Grand Week Fifty Grand attracted 388 players and 50,000€ guarantee has not been met. Champion is Peter Zolnai, who took home 8,555€. In January next Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take a place, along with many interesting one day events. For more information keep checking our web and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
ITM finishers 50k :
2.BUMBA PETER 5,655€
3.ORMANDY OTO 3,935€
4.Kubat Janos 3,230€
5.Belej Robert 2,650€
6.Lauss Sebastian 2,240€
8.Yasar Aziz 1,430€
9.Aisov Yury 1,090€
11.Zsombok Elod 675€
12.Singh Deep Kandra 675€
13.Logvin Artem 560€
14.Gherle Gabriel Radu 560€
17.Filetoth Laszlo Gyorgy 475€
20.Kaminski Robert Jerzy 415€
21.Mikoczy Frantisek 415€
23.Bettan Yaheel Jacob Raphael 370€
24.Gasperan Michal 370€
25.Litera Petr 330€
26.Varga Janos 330€
27.Holomovzyi Artur 330€
28.Kocian Andrej 290€
29.Zaltsman David 290€
30.Kostkiewicz Artur Henryk 290€
31.Ronshyn Maksym 290€
33.Rus Martin 290€
34.AZIZ MAGED 290€
35.Yankov Yavor Sergeev 290€
36.Rockar Erik 290€
37.Poor Akos Gyoergy 265
38.Binyaminov Benjamin 265
39.Golubovic Manuel - 265€
There was 388 registration to Fifty Grand and add on was used 364 times. This means overlay was more than 7,500€. Players on final table will have ticket in value of 170€ to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ that will take place in january and these money are already included in payouts.
10:30 THE END !
Bumba got his 10,000,000 with Kx Qx and Zolnai found Ax Jx. Board 9x 9x 2x 6x 5x ended this torture and Peter took 5,655€ for second place.
10:10 Double up for Bumba
Bumba held 6,775,000 and got his stack in with Ad Kd against Zolnai with Ax Kx.. Board Jd 3d 8c 9c 8d brought flush to Peter Bumba and stacks are basically the same....
Level 30: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 11,520,000, ent.: 2/338
10:05 Zolnai double up
On the turn 8s 9s Kd 4s there was about 7,000,000 inside and Zolnai jams for around 5,500,000. Bumba calls and Zolnai held two pair with Kx 9x. Bumba had Kx 7x and river couldn´t bring any change.
9:55 Headsup Zolnai Vs. Bumba started
Zolnai holds around 7,000,000, Bumba have around 15,000,000.
9:50 Oto Ormandy finishes third for 3,935€
Oto got his remaining 1,500,000 with Kx 5x and Bumba decided to call with 8x 4x in bb. Board 2x Ax Jx 4x 7x is last one for Ormandy and we are going to heads up.
9:42 Janos Kubat done in fourth place for 3,230€
Janos jammed about 3,000,000 from sb with Kx 7x and Zolnai in bb found Ax Kx, which was obvious snapcall. Board 4x Jx Qx 6x Kx eliminated Janos.
Level 29: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 5,760,000, ent.: 4/388
9:30 Card distribution is making jokes on us
Everyone is sleeping. Both players and card distribution.
Level 28: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 5,760,000, ent.: 4/388
9:05 Abdul finishes in fifth place for 2,650€
Abdul shoved 2,000,000 with Ax 4x and Kubat woke up with Ax Kx. Board Kx Qx 8x Tx 6x sent Abdul to cashdesk.
8:55 Sebastian Lauss finished in sixth place for 2,240€
Lauss shoved less than 10bb with Kx Jx and Kubat found Qx Qx on bb. Board Ax Jx 2x 4x Qx eliminated Sebastian.
8:45 Janos Kubat double up
Kubat jammed 1,275,000 from button with Ax Qx and Ormandy called with Ax Tx. Board 4x Kx 6x 2x Qx doubled Kubat.
Level 27: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000 avg. 3,840,000, ent.: 6/388
Break 10 min
8:30 Zolnai Vs. Ormandy round 2
On the river 6x 4x 5x 7x Tx there was more than two million in the pot and Zolnai checks. Ormandy tanked a bit and decided to check. Zolnai held Tx 8x, Ormandy had lower straight with Ax 3x and is slowly bleeding his chips away.
