Flight 1C attracted 263 entries and 26 players found its way to day 2. Chipleader of this flight is Zsolt Balog with a stack of 1,201,000. Flight 1A attracted 75 players and 8 players advanced to day 2. Flight 1B created 89 entries and 9 players will be in day 2 from this flight. Today there are two flights ready for you at 18:00 flight 1D and at 23:00 flight 1E – Turbo. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1A:
Chipcounts 1B:
Chipcounts 1C:
3:28 Bubbleboy is Anton Sajin
On the river Jd 4c 8c 3h 8h Anton bets 65,000, VItalii raises to 160,000 and after some tanking Anton jams about 250,000. Vitalii calls with Ax 8x and Anton with Kx Kx has to leave on the bubble.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 389,630, ent.: 27/263, PLO ent.: 3/72
3:05 Not yet
Sajin limped, Zubiel raises to 25,000, Czapla calls on the button and Baura rejams 157,000 from sb. Sajin with Zubiel folds instantly, Czapla tanks for nearly three minutes before folding.
2:50 Michalak double up
Michalak got his 95,000 in with Ax Tx against Ad 3d held by Zsolt Balog. Blank board was better for polish player and Balog has to give up on approximately half of his stack. On next table we lost Miro Mitka and we will play hand for hand.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 292,222, ent.: 36/263, PLO ent.: 7/72
Bubble is getting close !
2:30 Pawel Sawicki taking small pot easily
Sawicki opens to 14,000 from the button and Kapkowski calls from bb. On the flop Qc 4c 8s Sawicki bets 16,000 and Kapkowski quietly folds.
2:15 Krzysztof Michalak jams
Radoslaw Melcer limps, Michalak jams his 74,000. Noskowicz in bb tanked a bit but folded and Melcer folded very quickly.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 233,778, ent.: 45/263, PLO ent.: 8/72
2:00 We lost Roland Hanuš
Roland got his 130,000 in with pocket fives against Ax Tx held by Wojciech Murkowski. Board Tx 9x Kx Jx 2x didn´t held for Roland.
1:45 Tomáš Stefanides busto
Tomáš got his shortstack in with pocket sixes against Ax 5x held by Mariusz Baura. Flop brought an ace and Tomáš is gone.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 178,305, ent.: 59/263, PLO ent.: 8/72
Break 30 min
00:55 Roland Hanuš put Emil Maciejczyk all in
Emil opens to 12,000, Roland calls. On the flop Ad Qs 7h Emil c-bets for 16,000 and Roland instantly shoves effectivelly for about 70,000. Emil folded quickly.
00:45 Marius Veres won with a simple c-bet
Marius opens after one limp to 12,000 and Okoličány from position calls. Limper folds and flop Ah 3d 2d brought a c-bet of 10,000 from Marius. Okoličány instantly folded.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 144,225, ent.: 71/256
Lot of poker action comming in january too !
00:30 Another double seat open !
Action is pretty strong tonight. In last hand René Bruna jammed his 21,500 from Ep, Michal Utecht rejammed his 27,500 few seats later and Sawicki with Vittek called. On the flop 2c 4s 4h Sawicki bets 28,000 and Vittek calls. Same bet we saw from Sawicki on the turn 9d and even on river 3s. René tables Kx Jx, Utecht Ax Jx, Vittek held Ad Qd and Sawicki took this pot with Jx 9x.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 131,948, ent.: 77/254
00:10 Nice pot for Amir Celebic
On the flop Js 4s 7h there is 28,000 in middle and Stefanides bets 15,000, Amir calls and third player involved folds. Turn Jc brought bet of 22,000 from Amir and Stefanides calls. River 9c was valued to 15,000 by Amir and Stefanides after some time called. Amir held Jd 5d, which was enough to beat As 7s held by his opponent.
23:50 Marcin Kapkowski pushing Okoličány out of the pot
On the turn Tx 9x 7x 8x there was about 35,000 in the middle and Kapkowski bets 20,000. Roman tanked a bit and folded his hand.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 114,943, ent.: 87/250, PLO ent.: 24/68
23:30 Grzegorz Bajon eliminated
Grzegorz got last 13,000 in with Ax Jx against Manoj Sonje with pocket eights. Board 3x 2x 9x 6x Qx held for pair combination and Bajon has to consider option of reentry.
23:10 Antala busto again
Rasťo shoves his 17,000 with Qs Js from Mp, Sebastian Killian rejams 149,000 from sb with pocket deuces and in bb Zsolt Balog snapcalls and covering Sebastian with Kx Kx. Runout Tx 3x 5x Xx Jx decided both players gotta go.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 99,574, ent.: 94/23, PLO ent.: 26/63
Break 30 min
22:30 Beata made double seat open
On the turn Ks 6d 7d Js Jasinski got his stack in with pocket aces, Sienkiewicz with Qd Td and Beata as covering stack with Kx Jx. River Tc was a brick and Beata took stacks from both opponents.
22:15 Erich Lang with a set
On the flop Qs 7s 3h Herman bets 6,700 into about 10,000 pot. Erich calls, Pflieger folds. On the turn 9s Herman bets again, for 7,500 this time and Erich raises to 15,000. After some tanking Herman folds and Lang shows pocket threes to the table.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 84,528, ent.: 106/224, PLO ent.: 30/44
22:00 Željko Stevič winning a pot
On the flop Js Ts 6h Željko bets 2,900 and Svitač with Lang called. Turn 3h brought three quick checks, on the river 3d Svitač bets 7,000, Lang folds and Željko calls. Miro flips over Ax 7x, but thats not enough against Kx Tx held by Stevič.
