The thirty-seventh edition of Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD attracted a total of 1,590 players from various corners of the world, and after a week full of poker action, Mladen Stojanovic emerged as the winner after a 3-way deal and subsequent play, taking home 41,450€. However, the poker action at Banco Casino Bratislava is far from over. This Saturday, a one-day event with a 100€ buy-in and a guarantee of 50,000€ awaits you. Starting from February 23rd, the Winter Polish Days will commence with a total guarantee of 444,444€. In March, the Euro Poker Championship awaits you with a total guarantee of 500,000€. For more information, follow our website and social media channels. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day results:
1. Stojanovic Mladen - 41,450€
2. Chiriliuc Andrei - 21,120€
3. Li Hao - 23,090€
4. Altoka Alen - 11,630€
5. Nanos Dimitrios - 7,745€
6. Kechagias Athanasios - 5,745€
7. Meynaerts Jonathan Maggy M - 4,450€
8. Hanak Andrew Michael - 3,495€
9. Kenyeres Sandor - 2,770€
10. Vaknin Eyal Eliyahu - 2,345€
11. Uveges Tibor - 2,345€
12. Toth Istvan - 2,120€
13. Stanisljevic Predrag - 2,120€
14. Bottyan Miklos Mark - 1,945€
15. Flesar Marian - 1,945€
16. Kimhi Doron - 1,945€
For the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, a total of 1,590 players participated. The top 16 players will receive a ticket to the Euro Poker Championship Main Event 400,000€ GTD worth 350€. All advancing players received their buy-in back at the end of their flights, totaling 170€, and these funds are included in the payout structure.
1:10 Andrei Chiriliuc falls in second place, taking home 21,120€
Andrej put his 13,000,000 into the pot with 6s 5c, and Mladen turned over Kc Js. The final board of this Banco Casino Masters was Kx Tx 6x Jx Qx, making Mladen Stojanovic the definitive winner.
00:45 Li Hao finishes in third place for 23,090€
On the river with the board showing 5x 4x Qc 4c 7c and approximately seven million in the pot, Mladen Stojanovic puts his opponent all-in for nearly six million. Li Hao calls with Qh 8h, but Mladen holds 9c 8c, leading to a heads-up battle!
00:40 Andrei Chiriliuc doubles up
Chiriliuc went all in preflop with Ac 6c, and Mladen from the big blind called with Ax 8x. With the board showing Ax 6x 9x 6x Tx, Andrei Chiriliuc doubles his stack to approximately 6,000,000.
Deal went through:
Stojanovic - 33,050€
Li Hao - 23,090€
Chiriliuc - 21,120€
Left to play for: 8,400€
Deal discussion has started !
00:25 Altoka takes fourth place and 11,630€
Altoka went all in preflop with Kd 9d against Stojanovic's Ac Kh for just under 6,000,000. With the board showing 8h Ad Tc 2h 7s, Alen finishes in fourth place for 11,630€.
00:10 Deal didn't go through, play continues.
Prebieha diskusia o deale:
23:50 Dimitrios Nanos finishes in fifth place for 7,745€
Dimitrios opened for 850,000, and Stojanovic 3-bet to 2,400,000. Nanos opted for an all-in with 10,000,000, and Mladen Stojanovic snap-called with JJ. Dimitrios showed JTx, and after the board ran out 2h 7c 5c 8c 8d, Dimitrios exits in fifth place for 7,745€
This saturday there is one day tournament with buy in of 100€ and 50,000€ GTD ready just for you !
Level 30: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 10,600,000, ent.: 5/1,590
23:20 Hao goes all-in
No one found interesting cards, and Hao pushed from the small blind for 6,900,000. Andrei had his stack counted but eventually folded.
23:00 Nanos doubles up
Dimitrios from the small blind pushed 2,200,000 with Qx 8x, and Stojanovic from the big blind called with Kd Td. After the board came Qh Jc 3h 6h Jd, Nanos secures a double-up.
