A total of 181 players joined Flight 1B, and an additional 18 players advanced to Day 2. The best stack of 938,000 was collected today by Maksym Ronshyn. The PPC Main Event with a guaranteed prize pool of €300,000 continues today at 18:00 with Flight 1C, and you can find the complete schedule below. We look forward to seeing you
Chipcounts 1B:
3:20 Bubbleboy of Flight 1B becomes Ján Častvan
On the turn 8x 9x Ax 7x, Častvan bet 54,000 into a pot of approximately 80,000, and Schoenbaum called. On the river Ax, they went all-in for 185,000, and Častvan had Jx Tx. However, Schoenbaum turned over Ax 7x for a rivered full house, and Častvan, feeling disappointed, leaves the poker room.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 381,053, ent.: 19/181
3:00 František Schonbaum double up
Schonbaum pushed 51,000 from middle position with Qx Tx, and Dumitru called from the big blind with eights. After the board showed Qx 7x 2x 4x Qx, Schonbaum doubled up. On the adjacent table, Josef Mull was eliminated from the tournament, and we are now playing hand for hand.
2:50 Peter Apostol exits
Peter opened for 25,000, and Maksym re-raised from the big blind. After some thought, Apostol decided to call with sevens, but Maksym turned over Qx Qx. With the board displaying Kx Qx 2x 5x Kx, Peter is eliminated from the tournament.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 258,571, ent.: 28/181
2:35 Maté Sándor gets a lesson
On the flop Qx Xx 4x, Sándor goes all-in for 128,000 with Qx Tx against Nemeth's 4x 4x. After a blank turn and river, Sándor is left with almost 30,000 in his stack.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 212,941, ent.: 34/181
2:05 Marcin Nowakowski sends it
Peter Apostol opened for 14,000 from the cutoff, and Nowakowski from the blinds reshoved his 83,000. However, Apostol without significant hesitation folded his cards.
1:45 Nemeth Vs. Nemeth
On the flop 7h 6h 8s, Balint Nemeth bet 13,000 into a pot of 35,000. However, Tibor Nemeth decided to raise it to 30,000. After some thought, Balint folded his cards.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 172,381, ent.: 42/181
Break 30 min
1:00 Double seat open
For 20,000, Leeb, Fediv, and Sabo wanted to see the flop. On the flop Kx Qx 6x, Fediv quickly goes all-in with around 60,000 with sevens. Leeb reshoves his 75,000 with Kx Jx, and Sabo covers them both and comfortably calls with Kx Qx. The turn 3x and river Ax bring no dramatic changes, and we lose two players at once.
00:45 Častvan eliminates Bugár
Častvan opened for 11,000, and a few positions later, Bugár goes all-in with 63,000. Častvan calls with nines, and Bugár turns over Ax Qx. With the board showing 9x 6x Kx 4x Tx, Tomáš Bugár is out of the game.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 158,222, ent.: 45/178
00:35 Rejam
Lukáš Galo opened for 7,000 from the cutoff. However, Duncan, sitting on the button, pushed around 70,000 into the pot. Galo promptly folded his cards.
00:20 Attila Leeb victorious
On the river Jx 9x 4x 6x 5x, the pot was 35,000, and Attila bet 10,000 from the small blind. Vadym contemplated for a while and called, but he couldn't beat his opponent's Qx Jx, and his cards went into the muck.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 136,154, ent.: 52/177
00:00 Sandor Fediv showcases a nice call
On the river 5s 3s 8d 2d 2s, the pot was approximately 40,000, and Karl Keinbauer bet 11,000 from the small blind. Fediv on the button contemplated for a while but eventually called. Karl showed Jd Th, and Fediv took the pot with Ax 7x.
23:40 Wolfgang Foglar slips through the fingers
On the turn Kd 2d 4h 8s, the pot was just under 20,000, and Wolfgang bet 12,000. Ionut raised to 37,000. Jovanovic folded, and after a brief thought, Foglar folded as well.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 110,968, ent.: 62/172
23:15 Maciej and Jacek in the game
Maciej opened for 5,000, and Jacek 3-bet to 12,500. After a brief moment, he got called, and on the flop Qx Qx 5x, Maciej stubbornly bet 10,000. Jacek appropriately commented on this action and folded his cards.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 87,568, ent.: 67/166
Break 30 min
22:40 Lukáš Matuský hands something over
Matuský opened for 3,200, and Masaev and Jud called. On the flop Tc 3c Qs, Matuský bet 3,500, Masaev called, and Jud raised to 7,000. Matuský called, but the last player in the hand folded. Both players checked on the turn 9c, and on the river 8h, Matuský bet 10,500. After some thought, Jud called with Qh 7h. Matuský and his 3h 4h had more than enough.
