The second day of the EAPT Main Event shaped the final sixteen players who will compete tomorrow for 37,630€ and the winner's trophy. Mario Alina secured the highest stack from today's day 2, amassing a solid 2,435,000 after an impressive hot run. The Final Day kicks off tomorrow at 14:00 with a Livestream available. Additionally, the EAPT Closing Event 10,000€ GTD starts at 17:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day redraw:
Day 2 eliminations:
17. Mahileuski Vitali - 1 800€
18. Du Karlsson Steinn Thanh - 1 600€
19. Macejak Matej - 1 600€
20. Janczarski Michal Mariusz - 1 600€
21. Lakatos Benjamin - 1 425€
22. Luksa Marko - 1 425€
23. Eder Mario - 1 425€
24. Klaus Jonas - 1 275€
25. Progner Boris - 1 275€
26. Molenaar Michel Johannes Maria - 1 275€
27. Savin Yurii - 1 275€
28. Yucel Volkan - 1 150€
29. Paval Liviu Marcel - 1 150€
30. Nanos Konstantinos - 1 150€
31. Dalakis Michail - 1 150€
32. Ale Norbert - 1 050€
33. Horvath Peter - 1 050€
34. Sheingart Maksym - 1 050€
35. Vrancsik Zoltan - 975€
36. Gecevicius Kestutis - 975€
37. Dragu Ion Daniel - 975€
38. Netiv Shai David - 975€
39. Hegedues Tibor - 975€
40. Angelaki Maria - 900€
41. Rubinstein Mody - 900€
42. Lascsik Imre Oliver - 900€
43. Civric Sinisa - 900€
44. Wajntraub David Saul - 900€
45. Volkov Ruslan - 900€
46. Horvath Christian - 900€
47. Vaknin Yaniv - 900€
48. Svetina Benjamin - 850€
49. Weiss Gani - 850€
50. Kryza Vitaliy - 850€
51. Sapoznikov Natan - 850€
52. Giannoutas Konstantinos - 850€
53. Turoczi Richard - 850€
54. Vinter Jakov - 850€
55. Haski Oren - 850€
56. Somogyi Janos Peter - 850€
57. Zwierz Krzysztof - 850€
58. Prior Daniel Sergej - 850€
59. Even Roy - 850€
20:10 Vitali Mahileuski exits in seventeenth place for 1,800€ concluding Day 2
Vitali had the last 4bb, which he pushed across the line with Kx 4x, but Mezei found eights. The board showed 9x 7x 5x Ax 9x, marking the definitive end for Vitali as the remaining players bagged their chips.
20:00 Just before the break, Michal Janczarski was eliminated from the tournament.
Janczarski went all-in preflop with Qx Qx against Lukáš Stopko's Ax Kx. The dealer revealed an ace on the turn, and Michal didn't receive any further help. He handed over his stack of over 300,000, leaving us with just one more elimination until the end of day 2.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 915,294, ent.. 17/389
Break 15 min
19:30 Matej Maceják receives an unpleasant hit
Maceják found himself in a preflop all-in situation with aces for almost 800,000. His opponent turned over As Ks, and after the board showed 2x 3x 4x 5x Xs, Mario Alina completed a flush, securing a substantial double-up.
19:20 Mario Eder and Marko Luksa eliminated from the tournament
Eder went all-in preflop with Qx Qx for just over 200,000. Sabishchenko held Ah Js, and after the board revealed 8x Jx 7x 7x Ax, Mario has to say goodbye as well. On the adjacent table, Marko Luksa went all-in preflop with Kx Kx against Ax Qx held by Mario Alina. After the board displayed Jx 4x Qx 4x Qx, it's the end for Marko.
19:00 Last hour for late registration into the Mini Main Event
So far, the Mini Main Event has attracted 79 players, and there's still a decent portion missing to reach the guaranteed prize pool of €30,000. Late registration is open until 20:00.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 676,522, ent.: 23/389
18:45 Jonas Klaus finishes in twenty-fourth place
Vili opened for 27,000, and Klaus from the button pushed in 269,000. Vili counted his opponent's stack and called with Ad Qs. Klaus revealed Ac 9c, and after the board showed 2s 7s 9h Qc 4s, he is eliminated from the tournament.
18:20 Michel Molenaar eliminated
Michel pushed his remaining 40,000 from the cutoff with Jx 7x, and Marko Luksa from the big blind called with 9h 2h. After the board showed 9x 2x Kx Kx Tx, Michel exits the Main Event. Shortly after, Boris Progner also exited the tournament, and the clocks are now paused as we consolidate to the last three tables.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 598,462, ent.: 26/389
Tomorrow´s final day will be streamed !
18:00 Mario Eder double up
Mario pushed his stack of 146,000 into the pot with Kx Jx, and Sabishchenko easily called with Ax Kx. The board Qx 9x 6x Jx Qx doubled Mario's stack.
