Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD ended with triumph of Guillaume Bessolles who took home after headsup deal 38,330€. Tournament has recorded 1,026 entries. This week there is wide variety of one day events ready for you, since 28.3 Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD will start. In middle of April there is another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD ready for you. For more information check out webpage and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day results :
1. Bessolles Guillaume 38 330 €
2. Klindrup Brian 36 880 €
3. Petrushevski Predrag 18 495 €
4. Zinder Toni 13 715 €
5. Palaontas Charalampos 10 530 €
6. Vljeyandran Darmelan 7 875 €
7. ZOLNAI PETER 5 755 €
8. Komaromi Adam 4 150 €
9. TARIC FILIP 3 200 €
12. Andrusca Vlad 2 710 €
13. Mihajlovski Oliver 2 325 €
14. Paterson Jason 2 325 €
15. Lisei Karoly 2 325 €
16. Hartley Jan Lukas 2 010 €
1:45 And battle is over !
First Brian doubled up his 4,000,000 with Qx Tx against Qc 7c after blank board. Next hand brought no action and in last hand Bessolles jammed with pocket fives and Brian called with Ac Kc. Board Jx 8x 3x 2x 4x was last one in CSOP. Brian Klindrup will take home wonderful 36,880€.
1:30 This escalated quickly
Klindrup opens and Bessolles 3-bets. Brian jams his 22,000,000 and Bessolles snapcalls with Ax Kx. Klindrup shows Qx 9x and after board Ax Ax 5x 2x 8x Bessolles is skyrocketting to 37,000,000 and Brian Klindrup is left with last four millions !
1:20 Many ups and downs for both players
And stacks are almost even again !
Level 34: 300,000 – 600,000 / 400,000, avg. 20,520,000, ent.: 2/1,026
00:45 Headsup going well for Bessolles so far
Bessolles is putting pressure wherever he can and taking lot of pots. At this moments Bessolles got into the lead. After Brian bets 1,800,000 into a pot of almost 6,000,000 and Bessolles called the flop 4x 5x Jx. Turn Jx brought a bet of 2,600,000 from Brian and Bessolles called again. River 6d was checked by both players and Brian shows Kx 2x, while Bessolles took the pot with 5x 3x. Right now Bessoles holds 26,000,000 against 15,000,000 held by Klindrup.
Level 33: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 20,520,000, ent.: 2/1,026
00:00 Deal numbers:
Klindrup – 36,880€
Bessolles – 30,890€
Left to play for – 7,440€
23:55 Headsup stacks
Klindrup – 32,725,000
Bessolles - 8,325,000
23:50 Predrag Petrushevski eliminated in third place for 18,495€
Predrag got his bit less than five million in with Ax 2x against Brian with Ax Kx. BOard 5x 7x Jx Ax 3x sent us to deal discussion and upcoming headsup.
23:35 Fourth place belongs to Toni Zinder for 13,715€
Zinder got bit above 3,000,000 behind the line with pocket fours against Brian with Kx Jx. Board Kx 5x 2x Ax 6x sent Zinder to the cashdesk.
Level 32: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,260,000, ent.: 4/1,026
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD soon !
23:20 Bessolles Vs Petrushevski
Petrushevski opens to 650,000 from the button and Bessolles 3-bets to 1,900,000. Petrushevski needed only couple of seconds to fold his hand.
23:15 Pot for Brian Klindrup
On the flop 9d 5h 5c Brian bets 950,000 and Zinder calls. Turn Ac is checked by both players. On the river 5s Brian bets 1,500,000 and Zinder after very long time folded his hand.
Level 31: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,260,000, ent.: 4/1,026
Break 10 min
22:30 Charalampos Palaontas finishes in fifth place for 10,530€
Charalampos got it in with pocket threes against Petrushevski with Ax Jx. Petrushevski had 2,200,000 and was covered by Charalampos. Board Jx Jx 7x Kx Tx sent Charalampos to a shortstack taht been lost several hands later with Ah 7h against Bessolles with Kh Qh after runout Jx Jx 8x 2x Qx.
Level 31: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,260,000, ent.: 4/1,026
Break 15 min
21:40 Darmelan Vljeyandran finishes in 6th place for 7,875€
On the flop Jx 9x 4x Darmelan shoves his 3,100,000 and Brian Klindrup after some hesitation called off with Qx Tx. Darmelan flips over Tx 8x and after turn Kx and river Jx is eliminated.
21:20 Toni Zinder taking another pot
On the flop Qx 8x 6x Toni bets 360,000 and Darmelan calls. On the turn 5x Toni fires again, this time for 680,000. Darmelan folds.
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,840,000, ent.: 6/1,026
21:00 Palaontas defending
Zinder opens to 350,000 and Palaontas calls from bb. On the flop 7c Jh 4s there was no action, on the turn 8h Palaontas bets 300,000 and Zinder folded quickly.
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD soon !
20:45 Peter Zolnai out in seventh place for 5,755€
Dessolles opens to 320,000 from the button and Zolnai rejams his 2,600,000 from sb. Dessolles calls with Ad 9c and Zolnai shows Qc Jd. Board 3d 3c 7c 6c 8h eliminated Zolnai.
