After an exciting Final Day, Edmondo became the champion of the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD. Following a 3-way deal and subsequent play, he took home 40,660€. This weekend, we have two one-day tournaments prepared for you with guarantees of 20,000€ and 30,000€. Starting next week, the Swedish Poker Championships will take place. Some tournaments in this series are exclusive to Swedish players, but many side events and especially the crazy Nordic cash games are accessible to all. In the second half of August, we have the Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD waiting for us, all just to warm up before the Coolbet Open with a total guarantee of over 500,000€ and the Winamax Poker Open, scheduled for September. For more information, follow our website and social media. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day eliminations:
1. Eddie - 40,660€
2. Černý Jan - 20,830€
3. Yankov Yavor - 19,490€
5. GEIGER TAMAS - 8,765 €
6. JESKO PETER - 6,400 €
7. JATIC SEMIR - 4,495 €
8. DARRIGO MAICOL - 3,310 €
9. Stefano - 2,650€
10. Robo Obrtlík - 2,275 €
11. Anestis Chatziioannou - 2,275 €
12. Tibor Gedei - 1,935 €
13. Frodox - 1,935 €
14. Amit David Cohen - 1,670 €
15. Adam Tamás Szentmihalyi - 1,670 €
16. Martin Zlatny - 1,670 €
1:15 Jan Černý finishes in second place for 20,830€
On the flop 6x 5h 4h, there were two million in the pot, and Edmondo bet 800,000. Černý called, and on the turn 6h, he put in his last 6,700,000. Edmond with 8c 7d instantly called, and Jan revealed Qh 7c. However, the river 3d eliminates Černý and also concludes this Banco Casino Masters.
00:55 Yankov finishes in third place for 19,490€
Yankov pushed his 6,800,000 chips across the line with Ax Jx against Černý's Ad 5d. After the board revealed Kd 6d 5s Kc 4d, Yankov heads to the cashier to collect his reward.
Deal looks like this :
Edy - 32,690€
Jan - 20,830€
Yavor - 19,490€
+7,970€ for the winner
Break 15 minutes
A discussion about a deal is taking place.
00:25 Christian Steindel finishes in fourth place for €11,615
Yankov opened to 1,000,000, Steindel 3-bet to 2,800,000, and Edmondo shoved for 18,000,000. Yankov folded, Steindel called after some thought with nines, and Eddy revealed Ac Ks. The board came 2x 2x Ax 4x 8x, leading to Christian's elimination.
00:10 Tamás Geiger finishes in fifth place for €8,765
Geiger raised to 2,400,000 from the cutoff with Kx 7x, and Edmond found Ax Qx in the following seat, calling effortlessly. The board displayed Jx 3x 3x 2x Tx, leading to Tamás bidding farewell to the tournament.
Level 35: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 9,576,000, ent.: 5/1,197
00:00 Yankov doubles up
Yankov pushed all-in from the small blind for 3,100,000 with Jh Th, and Steindel called from the big blind with Qs Js. The board revealed Ts Ad 7d Jd 5h, granting Yankov a double-up and increasing his stack.
23:45 Peter Ješko takes home €6,400 for sixth place
After his previous move, Ješko first pushed for 2,600,000, which went through with his opponents. Shortly after, he got into a preflop all-in with Kx Qx against Steindel's Ax Kx. With a blank board, Ješko was eliminated.
23:30 Černý doubles up
Černý got into a preflop all-in for 3,600,000 with Kh 6h against Ješko's Kc Qc. With the board showing Kd 6d 4s 7s 4c, Černý secured a double up, and Ješko's prospects dimmed.
Level 34: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 7,980,000, ent.: 6/1,197
Break 15 minutes
22:40 It's going to be a long one
Černý opened for 500,000, and Ješko spun it to 1,500,000. From the big blind, Edmondo declared an all-in for 12,000,000, covering both opponents. After a brief moment, Černý folded his Qx Qx. Ješko quickly got rid of his jacks, and Edmondo's Ax Kx won the pot before the flop.
Coolbet Open with total guarantee more than 500,000€ :
22:15 Edmondo takes it from Steindel
Edmondo opened for 600,000, and Steindel called from the big blind. On the flop 9c 8c 2d, both players checked. On the turn Th, Edmondo bet 800,000, and Steindel called. On the river 8d, both players checked. Steindel showed Ax 9x, but it wasn't enough to beat Edmondo's Td 6d this time.
21:50 4-bet push
Geiger opened from the small blind for 500,000, and Edmondo 3-bet to 1,400,000. Geiger decided to go all-in for approximately 5,500,000. Edmondo quickly folded his hand.
Polish Poker Sumer Cup later this month !
Level 33: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 7,980,000, ent.: 6/1,197
21:15 Semir Jatic exits in seventh place for €4,495
On the flop Ad 8d 7h with a pot of 1,100,000, Edmondo c-bet 500,000 from the button. Jatic from the big blind pushed all-in for 3,500,000, and Edmondo with Ax 6x called. Semir needed help with his Jh 9h, but after the turn 7c and the river 3c, he did not get it, and he has to leave the tournament.
