Flight 1G produced 94 entries and nine players made it to day 2. Chipleader is Ceda Jovanovic, who bagged 1,137,000. Flight 1H produced 137 entries and 14 players will advance to day 2. Flight 1H- Turbo until now has 39 entries and late registration is open until 1:10. Tournament at this moment has overlay of almost 40,000€ and after turbo flight will close, your last chance is morning Hyper Turbo starting at 10:00. Day 2 will start at 15:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1F:
23:05 Bubbleboy is Ferenc Mezriczki
On the flop 8x Ax 4x Ferenc got his about 130,000 in with Ax Qx and Ceda Jovanovic snapcalled with Ax 4x. Turn Kx and river Jx didn´t change anything. Ferenc is eliminated and remaining players are bagging their chips.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 470,000, ent.: 10/94, 1G ent.: 47/137, 1H ent.: 29/32
22:50 Argentiero double up
Argentiero got his around 100,000 in with Kx Qx against Ac Ts held by Jovanovic. After board Qc 8c 5c 4s Jh Argentiero got double up and hand for hand will continue.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 470,000, ent.: 10/94, 1H ent.: 47/137, 1H ent.: 26/26
22:35 Antelmi double up
Antelmi got his about 70,000 in with Ax 4xx against Bjel with Td 8d. After runout Qx 5x Jx 7x 3x Antelmi got needed double up.
22:30 Malinovský out and we are playing hand for hand
Malinovský had last 9,000 behind and they got in against Kučera and another player. On the turn Ax Jx 5x Jx Kučera minbets and third player in hand folded. Matúš tabled Ax Jx and Malinovský was drawing dead with 6x 4x. We are playing hand for hand from now on.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 427,273, ent.: 11/94, 1G ent.: 55/135, 1H ent.: 19/19
Break 15 min
21:45 Kudela busted
Vlastimil shoved last about 140,000 with Kc Jc and Mezriczki called off with Ah Th. Flop Qh Jh 8h was deadly enough, turn 2s and river 6s basically just the formalities.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 427,273, ent.: 11/94
21:25 Chipleader Vs Chipleader
Žikavský got his around 400,000 in with pocket tens against Christian Henning that had him covered by something. Christian tabled pocket kings and after board Ax Qx Jx Xx Xx Pavel was unexpectedly eliminated.
21:10 Roman Dohnány out in two hits
Roman got it in with with Qx Qx against 7x 7x held by Malinovský and lost about half of his stack. Few hands later Roman found the queens again and lost them against fives held by Žikavský and Roman was eliminated
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 313,333, ent.: 15/94, 1G ent.: 64/114
20:45 Kudela shoves
Actually, twice.. both times, Vlastimil took blinds and ante and his stack is around 150,000.
20:25 Antala Vs Žikavský
In a small pot of about 50,000 Rasťo with Pavel quickly checked the flop Ax Kx Tx. Same action happend on the turn Jx and on the river 9x Pavel bets 10,000 and Antala calls off with laugh. Pavel shows Ax 2x, Antala took this one with Jx 9x.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 235,000, ent.: 20/94
20:10 Mini pot for Mezriczki
On the flop Kx Qx 8x pot was about 25,000 and Mezricki bets 10,000. His only opponent in hand folded quickly.
20:00 Ladislav Pospíšil eliminated
Ceda Jovanovic opens to 16,000 Pospíšil shoves for approximately 100,000 and Jovanovic called. Pospíšil tabled Ax 4x, Jovanovic shows pocket eights and after runout 6x 3x 2x 4x 9x Ladislav is finished in flight 1F.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 195,833, ent.: 24/94, 1G ent.: 59/92
Break 15 min
19:30 Huge one for Pavel Žikavský, triple up for Malinovský
Žikavský opens form Ep to 12,000, Harald Redl shoves for about 350,000, Malinovský calls his 61,000 from bb and Žikavský called with pocket queens. Redl tabled 6x 6x, Malinovský 9h 8h. Board Ax 4x 8x Jx 8x meant that Malinovský will take 61,000 from both opponents, Žikavský had 282,000 in his stack left and Harald had slightly less. Seat open !