22:20 Razvan Dumitru made it with a c-bet
On the turn Kx Tx Jx Kx, the pot was 11,000, and Razvan bet 6,000. Foglar pondered for a moment but folded his cards.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 84,800, ent.: 75/159
22:00 Karl loses a portion of his stack
On the flop 6x 8x 3x, the pot was about 8,000, and Karl bet 2,300. Walter Schwarzinger announced an all-in for approximately 10,000, and Karl called with Kh 6h. Schwarzinger turned over 8x 6x, and after the turn Ax and river 3x, he secured a double up.
21:40 Two barrels were enough
Attila Leeb opened from the small blind for 2,600, and Duncan Keiron called. On the flop 5s 7s Ah, Attila bet 3,500 and got paid. On the turn 9c, he continued with a bet of 6,000, but Duncan quickly folded his cards.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 74,872, ent.: 79/147
21:20 Maté Sándor educates
On the flop Jc 5s 9d, the pot was about 15,000, Pavel Beran bet 11,500, Stadtrucker called, and Sándor pushed approximately 70,000. However, both Beran and Freddy reluctantly folded their cards.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,000, entries: 80/132
21:00 Ziga Vauda ends in a 3-way all-in
Ceda Jovanovic effectively went all-in preflop for 13,200, Vauda called with slightly less, and the third player in the hand covered them both. Jovanovic held Kx Qx, Vauda had sevens, and the last player in the hand had Jx 9x. With the board showing 5x 5x 6x Kx Jx, Jovanovic takes down the opponent's scalp.
20:45 Gasowski Vs. Stadtrucker
On the river Kx Jx Tx 2x 4x, the pot was about 10,000, and both Freddy and Norbert had already checked. Norbert turned over Ax Tx, and Freddy mucked his cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 51,200, ent.: 75/96
Break 30 min
19:40 Miro Lelek triple up
On the flop Tx Qx 2x, the pot was approximately 6,500, and Kiziridis bet 3,000, Bukowski called, and Lelek raised to 10,500. The last player in the hand folded, but Kiziridis and Bukowski called. Both the turn 5c and river Td were checked by the active players. Kiziridis showed 4x 2x, Bukowski had Kx Jx, and Lelek took the pot with Qx 2x.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 46,933, ent.: 75/88
19:20 Karl Keinbaum takes something
On the flop 4x 8x 5x, Karl bet 1,600 into a pot of about 4,000, and Vilius called. The action repeated on the turn with Jc, and on the river Td, Karl bet 5,500. After a brief thought, Vilius folded, and Karl eagerly showed his Tx.
Polish Poker Championship schedule:
Level 3: 200 400 / 400, avg. 44,375, ent.: 64/71
18:55 Vilius Markauskas doubles up
On the turn As 3s 4s 2c, the pot was around 14,000, and Vilius pushed all-in for the remaining 6,400. Stechauner called with Ax Kx, but on the 4x 5x board, it wasn't enough, and the river Jx was just a formality.
18:45 Quick pot for Nemeth
On the flop 8c 4c 6h, the pot was about 5,000, and Balint Nemeth from the EP bet 2,500. Dominikyas and Leiner immediately folded their cards.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,000, ent.: 54/54
18:30 Tibor Nemeth started with a smaller pot
On the flop Jd 4c 5s As, the pot was just under 3,000, and all three players checked. On the river 3c, Tibor bet 1,000, Madleniak folded, and Stadtrucker called. Nemeth turned over Jx 3x, and it was enough to win the pot.
18:15 In Flight 1B, these have been playing since the beginning:
Stadtrucker, Pastier, Leeb, Gaba, Schonbaum, Foglar, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 50/50
Polish Poker Championship Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
Late Registration: 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 125€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Championship 500,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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