Level 29: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,862,857, ent.: 7/1,026
20:30 It didn´t take too long and Adam Komaromi is eliminated in 8th place for 4,150€
Komaromi got his short in with Kx Qx against Brian with Ad 3d. Board 8x Ax Qx 3x Ax eliminated one of players right at the start of final table.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 5,130,000, ent.: 8/1,026
Players on final table are playing for these prizes:
1. 47 160 €
2. 28 050 €
3. 18 495 €
4 13 715 €
5. 10 530 €
6. 7 875 €
7. 5 755 €
8. 4 150 €
Chipcounts and seating official final table:
Live Report will cotinue alongside with livestream:
19:25 Filip Taric done in 9th place for 3,200€
Few hands after play resumed on unfficial final table Filip had to post ante and bigblind. Last around 200,000 that was left behind went in with Qx 8x against pocket eights of Darmelaan. Board Kx 3x 9x 5x 4x is eliminating Filip and we are moving to official final table.
Chipcounts and seating unofficial final table:
Break 10 min
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18:55 Jakub Janošovský done in 10th place for 2,710€
Jakub got his 3,000,000 in with pocket queens against Ax Kx held by Brian Klindrup. Runout 9x 6x 5x Jx Ax is devastating for Jakub. We are merging to unofficial final table.
18:50 Vitalii Shcherba finishes in 11th place for 2,710€
Vitalii got in around 900,000 with Ax Qx against Kx Jx held by Bessolles. Board Kx 3x Tx 5x 6x is unfortuntely last for him.
18:40 Bessolles double up
Bessolles opens from Co and Zolnai 3-bets button. Bessolles jams 3,100,000 with pocket fives and Zolnai calls with Ax Kx. Board 8x 6x Qx 3x 5x held paired combination at this time and Zolnai has to give up large part of his stack.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,730,909, ent.: 11/1,026
Break 15 min
18:10 Interesting call
On the turn 7x 6x Qx 3x Brian Klindrup shoves 2,230,000 into a pot of maybe 1,300,000. Darmelaan was thinking for some time and made the call with Ax Kx. Brian tabled Ax Qx and after river 9x took nice double up.
17:55 Vlad Andrusca busto
Vlad jammed his around 1,300,000 on the turn 8x 3x 2x 3x into the pot of approximately 1,700,000. Janošovský snapcalled with pocket eights. Vlad tabled As Js with no flushdraw and after irrelevant river is eliminated in 12th place for 2,710€
17:40 Vitalii double up
Vitalii got his 710,000 behind the line from sb with Ax Kx against Zolnai from button with pocket sixes. Board Ax Qx 7x 2x Tx held shorter stack in game.
Level 27: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,420,000, ent.: 12/1,026
17:25 Oliver Mihajlovski done in 13th place for 2,325€
After the board 7x 7x Qx Kx 2x Oliver shows Ax Qx which is not enough against his opponent with Kc Jc and Mihajlovski lost about 1,600,000 in this hand. Very next hand last 30,000 went behind the line with Tx 8x and Charalampos with Bessolles checked the board Qx 4x 3x 7x Ax. Bessolles tabled pocket nines and took the pot.
17:00 Janošovský in trouble
Zinder, who has direct position on Janošovský is at this moment dominating him in every spot and completing strong hands. Janošovský at start of the day had almost five million, now after several hands his stack is around two million. In last hand Janošovský from Co and Zinder from button checks the flop As 7s 2h, Janošovský bets 205,000 on the turn 5h and gets paid. On the river Js Zinder put Janošovský all in and after long minutes Jakub folded his hand. Where this battle will turn is probably matter of next minutes.
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3,156,923, ent:: 13/1,026
16:40 Jason Paterson in 14th place took home 2,325€
Jason got in his 925,000 with Kd Th and Charalampos found few seats behind him Ac Kc. Board 4d Qd 7h Ad 3c eliminated Jason.
16:30 Jan Hartley finishes in 16th place for 2,010€, Lisei 15th for 2,325€
Hartley shoves 685,000 with pocket sevens and Zinder calls with pocket fives from bb. Board 4x 4x 5x Kx 3x was last one for Hartley. On next table Lisei jams his 505,000 with As Qs and Petrushevski calls with Ah Kd. Board 8s 6s 4h 6c 2h didn´t help to Lisei and he took 2,325€.
16:15 Toni Zinder double up
Janošovský opens and Zinder 3-bets. On the flop 8c 4c 8s Janošovský bets 450,000 and Zinder shoves 990,000. Jakub calls with pocket nines and Zinder tables pocket tens. Turn 4s and river 2d didn´t change anything and Zinder took his double up.
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,565,000, ent.: 16/1,026
Final Day chipcounts:
Left to play for:
1. 47 160 €
2. 28 050 €
3. 18 495 €
4 13 715 €
5. 10 530 €
6. 7 875 €
7. 5 755 €
8. 4 150 €
9. 3 200 €
10-12. 2 710 €
13-15. 2 325 €
16. 2 010 €
Final Table stream :
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Buy-in: 220€
Fee: 30€
Starting Stack: 40.000 chips
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 220€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
5% Staff deduction
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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