EAPT Main Event 200,000€ GTD concluded with the triumph of Hungarian player Miklos Zsuffa, who navigated through a field of 389 players without making a deal, securing a prize of 37,630€. Simultaneously, the Highroller event also concluded, featuring 37 participants, and after a 4-way ICM deal, Zoltán Vrancsik emerged victorious with a trophy and 10,900€ in cash. This week, we look forward to the Banco Casino Warm Up weekend with single-day events offering 20,000€ and 30,000€ GTD. Starting on February 5th, Banco Casino Masters with a guaranteed prize pool of 250,000€ kicks off. For more information, stay tuned to our website and social media! We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day results:
1. Zsuffa Miklos 37 630€
2. Chrysochoidis Christoforos 27 450€
3. Paeivaerinta Vili Jussi 20 600€
4. Alina Mario 15 420€
5. Sabishchenko Rostyslav 8 525€
6. Sisso Avraham 6 200€
7. Giannakopoulos Ioannis 4 925€
8. Pelacho 3 950€
9. Mezei Antal 3 250€
10. Zeravica Ivo - 2 725€
11. Filip Adrian Constantin - 2 725€
12. Hillinger Christoph - 2 350€
13. Stopka Lukáš - 2 350€
14. Vaczy Burany Laszlo - 2 050€
15. Szabo Zsolt - 2 050€
16. Fraczek Lukasz Pawel - 1 800€
1:55 Christoforos becomes the runner-up
Miklos completed his small blind, and Christoforos pushed over the line with a stack of just over two million. Miklos snap-called with aces, and Christoforos held Kx 6x. The board came 2x 3x 3x Ax Tx, concluding the EAPT Main Event, and Christoforos will take home 27,450€.
HR payouts:
1. Vrancsik Zoltan - 10,900 €
2. Dadakos Vasileios - 8,370 €
3. Tsakiris Ionnis - 6,315 €
4. Gkogkos Vasileios - 6,225 €
5. Freudenschuss Helmut - 3,340 €
Level 29: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,500,000, ent.: 2/389
1:30 Zsuffa extends the lead
On the flop 9d 8d 2d, Christoforos bet 175,000, and Miklos quickly raised to 550,000. Christoforos called, and the turn brought 3s. Zsuffa bet 950,000, and Christoforos called again. On the river 2h, Miklos bet 1,300,000 and once more received a call. Miklos held Jd 5d, and Christoforos lost nearly half of his stack with Td 9c.
1:10 In the heads-up, Miklos Zsuffa and Christoforos Chrysochoidis will face each other.
1:00 Vili Paeivaerinta finishes in third place for 20,600€
Vili went all-in for 3,800,000 with Ad Jd, and Miklos Zsuffa behind him found jacks. The board came 3x 4x 4x 7x Kh, leading to the Finnish player's elimination in third place for 20,600€.
Level 28: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,186,667, ent.: 3/389
00:20 Miklos Zsuffa double up
Christoforos opened from the button for 275,000, and Zsuffa called from the big blind. On the flop Ts 8d 7c, Christoforos continued for 290,000, and Miklos comfortably called. On the turn 9s, Miklos led for 225,000, and Christoforos responded with a raise to 795,000. After a moment, Miklos called, and on the river 9d, Christoforos put him all-in for just under two million. Miklos, holding Qs Js, promptly called, and Christoforos with his Jx Jx lost this significant pot.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 5,186,667, ent.: 3/389
23:50 Mario Alina finishes in fourth place for 15,420€
Mario opened to 500,000, and Vili from the small blind shoved his entire stack. Alina instantly called the remaining 280,000 with Jx 9x, and Vili revealed Ax Tx. The board ran out 5x Tx Ax 4x 6x, marking the end for the last Slovak player.
23:20 4-bet
Christoforos opened from early position, and Vili 3-bet to 675,000. After a very brief moment, Christoforos 4-bet to 1,500,000, and Vili quickly folded.
23:00 3-bet pot
Zsuffa opened for 200,000 from the button, and Christoforos 3-bet to 650,000. Zsuffa called, and on the flop Kd Jd 2s, Christoforos bet 470,000. Miklos thought for a moment and folded.
