Flight 1G attracted 135 entries and 14 players advanced to day 2. Chipleader is Ioana Apostol with stack of 852,000. Flight 1H attracted 140 players and late registration is open until 00:00. Flight 1I started a while ago and at this moment 21 players are playing for their seats to day 2. Late registration is open until 1:40. If you can´t make it to these flights, your last chance is flight 1J – hyperturbo that will open its gates at 10:00 in the morning. Tournament is suffering from massive overlay of more than 89,000€ and you should consider your attendance. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1G:
22:15 Marius Malinauskas is bubbleboy of flight 1G !
At first Marius got his stack in with pocket kings into a pocket aces held by Vlado Tamaškovič. After blank board Marius was left with last 3,000 that he lost with Qx 4x against Ioanna with Kx 5x after board 2x 5x 3x 8x Kx. All remaining players are bagging their chips to Sundays day 2 !
22:00 So far nothing...
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 360,000, ent.: 15/135, 1H ent.: 70/135
21:45 Turboflight starting at 22:00
Flight 1I is one of last two chances to get your seat to tommorow´s day 2. Overlay in this moment is juicy 93,000€ so you definately should consider your attendance.
21:30 Ioana winning with a river raise
On the river Ad 7d 9c 3c Kd Tamaškovič bets 25,000 into a pot of 110,000. Ioana thought about it a bit and raises to 110,000. Tamaškovič folded. On next table we lost Jozef Bartáloš and we are playing hand for hand from now on.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 337,500, ent.: 16/135, 1H ent.: 71/133
Break 15 min
21:00 Julian Kriz busto
Julian got his 126,000 in with Ax 6x against his opponent with Ax 9x. After the board Ax Tx Jx 5x 3x is Julian eliminated and we are looking for last two eliminations of flight 1G !
20:45 Storm of seat opens
It was rather quiet level and in couple of minutes we lost Krutzler, Ivasiuc, Thomas Q and others.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 234,783, ent.: 23/135, 1H ent.: 77/116
20:30 Jakub Witkowski busto
On the flop Qd Td 9s Julian Kriz bets 20,000 into a pot of around 50,000, Jakub shoves for 113,000, Bottyan calls and Julian folded. Jakub tabled Qx Jx and Bottyan tabled Jx 8x. Turn Ah and river 2x held for Bottyan. Jakub is elimianted.
20:15 Gabzdil took the pot preflop
Kovacs opens to 15,000, Tamaškovič calls and on other side of table Matúš Gabzdil 3-bets to 55,000. Both opponents very slowly folded.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 216,000, ent.: 25/135, 1H ent.: 71/95
20:00 Tamaškovič took the pot preflop
Ivasiuc, Krutzler and Thomas Q limped and Tamaškovič moved his 135,000 behind the line from bb. All three opponents folded slowly.
19:45 Bad luck for Siegfried Rath
Bottyan opens to 11,000 Rath 3-bets to 50,000, Tamaškovič shoves his 150,000 and Marius snapcalls his 65,000. Bottyan folded instantly and Rath called off with pocket kings. Tamaškovič tables Ax Qx and Marius shows pocket queens. Board 8x 6x Jx Ax Qx is extremely unlucky for Rath, Marius took triple up and Tamaškovič took additional 95,000 from Rath. Rath is left with about 20,000 that has been lost few hands later.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 154,286, ent.: 35/135, 1H ent.: 63/83
19:30 Ioana Apostol double up
Ioana got her 69,000 in with Ad Td and Paz Or called with pocket eights. Board Kx 3x Jx Ax 2x held for Ioana and she doubled up.
19:15 Bartáloš double up
Bartáloš got his last 33,000 in with pocket aces against Kd Td held by Andrej Koriakin. Board Ax 4x 8x Jx Tx held Bartáloš in game.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 138,462, ent:: 39/135, 1H ent.: 65/81
Break 15 min
18:50 A flip
Karolis opens from button and Jacek Seferyniak jams from bb with Ah Kh. Karolis was tanking for fairly long time before he made the call but in the end we saw a flip with pocket nines. Board Jx Jx 3x Ax Kx held for Jacek and he took needed double up.
18:30 Shai Berkowicz tanking
On the turn Ah 8h 7s 6s pot is around 25,000 and Georgios shoves for 38,200. Shai was tanking for long time, but after several minutes decided to fold. Georgios shows him Ax 7x after the hand.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 138,462, ent.: 43/135, 1H ent.: 67/81
18:00 Yarden Cabessa double up
On the flop Th 7h 9s stacks flew in and Yarden as shortstack in this game shows Ah Jh, Kondratowicz flips over Tx 5x and needs to hold. Turn 2d wasn´t very interesting, River Ac however decided that Yarden will double up his 35,800.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 107,200, ent.: 50/134, 1H ent.: 55/59
17:45 Karolis with nice double up
On the turn Ax 5x 2x 7x pot was around 50,000, Paz Or bets 22,500, Karolis jams for his 87,300 and Marek Budoš rejams for heaps more. Paz folded and Karolis shows Ax 7x, Budoš held Ax 5x and after river 4x Karolis took fat double up.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 89,655, ent.: 58/130, 1H ent.: 39/39
By the end of the month Banco Casino Bratislava will be hosting Scandinavian Open Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD !
