Qc 9c.
16:15 Early registrations
I can already see Šedivý, Polom, Antalík, Kizzik, Selčan, Heizer, Schiel, Milaberský, Rusu and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 59,589, ent.: 73/73
PPD Warm-up Fifty Grand 50.000€ GTD
Start: 16:00
Buy-in: 100€
Late Reg: 12 lvls
Starting stack : 50.000 chips
Special Add-on : 10€ / 10.000 chips
Special Add-on included in the prize pool
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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