8:15 Zolnai Vs. Ormandy
On the turn As Ts 8s 7c there was little under 1,000,000 in the pot and Zolnai bets 550,000. Ormandy and Abdul folds.
Level 26: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,840,000, ent.: 6/388
7:55 Sebastian Lauss all in
Lauss jammed his around 10bb. All opponents folded.
7:50 Game has slowed down
We can see flop often but no big hands happend in last couple of minutes.
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD in January !
Level 26: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,840,000, ent.: 6/388
7:35 Dušan Hanzel ends in 7th place for 1,835€
Dušan got his around 1,100,000 in with Ax Jx against tens of his opponent. Blank board was aswell last one for Hanzel.
7:25 Aisov and Yasar eliminated
On the flop Ac 2c 8s Aisov was all in already, there was about 700,000 in the pot and Zolnai bets 200,000. Yasar raises to 585,000 and Zolnai makes it 1,200,000. Yasar jams and Zolnai calls with set of eights. Yasar held Kc Jx, Aisov Ax Jx. Turn and river didn´t change anything, Aisov is eliminated in 9th place for 1,090€, Yasar took 8th place for 1,430€
Tournament will continue...
Left to play for:
1. 8,555€
2. 5,655€
3. 3,935€
4. 3,230€
5. 2,650€
6. 2,240€
7. 1,835€
8. 1,430€
9. 1,090€
Players on final table will have ticket in value of 170€ to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ that will take place in january and these money are already included in payouts.
Stacks final table:
Bustouts before final table:
11.Zsombok Elod 675€
12.Singh Deep Kandra 675€
13.Logvin Artem 560€
14.Gherle Gabriel Radu 560€
17.Filetoth Laszlo Gyorgy 475€
20.Kaminski Robert Jerzy 415€
21.Mikoczy Frantisek 415€
23.Bettan Yaheel Jacob Raphael 370€
24.Gasperan Michal 370€
25.Litera Petr 330€
26.Varga Janos 330€
27.Holomovzyi Artur 330€
28.Kocian Andrej 290€
29.Zaltsman David 290€
30.Kostkiewicz Artur Henryk 290€
31.Ronshyn Maksym 290€
33.Rus Martin 290€
34.AZIZ MAGED 290€
35.Yankov Yavor Sergeev 290€
36.Rockar Erik 290€
37.Poor Akos Gyoergy 265
38.Binyaminov Benjamin 265
39.Golubovic Manuel - 265€
Short break
6:55 Matúš Kučera busts in 10th place and we are going to final table.
Kučera jammed 1,060,000 with Ax 8x and Bumba found Ac Tc behind him. Board Jx 9x 5x 7x Kx eliminated Matúš and we are going to final table.
6:45 Elod Zsombok busto
Zolnai opens to 200,000, Elod jams his 500,000 and Zolnai calls with his Kh 4h. BOard Qx 2x Tx 9x Kx eliminated Elod and we need one more before we reach final table.
Level 24: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,094,545, ent.: 11/388
6:30 Aisov took a bit
Aisov limped button, Ormandy raises to 200,000 and Aisov jams 945,000. Ormandy tanked quite a bit and folded face up pocket threes. On another table Singh was busted and we need two more eliminations for final table.
6:15 Artem Logvin busto
Artem got his short in with Ax Tx against Kx 7x held by Kubat. Seven on the turn was last important card for Artem.
Level 23: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,772,308, ent.: 13/388
Break 10 min
6:00 Zolnai Vs. Ormandy
Zolnai opens Ep to 120,000 and Ormandy defends his bb. FLop Js 6h 3c brought c-bet of 90,000 from Zolnai, Ormandy calls. On the turn Qh Zolnai fires for 340,000 and Oto angrily folded face up Ax.
5:45 Artem Logvin double up
Artem got his 380,000 in with Qx Qx against Kučera with Kx Tx. Board Ax Jx 4x 5x 3d didn´t brought any miracles.
