Flight 1C attracted 113 players and we know names of 11 advancing to day 2. Best stack belongs to Li Nu who hoarded 1,150,000 from his opponents. Flight 1D-Turbo is still going on and we will know names of advancing players little bit later. Today at 15:00 flight 1E starts, at 22:00 there is another turboflight. At 17:00 Highroller event will start with buyin of 550€ and 20,000€ guarantee. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1C:
00:45 And its done !
Viktor Kormanak got his 171,000 in with Ax Qx and Lior Markov was calling with pocket sixes. After board Kx 3x 4x 7x Tx players are bagging the chips !
00:25 We are playing hand for hand
Before the break we lost Grabics and Berhin and we are looking for elimination of flight 1C.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 470,833, ent.: 12/113 1D ent.: 12/18
Break 15 min
00:05 Rejam
Goncalves opens his button to 20,000 and Maksym rejams for bit more than 200,000. Goncalves tanked a bit and folded his hand.
23:55 Berhin jams
Berhin jams his about 170,000. Nobody found hand to call.
23:45 We lost two players quickly
Rath and Martinez won´t go to day 2 from this flight.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 332,353, ent.: 17/113
23:35 Pot for Matyási
Miko opens to 17,000, Matyási and Markov calls. Board Ad 4d 3d 9h 7h was checked by all three players, Miko with Markov tabled Qx Jx, Matyási took pot down with Ac 5c.
23:20 Li Nu ousts Klein
On the flop Qx 2x 9x David jammed his 90,000 with Qx Jx, Li Nu held Ax Qx. Turn 8x and river 9x was no help for David and he is eliminated.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 256,818, ent.: 22/113
23:00 Oto Ormandy double up
On the flop Kx 7x Tx Oto got his 93,000 in against Brimus. Oto held Kx Qx, Igor had Ax 7x. Turn Qx and river 3x held for Ormandy.
22:50 Vitalii eliminates Nosko
On the river 8x 7x 2x Kx 2x there was about 85,000 in the pot and Vitalii bets same sum. Emil calls and Vitalii shows 2x 3x. Nosko mucks and in very next hand he looses last 10,000 with Ax Jx against Jx Td held by Vitalii after runout 5x 8x 2x 8x Tx.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg.209,259, ent.: 27/113 1D ent.: 14/14
22:40 Time !
On the river Qc 6c Kd 9c 5d there was 80,000 inside and Vitalii bets 24,000. Lajos raises to 50,000 and Vitalii was tanking for something over two minutes before someone called time. He decided to fold Jx Tx and Lajos shows him Ac.
22:25 Vladár is done with flight 1C
On the flop 8d 4d As there is about 50,000 inside, Vladár bets 10,000, Edain raises to 30,000 and Vladár calls. On the turn 5s Edain jams for about 120,000 effective and Vladár with Ac Jc calls, but is behind against Ax Ks. River Qh didn´t help to Vladár.
Level 13: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, ent.: 35/113
Break 15 min
21:50 Penther tried it
On the river Kc 3d 7d Kd 9s there is about 50,000 in the pot and Penther bets 16,000. Three players folds but Walter calls with Ax 9x. Penther mucks instantly.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 140,789, ent.: 38/107
Last level for registration and reentry to the flight 1C !
21:20 Štefan Bednár good with simple c-bet
Bednár opens to 6,500 from Mp, Davranche calls from sb and Heliš from bb. On the flop 4s 3c Jd Bednár bets 7,000 and both his opponents folded.
21:10 Zoltán Kovacs busted
Kovacs got his 44,000 in with Kx Jx against Kozlovský with Ah 4h. RUnout Tx 6x 5x 3x 8x was no help for Zoltán and he have to leave his seat.
21:00 Turboflight start is scheduled for 22:00 !
Same conditions, but levels will be shortened to 15 minutes. We are looking forward to see you !
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,318, ent.: 44/105
20:50 Matyási took small one
On the flop Ac 3s 3d there was about 10,000 inside and Vladár bets 3,000 from Ep. Matyási calls and on the turn As leads for 3,000. Vladár slowly folded.
20:40 Šeffer busto
Erik got his 37,000 in with pocket kings against Ax Qx held by Grábics. Ace on the river eliminated Erik from the tournament.