22:50 After a moment of silence, Athanasios Kechagias exits the tournament.
He pushed all in from the cutoff with 9h 8h for 3,000,000. Hao struggled for a while with pocket sixes but ultimately folded. Chiriliuc on the small blind snap-called with Kx Kx, and after the board ran out 7h 6h 9s 4s 3s, Kechagias bows out in sixth place, taking home 5,745€
Level 29: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,600,000, ent.: 6/1,590
Break 15 min
21:45 Jonathan Meynaerts finishes in seventh place for 4,450€
Stojanovic initiated the action with an open raise to 550,000, Altoka called from the button, and Meynaerts defended from the big blind. On the flop Tc 2c Jd, Meynaerts led for 1,100,000, and Stojanovic effectively pushed for 5,800,000. Meynaerts called with Jc 4d, while Stojanovic held Js 2s. With the turn Qc and river As, Jonathan Meynaerts concludes his run in seventh place for 4,450€. Following this hand, Stojanovic claims a massive chip lead with 27,000,000.
21:30 Kechagias under pressure
Altoka opened from Hj for 575,000 and Kechagias called from Co. Andrei Chiriliuc joined from the big blind. On the flop 5c 7c Jd, Athanasios bet 675,000, and Chiriliuc remained in the hand. On the river 8h, Andrei effectively pushed all in for 4,100,000. Kechagias, not particularly thrilled, eventually folded after a long thought process.
In Banco Casino, jackpots of 100,000€ are won every month on slot machines!
21:10 Flop raise
Li Hao opened from Co for 550,000, Nanos called from the sb, and Stojanovic joined from the bb. On the flop Jh 2d 3d, Hao continued for 450,000, Nanos raised to 1,200,000, and Stojanovic
Level 28: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. stack: 9,085,714, remaining players: 7/1,590
20:45 Andrew Hanak falls in eighth place
Andrew Hanak shoves 2,200,000 with Kc Td, and Stojanovic, after counting his opponent's stack, calls with sevens. The board runs out 9s 3h 4h Js 2s, and Andrew takes home 3,495€
20:30 Andrei Chiriliuc attacks from all sides
Altoka opens from early position for 500,000, Chiriliuc calls from the cutoff, and no one else joins. On the flop As 8h 4h, Altoka bets 550,000, and Chiriliuc raises to 1,500,000. After a brief consideration, Altoka folds his sevens.
20:15 Stojanovic claims a smaller pot
Stojanovic opens for 425,000, and Andrei calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7h Jh 2s, and Stojanovic bets 275,000, quickly called by Andrei. Both players check the 2c turn, and on the river Jx, Andrei leads for 600,000. Stojanovic calls with nines and beats his opponent's Qx Tx.
Level 27: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 7,950,000, ent.: 8/1,590
Break 10 min
20:00 Stojanovic adds to stack
Stojanovic opens for 350,000, Chiriliuc calls, and from the big blind, Nanos also calls. On the flop Kd 3d 5c, Stojanovic bets 375,000. Chiriliuc raises to 1,000,000, prompting Nanos to fold. Stojanovic calls, and on the turn 8h, Andrei continues with a bet of 1,500,000. Stojanovic smoothly calls again. The river 6h sees both players checking, and Stojanovic shows Ah Ks, winning the pot as Chiriliuc reveals As 9s and loses.
19:40 Split pot
Andrei opens to 320,000 from early position, and Altoka 3-bets to 800,000 from the cutoff. Andrei calls, and on the flop 5s 2s Ah, Altoka bets 800,000, which Andrei calmly calls. The turn 7s checks through, as does the river 6d. Both players reveal matching Jx Jx, resulting in a split pot.