19:15 Ferenc Mezricki took big pot with a K-high
I don´t exactly know how this happend but on the river 4h 4x Qx 2h Ax pot was around 160,000 and after long tanking Tomáš checks. After some more tanking, Ferenc Mezriczki checks from position. Tomáš tables Jh Th, Ferenc won the pot with his Kh 7h.
Level 13: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 180,769, ent.: 26/94, 1G ent.: 57/81
19:00 Kudela with a smaller pot
Antelmi limps from Ep, Kudela raises behind him to 9,000 and everyone else goes out of their way. Antelmi calls and on the flop Ks 8s Jc both players checks. On the turn Ah Antelmi bets 5,000 and Kudela calls. River 3h is checked again and Antelmi tabled pocket fives, but Kudela held pocket nines and took the pot.
18:40 Harald eliminates Marián Zahorec
Harald and Marián got their stacks behind, with Zahorec being a short with about 120,000 and Ax Jx. Harald had pocket aces and as described by his own words he has to win some to loose into a Antala. After runout Jx 4x 2x 4x 3x this goal was sucesfully managed and soon we can see some more sparks between these two.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 151,613, ent.: 31/94, 1G ent.: 51/65
18:20 Antala Vs Lance vol. II
Antala opens to 7,500, Lance calls from sb and everyone else folded. On the flop Jx Jx 9x Antala c-bets for 12,500, Lance made the call. On the turn 3x Antala pulls out second barell for 22,000 and Lance shoves effectivelly for around 100,000. Antala made the call with Ax 9x and Lance shows Qx 9x. River 5x didn´t change anything and Rasťo took another double up. After this hand Lance is still left with about 180,000 behind.
18:10 Sucessful flip for Aurelijus Genevicius
Aurelijus got his 39,500 in with Ax Kx against Kudela with pocket tens. After board Kx 7xx 3x 2x 9x Kudela had to give up on part of his stack but still comfortably survives.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 138,235, ent.: 34/94
From this flight 9 players will advance to day 2
Break 30 min
17:40 Flop raise for Daniel
On the flop Qx 9x 8x Joseph bets 15,000 and Daniel raises to 40,000. After around two minutes Joseph folds and shows Ax 8x to his opponent.
17:30 Double up for Antala
Lance opens to 4,000 from Ep and Antala made the call. On the flop Jh Th 9c Antala bets 12,000 and Lance raises to 40,000. Antala shoves for 66,000 and gets paid. Lance tabled Kd Qs, Antala held 9h 8h. Turn 5h and river 7h luckily for Antala completed his flush and took full double up.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 136,364, ent.: 33/90
Before start of flight 1G overlay is unbelievable 55,000€ !
Start of flight 1G is at 17:00 and you definately should see us for this low buy in, high value tournament !
16:45 Nice pot for Ceda Jovanovic
On the river Jx 7x 8x Jx Ax pot is about 35,000 and Konstantinou bets 25,000. Ceda made the call and Konstantinou flipped over Kx Qx. Ceda show 8x 2x and took this nice pot.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 115,789, ent.: 38/88
16:30 3-way all in
Laszlo Estok shoves from Ep his 9,500, Dohnány calls and on other side of table Palmai reshoves for 34,500. Dohnány calls with Ac Jc, Palmai tabled Ax Qx and Estok shows pocket sevens. Board 3c 5h 9c Kc Kd brought a flush for Roman and he eliminated two opponents at once.
16:20 Shlyakhetsky loosing again
Shyalkhetski opens to 4,000, Konstantinou calls and so does Hersey in bb. On the flop Jc 4c Qs Vladimir bets 5,500, Konstantinou calls and Hersey raises again to 11,000. Vladimir calls and Konstantinou folds. On the turn 8h is Vladimir instantly facing bet of 20,000 and after longer tank folded his hand.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 91,489, ent.: 47/86
16:00 Turn bet no good for Shlyakhetsky
On the turn 7x 6x 8x 8x pot was 18,000 and Shlyakhetsky bets 5,500. His opponent raises to 11,000 and after some time Vladimir folded his hand.
