Banco Casino Masters Warm Up 20,000€ GTD ended after 3- way ICM deal and official winner is Janos Kubat, who took 4,225€ and defeated field of 160 players. If 20,000€ GTD was not attractive enough for you, today at 16:00 Banco Casino Masters Warm Up 50,000€ will open its gates with buy in of modest 100€ and next week since Tuesday Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take a place. For more information check our webpage and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
ITM Results:
1.Janos Kubat 3,280€
2.Stancer Daniel 2,865€
3.Babic Jakub 2,845€
5.Suer Mustafa Tonguc 1,275€
6.Szabo Zsolt 1,020€
7.Pamer Martin 765€
8.Petkes Eduard 595€
9.OLESOVSKY Vladimir 470€
10.Blazic Zeljko 385€
11.Lengauer Dominik 385€
15.Kaider Mario 300€
We have a deal !
After ICM deal official winner is Janos Kubat !
1. Janos Kubat – 3,280€
2. Stancer Daniel – 2,865€
3. Babic Jakub – 2,845€
Deal discussion going on !
5:15 Peter Studenič took 1,615€ for 4th place
Janos got his 2,015,000 behind the line with Ax Kx and Studenič called with pocket jacks. Board Ax 6x Tx 7x 9x left Studenič with last bigblind that he lost with 8x 6x against Qx 8x held by Daniel Stencer.
5:05 Tonguc Suer busto
Tonguc got it in effectivelly for 1,040,000 with Jx Tx against Studenič with pocket kings. Blank board held for better hand and Tonguc was left with 265,000 he got in next hand with Qx 3x against Daniel Stancer with Kx 6x. Another blank board eliminated Tonguc in 5th place for 1,275€
4:55 Zsolt Szabo finishes in 6th place for 1,020€
Zsolt got his around 5 bb in from bigblind with Ax Kx against Janos Kubat with pocket sixes. BOard 3c Jc 2h Qh 5h didn´t help to Zsolt and he is eliminated.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,566,667, ent.: 6/160
Break 10 min
4:40 Seventh place goes to Martin Pamer for 765€
Pamer got it in preflop for his around 800,000 with pocket sevens against Babic with Ax Jx. Runout Ax Kx Tx Jx 3x eliminated another player within few minutes.
4:30 Babic double up, Petkeš out
Petkeš shoves with pocket nines and Babic calls his 680,000 with pocket tens. Board 4x 9x Kx Tx Qx sent Eduard to ultrashort. Few hands later on the flop Kh Jh 6h Petkeš shoves his around 300,000 from sb with Js Ts and Babic calls with Kx 7x. TUrn 5x and river 3x didn´t change anything and Petkeš took 595€.
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ starts Tuesday !
After today and tommorow´s Warm Up tournaments, Banco Casino Masters number 33 starts Tuesday !
Final Table payouts:
1. 4,225€
2. 2,680€
3. 2,085€
4. 1,615€
5. 1,275€
6. 1,020€
7. 765€
8. 595€
9. 470€
Best five players will get 170€ ticket to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are already included in these payouts.
Level 22: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,175,000, ent.: 8/160
4:20 9th place and 470€ belongs to Vlado Olešovský
Vlado jammed his 400,000 with Ax 3x and Suer calls with pocket queens. Third queen on the flop and no help for Vlado means he is eliminated in 9th place.
Tournament continues !
Before final table these players were eliminated :
10.Blazic Zeljko 385€
11.Lengauer Dominik 385€
15.Kaider Mario 300€
Final Table chipcounts and seating :
Short break
4:00 Pamer double up, Blažič done and we are moving to final table
Željko Blažič opens to 130,000 and Pamer rejams around 450,000 he had left. Željko calls with Ax Jx and Pamer tabled Ax Kx. After runout Tx Jx 8x KX 6x Željko falls to the shortstack and few hands later is eliminated after he jammed whats left with Kx 7x and ran into Jx Tx held by his opponent. Ten on the board moves us to the final table.
3:50 3-way all in
Petkeš got his around 300,000 in with pocket kings, Olešovský around 700,000 with pocket tens and Pamer with much more called with Ax Qx. King on the flop was only important card, Petkeš took the triple up, Olešovský and Pamer falls to shortstacks.
Level 21: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 854,545, ent.: 11/160
3:40 Few quick bustouts :
15.Kaider Mario 300€
50,000€ GTD one day event tommorow !
If today´s guarantee didn´t fullfiled your imagination, tommorow we are playing for massive 50,000€ !
3:30 Marián Fridrich out
After some not very nice hands for him he fell to ultrashort. He managed to get quick double up before previous level ended and in last hand Jakub Babic shoves 400,000 from the button, Fridrich calls his 280,000 and Szentmihalyi after long tank folded his hand. Babic tabled pocket deuces, Fridrich held Kd Jd and after runout 2x Tx 9x 9x Ax is Fridrich eliminated.
