547 entries joined Flight 1E, making it a massive turnout. After a demanding day, a total of 55 players advanced to Day 2, and today´s chipleader is Michael Prichystal with a stack of 1,312,000. Flight 1F - Turbo attracted 154 players, and 15 of them secured their spot in Day 2. Today, Flight 1G awaits you, starting at 12:00. Flight 1H kicks off at 17:00, followed by Flight 1I - Turbo at 23:00. We look forward to seeing you!
4:40 Bubbleboyom flightu 1E sa stáva Slawomir Salek
Slawomir sa dostal za jeho 148,000 s Ax Jx proti šestkám súpera. Príliš zaujímavo to nevyzeralo, keď sa Jx objavil v okne ale ďalšia šestka túto hru viac menej vybavila. Po blank turne a rivri Slawomir odovzdal svoj stack a 55 postupujúcich sa teší do nedeľného day 2.
4:40 Slawomir Salek becomes the bubble boy of flight 1E
Slawomir shoved his 148,000 stack with Ax Jx against his opponent's sixes. It didn't look too promising when the Jx appeared in the window, but another six sealed the deal for his opponent. After a blank turn and river, Slawomir relinquished his stack, and 55 players are advancing to Sunday's Day 2.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 16,000, avg. 390,714, ent.: 56/547
4:20 Pavel loses
Na flope Jh 5s 7c s približne 100,000 v pote, Pavel z prvej pozície posunul 172,000. Kasjusz dorovnal a tretí hráč v hre zahodil. Pavel ukázal Ax Jx a Kasjusz predviedol Tx 9x. Po turne 5x a riveri 8x tak Kasjusz kompletuje svoj straight a Pavel sklamane končí.
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 370,847, ent.: 59/547
Break 30 min
3:30 Mathias Grabski aggresses
On the flop Kh 2h 7d with roughly 80,000 in the pot, Mathias bets 30,000. Both Dainuius and the third player promptly fold.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 312,571, ent.:70/547
2:40 C-bet proves effective again
Not much happened in the last few minutes, and on the flop Kx Jx 4x with approximately 80,000 in the pot. Filip bet 50,000, and his opponent silently folded.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000, avg. 270,000, ent.: 81/547
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in April!
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, av. 248,636, Ent.: 78/547
2:00 Liad Greenberg takes the pot
On the turn 8s 9d Qh 5d, Liad bet 40,000 with nearly 100,000 in the pot. His opponent quickly called, and the river 4d was checked. Greenberg revealed Kc 5c, and his opponent swiftly folded.
1:40 Bartolomej Wyrembak doubles up
On the flop 4x 3x 9x, Bartolomej went all-in with around 80,000. Dalibor Dula showed Kx Qx, and his opponent had Qx Qx. With a blank turn and river, Bartolomej secures a nice double up.
Level 13. 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 208,381, ent.: 105/547
Break 30 min
00:40 Pawel agresívne
Na flope Ad 2d 8c Pawel betoval 45,000 do potu asi 80,000 a obaja súperi zaplatili. Na turne Qd sa Pawel bez pozície rozhodol betovať 150,000 a obaja súperi bleskovo zahodili.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 174,080, ent.: 125/544
00:20 Pakula Vs Gregor
On the flop Ad 3d 2h with a pot of around 30,000, Pakula bet 2,000. Gregor raised to 60,000, which was called after a moment. However, on the turn 6d, Gregor pushed over 100,000 across the line, and Pakula folded after some thought.
00:00 Stern aggressively
On the turn Jh 8h 5s with a pot of 45,000, Reszelski bet 16,000 from his position. Stern contemplated and called. On the river Th, Stern immediately led out for 21,500. Reszelski promptly folded.
PPC Turbo 15,000€ GTD results:
1. Siergiejuk Artur - 4,141€
2. Suchojad Dawid - 2,069€
3. Chalupka Pavel - 2,175€
4. Siatkowski Wiktor Emil - 2,083€
5. Lesniewska Miroslawa Krystyna - 1,125€
6. Plewka Emil - 900€
7. Blonski Roman - 700€
8. Mikutowski Michal Marcin - 525€
9. Rusek Maciej Piotr - 400€
10. Moermans Johny Maria H - 300€
11. Kotwica Cezary Krzysztof - 300€
12. Pampurik Zdenko St - 300€
13. Stachowiak Michal Czeslaw - 240€
14. Antonios Georgiou - 240€
15. Vitkevicius Elvinas - 240€
16. Margoc Bruno - 210€
17. Fuentes Vidal Nicolas Alonso - 210€
18. Raczynski Tadeusz - 210€
19. Graulus Nordin - 185€
20. Michalska Marta - 185€
21. Zivkovic Daniel - 185€
22. Merva Balint - 165€
23. Perepiolkin Maksym - 165€
24. Lakatosz Juliano - 165€
25. Horszczaruk Igor Marek - 145€
26. Trubchan Vladyslav - 145€
27. Cifersky Boris - 145€
28. Toncer Ladislav - 130€
29. Kovalets Viktoriia - 130€
30. Podzorski Artur Michal - 130€
31. Wielewicki Radoslaw Jan - 115€
32. Pickart Ronny Jos V - 115€
33. Oblinski Krzysztof - 115€
34. Choluj Jakub Sylwester - 105€
35. Mielnik Krzysztof Tadeusz - 105€
Level 11: 1,000 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 151,329, ent.: 144/542, 1F ent.: 80/105
23:40 Unpleasant river
On the river with a pot of about 70,000 and the board showing Kx Qx Jx Kx 2x, Mateusz shoved all in for 50,000, and his opponent snap-called. Mateusz showed Ax Tx, but it wasn't enough against his opponent's pocket deuces.