Level 27: 50,000 -100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,890,000, ent.: 4/389
Last four chipcounts:
Short break
Deal discussion going on
22:15 Rostyslav Sabishchenko unfortunate setup eliminates in fifth place for 8,525€
Zsuffa opened, and Sabishchenko re-jammed from the small blind for 2,700,000. Zsuffa easily called with aces, and the board ran out 8c 2c 2d Th Tc, sending Rostyslav home with 8,525€
22:10 Avraham Sisso eliminated in sixth place for 6,200€
Sisso went all-in preflop with Qh Th for 1,300,000, and Sabishchenko held Qs Qd. The board ran out 8d 4d 4c 9c 2c, and Avraham couldn't find a fortunate double up, securing 6,200€ for his performance.
22:00 Miklos Zsuffa doubles up
Zsuffa went all-in preflop for 1,600,000 with Ax Jx against Sabishchenko, who had As Ks. After the board ran 6c Jc Ts 7s Ts, Zsuffa secures a nice double up.
21:50 Ioannis Giannakopoulos takes home 4,925€ for seventh place
Ioannis went all-in preflop blind vs blind for his approximately 1,700,000 with Ax Tx. Sabishchenko showed Ax Jx, and after the board ran 2x 7x Ax 4x 2x, this Greek player has to say goodbye.
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,222,857, ent.: 7/389
21:45 Pelacho eliminated in eighth place for 3,950€
Vili opened from the cutoff for 160,000, and Alina on the button 3-bet to 400,000. Pelacho from the big blind shoved for 950,000 with Ax Qx. Vili folded, but Mario called with Kx Jx. The board Kx Kx Tx 4x Qx confirms Mario's excellent form, and Pelacho departs as the first elimination from the final table.
Link to the livestream:
The live report will continue concurrently with the livestream.
The final table has been reached in the Highroller event.
A total of 37 players registered for the tournament, creating a prize pool of 35,150€. The distribution will be as follows:
1. 12,490€
2. 8,600€
3. 6,150€
4. 4,570€
5. 3,340€
Final Table redraw:
Short break
20:00 Antal Mezei eliminated in ninth place for 3,250€.
Mezei went all in preflop with eights against an opponent holding jacks. The board came Jx Qx 4x 5x 6x, and Antal bids farewell just before the gates of the official final table.
Level 25: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,728,889, ent.: 9/389
Break 20 min
19:40 EAPT Closing event is now running.
The guarantee is set at 10,000€ with a buy-in of 115€. Only 23 players have registered so far, and 17 are actively playing at the tables. There is a potential for a significant overlay, and you can join until 21:55.
19:20 Giannakopoulos doubles up.
Giannakopoulos went all in preflop with Qx Qx for 575,000, and Chrystoforos had tens. The board came 4x 9x 7x 3x 3x, giving Giannakopoulos a double up. We continue with nine players.
18:55 Pelacho claims a triple up
Mario opened from the button to 100,000, Sisso called, and Pelacho shoved for 370,000 from the big blind. Both Mario and Sisso called, and they checked the board Th 2h 4s 6c Jc. Pelacho revealed Ax Tx, beating the opponents' Ax 9x and Ax 7x, securing a triple up.
Level 24: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,728,889, ent.: 9/389
18:25 Giannakopoulos escapes the gravedigger's shovel.
With his last 100,000, Giannakopoulos went all-in with Ac 5c, Sabishchenko called with 8c 7c, and Alina turned over Kx Kx for 265,000. Sabishchenko called, and the board Ax 9c J Qc 9h checked through. Giannakopoulos climbs to 400,000, which he put across the line in the next hand with Jx Tx against Pelacho's Ad Qd. With a board of 4x 3x 6x 2x Tx, Giannakopoulos survived a clinical death and is now out of immediate danger.
18:00 Ivo Zeravica is eliminated in tenth place for 2,725€
Ivo pushed 525,000 across the line with eights against Sabishchenko's Qs Qh. With a board of 7s 5s 5xTx 4x, we are now joining the unofficial final table!
17:30 Adrian Filip is eliminated in eleventh place for 2,725€
Adrian went all-in preflop with As Ks, and Pelacho behind him found jacks. With a board of 7s 6s 9x 8x 9x, we are one step closer to the final table.