Level 20: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 723,077 ent.: 13/160
3:20 Tonguc winning from Olešovský
Olešovský opens to 70,000 and Tonguc calls from bb. On the flop Kd 2d 9c Tonguc pays c-bet of 75,000 from Vlado, On the turn 7h Vlado bets for second time, this time for 125,000. Tonguc calls again and river 3h is checked through. Tonguc shows 9x 7x and Vlado mucks his Kx Qx.
3:10 Martin Pamer 3-bets
Tonguc opens from Ep to 60,000 and its folded to Pamer in sb. He decided to 3-bet to 200,000 and Tonguc instantly folded face up pocket sevens.
Level 19: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 587,500, ent.: 16/160
2:55 Bubbleboy is Filip Jurga
Filip jammed his 135,000 with Ax Kx and Suer called with pocket eights. Board Qx 5x 4x 3x 8x moves us in the money !
2:40 With elimination of Peso we are playing hand for hand
Peso jammed his short with Qx 8x from sb and opponent called from bb with Kx Tx. After blank board we are going to play one hand at the time.
Level 18: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 470,000, ent.: 20/160
Break 20 min
2:10 Double seat open
Musil limps, Rado Jakubec jams for 154,000 and Olešovský calls. After long tank Musil calls and on the flop Kd Qd 4s Olešovský shoves for about 250,000 that Musil had behind. Musil called rather quickly and tabled Kh Th, Jakubec held Qc Jc and Olešovský had Ad Ah. Turn 9x and river 4x were bricks and we are loosing two players right before the break.
1:45 Olešovský took pot on the flop
On the flop 9D 3d Ac pot was around 80,000 and Olešovský bets 55,000. Martin Musil quietly folded.
Level 17: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 391,667, ent.: 24/160
1:40 David Klein (almost) out
Suer opens and Klein from sb jams last 80,000 with Ax Qx. Suer calls with Ax 9x and after board Ax 4x 4x 9x 4x luckily for David pot is being split.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 361,538, ent.: 27/160
1:25 Kadrefis loosing whole stack
Kadrefis got his around 150,000 in with Ax Kx against Daniel with Ah Jh. Runout 8d 2d Js Th 8s wasn´t good for greek player and Kadrefis is eliminated. With this elimination we are going to last three tables.
1:10 Josef Tod out
Babic opens from Ep, Tod jams from sb with Ah 7h for 125,000 and Babic calls with Ax Qx. Board 5x 2x Xx Qx Kx eliminated Josef from tournament.
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 254,054, ent.: 37/160
00:45 Tamas Horvath eliminated
Tamas jammed around 40,000 from Mp with Ax 6x and Zsolt Szabo in bb called with pocket deuces. Runout 9x 8x Tx 2x 9x held for pair combination and Horvath is eliminated for today.
50,000€ GTD one day event tommorow !
If today´s guarantee didn´t fullfiled your imagination, tommorow we are playing for massive 50,000€ !
1. 4,225€
2. 2,680€
3. 2,085€
4. 1,615€
5. 1,275€
6. 1,020€
7. 765€
8. 595€
9. 470€
10-12. 385€
13-15. 300€
16. 215€
Banco Casino Masters Warm Up 20,000€ GTD recorded 160 entries and 140 add-ons which means Guarantee has not been met and Banco Casino Bratislava had to pay players almost 7,000€ out of our own pocket. Best five players will get 170€ ticket to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are already included in these payouts.
Level 14: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 208,889, ent.: 45/160
00:30 Igaz took the pot
Duran opens to 20,000 and Igaz 3-bets to 75,000. Duran calls and on the flop Ah 4s 4c Igaz bets 54,000. Duran slowly folded.
00:20 3-way ouch
Lokšo jams his 84,000 from the button with Qx 7x, Maté Sándor calls from sb and Martin Pamer rejams 149,000 from bb. Sándor with pocket eights calls and Pamer held pocket aces. Board 6x 2x Jx 4x 3x eliminated Lokšo and Sándor fell to the shortstack.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 167,857, ent.: 56/160
Break 20 min
23:40 Igor Lukic jams
On the turn 8h 6d Ks 9s pot is over 80,000 and Igor jams for 50,500. Bela Miko quickly folded.
Level 12: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 135,821, ent.: 67/155
23:25 Bahri Duran wild double up
Bahri got his 156,000 in with pocket threes against Ax Kx held by Kamenistý. Board 8x 8x Qx 6x 3x doubled up Bahri and Kamenistý is left with aroudn 30,000.
23:10 Mustafa Suer double up
Mustafa got his fresh 50,000 in with Kx Qx against Kadrefis that held Ax Jx. AFter runout 8x Qx 4x Kx 5x Mustafa took needed double up.
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ starts Tuesday !
After today and tommorow´s Warm Up tournaments, Banco Casino Masters number 33 starts Tuesday !
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 118,108, ent: 74/149
22:50 Húšťava eliminates Buderer
Buderer got his 16,500 in with Ks Js against Húšťava with Ax Kx. Board 5s 9x 3x As Tx held for better hand and Buderer has to consider option fo reentry.
