Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD attracted 1654 players in total and Tibor Uveges is absolute winner. After the heads up deal he took home 37,730€, which is for sure good reason to celebrate little longer. May will be loaded with action, we are starting with Tanna delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD since first until 7th may. Then in the middle another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ will take the place and by the end is Banco Casino Bratislava hosting Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250,000€ GTD ! We are looking forward to see you !
Final Day results:
1.UVEGES TIBOR 37 730 €
2.Giannakou Dimitris 33 325 €
3.Soroczynski Lech 17 335 €
4.Jirout Frantisek 12 670 €
5.MATE SANDOR 9 555 €
7.Benisti Fadida Nisim 4 865 €
9.Boras Marino 2 785 €
10.Zeleznik Martin 2 375 €
12.Rotbart Ram 2 000 €
13.Hadjisocratous Zacharias 2 000 €
15.Ronshyn Maksym 1 755 €
16.Petrou Panagiotis 1 755 €
2:15 Dimitris Giannakou finishes in second place for 33,325€
It took just few hands to finish heads up. In first one Dimitris decided to shove 12,000,000 into a pot of 21,000,000 with 8d 5d on turn Jx 2x 3x 4x and Tibor made herocall with Kx 3x. 7x on the river didn´t brought a straight to Dimitris and he lost big chunk of his stack. Few hands Tibor just kept taking smaller pots. In last hand last around 19,000,000 went in with pocket threes for Dimitris and Ax Qx for Tibor. Board Ax 9x 2x 8x Qx was last one in this Banco Casino Masters !
We continue !
HU stacks :
Dimitris – 37,900,000
Tibor – 28,200,000
Deal looks following :
Dimitris 33,325€
Tibor 30,700€
Left to play for - 7,040€
Deal discussion going on
01:15 Quick fall of Lech Soroczynski
At first Lech jammed around effectively 10,000,000 on the flop Qx Qx 8x Giannakou snapcalled with Qx 4x. Soroczynski shows Ax 5x and after turn 6x and river 7x had to give up on quater of his stack. Few hands later Tibor got his stack in with pocket kings against Ax Tx held by Lech. Board Tx Kx 5x 2x Kx took another 15,000,000 from Lech. In last hand last 18,000,000 held by Soroczynski flew in with pocket nines against Ax Kx held by Giannakou. Board Ax 6x 2x Kx 5x eliminated Lech in third place for 17,335€.
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 22,000,000 ent.: 3/1,654
Break 15 min
00:20 František Jirout busto in 4th place for 12,670€
On the flop 9x 9x Jx Jirout got his short in with Qx 9x and Lech called with pocket jacks. Blank turn and river didn´t brought any miracles and Jirout is finished.
Chipcounts before the break:
Level 32: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 16,540,000, ent.: 4/1,654
Break 15 min
23:00 Hard spot for Tibor
On the turn 8x 6x Qx Tx Tx pot was around 10,000,000 and Lech jams effectivelly for 10,000,000. Tibor was tanking for long while and decided to fold his 8x 6x. Lech obviously held... 9x 7x.
22:45 Lech Soroczynski massive double up
Jirout opens his sb to 900,000 and Lech 3-bets to 2,000,000 from bb. Jirout calls and on the flop Jx Tx 3x Lech bets 3,400,000. Jirout raises to 8,000,000 and Soroczynski jams for 18,000,000. Jirout calls with Jx Tx and Lech shows up with pocket queens. Turn 7x changes nothing, river 3x brought two higher pair to Lech and he got to 40,000,000. Jirout is left with about 6,000,000.
Level 31: 100,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 16,540,000, ent.: 4/1,654
22:00 Maté Sándor out in fifth place for 9,555€
Sándor got his 3,200,000 in preflop with Qx 9x. Lech found Ax Jx and after runout 4x 5x Tx Ax Qx Maté is another eliminated.
21:45 Christian Matkovic busto in 6th place for 6,960€
Lech opens to 400,000 and Christian 3-bets to 1,200,000. Lech isn´t scared of anyone and calls. On the flop Ax 8x Tx Matkovic sends a security all in of 6,100,000, but Lech snapcalls with Ax 2x. Christian shows Ax Qx and turn is of course another deuce. River Kx didn´t change anything and Christian got along the 6,960€ very depressing badbeat story.
21:31 Fadida Benisti busto in 7th place for 4,865€
Lech limps, so does Benisti and Tibor raises to 600,000. Both players calls and on the flop Jc 7s Kd Tibor bets 1,600,000. Lech folds and Benisti calls his last 1,200,000 with Qx Jx. Tibor shows pocket aces and after turn 3x and river 7x Fadida is eliminated.
21:10 Lech Soroczynski the sharpshooter !
Lech is definately showing some less known and not-exactly-standard kind of game. In one of last hands he opens to 500,000, Tibor calls and everyone else folded. On the flop 9s Tx 5x Lech bets 4,500,000 and Tibor shoves for 5,900,000. Lech calls with Ax 2x and Tibor shows Js Ts. Turn 3s and river 5s brought a flush to Tibor and he got double up.
