Day 2 of Banco Casino Masters brought a strong fight for seats in final day. After many dramatic situations we know final 16 players and chipleader is Andrej Desset with a stack of 7,635,000. Final day will continue tommorow at 16:00 and final table will be streamed. At 19:00 BCM Farewell Turbo Deepstack 5,000€ GTD will start and buy in is set to 60€. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day prizes:
1. 41 105 €
2. 24 980 €
3. 16 490 €
4. 11 890 €
5. 9 030 €
6. 6 650 €
7. 4 740 €
8. 3 505 €
9. 2 835 €
10-11.. 2 455 €
12-1.3. 2 100 €
14-.16. 1 840 €
Live stream link:
Final Day chipcounts:
Day 2 eliminations:
17.Pavlou Marios 1 395 €
20.Essmeister Christoph 1 395 €
21.MATUSKY LUKAS 1 395 €
22.Suran Tomas 1 395 €
23.Oswald Alexander 1 395 €
24.Bottyan Miklos Mark 1 235 €
25.Kepes Martin 1 235 €
26.Cecamore Giampaolo 1 235 €
27.Ivasiuc Adrian 1 235 €
28.Dudas Gabor 1 235 €
29.Petrushevski Predrag 1 235 €
30.HOMOLA MAREK 1 235 €
31.Ignat Marius Alexandru 1 235 €
32.HAJSZAN PETER 1 075 €
33.Paval Liviu Marcel 1 075 €
34.Hammer Erwin 1 075 €
36.ANDRAS TOMAS 1 075 €
37.Apostol Ioana Silvana 1 075 €
38.Lang Erich 1 075 €
39.Salkauskis Karolis 1 075 €
40.Giannakou Dimitris 955 €
42.MATE SANDOR 955 €
43.Rossos Christopher 955 €
44.Marinkovic Rihgo 955 €
45.Shemesh Elazar Elad Elad 955 €
46.Deak Gabor 955 €
47.Tamaskovic Vladimir 955 €
49.Shriki Nissim 870 €
50.Stopka Lukas 870 €
51.PEKAR ROMAN 870 €
53.Or Paz Deddi 870 €
54.Wolf Iury 870 €
55.Kimhi Yair 870 €
56.Van Hamburg Jeffrey Donovan 810 €
57.Duncescu Vlad 810 €
58.NAKIKJ SIME 810 €
59.Gasperan Michal 810 €
60.Suliman Ilan 810 €
61.Orgad Nir 810 €
62.Kriz Julian 810 €
64.Martini Tomas 750 €
65.AZIZ MAGED 750 €
66.Mate Janos Tamas 750 €
69.Lacuska Karol 750 €
70.Valent Vladimir 750 €
71.Janicijevic Rasa 750 €
72.Strau Ernst 700 €
73.Gompers Jan 700 €
74.Mezriczki Ferenc Balint 700 €
75.Kasap Tal 700 €
78.Koriakin Andrej 700 €
79.Melloul Jacob Amos 700 €
80.Aisov Yury 650 €
82.Csaki Csaba 650 €
84.SAVIC MISO 650 €
85.Knaperek Miroslav 650 €
86.Akkad Sammy 650 €
88.Ashkenazy Shai 610 €
89.Kores Zbynek 610 €
90.Kang Win Fang 610 €
91.Zehavi Ariel 610 €
92.KESER ALEN 610 €
93.Peche Daniel Horst 610 €
94.Ronshyn Maksym 610 €
95.Spitzer Klaus 610 €
96.Berkowicz Shai 570 €
97.Miko Bela 570 €
98.Kozlowski Aleksander Dariusz 570 €
99.Obradovic Dusan 570 €
100.Gaier Mordechay 570 €
101.Mrozinski Krzysztof Michal 570 €
102.Kruopis Antanas 570 €
1:25 Two quick hands and day 2 is finished !
On table 12 at first David crashed with pocket kings into a set of threes held by Roman Okoličány and was left with last 200,000 that he lost with Qd 6d against Kx 3x of his opponent. On table 14 Marios Pavlou rejammed from bb his 600,000 with Kx 8x against Zoltan Kovacs with Kx Jx. Board Kx 7x 2x Kx 3x eliminated Pavlou and day 2 is finished.
1:00 Gabriel Otescu facing an all in
ON the flop Jc 9c Td pot was 500,000 and Eren bets 330,000. Gabriel calls and David folded. On the turn Qh Eren shoves effectivelly for 1,600,000 after some deep tanking. Gabriel instantly folded. On next table we lost Luboš Malinovský and we need last two eliminations to finish day 2.
Level 28: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,240,000, ent.: 19/1,064
Break 15 min
00:20 Klein shoves the river
On the river Jx 7x 4x Qx 3x pot was around 600,000 and David Klein jams for about 440,000. Andrej Desset was tanking for long time and clock has been called. By start of the countdown Andrej folds 7x and David shows him Qx Jx.