17:40 Chrysochoidis Vs Fraczek
On the river 5h 6c Qs 2h 7c, the pot was 110,000, and Fraczek bet. Chrysochoidis without much hesitation called, and Fraczek revealed Tx 6x, but it wasn't enough against the Qx 5x of the Greek player.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 501,935, ent.: 31/389
Break 15 min
17:00 Peter Horváth eliminated
Peter went all in preflop with Ax 7x against Adrian Filip's Ax Qx. The board showed 3x 3x Qx 2x Jx, and Peter handed over almost 80,000. He bids farewell to the Main Event.
35. Vrancsik Zoltan - 975€
36. Gecevicius Kestutis - 975€
37. Dragu Ion Daniel - 975€
38. Netiv Shai David - 975€
39. Hegedues Tibor - 975€
40. Angelaki Maria - 900€
41. Rubinstein Mody - 900€
42. Lascsik Imre Oliver - 900€
43. Civric Sinisa - 900€
44. Wajntraub David Saul - 900€
45. Volkov Ruslan - 900€
46. Horvath Christian - 900€
47. Vaknin Yaniv - 900€
48. Svetina Benjamin - 850€
49. Weiss Gani - 850€
50. Kryza Vitaliy - 850€
51. Sapoznikov Natan - 850€
52. Giannoutas Konstantinos - 850€
53. Turoczi Richard - 850€
54. Vinter Jakov - 850€
55. Haski Oren - 850€
56. Somogyi Janos Peter - 850€
57. Zwierz Krzysztof - 850€
58. Prior Daniel Sergej - 850€
59. Even Roy - 850€
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 457,647, ent.: 34/389
16:40 Adrian Filip double up
Adrian went all in preflop with his 73,000 stack holding Jx Jx, and Sheingart turned over Ax Qx. The board came 2x 6x 5x 6x 9x, securing a double up for Adrian.
16:20 Yurii Savin all in
On the flop As Js Ac, the pot was around 35,000, and Savin bet 10,000. Norbert Ale raised to 32,000, and after a very long thought, Yurii went all in for 111,000. Norbert quickly folded his cards.
Level 15: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 420,541, ent.: 37/389
15:20 Mario Alina double up
Sheingart opened for 10,000, another player called, and Mario pushed all-in for 66,000. Sheingart raised to 122,000, and the player in between folded. Alina called with Ad Qd, and Maksym turned over Ks Qs. After the board showed Jx 5x 7x 2x 7x, Mario secures a double up.
14:55 A moment ago, the Mini Main Event also started!
Currently, 41 players are battling it out in the tournament, and with a buy-in of €335, this event has a guarantee of €30,000. Late registration is open until 20:00!
Level 14: 3,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 345,778, ent.: 45/389
Break 30 min
14:00 Christoph Hillinger all in
Na flope 8c 8h 5h bolo v pote asi 50,000 a Zoltan Vrancsik betoval 18,000. Giannakopoulos dorovnal a Volkov raisoval na 50,000. Vrancsik karty zahodil a Ioannis vsadil celých 230,000 ktoré mal behind. Ruslan Volkov sa chvíľku krútil, ale nakoniec karty zahodil.
13:40 Miklos Zsuffa sa nebojí
Na flope 2s 2d 6h Miklos betoval 16,000 do potu asi 40,000 a Marko Luksa dorovnal. Na turne 9d Miklos posunul za čiaru 121,000. Marko chvíľku uvažoval ale nakoniec karty zahodil.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 338,261, ent.: 50/389
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 317,551, ent.: 49/389
13:00 C-bet
On the flop Kx Jx Jx, the pot was about 30,000, and Daniel bet 20,000. However, his Israeli opponent, after some deliberation, folded.
1. 37 630€
2. 27 450€
3. 20 600€
4. 15 420€
5. 8 525€
6. 6 200€
7. 4 925€
8. 3 950€
9. 3 250€
10-11. 2 725€
12-13. 2 350€
14-15. 2 050€
16-17. 1 800€
18-20. 1 600€
21-23. 1 425€
24-27. 1 275€
28-31. 1 150€
32-34. 1 050€
35-39. 975€
40-47. 900€
48-59. 850€
A total of 389 players registered for the tournament, and the top four players will win a €5,000 package for the Mediterranean Poker Party in Cyprus!
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 311,200, ent.: 50/389
12:40 Sabishchenko picks up a smaller pot
Zsuffa opened the action with 5,500, and both opponents from the blinds called. On the flop of 2c 3c 6s, Sabishchenko led out for 6,500. Zsuffa folded, and Sisso made the call. On the turn of As, Rostylsav bet 14,000, and his opponent decided to fold.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 263,728, ent.: 59/389
Day 2 redraw:
EAPT Main Event 200,000€ GTD:
Late Registration: 12 levels
15% of the field qualify to Day 2 = ITM
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
5% staff deducted from the prize pool
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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