21:00 Yankov takes the pot
Geiger opened with 400,000 from EP, Yankov called from the button, and Ješko called from the small blind. On the flop Qs 7s 9h, Yankov bet 800,000 and left himself with 5 big blinds behind. Ješko and Geiger both folded.
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,840,000, ent.: 7/1,197
Break 15 minutes
20:25 Maicol Darrigo ends his journey
Maicol put his last 395,000 in the game with Ax 2x against Yankov's Kx 7x and Černý's Kx Jx. The board showed Qx 9x 5x Qx Kx, and the active players checked after the river, where Černý bet 300,000, and Yankov called. Černý thus took this pot, and Darrigo walks away with 3,310€.
20:10 Steindel also claims a double up
Steindel got all-in for 3,000,000 with Kx Kx, and Yankov held Ax Kx. The board came 9x 7x Kx Jx Jx, with no unpleasant surprises, granting Steindel the double up.
19:55 Peter Ješko doubles up
Ješko shoved with Ax Jx for 1,600,000, and Edmondo called with pocket nines. The board came Ax 6x 4x 5x Tx, allowing Ješko to double up to a stack of approximately 3,500,000.
Next edition of the Banco Casino Masters is set for October!
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,9850,000, ent.: 8/1,197
9. Stefano - 2,650€
10. Robo Obrtlík - 2,275 €
11. Anestis Chatziioannou - 2,275 €
12. Tibor Gedei - 1,935 €
13. Frodox - 1,935 €
14. Amit David Cohen - 1,670 €
15. Adam Tamás Szentmihalyi - 1,670 €
16. Martin Zlatny - 1,670 €
Short break
18:15 Ninth place and €2,650 goes to Stefano
Stefano pushed all-in with Ax Qx for his last 490,000 chips, and Černý called with Ax Kx. The board ran out 6x 6x 5x Tx Kx, and Stefano's journey in the tournament comes to an end as we move on to the live stream!
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,320,000, ent.: 9/1,197
Unofficial final table chipcounts:
Short break
17:30 Robo Obrtlík exits after two cuts
Yankov opened from the button, and Robo sent in about 1,400,000. Yankov snap-called with QxQx, and Robo had Ax7x. Another Q landed on the flop, and Robo lost a substantial part of his stack. Afterward, Robo sent in around 1,500,000 with 9x9x, and Yankov found himself with KxKx for extra assurance. With a blank board, Robo angrily exits the game.
17:25 Anestis Chatziioannou finishes in 11th place for 2,275€
Anestis got into a preflop all-in situation with KxKx against Jan Černý's TxTx. With a board of Ts8x4xQx2x, this Greek player bids farewell to the game with an unfortunate bad beat at the end.
Next weekend, two one-day events are prepared for you!
17:15 12th place goes to Tibor Gedei for 1,935€
Geiger opened, and Gedei shoved 850,000 with Ax Qx. Geiger called with Qx Jx, and a jack on the turn knocked Tibor out of the tournament.
17:10 Frodox is out
Frodox first lost about half of his stack with Ax 9x to Peťo Ješko's Kx Jx. Several hands later, he got into a preflop all-in with his remaining 1,300,000 with Ax 3x against Jatic's Ax 7x. The board showed 4x 8x 7x 5x 3x, and Frodox is eliminated in thirteenth place for 1,935€.
Level 30: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,683,077, ent.: 13/1,197
16:55 Amit Cohen also exits
Amit pushed his short stack with pocket fours, and Edmondo found Ax Qx. The board came Jx Tx 2x Kx 2x, and Amit hands over just under two million and is eliminated.
16:50 Adam Szentmihalyi finishes in 15th place for 1,670€
Adam got into a preflop all-in with As Ks, and Černý had Ah Ad. The board showed 3x 9x 8x 2x 8x, and there was no help for him.
16:35 The first one to be eliminated is Kevin
He sent 1,135,000 from the button with Ks 7s, and Geiger quickly responded with a call, holding Kx Kx. The board showed Jx 2x 7x Tx Qx, and Kevin finishes in the first place, taking home 1,670€.
16:25 Jatic doubles up
Both Ješko and Jatic sent something over two million across the line on the flop 4c 3c Qd, and Ješko held Qx 9x. Jatic revealed a set of fours, and after the turn 5x and the river 6x, he doubled up his stack.
16:15 Ješko kicked off the action
He opened from the small blind with a bet of 350,000, and Semir Jatic from the big blind called. On the flop with cards Ad Ac 6c, Ješko bet 250,000, and he immediately took the pot.
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,992,500, ent.: 16/1,197
Final day payouts:
1. 40,260 €
2. 24,130 €
3. 16,590 €
4. 11,615 €
5. 8,765 €
6. 6,400 €
7. 4,495 €
8. 3,310 €
9. 2,650 €
10-11. 2,275 €
12-13. 1,935 €
14-16. 1,670 €
All players received a 170€ buy-in refund upon advancing, and the top sixteen players will also receive a 250€ ticket for the SSOP Main Event. These money are already included in the payout structure.
Final Day chipcounts:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD :
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Coolbet Open s celkovou garanciou viac ako 500,000€ :
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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