00:05 Matuský shoves
Lukáš jams his almost 500,000 from button. Erez Hen in the bigblind was tanking very long time before he folded.
Level 27: 30,000 – 60,000 /60,000, avg. 1,934,545, ent.: 22/1,064
23:45 Strong hit for Pavol Suran
Erez Hen opens, Suran raises to 305,000 and Erez calls. On the flop Tx 8x Jx stacks fly inside very quickly, Erez flips over Jx Tx and Suran held pocket aces. Turn 5x and river 9x didn´t help to Pavol and he has to give up on around 860,000, leaving him with about 150,000 behind.
23:20 Adrian Ivasiuc busto
Christos Vettas opens to 105,000 and Adrian behind him shoves for 550,000. Christos made the call with Ax Qx and Adrian tabled pocket sevens. Board Tx 8x 8c Qx Jc was last one for Adrian.
23:10 Quick wave of seat opens
In just couple of minutes we lost Gabor Dudas, Predrag Petrushevski, Trto and Marius Ignat.
Level 26: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,636,923, ent.: 26/1,064
22:45 Desset Vs. Hensler
Andrej opens to 85,000 from Co, few seats later Hensler 3-bets to 210,000 and Andrej calls. On the flop Kh Jh 8h Hensler continues with quick bet of 235,000 and Andrej raises to a 625,000. Hensler had 1,000,000 behind and after maybe one minute tossed his hand away.
22:30 Zoltan Kovacs with a turn bet
On the turn 7d 3c Qs 3h Kovacs bets 250,000 into a pot of 450,000. His opponent thought for a bit and folded.
Eliminations :
36.ANDRAS TOMAS 1 075 €
37.Apostol Ioana Silvana 1 075 €
38.Lang Erich 1 075 €
39.Salkauskis Karolis 1 075 €
40.Giannakou Dimitris 955 €
42.MATE SANDOR 955 €
43.Rossos Christopher 955 €
44.Marinkovic Rihgo 955 €
45.Shemesh Elazar Elad Elad 955 €
46.Deak Gabor 955 €
47.Tamaskovic Vladimir 955 €
49.Shriki Nissim 870 €
50.Stopka Lukas 870 €
51.PEKAR ROMAN 870 €
53.Or Paz Deddi 870 €
54.Wolf Iury 870 €
55.Kimhi Yair 870 €
56.Van Hamburg Jeffrey Donovan 810 €
57.Duncescu Vlad 810 €
58.NAKIKJ SIME 810 €
59.Gasperan Michal 810 €
60.Suliman Ilan 810 €
61.Orgad Nir 810 €
62.Kriz Julian 810 €
64.Martini Tomas 750 €
65.AZIZ MAGED 750 €
66.Mate Janos Tamas 750 €
Level 25: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,251,765, ent:: 34/1,064
Break 15 min
21:55 3-bet pot for Desset
Alexander Oswald opens to 60,000, Desset 3-bets to 170,000 and everyone else folds. Oswald calls and on the flop Js 4c 3c Andrej bets 155,000. Oswald didn´t hesitate and folded his hand.
21:40 Tibor Hoffmann busto
On the flop 9x 6x 7x Tibor jammed his 225,000 into a pot of around 200,000. Adam Szentmihalyi with aces calls and Tibor flips over Jx Tx. Turn 4x and river 9x didn´t brought a gutshot for Tibor and is eliminated.
Level 24: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,150,270, ent.: 37/1,064
21:00 Karel Srnský enough with c-bet
Karel opens to 75,000 and Trto calls in bb. Flop Ah 3c 7c brought a c-bet from Karel for 75,000 and Trto smoothly folded.
20:45 Nice call from Friedrich Hensler
On the river 6x 6x Jx 2x 9x pot was around 200,000 and Erwin Hammer bets 250,000. Friedrich needed some time but made the call with Ax 5x. Erwin held only Kx Qx and lost part of his stack.
Tommorow´s final table will be streamed !
Level 23: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 967,273, ent.: 44/1,064
20:30 Martin Kepeš in tank mode
On te turn Ts 5s 8c 6h Kepeš bets 90,000 into a pot of around 180,000. Oswald slowly calls and on the river Qs Kepeš checks. Oswald decided to bet 250,000 and Martin was tanking for longer time than usual and decided to call. Oswald flips over Ks 7s for a flush and Kepeš mucks his cards.
20:10 Kizzik busto
On the river 2c Qs 2x 8s Ad pot was around 800,000 and Kizzik shoves 515,000 from sb. Christian Sykora was tanking for several minutes and made the call with Kd Qd. Kizzik got up and left his seat showing only Ts 6s.