Level 9: 1,000 - 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 84,211, ent.: 57/96
Break 15 min
Hendon Mob Championship is starting on 21.11 and Guarantee is set to 200,000€ !
19:35 Šeffer won multiway pot
Walter limps, Asanger raises to 4,000 and Šeffer, Matyasi and Grábics calls. Flop Ac Ks 8h brings a bet of 5,000 from Asanger and only Matyási folds at this point. Turn Jd brought a bet of 5,000, but this time from Šeffer and only Asanger stays in game with him. River 6c was valued with a bet of 25,000 from Erik, but Asanger folded.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 73,276, ent.: 58/85
19:05 Li Nu took the pot with river bet
On the river 4x 6x 4x Tx 5x there was about 25,000 in the middle and Li goes with a bet of 11,000. All of his opponents folded very quickly.
18:50 Dráfi busto
Dráfi got his approximately 15,000 in with pocket eights and Jakab with Ziegerhoffer called. On the flop Qc 5c Ad Franz shoves for 17,600 with As 5s and Jakab calls with Kx Jx. Turn Qx and river Xx brought a lot of chips for Ziegerhofer.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,182, ent.: 55/75
18:35 Trips for Davranche
On the turn 3x 3x Tx 2x there is about 8,000 in the pot and Viktor bets 3,000. Two players folded and Davranche calls. On the river 9x Viktor bets 4,000 and Davranche calls. Viktor tabled Ax Tx but that wasnt enough against 6x 3x held by Davranche.
18:20 Stern out
On the flop 3c 5c 4h there was bet of 6,000, call from Dráfi and shove of 24,000 from Stern. After some thinking he got a call from his opponent with pocket eights and Dráfi folded. Stern held Ax 8x but river 5x and river Kx didn´t help him and Jozef is out of tournament for now.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 67,347, ent.: 49/66
18:00 Lucky double for Brimus
Igor got his 16,300 in with pocket tens against Ondrej with pocket queens. Board Tx 3x 2x 5x Kx held Igor in game.
17: 45 Pot for Maté Sándor
Scharfetter opens to 2,000 and got four calls.On the flop Kh 6h 5c action was checked down to Sándor in position and he bets 4,000. All of his opponents folded.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 61,957, ent.: 46/57
Break 30 min
17:00 Alexandre Davranche took small one
On the turn Kx 9x 6x 5x Davranche bets 1,600 into a pot of about 3,000. Jozef Dráfi folds with a smile.
16:45 Jakab winning another pot
On the turn 8h Qc 7s 4c there was about 10,000 inside and Reti bets 5,200. Jakab with Sándor calls and Berhin toss his hand away. Ont he river 5d everyone checks and Jakab shows 7x 4x. Sándor and Reti mucks.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 60,000, ent.: 40/48
16:30 Jakab Vs Penther
On the river Kd Td 3x 4x Tx there was 12,000 in the middle and Jakab bets 7,600. Penther thought about it a little and folded.
16:15 Miko Bela busto
Miko got his last 5,500 in with Ax Jx against Walter with Kx Tx. Runout Kx 6x 3x Kx 4x didn´t help to Miko at this time.
Level 3: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 52,703, ent.: 37/39
16:00 Asanger winning on the flop too
On the flop Ac 3c Qs Asanger bets 7,000 into similar pot and both of his opponents folded quickly.
15:45 Zaltsman took one
On the flop 8d 6d 7c there was 11,700 in the pot and Zaltsman bets 10,000. Both opponents folded and Zaltsman shows pocket jacks.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,471, ent.: 34/35
15:25 Scharfetter takes one for start
On the flop Qs Js 2c Scharfetter bets 7,500 into a pot of about 4,000, Sándor calls and third player in hand folds. On the turn 8h Scharfetter continues with a bet of 3,500 and Sándor paid. River 3c brought a bet of 5,400 and Sándor snapfolds.
15:10 Tournament has started
First couple of players took their seat and we are starting to play !
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200 avg. 50,000, ent.: 23/23
France-Benelux Masters Main Event:
- Start: 18:00
- Buy-in: 130€
- Starting Stack: 50.000 chips
- Late Registration : 12 levels
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 130€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
- 10% Fee + 5% Staff deduction
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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