17:15 Chalupka looses a bit
On the river 9x Tx 6x Kx Jx pot was around 13,000 and Chalupka bets 2,800. Simone Pegolotti shoves for 24,200 and after some time Pavel calls with Jx Tx. Simone tabled Ax Qx and Pavel is loosing part of his stack.
17:00 Ioannis Evmoiridis busto
Ioannis got his about 120,000 in with pocket jacks against Ax Ax held by Kondratowicz. Board Qx 2x 6x 8x 8x didn´t help to Ioannis and he is for now eliminated.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 79,365, ent.: 63/125
Break 15 min
Flight 1H starts at 17:00 !
If flight 1G was too early for you, flight 1E is definately a good option. Overlay in this moment is more than 116,000€ so it might be very bright idea to play this month´s Masters !
16:30 Rado Jakubec jams
On the flop Ks Qs 6d Jakubec bets 6,100 and Marius calls. On the turn 6c Rado shoves for 26,000 and Marius snapfolds.
16:15 Thomas Q with a small bets
On the turn Ac Ad 7d pot was over 14,000 and Thomas bets 2,600. Kruopis calls and on the river 3d Thomas bets 5,000. Kruopis calls again but cannot beat Ah 8h held by Thomas.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 73,333, ent.: 66/121
15:50 Ioana Apostol loosing a bit
On the flop Ts 9s 2h pot was around 13,000 and Jan Gompers bets 4,000. Ioana folded and Jan tabled Qd Jd.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 63,243, ent.: 74/117
15:25 Rossos Vs Nesin
On the turn 7d 6d 2c 3h Rossos bets 4,200 into a pot of 8,000. Nesin calls and on the river 6s Nesin leads out for 10,000. Rossos snapcalls and Nesin mucks his hand, so does Rossos.
15:15 Hussein Wajdi jams
On the flop Qd 4d 3c pot was bit over 4,000 adn Hussein bets 2,300. Heinrich calls and on turn 6c both players checks. On the river Jc Hussein shoves for 14,200 Heinrich has behind. After few second he tossed his cards away.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 56,923, ent.: 78/111
15:00 Schragen took a bit from Filip
On the turn Jh Qh Kd 8h pot was around 9,000 and Schragen bets 3,000. Filip didn´t hesitate for too long and folded his hand.
14:45 Small pot for Eliahu Cohen
On the flop 9h 2h 4h pot was aroudn 17,000 and Cohen bets 2,800, Marek Budoš folded rather quickly.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 51,000, ent.: 80/102
Break 30 min
14:00 Rath victorious
On the river 2x Ax 6x 9x 9x pot was 17,500 and Maria Maniu bets 2,800. Rath quickly raises to 10,000 and gets snapcalled. Maria shows Ax 8x, which isn´t enough against Ax Kx held by Rath.
13:45 Yamen Ghamen with a nice pot
On the flop Kh Ks 3c Jajte bets 3,500 into a pot of 9,000 and Ghamen calls. On the turn 3d Jajte checks and Ghamen bets 6,500 which get quickly paid. On the river As Ghamen bets 10,200 and Jajte snapfolds.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 47,179, ent.: 78/92
13:30 Nesin Vs Bottyan
On the river 6c Ad As Ks 2c there was 7,200 in the pot and Dmytro Nesin bets 4,000. Bottyan raises to 11,000 and after some hesitation got called. Bottyan rivered a fullhouse with pocket deuces and Nesin mucked his hand.
13:15 Kajínek loosing
Kajínek got his stack in with pocket kings against Ax Kx held by Schragen. After board 8x 6x Ax 6x 2x Kajínek has to give up on around 25,000.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, av. 43,836, ent.: 73/80
13:00 Erich Lang eliminated
Gopers opens, two players has called and Lang shoves from bb for remaining 8,500 with Ax 9x. Gopers calls and other players folded. Gopers flips over Ax Tx and after board 3x 7x Tx 2x Tx is Lang eliminated for now.
12:45 Szymon Koper double up
Doron with Koper got their stacks in. Szymon held 30,900 and Ax Qx, Doron held pocket jacks. After the board Kh 3s 2s 7s Ad Koper took the double up.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,727, ent.: 55/56
12:25 Malinauskas took 3-bet pot for start
Preflop Malinauskas and Hrinko agreed on sum 1,800. On the flop Kc Jc As Malinauskas bets 1,500 and Hrinko calls. On the turn Malinauskas bets 9,000 and his opponent folded quickly.
12:10 Who is playing already?
Between early regisrations i can see Častvan, Sedláček, Suliman, Tamaškovič and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 28/28
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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