Level 22: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 733,793, ent.: 58/1,064
Break 15 min
19:20 C-bet not good for Klein
On the flop 8x 4x 2x pot consisted of around 70,000 and David bets 35,000. Predrag Petrushevski shoves for 136,000 and after a while David folded.
19:00 Julius Seskevicius victorious
On the flop 3s Ks 5c pot was around 100,000 and all three players checks. On the turn Js Julian Kriz bets 50,000, Julius calls and Karolis folds. On the river 4h Kriz checks and Julius bets 110,000. After short while gets paid and took the pot with As 5s.
First batch of eliminations:
69.Lacuska Karol 750 €
70.Valent Vladimir 750 €
71.Janicijevic Rasa 750 €
72.Strau Ernst 700 €
73.Gompers Jan 700 €
74.Mezriczki Ferenc Balint 700 €
75.Kasap Tal 700 €
78.Koriakin Andrej 700 €
79.Melloul Jacob Amos 700 €
80.Aisov Yury 650 €
82.Csaki Csaba 650 €
84.SAVIC MISO 650 €
85.Knaperek Miroslav 650 €
86.Akkad Sammy 650 €
88.Ashkenazy Shai 610 €
89.Kores Zbynek 610 €
90.Kang Win Fang 610 €
91.Zehavi Ariel 610 €
92.KESER ALEN 610 €
93.Peche Daniel Horst 610 €
94.Ronshyn Maksym 610 €
95.Spitzer Klaus 610 €
96.Berkowicz Shai 570 €
97.Miko Bela 570 €
98.Kozlowski Aleksander Dariusz 570 €
99.Obradovic Dusan 570 €
100.Gaier Mordechay 570 €
101.Mrozinski Krzysztof Michal 570 €
102.Kruopis Antanas 570 €
Level 21: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 635,224, ent.: 67/1,064
Break 30 min
18:00 Roman Okoličány took a fat one
On the flop Ah 8h Jd there was around 100,000 in the middle and Kruopis bets 52,000. Okoličány calls from the blinds and on the turn 4s Kruopis continues for 65,000. Roman calls again and on the river Qh leads out for 250,000. Kruopis calls after long long thinking with Ax Qx but that wasn´t enough against Kh 3h tabled by Okoličány.
17:40 Karol Lacuska out
Karol jammed his 173,000 with Ax Kx and ran into a pocket nines held by Matúš Gabzdil. Board Qx 5x 8x 8x Tx was last one for Karol.
Level 20: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 560,000, ent.: 76/1,064
17:30 Small pot for Miro Mitka
On the river 9x 4x 4x 3x Jx pot is 94,000 and Miro bets 30,000. Karel Srnský folded after a while.
1. 41 105 €
2. 24 980 €
3. 16 490 €
4. 11 890 €
5. 9 030 €
6. 6 650 €
7. 4 740 €
8. 3 505 €
9. 2 835 €
10-11. 2 455 €
12-13. 2 100 €
14-16. 1 840 €
17-23. 1 395 €
24-31. 1 235 €
32-39. 1 075 €
40-47. 955 €
48-55. 870 €
56-63. 810 €
64-71. 750 €
72-79. 700 €
80-87. 650 €
88-95. 610 €
96-102. 570 €
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD attracted total of 1,064 players and guarantee was not met this time. Banco Casino Bratislava had to pay remaining 70,000€ out of its own pocket. 170€ buy in was paid back to players at the end of their flights and best 16 players will get 185€ ticket to Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD. These money are already included in these payouts.
17:00 Adrian Ivasiuc without showdown
On the river Jd 6d 6h Jc 4c pot was over 250,000 and Adrian bets 225,000. Ralbovský was thinking for some time and folded. Flešár folded instantly.
Level 19: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 448,000, ent.: 95/1,064
16:45 Vlad Duncescu with a win
On the flop Ks 5d 9c pot was aroudn 60,000 and Shai bets 35,000, Vlad calls and Kovacs folded. On the turn Ac Shai continues for 125,000 and Vlad calls again. River Ts was checked quickly and Vlad shows Ah 5h, which is more than enough.
16:30 Vlado Olešovský loosing
On the river Qc 6c 4d 6s Jc there was more than 200,000 in the middle and Marius Ignat bets 55,000. Olešovský was tanking for quite a while and made the call. Marius shows 8c 7c and Olešovský looses with his As 4s.
Level 18: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 425,600, ent.: 100/ 1,064
16:15 Iury Wolf starting good
Foglar opens to 18,000, Kováč calls and so does Iury. On the flop 7h 6h 3s Foglar bets 28,000, Kováč calls and Wolf raises to 108,000. Foglar quickly folded and Kováč decided to call. On the turn Js Iury shoves for more than 250,000. Kováč was tanking for some time but decided to give up on his hand.
Level 17: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 417,255, ent.: 102/1,064
From this level we need to finish last 11 minutes !
Day 2 redraw:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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