22:35 Marko Koloszivari violently
Špány opens to 8,000, Jašica calls and Marko 3-bets to 22,000. Both opponents called and on the flop 9d 9h 3s Marko jams for more than 100,000. Both opponents instantly folded.
Level 10: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 99,268, ent.: 82/139
22:30 Kudrík winning with a river bet
On the turn Ts 7d 5d 6s pot was 27,500 and Amir with Aziz checks, so does Kudrík. On the river 6h Kudrík bets 7,500, Amir fold quickly, but Aziz was thinking about it. In the end folded face up Ad Kd.
22:15 Damian sucesfully took multiway pot
On the flop Kh 2c Js Damian bets 25,000 into a bit more than 50,000 pot. All three opponents folded almost instantly.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 96,026, ent.: 78/128
Break 20 min
21:45 Kiang flopping nice
On the river 8x 8x 7x Kx 2x pot was uncountable big, probably over 50,000 and Kiang bets 10,600. Knaperek after a while calls, but Kiang tabled pocket eights for flopped poker and Miro mucks his hand instantly.
21:35 Igaz out
Igaz fell to a short and last maybe 15,000 ended up behind the line with 8x 7x. Somewhere along the road Jurgen Moldaschl found pocket aces and called. After blank board Igaz is eliminated.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,610, ent.: 82/120
21:20 Antala with nice pot
On the turne 9d 3d 8s 2s Kudrík bets 10,100 into a pot of around 33,000. Igaz folds and Antala calls. ON the river 9h Kudrík bets 15,400 and Antala calls with 8d 7d, which was enough against Ax 3x held by Giovanni.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 80,000, ent.: 82/112
21:00 Unexpected double up for Rado Jakubec
Preflop Jakubec, Gogora and Kramár agreed to 4,000. On the flop Ks 9s Tc Jakubec bets 14,000, Gogora calls and Kramár folded. On the turn 8d Jakubec shoves remaining 20,800. Gogora calls with Jx 8x and against 9x 5x needs a bit of help. River Ax wasn´t desired card and Gogora is left with around 7,000.
20:45 Mustafa Suer winning with a river bet
On the river Qc 6c 8s Ad 5d pot is around 6,000 and Mustafa bets same ammount. Marian Zahorec was thinking for long time and in the end folded his hand.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 71,341, ent.: 82/100
20:30 Triple up for Damian
On the river 7s Ac 6d As Ad pot was around 18,000, Zsolt bets 10,000, Abdullah calls and Damian shoves for 36,700. Szabo with Abdullah called, Szabo held pocket eights, Abdullah 7x 4x and Damian took pot with wonderful Ax 8x.
20:20 C-bet was enough for Peso
On the flop Kc 2c 5s pot was more than 7,000 and Peso bets 3,500. All three opponents folded very quickly and Peso shows Ac.
In this moment overlay is fat 13,000€ !
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 67,458, ent.: 78/90
Break 20 min
19:45 Daniš Vs Kramár
River 4h 8d 5s Qh 8h brought a bet of 10,000 from Kramár out of smallblind and Daniš called. Kramár tabled Ax 4x, which wasn´t enough against flush with 6h 3h held by Daniš.
19:35 Aziz with a strong bet
On the turn 3c Td 8h 3h pot was around 30,000 and Aziz bets 25,000. Giovanni Kudrik tanked for couple of minutes but decided to fold his hand.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 62,879, ent.: 66/71
19:25 Juhas Vs Studenič
On the turn Jc 2c 6h 3c Juhas bets 5,000 into a pot of around 10,000. Peter Studenič calls and third player in the hand folded. On the river 8s Attila bets 6,200 and Peter folded after some time.
19:10 Martin Špány double up
On the flop Kd 6d 2c Martin, after some raises and reraises Martin got his 85,300 in with Ad Jd against Maté Sándor with Kh Td. Turn Qd brought a flush to Martin and river 3s wrapped this hand with fat double up for Špány.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 59,677, ent.: 62/63
18:45 Adam Szentmihalyi with a pot
On the flop 5x 3x 7x Tayeb bets 1,300 into a pot of almost 3,000, Adam instantly calls. On the turn Ks Tayeb continues with a bet of 2,500 and Adam again quickly calls. River As brought only two checks and Tayeb tabled 6x 5x. Adam took the pot with pocket tens.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 58,444, ent.: 45/45
18:25 Dejan Kostadinovic took early pot
On the flop Kc Qc 6h Dejan bets 500 into a pot of around 1,500 and both of his opponents folded.
18:10 Early birds
In tournament i can see Lohnický, Babic, Fridrich, Juhas, Horvath, Miko and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 58,788, ent.: 33/33
BCM Warm-up Weekend 20.000€ GTD
Start: 18:00
Starting stack : 50.000 chips
Special Add-on : 10€ / 10.000 chips
Special Add-on included in the prize pool
Late reg: 12 lvls
10% Fee + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
5x 170€ ticket to BC Masters ME 250.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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