15:45 Martynas Vaskovicius winning a multiway pot
Martynas opens to 3,000, Strohmaier, Bjel and Pisano called. On the flop As 8s 6h Martynas continues for 9,000 and only Bjel has called. On the turn 4c Martynas barells again, this time for 15,000. Bjel needed few minutes and folded his hand.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 80,000, ent.: 50/80
15:30 Turn raise
On the turn Jx Jx 5x 4x Peter bets 10,000 into a pot of 25,000. Daniel tanked a bit and decided for a raise to 45,000. Peter folded almost instantly.
15:20 Giuseppe Argentiero with a two pair
On the river Kx 3x Jx Ax 9x Guiseppe bets 6,000 into a pot of 9,000. Doverklint and Palmai called and Giuseppe tabled Jx 9x. Both opponents slowly mucks.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 74,000, ent.: 51/75
Break 30 min
14:30 Wolfgang Coural took one too
On the flop Ax Kx 7x Antelmi bets 3,200 into a pot of 13,000, player behind him folded, Coural calls and Kajan folded. Turn 3s and river 2h were checked down and Coural tabled Kd 8d. His opponent moved his cards behind the line.
14:15 Peter Studenič out
On the flop Qx Jx 5x pot was around 11,000, Studenič shoves for around 15,000, player next to him folde dand Aurelijus made the calll with Ax Qx. Peter shows Qx Tx and after turn 7c and river Jh is eliminated for now.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 66,667, ent.: 48/64
14:00 Multiway pot for Andreas
On the flop Jx 8x 7x Andreas c-bets 4,000 into a pot of almost 10,000. Both opponents folded and Andreas shows them Tx 9x after the hand.
13:40 Batinjan Vs Antala
Batinjan opens to 4,700 and Antala 3-bets to 14,000. Noone else joined and Batinjan calls. On the flop Kc 8c 6h Batitjan shoves and Antala calls his remaining 35,000 with pocket jacks. Batinjan tabled definately a monster with his 4c 3c. Turn 4d changed nothing, but on the river Tc Batitjan completes his flush and eliminated Antala.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 58,163, ent.: 49/57
13:25 Angelo Gomez eliminated
On the flop Ks Kc 7s Malinovský bets 4,000 into a pot of 8,000, Antelmi folded and Gomez slowly calls. On the turn 5h Malinovský continues for 6,000 and Gomez raises to 12,500, which gets paid very quickly. On the river 2c Gomez shoves for bit above 20,000 and Malinovský calls again. Gomez shows pocket sixes that are not enough against pocket queens held by Malinovský.
13:10 Daniel Strohmaier won pot preflop
Daniel opens to 1,600, Bjel calls, Davide Pisano 3-bets to 7,100 and Muzacz after long tank raises to 12,600. Daniel responds with all in and covers all opponents. BJel folded instantly, Pisano and Muzacz took some time and folded.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 55,319, ent.: 47/52
12:45 Tomáš took pot with a flop raise
On the flop Ad 9d Tc pot was about 7,000 and Aurelijus bets 1,500. Tomáš raises to 5,900 and after some tanking Aurelijus folded his hand.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,250, ent.: 40/41
12:30 Small pot for Ružička
On the river 2x 2x 7x Ax 8x pot is around 5,000. Milan bets 1,500 and Stefan Matzner calls. Milan shows 8x 7x and Matzner mucks.
12:15 Who is already in game?
Hersey, Halo, Dohnány, Palmai, Antala, Studenič and others are already playing.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,00, ent.: 21/21
Banco Casino Summer Cup 100,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 10 levels
Unlimited re-entry
10% of the field qualify to Final Day / 100€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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