Fifty Grand 50,000€ GTD recorded a total of 363 entries, failing to surpass the guarantee today. After a long night and a 3-way deal, the winner became Zsolt Hornok, taking home 8,350€. Starting from February 23rd, the Winter Polish Days with a total guarantee of 444,444€ will commence. In March, the Euro Poker Championship with a total guarantee of 500,000€ awaits you. For more information, follow our website and social media channels. We look forward to seeing you!
Fifty Grand results:
1. Hornok Zsolt - 8,350€
2. Ralbovský Peter - 5,425€
3. Savic Miso - 5,000€
4. Garai Balint - 3,290€
5. Toncer Ladislav - 2,615€
6. Nečas Ondrej - 2,190€
7. Sarayedar Zadeh Tabriz Pedram - 1,765€
8. Ernst Reinhard - 1,490€
9. Eidsaeter Svein - 1,255€
10. Romaniuk Bohdan - 735€
11. Schnierer Matus - 735€
12. Lohnicky Milan - 735€
13. Litera Petr - 600€
14. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 600€
15. Janosovsky Jakub - 600€
16. Beer Martin - 490€
17. Spany Martin - 490€
18. Kormanak Viktor - 490€
19. Deak Gabor - 415€
20. Bugar Norbert - 415€
21. Ronshyn Maksym - 415€
22. Aziz Maged - 340€
23. Brunnbauer Jonathan Tobias - 340€
24. Kvak Vasyl - 340€
25. Rusu Marius - 290€
26. Lakatos Alan - 290€
27. Bachmayer Oliver - 290€
28. Amir Juwan - 240€
29. Klinda Michal - 240€
30. Wenzel Benedikt - 240€
31. Skryp Andrii - 240€
32. Balogh Csaba - 240€
33. Reisecker Gerhard - 240€
34. Pastierik Jakub - 240€
35. Svendsen Sebastian Hansen - 240€
36. Hammerschmidt Peter - 240€
9:20 Deal is on the table
Hornok – 8,350€
Ralbovský – 5,425€
Savic – 5,350€
Short break
9:05 Balint Garai finishes in fourth place for 3,290€
Balint went all in preflop for 1,500,000 with 5x 5x, and Hornok called with Ax 9x. After the board showed Ax Qx Jx 7x Tx, Balint is eliminated, and the players immediately engage in discussions about a deal.
8:55 Ladislav Toncer finishes
Toncer pushed into the pot with 1,275,000 with Kx 3x, and Hornok re-shoved with Kx Qx. After the board 7x Jx 9x 8x 2x, Toncer finishes in fifth place in the tournament for 2,615€
8:50 Savic all in
The action has slowed down a bit, and not much is happening. Savic is actively opening and stealing what isn't nailed down. In the last hand, from the button, he pushed effectively over 3,000,000, and Ralbovský, from the big blind, thought for a while but couldn't find the courage to call.
Level 27: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 4,290,000, ent.: 5/363
8:30 Rejam
Garai opened for 400,000 from early position, and Savic re-jammed for 1,775,000. Hornok, in the big blind, contemplated for a moment but eventually folded, and Garai promptly mucked his cards.
8:15 Ondrej Nečas finishes in sixth place for 2,190€.
Balint Garai opened from early position for 450,000. Nečas pushed 250,000 over the line, and Hornok called from the big blind. The flop came 5h 2h 3d 5c, and active players checked. Nečas showed Qh 6h, while Hornok held Ax 6x. Garai decided to play with Ax Tx and won this pot. Ondrej exits the tournament amused.
Level 26: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 3,575,000, ent.: 6/363
Break 10 min
8:10 Double seat open
Ondrej Nečas shoved for about 1,300,000 with 9x 8x, and Miso Savic called from the big blind with Qx Qx. With a blank board, Nečas was left with exactly 160,000 behind the line. He decided to pay his big blind, and his stack doubled. In the next hand, Hornok opened from early position for 350,000, Reinhard pushed for about 1,400,000, and Tabriz re-jammed for about 2,200,000. Nečas wisely folded his cards from the small blind, and Hornok snap-called with Kx Kx. Tabriz showed tens, and Reinhard had Ax Kx. With the board 5x 8x 3x 2x 5x, Hornok collected a hefty pile of chips, and two players bid farewell to the tournament with payouts of 1,490€ and 1,765€. Nečas jumped over two pay jumps.