Upcomming Tanna delle Tigri schedule :
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 9,451,429, ent.: 7/1,654
20:10 Expensive lesson for Maté Sándor
On the flop Ax 2x 6x Sándor c-bets 600,000 and Lech raises to 2,000,000 out of bb. Sándor instantly calls and on the turn Tx Lech jams for 9,400,000. Sándor responds with snapcall and flips over Ax Qx, which at this moment is not enough against Ax 6x held by Lech. It is also not enough after river 5x, Lech took full double up and Sándor falls to 3,600,000.
19:55 Štefan Bielich out after the flip in eight place for 3,520€
Benisti opens to 600,000 from sb and Bielich rejams his 1,400,000 with pocket sevens from bb. Benisti calls with Ac Qc and after runout Js 8s Qd Ax 9x Bielich lost his stack.
Level 29: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 8,270,000, ent.: 8/1,654
Final Table chipcounts:
Livestream link:
18:50 It took a while but we are moving to official final table
Tibor Uveges decided to 3-bet few openraises from Soroczynski and Marino Boras survived one round of blinds. His last 400,000 flew behind the line from Mp with 7s 5s and got three callers including Lech from bb. Board Kd 4d Ts 6c Qs was checked by active players to the river and Lech Soroczynski bets 475,000. Both remaining players went out of hand and Lech tabled Qx 6x. Marino is eliminated in 9th place for 2,785€.
Final Table payouts:
1. 44 475 €
2. 26 590 €
3. 17 335 €
4. 12 670 €
5. 9 555 €
6. 6 960 €
7. 4 865 €
8. 3 520 €
9. 2 785 €
Unofficial final table chipcounts:
Level 29: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 7,351,111, ent.: 9/1,654
Break 20 min
18:00 Martin Železník out in 10th place for 2,375€
On the turn 2s 5h 3c 9c pot was around 2,000,000 and same ammount went behind the line from Sándor and from Martin. On the river 8c Sándor shoves for around 4,500,000 and Železník after several minutes made the call with Tc Tx. That was unfortunately no good against As Ah held by Sándor.
17:50 Radovan Fridrich out in 11th place for 2,375€
On the flop Ah 2h Qd pot was around 1,500,000 and Sándor shoves for remaining 1,200,000 Rado had behind. After some thinking Rado made the call with Kx Qx and Sándor held Ax 5x. TUrn 5x and river Kx couldn´t help to Fridrich and he is eliminated.
17:40 Jirout with a nice pot
On the river 4x Tx 2x 2x Qx pot was around 2,500,000 and Matkovic bets 1,300,000 out of bigblind. Jirout needed long while to think and made the call with Jx Tx. Matkovic shows only Ax 6x for a bluff and Jirout took this nice pot.
17:25 Rotbart Ram eliminated in 12th place for 2,000€
Rotbart opens, Matkovic 3bets and Ram jams for little bit more than two million. Matkovic snapcalls with pocket kings and Rotbart shows pocket fours. Board Jx Tx 7x Ax 2x didn´t bring twoouter for Rotbart and has to leave his seat.
17:10 Zacharias Hadjisocratous finishes in 13th place for 2,000€
On the turn Tx 7x 3x Qx 5x Zacharias shoves for about 2,000,000 and Železník calls with Ax Tx. Zacharias shows only Ax 4x and after river 5x is eliminated.
Tanna delle Tigri is comming back to Banco Casino Bratislava !
17:00 Marino Boras jams
Marino shoves his 870,000 from Co. Players behind him folded and Marino shows pocket queens.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 5,089,231, ent.: 13/1,654
16:45 14th place and 1,755€ belongs to Aleksandar Petrovic
Aleksandar got his short in with 5x 5x against pocket sixes held by his opponent. Blank board sent Aleksandar to cashdesk.
16:30 Maksym Ronshyn eliminated in 15th place for 1,755€
Sándor Maté got his 2,090,000 in with Kh Th against Maksym´s Ax Kx. Board Tx 9x 7x 2x Qx proves there is no justice in this game and eliminates Maksym Ronshyn.
16:20 Panagiotis Petrou is first eliminated in final day
Marino Boras opens to 225,000, Lech Soroczynski calls and Petrou rejams around 1,200,000. Marino folded and Lech calls off with Kx Jx. Panagiotis shows Ax Qx, but board 6x Jx 9x 7x 7x eliminated Petrou in 16th place for 1,755€.
Level 27: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,135,000, ent.: 16/1,654
Final Table stream:
Final Day chipcounts:
Final Day players will play for these payouts:
1. 44 475 €
2. 26 590 €
3. 17 335 €
4. 12 670 €
5. 9 555 €
6. 6 960 €
7. 4 865 €
8. 3 520 €
9. 2 785 €
10-11 2 375 €
12-13. 2 000 €
14-16. 1 755 €
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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