Euro Poker Championship 400,000€ saw a total of 1,512 players participating, shattering the guarantee into mere pieces. Throughout the week, a total of 459,650€ was distributed in the Main Event, with the largest piece, 81,320€, claimed by Nikolaos Vouldis without any deal. After a week full of action, the poker community conquered every single side event. Next up for us is the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, starting on April 8th. For more information, stay tuned to our website and social media channels. We look forward to seeing you there!
Final Day results:
1. Vouldis Nikolaos - 81,320€
2. Nečas Ondrej - 53,820€
3. Sinani Maksi - 37,625€
4. Aletras Iakovos Paraskevas - 27,545€
5. Goose Steven Peter - 22,520€
6. Kozma David -17,945€
7. Vlachos Andreas - 13,370€
8. Demosthenous Demos - 9,245€
9. Chalkiotis Charalampos Emmanouil - 6,220€
10. Kováč Richard - 4,195€
11. Ntamaris Fotios - 4,195€
12. Bachoumis Rigas - 3,170€
13. Hadjicostis Marios Demetrios - 3,170€
14. Konstantinos Argyris - 2,570€
15. Kapalas Georgios - 2,570€
16. Gustavsen Tobias Bern - 2,570€
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD soon !
23:55 Ondrej Nečas finishes second for 53,820€
Stacks shifted from side to side for a while, and we didn't see any significant movement. However, in the last hand, Vouldis defeated Nečas, concluding the EPC Main Event.
In the final hand, Vouldis opened for 1,300,000, and Nečas responded with an all-in for 33,000,000. Vouldis snap-called with Ts Tc, while Nečas revealed Ah Ks. With a board of 9c 6c 8h 5d 2h, the EPC Main Event comes to an end.
HU chipcounts:
Vouldis – 43,000,000
Nečas – 33,000,000
Short break
23:25 Sinani exits in third place for 37,625€
Vouldis opened from the small blind, and Sinani went all in for 13,000,000. Shortly after, Vouldis called with sevens, and Sinani revealed Kx 9x. With the board showing 7x 4x 3x Qx Jx, this Albanian player bids farewell to the tournament in third place.
Level 34: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 25,200,000, ent.: 3/1,512
Break 10 min
22:45 Iakovos Aletras takes home 27,545€ for fourth place.
Aletras went all in preflop with As Qh for 13,000,000 against Nečas's Ks Kc. The board ran out Jx 3s 3c 2c 5d, sealing Aletras's fate.
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD soon !
22:30 Nikolaos Vouldis secures a fortunate double up.
Nečas opened the betting for 1,400,000, Aletras 3-bet to 11,000,000, and Vouldis shoved his 14,000,000 stack over the line. Nečas folded, and Aletras promptly called with Ks Kd. Vouldis revealed Qh Qc, and after the board ran out 6s 5d 8h Jc Qx, Vouldis experienced an unfortunate bad beat.
Level 33: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 18,900,000, ent.: 4/1,512
22:22 Aletras gains momentum
Aletras opened the betting for 900,000 from early position, and Nečas called from the big blind with 5c 5d. On the flop Kd Qd 7s, Aletras bet 725,000, and Ondrej silently folded.
22:00 Steven Goose eliminated in fifth place for 22,520€
Steven shoved all in for 7,000,000 from the button, and Aletras called from the big blind with Ad 8s. Steven turned over As Ks, but after the board ran out 8d 2h Js 6c 7h, he had to bid farewell despite having the better starting hand.
Spring Polish Poker Days 444.444€ GTD at the beginning of June!
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 15,120,000, ent.: 5/1,512
Break 15 min
21:00 David Kozma eliminated in sixth place for 17,945€
Vouldis opened from early position, and David, from the cutoff, shoved his remaining three million with Ad Jh. However, after the board ran out Td Qc Ac Qh 8x, he lost his stack and exited the tournament.
Level 31: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 12,600,000, ent.: 6/1,512
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
20:15 David Kozma successfully defends
Steven opened for 550,000 and Kozma called from the big blind. On the flop Td 9c 4d, Steven continued with a bet of 500,000, and David called. However, both players checked on the turn Qs. When the river 2h came, Kozma took the initiative and bet 1,600,000. After some thought, Steven decided to fold.
19:45 Andreas Vlachos finishes in eighth place for 13,370€
Andreas went all-in preflop with Jx Jx for his 4,400,000. Steven Goose called with Ax Qx and after the board showed Ax 8x 3x 6x 6x, Andreas exits the tournament in eighth place.
Level 30: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,800,000, ent.: 7/1,512
19:30 Demos Demosthenous finishes in eighth place for 9,245€
Demos went all-in preflop for 1,800,000 with Ax Jx against Ondrej, who confirms his good form and again flips Ax Kx. After the board showed Ax 8x 7x 4x 5x, we say goodbye to this player.
Level 29: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 9,450,000, ent.: 8/1,512
Final table will have livestream :
Live Report will continue along the livestream
FT Chipcounts:
Break 30 min
18:20 Charalampos Chalkiotis finishes in ninth place for 6,220€
Charalampos went all-in preflop for about two million with Ax Qx, and Nečas flipped Ax Kx. After the board showed Kx 6x 7x 9x 8x, we move on to the official final table.
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250.000€ GTD za 170€ začiatkom apríla!
18:10 Rejam
Nečas opened for 450,000 and Vouldis re-jammed for about 9,000,000. Who knows why everyone folded...