PPC deepstack reached its final table:
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 110,259, ent.: 193/532
23:30 Marcin Matula puts pressure on his opponent again
On the flop As 4s 6c, Matula bet 5,500 into a pot of 18,000. Kaczmarek called, and the player between them folded. On the river 3h, Matula effectively pushed all in for about 30,000, but after a very long thought, Kaczmarek folded his hand.
23:20 Attila Gellert wins with a river raise
On the river Kd 6d 2c Jc Ks, the pot was 19,500 and Strasser bet 9,000. Attila raised to 20,000, and after a very long moment, Gellert decided to call. However, his hand didn't beat his opponent's KxTx.
Level 9: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 98,233, ent.: 215/528
Break 30 min
22:20 3-way all in
Karol shoved 20 big blinds from early position with Ax Kx, Jakub called with Jacks, and Piotr reshoved about 40 big blinds with Queens, which Jakub also called. An ace landed on the river, giving Karol a triple up. Piotr takes a small portion from the side pot, and Jakub is the only one who loses out.
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, av. 79,216, ent.: 255/505
22:00 Esmaeiliderkeh pushes on the river
On the flop Js Jh 8d, Žikavský bet 3,300 into a pot of about 12,000, Grota called, and Esmaeiliderkeh raised to 8,000. Both Marczykowski and Žikavský folded, but Grota wanted to continue and called. On the turn Jd, both players checked. On the river 4d, the Iranian player pushed for about 60,000, and his opponent sadly mucked his cards.
21:40 Sebastian Szychulski busts
Sebastian went all in preflop with Ax Kx for about 30,000 against Marcin's Ax Ax. The board 3x 8x 5x 5x 3x didn't change anything, so Sebastian is eliminated.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 67,465, ent.: 284/479
21:20 All in and a call
Jacek shoved his approximately 25 big blinds with KxQx, and his opponent called with QxJx. With a blank board, Jacek scores a double up, leaving his opponent with about 20,000 behind the line.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 61,684, ent.: 296/458
21:00 Turn raise fails
On the turn 7d Kc Qh 9d, the pot was about 10,000. Gholamhosain bet 1,200, Nagy raised to 4,500, and Matula called. Gholamhosain folded, and on the river 4d, both players checked. Matula showed Jd 3d and won the pot.
20:45 Szabolcs Burgyan wins a pot
On the turn Jd Qs 4s 7h, Szabolcs bet 15,000 into a pot of about 20,000. However, Dawid Domagala contemplated for a while and folded.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 57,143, ent.: 294/420
Break 30 min
20:00 Piotr Lis Emerges Victorious
On the flop As 9s Ah, the pot was approximately 10,000, and Piotr bet 2,500. Musial called, and Iszczuk folded.
19:45 Sladan Maric Goes All In
On the turn 9x Tx 4x Tx, the pot was around 12,000, and Sladan pushed his 20,000 stack into the middle. Both Jankowski and Sklodowski promptly folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 53,680, ent.: 269/361
19:10 Guijo Nogales Climbs:
On the flop 7x 5x 3x, the pot was around 10,000, and all three players folded.
On the turn 2s, Guijo bet 5,000, Suer folded, and Vaillant called.
The river 8d prompted Guijo to bet 6,000, which his opponent immediately called. However, Guijo showed Ax 4x for a straight, causing his opponent to muck his cards.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 44,392, ent.: 255/283
PPC Turbo payout:
1. 4,050€
2. 2,420€
3. 1,665€
4. 1,385€
5. 1,125€
6. 900€
7. 700€
8. 525€
9. 400€
10-12. 300€
13-15. 240€
16-18. 210€
19-21. 185€
22-24. 165€
25-27. 145€
28. 130€
Total of 350 players entered the lunchtime PPC Turbo with a guarantee of 15,000€, accumulating a prize pool of 17,850€. Just like in the case of the deepstack, the winner will be announced tonight.
PPC Deepstack payout:
1. 6,600€
2. 4,400€
3. 3,100€
4. 2,325€
5. 1,675€
6. 1,225€
7. 875€
8. 625€
9. 425€
A total of 93 players joined the PPC Deepstack, falling short of the 25,000€ guarantee. Banco Casino Bratislava had to cover the shortfall. The name of the winner will be revealed tonight.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 41,905, ent.: 210/220
18:25 Pawel Vs Patryk
On the turn 2x 4x 5x 9x, with the pot about 3,000, Pawel bet 1,500. After a brief moment, Patryk called, and on the river Ax, Pawel led for 5,000. Pawel comfortably called with Ax 3x, and his opponent immediately mucked their cards.
18:10 In the tournament opening we have these players:
Steegmans, Miciak, Kalíková, Jurgen, Zyzik, Kudlik, and many others seated.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 129/129
PPC ME 250,000€ GTD :
Late Registration: 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
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