Level 26 : 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 7,950,000, ent.: 8/1,590
Final table payouts:
1. 40,520 €
2. 27,120 €
3. 18,020 €
4. 11,630 €
5. 7,745 €
6. 5,745 €
7. 4,450 €
8. 3,495 €
Final table chipcounts:
Official Final table stream:
Live Report will continue alongside with stream
17:55 Uveges exits in eleventh place for 2,345€, followed closely by Eyal Vaknin in tenth place for the same amount. Sandor Kenyeres finishes in ninth place for 2,770€.
Tibor went all in preflop for 3,350,000 with Ac Qc against Altoka's pocket nines. After the board ran out 8x 7x 6x 8x 3x, Tibor is eliminated from the tournament. On the other table, Vaknin, as the short stack, got into a three-way all in with Qx Tx, Andrew holding Jx Jx, and Li Hao with Aces. After the board showed Ax 5x 9x Kx 9x, Li Hao eliminates his opponent and takes an additional two million from Hanak. A few seconds later, Kenyeres also went all in preflop with 5x 5x for 1,505,000, and Andrej snap-called with Ax Kx. The board showed Ax 3x Jx 2x Xx, thus transitioning us to the official final table.
Level 26: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,781,818, ent.: 11/1,590
17:20 István Tóth takes home 2,120€ for twelfth place
Tóth went all in preflop for 1,420,000 with Kx Qx. Li Hao showed Ax 9x in the showdown, and after the board ran out Tx 8x 2x 9x 4x, he eliminated his opponent.
17:15 Andrew Hanak doubles up
Andrew pushed over the line from the small blind with 1,780,000, and Johnathan called from the big blind with As 3s. Andrew showed Kc 9c, and after the board came Kx Tx Qx 4x 5x, he secured the double up.
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
17:00 Predrag Stanisljevic also busted
Predrag from the small blind pushed his short stack with 9x 4x, and Mladen Stojanovic on the big blind found Kx Kx. After the board ran out 9x 3x 2x 8x 7x, Predrag finishes as thirteenth and takes home 2,120€
16:50 Dimitrios Nanos massive double up
On the flop 4x 5x Jx, the pot was 1,300,000 and Nanos went all in for 4,350,000 with 5x 5x. Tibor Uveges turned 8x 6x and after the turn 3x and river Kx, Nanos takes a hefty sum to his account. Tibor falls to about two million.
16:40 Miklos Bottyan exits in fourteenth place for 1,945€
On the flop 9d 8s 2h, there were about three million in the pot, and Jonathan went all in. Miklos had 20,000 left behind, which he eventually called after a long thought with Ax Kx. Jonathan showed jacks, and after a blank turn and river, Miklos was eliminated from the tournament.
Level 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 4,542,857, ent.: 14/1,590
16:25 Jonathan Meynaerts doubles up
Jonathan went all in preflop for just under two million with Ax Kx. Andrew Hanak held Ax Qx, and after the board ran out 7x 7x 9x 6x Kx, Hanak loses about half of his stack, while Jonathan secures a beautiful double up. Meanwhile, at a neighboring table, Marián Flešár was eliminated from the tournament, unable to turn his short stack around, taking home 1,945€.
16:10 On the sixteenth place, Doron Kimhi exits for 1,945€
Kimhi pushed his short stack with As 4d. Li Hao found Qx Qx and easily called. After a blank board, Doron leaves the final day first.
Level 24: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,240,000, ent.: 16/1,590
Left to play for:
1. 40,520€
2. 27,120€
3. 18,020€
4. 11,630€
5. 7,745€
6. 5,745€
7. 4,450€
8. 3,495€
9. 2,770€
10-11. 2,345€
12-13. 2,120€
14-16. 1,945€
For the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, a total of 1,590 players participated. The top 16 players will receive a ticket to the Euro Poker Championship Main Event 400,000€ GTD worth 350€. All advancing players received their buy-in back at the end of their flights, totaling 170€, and these funds are included in the payout structure.
Final Table stream:
Final Day chipcounts:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in February!
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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