7:45 Ladislav Toncer double up
Nečas shoved from the small blind, and Toncer snap-called for 1,210,000 with Ax Qd from the big blind. Nečas revealed Kx 7x, and with the board 3d 7d Ad Jc 8d, Toncer completed his flush and doubled up his stack.
Level 25: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 2,681,250, Ent.: 8/363
7:30 Zsolt Hornok double up
On the flop 9x 9c 5c, there was approximately a million in the pot, and Reinhard bet 2,000,000. Ralbovský folded, but Zsolt immediately called his 1,800,000. Reinhard held a flush draw with Ac 6c, but Zsolt had 9x 5x. The miracle didn't happen on the turn and river, so Zsolt adds to his stack.
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
7:10 Svein Eidaseter finishes in ninth place for 1,255€
Svein went all in preflop for just over a million with Tx 9x, and Nečas revealed Kx Tx. With the board Qx 7x 2x Tx 6x, Svein was left with just 20,000, which he lost in the next hand on the small blind.
FT chipcounts:
Final Table payouts:
1. 8,870€
2. 5,940€
3. 4,315€
4. 3,290€
5. 2,615€
6. 2,190€
7. 1,765€
8. 1,490€
9. 1,255€
All participants at the final table also receive a 350€ ticket to the Euro Poker Championship included in their winnings, and these funds are already accounted for in the payout structure.
Bustouts before final table:
10. Romaniuk Bohdan - 735€
11. Schnierer Matus - 735€
12. Lohnicky Milan - 735€
13. Litera Petr - 600€
14. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 600€
15. Janosovsky Jakub - 600€
16. Beer Martin - 490€
17. Spany Martin - 490€
18. Kormanak Viktor - 490€
19. Deak Gabor - 415€
20. Bugar Norbert - 415€
21. Ronshyn Maksym - 415€
22. Aziz Maged - 340€
23. Brunnbauer Jonathan Tobias - 340€
24. Kvak Vasyl - 340€
25. Rusu Marius - 290€
26. Lakatos Alan - 290€
27. Bachmayer Oliver - 290€
28. Amir Juwan - 240€
29. Klinda Michal - 240€
30. Wenzel Benedikt - 240€
31. Skryp Andrii - 240€
32. Balogh Csaba - 240€
33. Reisecker Gerhard - 240€
34. Pastierik Jakub - 240€
35. Svendsen Sebastian Hansen - 240€
36. Hammerschmidt Peter - 240€
6:50 Matúš Schnierer and Bohdan Romaniuk are eliminated, heading to the final table
Matúš went all in for about a million with Ad 3d, and Reinhard behind him found Qx Qx. With the board Qx Jx 6x 3x 4x, Matúš exits in eleventh place. Romaniuk was eliminated in tenth place, shoving eights for 980,000, but Miso Savic held Ax Ax, and after a blank board, Bohdan was out in tenth place.
Level 24: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,383,333, ent.: 9/363
6:45 Hornok and Nečas double up
Hornok went all in preflop with nines against Ax Tx of Lohnický. With the board Jx 5x 2x 7x 7x, Lohnický falls short, subsequently getting eliminated. On the other table, Nečas went all in for 880,000 with Jx Jx against Ralbovský's Ax 9x. With the board Qx Qx 6x 5x 8x, Nečas doubles up.
6:30 Comeback for Suer doesn't happen
Suer pushed his short stack back into the game, this time with Ax 4x, but Ralbovský in the big blind found Ax 9x and easily called. With the board Ax 9x 5x 2x Tx, Suer gets eliminated from the tournament. Petr Litera also left the tournament at this point.
6:20 Suer double up
With the last 150,000 behind, Suer went all in with 5h 5x, and Litera found Qx Jx. However, with the board Kh Qh 8s Th 3h, Suer completed his flush and continues in the tournament.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,532,143, ent.: 14/363
Break 10 min
5:50 Rough exit for Janošovský
Jakub opened from early position to 125,000, Reinhard called from the small blind, and Špány also joined in. On the flop Js Ts 2x, Reinhard led out 225,000, Špány called, and Janošovský also called. On the turn 8s, Reinhard shoved all in for 1,700,000, Špány, with his short stack, called, and after about a minute of consideration, Jakub called with Ks 4s. Reinhard revealed a set of eights, and Špány showed As Xs. River was another Jx and Reinhard thus takes over a massive chip lead, and we lose two players at once.