21:45 Tomasz Lewandowski double up
On the turn 7d 3d 6s 6c Sergiu Maftei bets 6,500 into a pot of about 15,000, Beata folds and Tomasz calls. Michal folds too and on the river Kd Tomasz leads with all in of 13,900. Sergiu tanked a bit and called, but couldnt beat Jd 5d held by his opponent.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,752, ent.: 113/214, PLO ent.: 26/38
21:30 Bad start for Rasťo Antala
Rasťo lost first bullet with Ax Jx against pocket jacks on J high dry board. Second bullet was donated to player brave enough to play out 9x 2x and Antala lost everything on flop Ax 9x 9x with Ax Jx. Third bullet went in on river Kh Jh Kx Qh 6h with Ah Jx. His opponent snapcalls with Kx Jx.
21:15 Miro Mitka winning on the turn
In the pot there was 23,000 and one of polish players c-bets on the turn Qh 6h Qd Jd and Mitka responds with a raise of 27,000. After quick fold pot belongs to Miro.
Lot of poker action comming in january too !
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg.66,207, ent.: 116/192, PLO ent.: 25/31
20:55 Rajsek took down one
On the river Td Jd 4h 8c 4s there was about 25,000 inside and all five players in hand checked. Rajsek tables Jx 9x and all opponents mucked their hands.
20:35 Erich Schiel double up
On the flop Jx 9x 6x one of Erich´s opponents c-bet and Erich jams for 21,000. After a quick call from his opponent Erich shows Jx 9x and had to hold against Ax Jx. Turn and river bricked, Erich is still in tournament.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 58,644, ent.: 118/173, PLO ent.: 21/22
Break 30 min
20:05 Wasim Habbab eliminates Binkowski
On the flop Kc 5s 9h Wasim bets 8,000 into about 20,000 pot, Binkowski calls, three opponents folds and Mull calls. On the turn 4d Binkowski jams for 26,600, Mull folds and Habbab went into a tank mode for about two minutes. In the end he calls with Kx Qx and Binkowski shows Tx 6x. Rive r4x couldnt save him and we are going for break.
19:50 Nazike winning
On the flop Jx 3x 3x there was 11,200 in the pot and Nazike bets 13,000. All three opponents folded and Nazike proudly shows 3x.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 52,881, ent.: 117/156
19:40 5 way all in, four seat opens
Li Nu got it in with pocket fours for about 28,000, Karyi Semen had about 40,000 and Ax Tx, Wojciech Pawlowski found Ax Kx behind them , Demetre Bostoganashvili gambled with Jx 3x and Pawel Sawicki covered all of them and called with 6x 4x. Board 7h 8h 8s 5s Jd completed straight from Sawicki and we can see fours seat opens in single hand.
19:25 Lewandowski Vs Staniszevski
Norbert Staniszewski bets 2,500 on the flp 8s 6s 5d into a pot of 6,500. Tomasz Lewandowski calls and on the turn Kc leads out for 6,500. Tomasz calls and river Kh brought bet of 5,000 from Norbert and quick call from Tomasz. Norbert held Ax Tx, which wasnt enough against pocket fours held by his opponent.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400 ,avg. 45,505, ent.: 109/124
19:05 Another wonderful setup
On the flop 6h 4h 5s there was 3 players in hand and 6,300 inside. Tomasz Binkowski bets 4,000, Tibor Németh raises to 10,500 and Maciej Wylandowski jams 34,200. Tomasz covers him by something and rejams, Tibor tanks a while and folds. Binkovski held pocket kings, but Maciej had lot of outs with Qh 5h. tur Ah brought him a flush and river 3s confrimed this double up.
18:50 No showdown !
On the flop 7d 2d 6s Beata Gacek bets 2,000 and Wojciech Murkowski calls. On the turn Jc Beata asks for 3,200 and got caled again. River 3c went check check and Murkowski mucks his hand straight away. Beata mucks too and took down the pot.
PPC PLO side event starts at 20:00
Buy in is 100€ and guarantee is set to 5,000€
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 42,247, ent.: 89/94
18:30 Maciej Majchrzak busto after nasty setup
On the turn Qs 4s Jc Kc there was about 10,000 inside and Maciej bets 6,700. Michal Utecht raises to 16,000 and Maciej jams for 39,000. Utecht snapcalls with Ax Tx and Maciej tabled Qx Qx. River Ac didn´t help him and he is one of first eliminated in flight 1C !
18:20 Kizzik took an early pot
On the flop Jx 5x 3x there was about 3,500 inside and Radoslaw Melcer bets 1,000, Kizzik raises to 3,000 and Melcer tanks a bit. He ended up folding and Kizzik took the pot.
18:10 Early registrations
Maté Sándor, Vinter Július, Erich Schiel, Jozef Libo, Bubo, Li Nu and many others are battling right from start
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: ent.: 77/77
Polish Poker Chapmionship 250,000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
Every Day 1 will be played 10-max
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 100€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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