Chipcounts after the break:
Level 23: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,414,545, ent.: 11/389
Break 30 min
16:55 Christoph Hillinger exits in twelfth place for 2,350€
Sabishchenko opened for 60,000 from Early Position, and Hillinger shoved for 225,000 from the button. Sabishchenko called with Kc Js, and Hillinger turned over fours. However, the board 5x 7x 3x 5x Jx favored the non-pair combination, leading to Hillinger's elimination.
16:25 Lukáš Stopka takes home 2,350€ for thirteenth place
Lukáš from Early Position shoved for almost 300,000, and Paivarinta called. However, Antal Mezei reshoved for 940,000, and Paivarinta folded. Stopka showed Kd Th, and Antal had Ah Kc. After the board 6s 9s Ac 5d Qx, Lukáš reluctantly exits the tournament.
16:00 Day 2 of the Highroller event has kicked off
Currently, there are 17 players seated in the tournament, and late registration is open until 19:50!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Level 22: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,296,667, ent.: 12/389
15:30 Laszlo Vaczy eliminated in fourteenth place for 2,050€
Sisso opened from the button to 75,000, and Laszlo shoved his 555,000 with Ad 8d. Avraham Sisso called with nines, and the board came Ks Ts 3d Qh 8c, ending Laszlo Vaczy's run.
14:50 Zsolt Szabo eliminated at the turn of levels
On the river 7x 9x Jx 9x Qx with about 600,000 in the pot, Christoforos bet 105,000. Zsolt shoved for around 300,000, and Christoforos snap-called with Tx 8x. Zsolt showed only Ax 3x, and he takes home 2,050€.
Level 21: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 1,111,429, ent.: 14/389
14:35 Lukasz Fraczek eliminated in sixteenth place for 1,800€
Alina opened to 40,000, Filip from the small blind pushed his 235,000 over the line, and from the big blind, Fraczek re-jammed for 345,000. Alina folded, Filip turned over Ax Qx, and Fraczek had Ax Kx. The board Qx 5x Jx 6x 4x sealed Lukasz's fate, leaving him with about 100,000, which went into play later with sixes against Ax 5x held by Szabo. After the board Qx Tx Jx 2x Ax, Lukasz lost his last hope and exited the Main Event.
14:25 Split to start
Zsolt Szabo opened from the button to 45,000, and Mario Alina called from the big blind. On the flop Td 7s 2s, Szabo bet 40,000, and Alina called. On the turn Jc, Szabo bet 75,000 and again got called. However, the River 7c didn't bring any action, and Szabo showed Tx 2x. Alina had Tx 8x, resulting in a split pot.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 972,500, ent.: 16/389
Mini Main Event results:
1. Matrakas Panagiotis - 7,600 €
2. Macs Mate Gergely - 4,875 €
3. Ostrowski Dominik - 3,700 €
4. Shahar Aharon Ran - 2,850 €
5. Msall Richard - 2,200 €
6. Tenenbaum Maoz Izhak - 1,650 €
7. Holthaus Mike - 1,250 €
8. Knote Daniel - 1,000 €
9. Weiman Liraz - 825 €
10. Sabo Maros - 675 €
11. Havavka Michal - 675 €
12. Rizvani Alen - 600 €
13. Falkowski Jaroslaw Kamil - 600 €
Today, in addition to the final day of the Main Event, Day 2 or the Final Day of the EAPT Highroller with a guaranteed prize pool of 30,000€ will take place. It begins at 16:00, and registration will remain open for another 5 levels. Starting stack is 100,000 chips, initial blinds are 1,500/3,000, and the buy-in is €1,000 + €100. Good luck!
HR stacks:
Left to play for:
1. 37 630€
2. 27 450€
3. 20 600€
4. 15 420€
5. 8 525€
6. 6 200€
7. 4 925€
8. 3 950€
9. 3 250€
10-11. 2 725€
12-13. 2 350€
14-15. 2 050€
16. 1,800€
A total of 389 players registered for the tournament, and the top five players will receive a €5,000 package for the Mediterranean Poker Party in Cyprus!
Livestream link:
Final Day redraw:
EAPT Main Event 200,000€ GTD:
Late Registration: 12 levels
15% of the field qualify to Day 2 = ITM
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
5% staff deducted from the prize pool
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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