Level 22: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,340,625, ent.: 16/363
5:30 Svein takes a smaller pot
Svein opened from the button to 200,000, and Bohdan called from the big blind. Both players checked on the flop 4d 2d 3h. The action didn't change with the turn Ad or the river 8h. Bohdan revealed Kx 8x, and Svein won the pot with Kx Qx. Meanwhile, at a neighboring table, Hammerschmidt and Svendsen were eliminated from the tournament at the same time.
First batch of eliminations:
19. Deak Gabor - 415€
20. Bugar Norbert - 415€
21. Ronshyn Maksym - 415€
22. Aziz Maged - 340€
23. Brunnbauer Jonathan Tobias - 340€
24. Kvak Vasyl - 340€
25. Rusu Marius - 290€
26. Lakatos Alan - 290€
27. Bachmayer Oliver - 290€
28. Amir Juwan - 240€
29. Klinda Michal - 240€
30. Wenzel Benedikt - 240€
31. Skryp Andrii - 240€
32. Balogh Csaba - 240€
33. Reisecker Gerhard - 240€
34. Pastierik Jakub - 240€
35. Svendsen Sebastian Hansen - 240€
36. Hammerschmidt Peter - 240€
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 893,750, ent.: 24/363
5:05 Marius Rusu eliminated
Bohdan opened from early position to 120,000, and Marius shoved from the button with approximately 6 big blinds left with Ax Jx. Bohdan called with nines, and with the board Tx 8x 7x 5x 5x, he knocked out his opponent.
4:50 Bohdan Romaniuk double up
Bohdan went all in preflop with aces against Balint Garai's tens. With the board 8x 5x Qx Jx Jx, Bohdan doubled his 460,000.
Level 20: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 766,071, ent.: 28/363
4:40 Svein Vs Tabriz
Svein opened from early position to 100,000, and Tabriz called from the small blind. Ralbovský in the big blind folded his short stack, and it checked through on the flop Jc 3s 2h. On the turn 6h, Svein bet 100,000 again, and Tabriz called easily. On the river 7h, Svein bet 350,000, and Tabriz with Qx 6x called. Svein revealed only As 4s, losing the pot.
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
4:20 Gerhard Reisecker ends
Gerhard went all in preflop with 5c 6c for 515,000 against Bohdan's Jx Jx. With the board 4x 2x Tx Tx 5x, Gerhard surrendered most of his stack, and the remaining chips he lost in the subsequent hand.
Level 19: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 612,857, ent.: 35/363
3:40 Rasťo Antala becomes the bubble boy
On the turn Ax 3x 2x 7x, Rasťo pushed across the line with his approximately 180,000 with Ax 8x. Toncer contemplated for a while and eventually called with Ax 9x. With a blank river, Rasťo ended up as the unfortunate bubble boy in today's tournament.
3:10 Tough spot for Maksym
After a flurry of seat opens, the game entered hand-for-hand mode in the final minutes. Maksym opened to 50,000, and Reinhard raised to 160,000. Maksym responded with a raise to 400,000, and Reinhard shoved all in for his remaining roughly 700,000. Maksym contemplated for several minutes but ultimately folded. Ernst showed him Qx Qx after the hand.
Level 17: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 466,304, ent.: 46/363
2:30 Nice call
On the river Ax 9x Kx Jx 2x, there was about 250,000 in the pot, and Michal Klinda bet 100,000. Schnierer after a short consideration called, and Michal immediately mucked his cards. Matúš turned over Qx 9x after the hand.
2:15 Benbedikt Wenzel double up
Wenzel pushed from early position with about 150,000 with Ax Kx, and Tabriz on his way reshoved with tens. With the board Ax Qx 5x 3x 2x, Wenzel secured a double up.
