A total of 264 players joined Flight 1G, and Vasileios Arapchatzis performed the best in this flight with a stack of 1,122,000. Flight 1H has seen 382 players so far, and late registration is open until 00:10. The evening turbo has currently seated 40 players, and late registration will run until 1:40 am. It's already evident that we will be playing for more than the promised 250,000€ prize pool. The last chance to secure your spot in Day 2 is the morning hyper-turbo starting at 10:00 am. Day 2 begins tomorrow at 4:00 pm, and at 6:00 pm, the PBM Mystery Bounty tournament with a guaranteed 10,000€ prize pool and an buyin of only 115€ opens its doors. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Chipcounts 1G:
23:45 Andrius Ulitinas becomes the Bubble Boy of Flight 1G
Andrius moved all-in for 185,000 with tens on the button, and Matan Slassi called from the small blind with Kx Jx. The flop landed a jack, and unfortunately, Andrius got eliminated. The remaining players are now bagging up their stacks.
22:25 Antonino Karman eliminated, hand for hand play begins!
Antonino put his last 130,000 into the game with Jh 5h against Ngyuen's nines. However, the board didn't help Karman, and he had to leave the tournament. Now, we start playing hand for hand.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 471,429, ent.: 28/264, 1H ent.: 200/369, 1I ent.: 34/35
22:15 Šeffer good with c-bet
On the flop 8h 5h Td with a pot of 92,000, Erik bet 52,000. Emil Niebrzydowski quietly folded.
22:00 Laurent Degros exits
Laurent sent 131,000 from MP with Tc 8c, and Kilintaris called from the blinds, holding Kx Kx. After the board showed Jx 7x 7x Jx 6x, Laurent had to leave flight 1G.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 412,500, 1H ent.: 198/358
21:50 Limp fold
Nguyen limped from the button, and Željko raised to 110,000. Nguyen didn't like it much and managed to fold.
21:30 Rejam
Jaroslav Barták opened for 26,000 from MP. However, Angelo Gomez stood in his way by going all-in for 228,000. After some thought, Barták sadly folded his Ad.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 321,951, ent.: 41/264, 1H ent.: 216/347
Break 15 min
21:00 Split pot
Lennart goes all in preflop for approximately 200,000 against Mandev. However, both players show the same hand, Ax Kx, and the board doesn't provide any help to make a flush.
20:45 Erich Lang double up
Erich goes all in preflop for his roughly 80,000 with Kx Jx against Nguyen's pocket fours. The board comes Ax Kx 3x 3x Tx, securing the necessary cards for Erich to double up.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 275,000, ent.: 48/264, 1H ent.: 223/308
20:25 Erich Lang shoves
On the turn with a board of Kx 8x Jx 6x and around 180,000 in the pot, Lang declares all in for 150,000. Nguyen and Fanta both silently fold.
20:10 3-way all in
On the flop of Td 6d Js with around 80,000 in the pot, Nikola Trajanov bets 36,000. Matan Slassi goes all in for 117,000, and Mihael re-jams for just under 300,000. After a long pause, Trajanov calls with Qd 7d, Matan shows Kd Kh, and Mihael reveals Ad 2d. The turn is Ts and the river is 5s, securing the win for Matan with his kings, taking a triple up, and Mihael takes 83,000 from the side pot.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 253,846, ent.: 52/264, 1H ent.: 220/288
20:00 Peter flips
Peter went all-in pre-flop with 20 big blinds, holding Kx Qx, against Georg's pocket fours. The runout of 9x Tx 4x 5x Jx favored the non-pair combination, and Peter won the flip.
Quick look inside:
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 231,579, ent.: 57/264. 1H ent.: 223/274
19:30 Laurent Van Den Eynde eliminated
Laurent went all-in pre-flop with approximately 70,000 with Kx Qx against Nguyen's Kx Kx. After the board came Ax 2x 3x 2x 4x, Laurent had to say goodbye to the tournament.
19:10 Double seat open
On the flop Ad 8d 4c, Dimitrios bet 20,000 into a pot of around 50,000. Mihael, Brahmi, and Seferyniak all called. On the turn 7h, Dimitrios checked, and Mihael bet 45,000. Seferyniak called, and Brahmi did the same, leaving himself with 31,000 behind. Dimitrios folded after a long thought process. On the river 7d, Seferyniak went all-in for 125,000. Brahmi and Mihael both considered their options, but ultimately called. Seferyniak showed 6c 3c, Brahmi had Kc 8c, and Mihael won the pot with Jd 2d.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 178,378, ent.: 74/264, 1H ent.: 192/234
Break 15 min
18:40 Flip
Jakub shoved his 15 big blinds into the pot with pocket tens and collided with Ernst's Ax Kx. However, the board came blank, and Jakub secured a double-up.
18:20 Malachowski shoves
On the river Kx Jx 5x 5x 5x, there was around 50,000 in the pot, and Malachowski put his opponent all-in. After a long wait for a decision, his opponent eventually folded.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 154,167, ent.: 84/259, 1H ent.: 184/198
18:00 Jean Claude Dahm double up
Dahm went all-in with his last 21,000 holding Kx Tx, and Bachir Brahmi called with Ah 5h. The board came Qx Jx 9x Ax 9x, granting Dahm the pot and a double-up.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,082, ent.: 98/253, 1H ent.: 155/161
17:45 Marcin Malachowski double up
Everyone folded until it was Filip's turn in the small blind, who effectively went all-in with 71,500. After a long thought from the big blind, Marcin called with Ax Qx, and Filip revealed Ax Kx. The board came 5x 4x 9x Qx 6x, granting Marcin a fortunate double up.