Level 22: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,536,000, ent.: 15/388
5:30 Bumba winning with a raise
On the turn Kc Qh Js 8s there was more than 200,000 and Artem Logvin bets 50,000. Bumba raises to 210,000 and Artem folds quickly. Next hand on this table Stano Smolinský left us.
5:15 Abdul jams
Abdul with Oto agreed to 220,000 preflop. On the flop Ts 4s Td Oto checks and Abdul jams his 900,000. Oto tanked a bit, but decided to fold.
5:10 After major suffering .... First batch of eliminations:
20.Kaminski Robert Jerzy 415€
21.Mikoczy Frantisek 415€
23.Bettan Yaheel Jacob Raphael 370€
24.Gasperan Michal 370€
25.Litera Petr 330€
26.Varga Janos 330€
27.Holomovzyi Artur 330€
28.Kocian Andrej 290€
29.Zaltsman David 290€
30.Kostkiewicz Artur Henryk 290€
31.Ronshyn Maksym 290€
33.Rus Martin 290€
34.AZIZ MAGED 290€
35.Yankov Yavor Sergeev 290€
36.Rockar Erik 290€
37.Poor Akos Gyoergy 265
38.Binyaminov Benjamin 265
39.Golubovic Manuel - 265€
Level 21: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,097,143, ent.: 21/388
5:00 Aisov double up
Aisov fell to a short and last 220,000 went in with Ax Tx. Klein found pocket sevens and called off. Board 2x 2x Qx Ax 5x was on side of non-pair combo this time.
4:40 Michal Gašperan out
Gabriel Gherle opens to 90,000, Zolnai calls and Gašperan rejams 390,000. Gherle tanks for a bit and folds, Zolnai with Ax Jx called. Gašperan shows pocket tens and runout Ax 5x 6x 4x 4x is last one for him.
Level 20: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 853,333, ent.: 27/388
4:20 Filetoth double up again
Laszlo got his 8bbs in with pocket eigths against pocket jacks held by Aziz Yasar. Board 8x 7x 7x 5x 7x doubled Laszlo once again.
4:00 Aisov ain´t scared
Ont he river Jh 3h 6h 2c As there was about 250,000 in the pot and Dušan Hanzel bets 55,000. Aisov was tanking for a while and came up with a raise to 160,000. Hanzel folded instantly.
Level 19: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 658,288, ent.: 35/388
Break 10 min
January 2023 will be very hot in Banco Casino Bratislava !
3:45 And today´s bubbleboy is ...
Alexander Dolgonosow. Rus opens, Alexander rejams his 193,000 and after several minutes of thinking, Martin Rus made the call with Ax Jx. Alexander held pocket tens and after boarde Ax 4x 2x Kx 3x Alexander is last one to leave without money. On next table Laszlo Filetoth jammed 34,000 with Kx Qx and David Klein called with Ax 8x. Runout 9x 7x 4x 4x Kx held shortstack in the game.
Level 18: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 576,000, ent.: 40/388
3:00 Lajos Matyási and Vladimir Selin busted quickly and we are going to play hand for hand !
Didn´t catch Matyási´s hand but Selin fell to a ultra short and with his less than 1bb got in 9x 6x and Matúš Kučera found pocket tens. Board 2x Qx Jx 6x Tx means hand for hand for us.
2:50 Limp fold
Kostkiewicz limped in EP and Janicijevic raises to 66,000. Everyone folded. Kostkiewicz shows Ax to Marjan. Ouch.
Level 17: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 512,000, ent.: 45/388
2:20 Huge pot for Ormandy
Magdalena Kostkiewicz jammed her 110,000, Ormandy two seats later rejammed over 800,000 and Oravec in sb was tanking for some time. He decided to call his 660,000 and Magdalena tabled Ax 3x, Ormandy pocket kings, Oravec Qx Qx. Board Jx 3x 8x 8x Tx held for best hand and both Kostkiewicz and Oravec are eliminated.
