Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD attracted modest field of 1,064 players and for second time Andrej Desset took the title and 41,105€ for winner after exhausting heads up! By the end of May we host Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250,000€ GTD and during next week there will be plenty of cashgames and one day events ready for you. For more info check our web or social media. We are looking forward to see you!
Poradie hráčov vo final day :
1.Desset Andrej 41 105 €
2.Kovacs Zoltan Istvan 24 980 €
4.Seskevicius Julius 11 890 €
5.Hen Erez 9 030 €
8.Otescu Gabriel 3 505 €
10.Bar Oz Sagi 2 455 €
11.AMIR JUWAN 2 455 €
13.Srnsky Karel 2 100 €
14.Klein David 1 840 €
15.OLESOVSKY Vladimir 1 840 €
16.Vettas Christos - 1 840 €
3:45 Zoltan Kovacs finishes in second place for 24,980€
Andrej shoves with Kd 8s and Kovacs decided to call his 14,000,000 with Kc Jd. After board 6s Js 5d Ts 5s Andrej got his revenge and ended this nerve-wrecking heads up !
3:25 Headsup is still going on
Chips are moving from side to side and none of players seems to break yet.
Level 38: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 21,280,000, ent.: 2/1,064
Break 15 min
2:50 The immortality run
Kovacs got few double ups. In last one he got it in with As Qh against Kx 7x. Runout 7s 6s 3c Ks Qs doubles up Kovacs again and he operates with 17,000,000 again.
By the end of the month Banco Casino Bratislava will be hosting Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD !
2:35 Desset double up
Andrej got it in for 18,000,000 with pocket eights against Kh Th held by his opponent. Board Kx 5x Jx 8x Qx brought a double up to Desset and Kovacs is left with last around four million.
2:25 Small pot for Desset
On the flop Kx 6x 2x pot was 3,200,000 and Kovacs bets 1,700,000. Desset calls and on the turn Qs bets 2,300,000. Kovacs folded.
Level 37: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 21,280,000, ent.: 2/1,064
2:05 Another nasty hit
Desset opens to 1,100,000 and Kovacs 3-bets to 2,200,000. Andrej calls and on the flop 7x 2x 6x Kovacs bets 2,000,000 and Andrej raises to 5,400,000. Kovacs responds with all in for 17,000,000 and Andrej tanked for good five minutes before he decided to fold his hand.
1:50 Desset suffering
Kovacs completes his sb, Desset jams effectively for 10,000,000 and Kovacs made the call with Kx Tx. Andrej shows Kx Qx but after board 3x 3x 6x Tx Ax Andrej had to give up on part of his stacks.
Level 36: 200,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 21,280,000, ent.: 2/1,064
1:15 Headsup stacks:
Headsup has started !
Break 15 min
1:10 Roman Okoličány eliminated in third palce for 16,490€
Roman opens to 900,000 from sb and Desset calls his bb. Flop 9h Qh 6h brought all in from Okoličány for 7,400,000 and Andrej snapcalls with Th 3h. Roman held Ks Kd and after turn 2h and river Qs Roman is eliminated and we are going to play some heads up !
00:40 Okoličány rejams
Desset opens to 800,000, Kovacs calls and Okoličány jams for 8,200,000. Both opponents folded and Roman si climbing up a little.
Level 34: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 14,186,667, ent.: 3/1,064
00:10 Julius Seskevicius finishes in fourth place for 11,890€
Julius shoves 2,500,000 with Kx Qx and Zoltan Kovacs decided to call off with Kx Jx. Board Jx Jx 8x 8x Qx was truly unlucky for Julius and we are playing 3-ways from now on !
23:50 Seskevicius jams
Julius jams 2,700,000 from Ep. Nobody found hand or courage to call with.
23:40 Make it hurt
Desset opens from sb to 1,000,000. Zoltán Kovács didn´t like it and folded his bb.
Chipcounts after the break:
Level 34: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,640,000, ent.: 4/1,064
Break 15 min
23:10 Julius all-in
Roman opens to 600,000 and Julius behind him reshoves his 6,500,000. Roman quickly folded and we have to wait for significant action to happen.
22:40 Erez Hen finishes in fifth place for 9,030€
On the flop Tx 5x 4x Hen bets 450,000 into a pot of 1,400,000. Desset responds with a raise to 1,100,000 and Erez shoves for 3,800,000. Andrej makes the call with Jx Tx and Erez shows As 4s. Turn 7x and river Ts were last cards for Erez Hen.
By the end of the month Banco Casino Bratislava will be hosting Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD !
Level 33: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 8,512,000, ent.: 5/1,064
22:05 Okoličány Vs Seskevicius
Okoličány opens to 400,000 and Seskevicius 3-bets to 1,100,000. Other players folded quickly and Roman needed bit more time before he tossed his hand away.
21:40 Long game
Kovacs opens to 650,000 and Okoličány 3-bets to 1,800,000 and Kovacs after careful thinking made the call. On the flop Ax 9x 4x Okoličány needed significant ammount of time before he made the bet of 800,000. Kovacs after short time raises to 2,500,000 and Roman shoves for 5,100,000. Kovacs folded and Roman is adding chips to his stack.
21:20 Desset Vs. Kovacs
Andrej opens to 400,000, Kovacs and Seskevicius calls. On the flop Th 8h 3d Andrej c-bets 450,000 and Kovacs raises to 975,000. Seskevicius calls and Andrej made the call. On the turn kh Kovacs bets 2,000,000 and Andrej quickly folds.