Level 29: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 8,400,000, ent.: 9/1,512
Break 10 min
Bustouts so far:
10. Kováč Richard - 4,195€
11. Ntamaris Fotios - 4,195€
12. Bachoumis Rigas - 3,170€
13. Hadjicostis Marios Demetrios - 3,170€
14. Konstantinos Argyris - 2,570€
15. Kapalas Georgios - 2,570€
16. Gustavsen Tobias Bern - 2,570€
17:30 Rišo Kováč finishes in tenth place for 4,195€
On the flop Qx 7x 9x, Rišo went all in for about 3,500,000 with eights, but David Kozma turned a set of nines. After the turn 6x and the river Qx, we move on to the unofficial final table, but without Slovak representation.
17:15 Marios Hadjicostis finishes in thirteenth place for 3,170€
Steven Goose opened with 350,000, Marios jammed for 1,125,000 with As Js, and the other players folded. Steven called with nines, and after a board of Kx 8x 4x 6x 2x, he eliminated his opponent. Following closely behind him was Rigas Bachoumis, also finishing for 3,170€.
16:55 Konstantinos Argyris is eliminated in fourteenth place for 2,570€
Konstantinos went all in preflop with about two million with Qx Qx against his opponent's Kx Kx. With a board of 2x 2x Jx 2x 5x, Konstantinos bids farewell.
Level 28: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,400,000, ent.: 14/1,512
16:45 Georgios Kapalas finishes in sixteenth place for 2,570€
Georgios went all in preflop with approximately 1,800,000 with nines, and Maksi Sinani had Js Jx. With a board of Ax Kx 6x Jx 3x, Georgios is eliminated.
16:30 Tobias Gustavsen exits in sixteenth place for 2,570€
Tobias went all in preflop with Qx Qx against Aletras' Ax Kx. With a board of 7x 7x 3x 5x Kx, Aletras secures a double up. However, after chip counts, Aletras had 4,485,000, slightly more than Tobias, resulting in his elimination.
16:20 4-bet all in
Georgios Kapalas opened the action with 250,000, and David Kozma followed with a 3-bet to 750,000. After contemplating for several minutes, Georgios eventually announced an all-in bet of approximately 4,000,000. David promptly folded his hand.
Level 27: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 4,725,000, ent.: 16/1,512
Mystery bounty results:
1. Papastefanou Panagiotis - 7,000 €
2. Tavoularis Georgios Angelos - 6,495 €
3. Raschbauer Stefan - 3,595 €
4. Pedersen Patrick Johnsen - 2,985 €
5. Westerlund Iver Nordmeland - 2,395 €
6. Andersen Joachim - 1,950 €
7. Spaho Ardit - 1,515 €
8. Hagen Espen - 1,110 €
9. Charalampous Evangelos - 885 €
10. Poluk Daniel Christopher - 675 €
11. Skreen Ola - 675 €
12. Avgousti Andreas - 675 €
13. Aisov Yury - 525 €
14. Milabersky Ondrej - 525 €
15. Hwang Taehyun - 525 €
16. Stefani Marios - 420 €
17. Thorvaldsen Andreas - 420 €
18. Dahle Martin Rottem - 420 €
19. Kitsopoulos Vasileios - 345 €
20. Solli Christina Joergensen - 345 €
21. Vandevyver Sebastien Pierre J - 345 €
22. Ilisevic Aleksandar - 345 €
23. Gkioka or Gjoka Alfons - 345 €
24. Kolokotronis Theodoros - 345 €
25. Goss Hayley Yvette - 345 €
26. Hofseth Johnny - 345 €
27. Valenta Marek - 270 €
28. Tsinas Nikolaos - 270 €
29. Tryfonopoulos Konstantinos - 270 €
30. Koppel Richard - 270 €
31. Pougaridis Grigorios - 270 €
32. Rompero Koskindis - 270 €
33. Kollias Marios - 270 €
34. Evangelos Solakoudis - 270 €
35. Drab Przemyslaw Kacper - 270 €
36. Patsias Anthanasios - 220 €
37. Koulopoulos Ioannis - 220 €
38. Barak Barna - 220 €
39. Arstad Christian - 220 €
40. Daugela Audrius - 220 €
41. Pilic Milenko - 220 €
42. Tsiolas Konstantinos - 220 €
43. Siatras Konstantinos - 220 €
44. Georgiou Georgios - 220 €
45. Papagouras Ioannis - 180 €
46. Sveen Reidar - 180 €
47. Freund Ohad Aharon - 180 €
48. Christou Giorgos - 180 €
49. Stranden Ludvik Joessund - 180 €
50. Friedland Dov - 180 €
51. Desser Andrej - 180 €
52. Stanisljevic Predrag - 180 €
53. Giannakopoulou Anastasia - 180 €
54. Andersen Glenn - 180 €
55. Fidanovski Miroslav - 180 €
56. Kalantzis Georgios - 180 €
57. Zacharakis Emmanouil - 180 €
58. Iversen Leif Eddy - 180 €
59. Gravlien Bjorn Ruben - 180 €
60. Kula Jonatan Ireneusz - 180 €
Yesterday's EPC Mystery Bounty attracted a total of 476 players, resulting in a respectable prize pool of 42,840€. After a deal in the heads-up, the winner was ultimately Panagiotis Papastefanou, who walked away with a clean 7,000€.
Final day payouts:
1. 81,320€
2. 53,820€
3. 37,625€
4. 27,545€
5. 22,520€
6. 17,945€
7. 13,370€
8. 9,245€
9. 6,220€
10-11. 4,195€
12-13. 3,170€
14-16. 2,570€
A total of 1,512 players participated in the EPC Main Event, creating a prize pool of 459,650€. The top 16 players will also receive a 170€ ticket to the upcoming Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, and these funds are already included in the payout structure.
Final table will have livestream :
Final Day Chipcounts :
EPC ME 400,000€ GTD :
Late Registration : 12 levels
12,5% of the field qualify to Day 2
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in April!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
August 2024 will bring the Swedish Poker Championship at Banco Casino!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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