Payouts :
1. 8,555€
2. 5,655€
3. 3,935€
4. 3,230€
5. 2,650€
6. 2,240€
7. 1,835€
8. 1,430€
9. 1,090€
10-12. 675€
13-15. 560€
16-18. 475€
19-21. 415€
22-24. 370€
22-27. 330€
28-36. 290€
37-39. 265€
There was 388 registration to Fifty Grand and add on was used 364 times. This means overlay was more than 7,500€. Players on final table will have ticket in value of 170€ to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ that will take place in january and these money are already included in payouts.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 443,077, ent.: 52/388
Banco Casino Masters is back in January !
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 354,462, ent.: 65/388
1:25 Marcel Oravec eliminated two opponents at once
Marcel got in 3-way all in with Ax Jx as covering stack against Ibisevic with Kx Qx and Nikolay Hersey with pocket sevens. Board Kx 8x 4x 6x Ax wasn´t lucky for shorter stacks and Marcel took all their chips.
1:00 Martin Rus took from Zolnai
On the turn Qs 6s 5h 6d Martin bets 30,000, Zolnai calls and Gašperan folds. River 9h is checked slowly and Rus tables Qx Jx. Zolnai mucks.
Level 14: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 250,435, ent.: 92/388
00:45 Gyoergy Kerekes is done for today
Gyoergy jammed 82,000 from Ep with Kx Jx and Andreas Heisenberger calls with pocket sevens. Board 6x 4x 9x 5x 3x held for pair combination and Gyoergy left his seat.
00:35 Artur Holomovzyi in tough spot
On the flop Ad 7c 3s Artur bets 42,000 into a pot of 85,000 and Dino jams for 173,000. Artur tanks for long time and clock is called. In last seconds he folds face up Ax Qx. Dino didn´t show cards.
Level 13: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 195,254, ent.: 118/388
Break 20 min
00:00 Daniel Abaev lost a flip
Abaev openjams 49,500 with pocket fours and Dino Budakovic calls with Jd Td. Board Jx Jx 6x Jx Qx brought quads to Dino and Abaev has to reconsider option fo reentry.
23:45 Filip winning with a raise on the turn
There was 43,000 in the pot and Lassu bets 26,500 on the turn As Qs 3d 8d, Waid folds and Filip raises to 53,000. After little while, Lassu folds.
Level 12: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 169,606, ent.: 127/363
23:20 Roman Kovarík double up
Roman got his 27,000 in with Ax Kx against Abdul with Ax 6x. Board Qx 2x 4x Tx 8x held for better hand and Kovarík is still alive.
23:05 Martin Joachymstál double up
Martin got his 47,000 into preflop all in with Ax 3x against pocket deuces held by Aziz Yasar. Board Ax 9x 4x 9x Tx was better for Martin.
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4?000, avg. 144,085, ent.: 142/346
22:55 Ayhan Sedat violently
On the flop Ah 2s 5s pot counted 38,000 and Maté Zubor bets 16,500. Two players folded and Ayhan calls from bb. On the turn 3c Ayham jams 33,500 and Maté instantly folded.
22:40 Spot out
Spot jammed remaining 33,500 with Ac 4c and Varga in bb called with pocket sixes. Board Ax 4x 5x 8x 7x brought straight for Varga and Spot is eliminated.
Level 10: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 115,155, ent.: 161/313
22:25 Pastierik took from Zolnai
On the river 4c 3h Kd Ad Td there was something under 30,000 in the middle and Pastierik from button bets 12,500. Zolnai in sb calls and Jakub tabled Ax Tx. Zolnai mucked his hand quickly.
22:15 Gyoergy Takács busto
Gyoergy got bit less than 30,000 in with pocket threes against Lilla Kecskes with pocket tens. After board Jx 4x 4x Ax 2x is Gyoergy eliminated.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 103,704, ent.: 162/284
Break 20 min
21:30 Pot for Salay
On the flop Jx Tx 8x all three players involved checked. Turn 8d brought a bet of 5,500 from Salay in the button, Kaminski calls and Geiger folds. On the river Kd Geiger leads out for 15,000 and after some time Salay calls. Geiger shows pocket deuces, but Salay won the pot with his Kx Qx.