17:25 Hans Pollak eliminated
On the flop of Kd Jc 4d, there was 40,000 in the pot, and Jacek Seferyniak bet 12,000. Hans called, and on the turn of Tc, Jacek went all-in effectively for 33,000. Hans with his 5d 6d called, and Jacek turned over Ax Jx. However, the river card Ks didn't complete Hans' flush, and he was knocked out of the tournament.
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 108,929, ent.: 112/244
17:10 Igor Lukic losing
On the turn of Ac 8c Ah Qc, there was around 20,000 in the pot, and Igor bet a similar amount. His opponent declared an all-in for 101,000, and after a minute of thinking, Igor called with 5c 2c. However, his opponent revealed Ax 8x for a flopped full house, and after an inconsequential river, Igor had to relinquish a portion of his stack.
17:00 El Dave double up
Dave got into the action with his 66,000 chips, holding As 5s, amidst a series of raises and re-raises against Ondrej's Qx Qx. After the board showed Tx Tx 3x 8x Ax, Dave secured a double up.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 95,238, ent.: 126/240
Break 15 min
16:40 Small pot for Kiermeer
On the river 8s 7s Jd Js Tc pot was 8,700 and KIermeer bets 2,600. Mandev was tanking for fair ammount of time and decided to fold his hand.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 81,387, ent.: 137/223
16:00 Pawel Szostak takes the win
On the river of Kc 6c 8c 8s 9c, Pawel bet 10,000 into a pot of 21,000, and Olivier Bartel, after a long thought, folded face up, revealing his tens.
15:45 3-bet
Walter Lederhilger opened the betting with 2,700, and Mykola Grybanov responded with a 3-bet to 11,000. Walter smoothly folded his hand.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 72,427, ent.: 143/210
15:30 Ledzinski Vs. Jaworski
On the turn of Ah Kh 7c 2s, Ledzinski bet 11,000, and Jaworski responded with a raise to 22,000. Ledzinski then went all-in with around 35,000 holding Ax Qx, and Jaworski called with Kx 9x. The river brought an Ace, giving Ledzinski a double-up as he improved his hand.
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava
15:15 Flop raise
On the flop of 6h 7d 6d with a pot of 15,500, Kiermeer bet 13,000. Piotr Paruszewski responded with a raise to 60,000. Kiermeer took his time but eventually folded his cards.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 63,782, ent.: 156/199
15:00 Laurent Van Den Eynde eliminated
Laurent went all-in for his 13,000 chips, Weingartner called, and Herbert Bieber re-raised to around 60,000 from the big blind. Weingartner folded, and Laurent showed pocket nines. Unfortunately for him, Bieber held pocket jacks, and the board came Ax Kx 3x 6x 6x, leading to Laurent's elimination from the tournament.
14:45 Filip Hanusek takes it
On the turn of 6s 4s 5c 9s, there was 16,000 in the pot, and Hadjicostis bet 5,500. Filip slowly called, and on the river Jh, Hadjicostis bet 5,500 again. Filip decided to raise to 22,000 after some thinking, and he got a call after a longer pause. Filip revealed a rivered set of jacks, and the Cypriot player mucked his cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 61,314, ent.: 137/168
Break 30 min
13:50 Alfred takes a small pot
On the flop of Ax 4x 2x, Alfred bet 2,000 into a pot of 3,900. Cyril called, and on the turn Kx, Alfred continued with a bet of 3,000. His opponent quickly folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,391, ent.: 133/150
13:30 Yesterday we crowned two winners
After a long battle, Vitalii Shcherba emerged as the champion of Super Friday 15,000€ GTD. Meanwhile, Glenn Laureys took down the Highroller 20,000€ event, securing a prize of 8,010€!
13:20 Zygintas takes down a smaller pot
On the flop Ah 2c 2d, Zygintas bet 1,500 into a pot of 3,500, and Cheryl De Paron called. The turn was 9c, and both players checked. On the river 9h, Zygintas bet 2,000. Cheryl, however, cautiously folded her hand.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,719, ent.: 121/130
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava
13:00 Mariusz Jaworski doubles up
On the turn with the board Ad 3c Qd 7h and around 24,000 in the pot, Mariusz went all in for 22,500. Davoud Nikravan took some time to think and called with his 6d 2d. Jaworski showed Kc Jc, and after the 9c on the river, he secured a double up.
12:45 Marios looses
On the flop 2d 7d 5h, Marios bet 2,800, and Lukic called. The 4c on the turn led Marios to bet 3,500, and he got called again. On the river 3d, Lukic led out with a bet of 17,000. After much consideration, Marios folded his hand.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,442, ent.: 104/107
12:30 Emil Niebrzydowski wins a nice pot to start
On the flop Qh 6d 7c, Robin Rist bet 2,500 into a pot of around 7,000, and Emil called. Ulitinas then raised to 10,000. Robin folded after some thought, but Emil chose to call. The turn came Ts, and both players quickly checked. On the river 2c, Emil bet 17,000. Ulitinas called, but couldn't beat Emil's 9x 8x, giving the Polish player the winning hand.
12:15 Who is already here?
At the tables, we have Igor Lukic, Shai Edelman, Lederhilger, Rožok, Marian Flešár, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 96/96
Poker Belgique Masters ME 250.000€ GTD :
Buy-in: 200€
Starting Stack: 50.000 chips
Late Registration: 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 200€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% Fee + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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