Level 32: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 8,512,000, ent.: 5/1,064
Break 15 min
20:40 Adam Szentmihalyi finishes in 6th place for 6,650€
Andrej Desset opens to 330,000 and Szentmihalyi rejams 1,000,000 from sb. Andrej calls with As Ts, Szentmihalyi held Ac 8c. Board Kc 9c 2h 4s 9d held for better hand and Adam si eliminated.
20:20 Seventh place and 4,740€ belongs to Miro Mitka
Miro shoves his 2,000,000 with pocket eights and Julius found pocket nines which he called. Board 9x Qx Jx 7x 6x eliminated Miro in seventh place.
20:10 Gabriel Otescu eliminated in 8th place for 3,505€
Gabriel shoves for remaining 1,800,000 with pocket deuces and Seskevicius behind him called with pocket eights. After board Kx Kx 4x 9x 9x Gabriel is eliminated in 8th place.
Level 31: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,320,000, ent.: 8/1,064
19:50 Seskevicius double up
Seskevicius got his 1,500,000 in with Ax Kx against Hen with Ax Jx. Board Tx 5x 8x 5x Ax held for the shorter stack.
Tournament will continue
Final Table chipcounts:
Live stream link:
18:50 9th place and 2,835€ belongs to Christian Sykora
Openraise to 260,000 from Seskevicius was called by Otescu on the button and Okoličány shoves for 2,230,000. Christian Sykora held slightly less in bb and called off, Seskevicius snapfolded, Otescu asked for count but folded too. Okoličány tabled pocket nines and Christian held pocket kings. Board 9X 2x 5x 6x Ax sent Christian with a huge badbeat to the cashdesk and remaining eight players are moving to streamed final table !
18:30 3-bet pot for Zoltan Kovacs
Kovacs opens to 300,000, Otescu 3-bets to 750,000 and after some thinking Kovacs calls. On the flop Tc 2h 5s Kovacs was facing a bet of 600,000 and called after long time. On the turn 9s it again took around two minutes but this time Kovacs jammed effectivelly around 3,000,000. Otescu folded his hand fairly quick.
Final Table chipcounts:
Level 30: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 4,728,889, ent.: 9/1,064
Break 30 min
17:35 With elimination of Oz Bar we are moving to final table!
On the flop Ax Tx 4x Bar shoves his shortstack and Erez Hen tanked and made the call with set of tens. Bar tabled Ax Kx, turn Ax and river Jx confrimed elimination of Oz Bar in 10th place and we are moving to unofficial final table.
17:20 Friedrich Hensler busto in 12th place for 2,100€, Amir Juwan finsihes in 11th place for 2,455€
On the turn 6d 8c 2c 7c Hensler got about 1,000,000 in with pocket aces and Gabriel Otescu tabled Qc Jc. River 8h couldn´t change anything and Friedrich Hensler is eliminated. On next table Juwan got into a preflop all in for around 1,300,000 with Ax 8x against pocket tens held by Desset. Board Qx 6x 4x 8x 2x held nicely once again for Desset and Amir has to leave.
By the end of the month Banco Casino Bratislava will be hosting Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD !
17:10 David Klein and Karel Srnský finished aswell
Preflop Klein, Desset and Srnský agreed to pay 525,000. On the flop 9x 6x 5x Klein shoves for 1,180,000, Desset calls and Srnský folded. Klein tabled pocket eights, Desset held pocket queens. Turn Qx and river 3x eliminated Klein in 14th place for 1,840€. Very next hand Srnský got last 800,000 in with pocket nines against Qx Jx held by Andrej Desset. Board Tx 4x 2x Qx 3x eliminated Karel in 13th place for 2,100€.
16:55 Vlado Olešovský finished in 15th place for 1,840€
Okoličány opens to 300,000 from Sb, Olešovský from bb shoves for his 900,000 with pocket tens. Okoličány snapcalls with pocket kings and after blank board is Olešovský eliminated.
16:45 Christos Vettas eliminated in 16 th place for 1,840€
Christos shoves 450,000 with Ad 4d, Miro Mitka calls and Zoltan Kovacs jams for heaps more. Mitka folded face up pocket eights and Kovacs shows Ac Kc. Board Ax 9c 7c Jc Xx brought a nuts flush for Zoltan and Christos has to leave.
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,660,000, ent.: 16/1,064
16:30 David Klein double up
Klein got his 695,000 behind the line with pocket queens against Ah Kh held by Gabriel Otescu and after runout 8x 8x Jx 5x 4x Klein doubles up.
16:20 Amir Juwan double up
Klein opens to 180,000, Juwan rejams his around 900,000 from sb and Desset push out of bb. Klein folded, Juwan tables Ax Qx, Desset pocket tens. Board Ad Qd 4d Jd 3s held shortstack in game.
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,660,000, ent.: 16/1,064
From this level we have left 15 minutes. All other levels will be 60 minutes long.
Final day prizes:
1. 41 105 €
2. 24 980 €
3. 16 490 €
4. 11 890 €
5. 9 030 €
6. 6 650 €
7. 4 740 €
8. 3 505 €
9. 2 835 €
10-11.. 2 455 €
12-1.3. 2 100 €
14-.16. 1 840 €
Live stream link:
Final Day chipcounts:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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