21:15 Small bet does the job
On the river 4x 7x Kx Jx Ax there was around 15,000 in the middle and Igor Ibisevic bets 6,000. Erik Rockar though for fairly long time before folding.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 234,000, ent.: 160/257
21:00 Stolárik took from Ziegerhofer
Preflop Ziegerhofer, Waid and Stolárik paid 3,100. On the flop Kh Qh 8h all three players checks, on the turn 6c Stolárik bets 5,000 and only Ziegerhofer calls. River Xx was checked, Franz shows Jx Tx which wasnt enough against Kx 7x held by Stolárik.
20:45 Small pot for Peter Heizer
On the flop Jc 6c Ks Heizer bets 2,500 into a pot of around 8,000. Two opponents folded, Guenter Hermanky decided to call. On the turn 6h Heizer bets 5,500 and Hermanky folds quickly.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 85,513, ent.: 156/226
20:30 Flop overbet
On the flop Ad 2d 8h there was about 10,000 in the pot and Aziz Yasar bets 16,000. All four opponents folded quickly.
20:15 Time !
On the table 23 there was raise of 27,500 in front of Svoboda and Golubovic jammed for 56,000. Svoboda tanked for long time and clock was called. Svoboda ended up folding.
January 2023 will be very hot in Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 76,867, ent.: 166/216
20:00 Singh busto
On the flop Ah 6s 5c Singh jams for his 14,700 with Ax 4x and gets called by Peter Gaba with 7s 5s. Turn 2s and river 3s completed flush for Peter and Singh is eliminated.
19:45 Dudáš jams
Dudáš and Pawlica agreed on 7,700 preflop. On the flop Th 9d 4x Dudáš jams straight away for about 25,000 and Pawlica folds quickly.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 69.583, ent.: 144/170
Break 30 min
19:05 Split pot
On the turn Ah 2h 2c 2s Ziegerhofer bets 25,000 into a pot of 20,200. Chen Xu quickly folds and on the river Kx Chen jams. Franz snapcalls with Ax Tx and Chen shows Ax Qx.
18:55 Litera tanking a bit
On the turn Ts 8s 4h 2d there was around 24,000 int he middle and Maksym bets 10,000. Litera thought about it and folded.
Banco Casino Masters is back in January !
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 66,343, ent.: 134/151
18:45 Zvarík facing all-in
On the river Ad 2c 2s 7h Kd there was little bit under 30,000 in the pot and Zvarík bets 15,500. Marjan jams for about 40,000 and after some time, Zvarík folded.
18:30 Dujmovic Vs Dudáš
On the river Qh 3h 5h Td Ks there was about 10,000 in the pot and Josipa Dujmovic bets 4,400. Gábor raises to 11,500 and Josipa after couple of minutes calls with Kx Tx That was not enough against Jh Th.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 62,294, ent.: 109/116
18:05 Viktor Kuremszki jams
On the turn 4c 7c Jd 6s there is something above 35,000 in the pot and Kuremszki jams remaining 8,000. Bago tanked for a long time and clock was called. He decided to fold and Gyoergy folded quickly.
17:45 Ziegerhofer gives something back
On the turn Tx 2x 2x Tx there was about 35,000 in the pot and Lukas Pejic jams for 37,400. Franz tanked a bit and made the call with pocket eights. Lukas tabled pocket jacks and after river 3x doubled up.
17:40 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram:
Facebook profile Banco Casino:
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Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 59,859, ent.: 71/73
17:30 Aziz jams early on
Heizer limps, Deme raises to 600 and Aziz jams from his sb. Both opponents folded.
17:15 Ziegerhofer early double up
I got to the table when dealer was counting stack. On the river 8x 4x 9x Tx 4x Ziegerhofer held tens against pocket queens held by Gábor Dudáš. Gábor was left with about 10,000 and busted few hands after.
17:05 Early registrations
I can see playing right from start Lohnický, Logvin, Ibisevič, Bartáloš, Pichler, Heizer, Častvan and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 60,000, ent.: 50/50
GW X-mas Edition Fifty Grand 50.000€ GTD
Start: 17:00
Late reg: 12 lvls
Starting stack : 50.000 chips
Special Add-on : 10€ / 10.000 chips
Special Add-on included in the prize pool
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
9x 170€ ticket to BC Masters ME 250.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Grand Week 100,000€ Total GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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