Level 17: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 466,304, ent.: 46/363
2:30 Nice call
On the river Ax 9x Kx Jx 2x, there was about 250,000 in the pot, and Michal Klinda bet 100,000. Schnierer after a short consideration called, and Michal immediately mucked his cards. Matúš turned over Qx 9x after the hand.
2:15 Benbedikt Wenzel double up
Wenzel pushed from early position with about 150,000 with Ax Kx, and Tabriz on his way reshoved with tens. With the board Ax Qx 5x 3x 2x, Wenzel secured a double up.
Level 16: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 369,828, ent.: 58/363
Break 10 min
1:50 Dušan Rapo loses a huge pot
On the turn Ad Ts 6c 5d, Boris Stanglovic went all in with his short stack, and there was about 150,000 in the pot. Klinda also went all in for 296,000 with 6d 8d, and Rapo, covering both, called with Ax Qx. With the river 4d, Klinda completed his flush and claimed this gigantic pot for himself.
1:40 Noro Bugár takes a smaller pot
On the river 2x 3x 6x Qx 5x, there was about 70,000 in the pot, and both Noro and Nečas checked. Nečas revealed Kx Qx, and Noro won the pot with fours.
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 310,870, ent.: 68/363
1:10 3-bet
Maksym opened to 30,000 after a limped pot. Dušan Rapo from the cutoff 3-bet to 150,000, and Maksym contemplated for a while. Eventually, he decided to fold his cards.
1. 8,870€
2. 5,940€
3. 4,315€
4. 3,290€
5. 2,615€
6. 2,190€
7. 1,765€
8. 1,490€
9. 1,255€
10-12. 735€
13-15. 600€
16-18. 490€
19-21. 415€
22-24. 340€
25-27. 290€
28-36. 240€
A total of 363 players participated in the tournament, and addons were utilized a total of 330 times. Banco Casino Bratislava had to contribute more than 10,000€ from its own funds to the prize pool. All participants at the final table also receive a 350€ ticket to the Euro Poker Championship included in their winnings, and these funds are already accounted for in the payout structure.
Level 14: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 241,011, ent.: 89/363
00:45 Mykhailo Zveniatskyi eliminates
Mykhailo went all in preflop for about 60,000 with Ac Ad against Js Jd, found by Benjamin Svetina. With the board 7c 8c 4c Ks 2c, Benjamin is knocked out of the tournament.
00:30 István Buderer double up
Ondrej Nečas shoved from the button, and Buderer from the big blind called his 52,000 with Ax 2x. Nečas revealed Kx 8x, and with the board Ax 9x 6x Kx Ax, Buderer secured a double up.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 189,823, ent.: 113/363
Break 20 min
23:50 Ratko Jankovic double up
Aziz limped, and Ratko shoved for just under 30,000 with Ah Kh. Aziz called with Ac 5c, and after the board came 9x 9x 3x 6x 2x, he had to relinquish a portion of his stack.
23:40 Zveniatskyi stubbornly
On the flop Qc 6h 6d, there was about 30,000 in the pot, and Mykhailo bet 5,000 from the position. Jan Goebel raised to 16,000, which was quickly called, and on the turn 3d, Mykhailo bet 20,000. Goebel folded his cards.
Level 12: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 156,484, ent.: 128/339
23:20 Turn overbet
On the turn Jx Jx 2x Qx, there was about 40,000 in the pot, and Attila from the first position bet 60,000. His opponent contemplated for a while but eventually folded.
Break 11: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 133,310, ent.: 145/327
22:55 Boljesik raises
Klinda opened to 14,000 on the button, and Boljesik three-bet to over 100,000 from the small blind. Klinda tanked for a while before eventually folding.
22:30 Milan Lohnický makes a move
On the flop Kd 8s Qh, Miloš Djordjevič bet 15,000, the next player folded, and Lohnický called. Both players checked the turn 7s, and on the river 5c, Milan bet 50,000. Miloš was not happy with the situation and after a moment, he folded his hand.
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Level 10: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 110,185, ent.: 162/302
22:10 Majco Nemec receives a hefty bad beat
On the flop Qx 6x 9x, Nemec bets 14,500 into a pot of 24,000. Redl immediately goes all in for 52,500, and Aisov, as well as the last player in the hand, fold. Majco calls with Kx Qx, and Harald reveals Jx 9x. However, the turn 9x and river 7x grant a double up for Harald. After this hand, Nemec is left with just under 5,000 behind the line.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 99,632, ent.: 163/275
Break 20 min
21:30 Maté Sándor victorious
On the turn Ah Jc 2c 7d, the pot was something over 25,000, and Sándor bet 12,000. Petr on the small blind contemplated for a while and folded. Svoboda behind him folded immediately, and Maté showed his opponents 8h after the hand.
21:15 Florin Stan eliminated
Florin pushed across the line with about 30,000 with Qs Th, and at the other end of the table, Roland Tiba called with Qd Qc. With the board Kx 9x Qx 7x 2x, Florin was knocked out of the tournament for now.
Level 8: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, av. 88,851, ent.: 174/262
21:00 Milan Lohnický takes the pot
On the flop Ah Kd Jd, the pot was 4,200, and Milan bet 3,700 from the position. Csaba Balogh called, and on the turn 7h and river 7d, both checked. Csaba held Tc 5c, and Milan won the pot with his Ax 3x.
20:45 Filip Kollár double up
On the turn Qd Qc 2c 7c, there was about 30,000 in the pot, and Filip pushed across the line with about 35,000. Bohdan raised slightly more, and Murzsa folded. Kollár revealed 2x 2x, and Bohdan showed Ac Ax. With the river Kh, Filip comfortably maintained his lead and secured a hefty double up.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 78,750, ent.: 177/236
20:30 Aziz in the tank
On the river Ah 8h 9s Ks As, the pot was 75,000, and Attila Markovci pushed across the line with his 68,500. Aziz struggled with his decision for a long time and ultimately chose to fold face up Kh 9h.
20:15 David Klein victorious
On the flop 7d 2d Jh, the pot was 16,800, and Karol Sandl bet 5,500 from the blinds. David decided to raise to 14,000, and after a brief thought, Karol folded his cards.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 72,955, ent.: 176/218
20:00 C-bet
On the flop Ax Tx 9x, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and Mohammed bet 4,200. His opponent pondered for almost two minutes and eventually decided to get rid of his cards.
19:40 Flip
Two Hungarian players went all-in preflop for about 20,000. Laszlo held Ax Kx, and Tamas with a shorter stack had jacks. With a blank board, Tamas secured a double up.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 71,592, ent.: 158/192
Break 30 min
18:50 Macho Vs. Turbic
On the flop Jd 7s 2s, Macho bet 2,000 into a pot of about 4,000. Turbic called, and on the turn Qh, he check-called a bet of 2,200. Both players checked on the river 3d, and Peter Macho revealed 5x 5x. However, Turbic held Kx Jx and took the pot.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 68,489, ent.: 139/162
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
18:20 River bet
On the river Kc As 5s Jc 4c, there was about 7,000 in the pot, and Miloš Prokeš bet 6,200. Tabriz pondered for a while but folded his cards.
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 61.587, ent.: 126/132
18:00 Milan Šedivý loses
On the turn Jd 7d 9s 6s, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and Suer bet 3,100. Šedivý and Grábics called, Hevesi folded. On the river As, Suer continued for 6,200, Šedivý called, and Grabics folded. Suer revealed Ax Jx, and Milan's cards went into the muck.
17:45 Zsolt Szabo takes multiway pot
On the flop Ax 8x 4x, there was about 4,500 in the pot, and Zsolt bet 1,700. Kollár, Prokša, and Kovacs smoothly folded their cards.
Level 2: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 60.345, ent.: 87/89
17:25 Flop raise
In one of the early hands, there was about 5,000 in the pot, and Martin bet 3,000 on the flop Tx 9x Kx. However, his Austrian opponent decided for an immediate raise to 10,000, and Martin quickly folded his cards.
17:15 From the beginning of the tournament, players such as
Špány, Stevič, Lakatoš, Malinovský, Hara, Heger, Lendl, Aisov, and many others have been involved.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 58.889, ent.: 72/72
Fifty Grand 50,000€ GTD:
Start: 17:00
Late reg: 12 lvls
Starting stack: 50.000 chips
Special Add-on: 10€ / 10.000 chips
Special Add-on included in the prize pool
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
9x 350€ ticket to EPC ME 400.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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