Flight 1G recorded 332 entries and we have 33 more players for tommorow´s day 2. Chipleader of this flight is Pavel Chalupka with a nice stack of 926,000. Flight 1H recorded 273 entries and late registration is open until midnight. Flight 1I turbo have 61 players at this moment with late registration open until 1:40. If miss these flights, your last chance how to qualify to day 2 is morning flight 1J – Hyperturbo that starts 10:00. Day 2 will start tommorow at 16:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1G:
22:45 Linda Huber eliminated
Linda shoves for last 41,000 with Kx 6x and her opponent in bb called with Ax Kx. Board 2x 3x 4x 7x Qx ended flight 1G !
22:32 We are playing hand for hand
Ezra Aslan and Pavel Žikavský busted very quickly after reseating and we are looking for bubbleboy of flight 1G !
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 368,889, ent.: 36/332, 1H ent.: 105/263, 1I ent.: 43/44
22:30 Mikoczy eliminated
Mikoczy jammed his few bb with Ah Jh and Pavel Chalupka called few seats later with Ax 6x Board Qx 5x 2x 6x 2x was last one for Mikoczy and we are going to four tables.
22:05 Tyler Scott finished
Panagiotis opens and Tyler rejams his 172,000 with pocket nines. Panagiotis snapcalls with pocket kings and board Qx 8x Tx 5x 6x was last one for Scott. On another table Dominik Wochnik was eliminated.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 340,513, ent.: 39/332, 1H ent.: 121/252, 1I ent.: 16/16
21:50 Aristeidis busto
Aristeidis after two limps jammed his last 120,000 with Jx Jx and Mateusz Chwastek called from bb. Limpers folded and Mateusz flipped over pocket aces. After runout 4x 5x 8x 4x 4x we lost Aristeidis. On next table we also lost Ellia Ferradina.
21:40 Sad way to go for Omri Grinberg
Omri got his last around 80,000 behind the line with pocket kings and Dominick French found Ax Kx in blinds. After board Ax 5x 8x Jx 5x is Omri eliminated in very uncomfortable way.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 282,553, ent.: 47/332, 1H ent.: 129/241
Break 15 min
21:00 Scott Tyler took bit from Šeffer
On the flop 8h 5h 3c pot was around 40,000 and Scott bets 26,000. Šeffer calls and Ján Petráš folded. Turn Js brought a bet of 40,000 from Tyler and Erik instantly folded.
Hold your hats, another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD has been announced !
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 250,566, ent.: 53/332, 1H ent.: 137/223
20:40 Aziz loosing a bit
Makalenko limps, Aziz limps and Florian checks his bb. On the flop 9c 8s 5s Aziz bets 15,000, Florian fold and Makalenko calls. Turn 4s is checked througgh and so is river 3x. Makalenko shows pocket kings and Aziz show only 9x and mucks second card.
20:30 Dominik Wochnik jams
ON the flop Qd Ad 4c pot is around 80,000 and Dominik bets 40,000. After some time Luka Sabo calls and on the turn Tc Dominik shoves for 104,000. Luka took around two minutes and folded his hand.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 225,085, ent.: 59/332, 1H ent.: 150/203
20:10 Scott Tyler raising the flop
On the flop 7c 2c As pot is 30,000 and Mateusz Chwastek bets 15,000. Scott raises to 40,000 and Mateusz after a while folded his hand.
20:00 Friedrich Hensler double up
Friedrich got his 84,000 in with pocket eighs against Tenenbaum with pocket fours. After board Tx 8x 3x 9x Xx Friedrich took the double.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 184,444, ent.: 72/332, 1H ent.: 147/182
19:30 Wolfgang Foglar eliminates Gabor Deak
Wolfgang opens to 16,000 from Ep, along the way Deak rejams his 27,000 and nobody else joined. Foglar calls with Ax Qx and Gabor held pocket queens. Board 2x 2x Kx 4x Ax brought unlucky ace on the river and Deak has to give up on his seat.
19:20 Anton Michlmayer double up
Anton got his 43,000 in with pocket Kx Qx against 5x 5x held by Paval. Board Tx Ax 5x 6x Jx brought a straight to Michlmayer and Paval fell to ultrashort.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 139,789, ent.: 95/332, 1H ent.: 131/157
Break 15 min
Tanna delle Tigri is comming back to Banco Casino Bratislava !
18:40 Florian Erhart double up
Florian got his 62,500 in with pocket queens against Markus Loidl with Ax Jx. Board Kx Tx 5x Kx Jx held for better hand and FLorian took valuable double up.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 113,982, ent.: 112/322
18:15 Arjun Mithal with a nice pot
On the turn 5x 5x Qx 4x Yaniv Assoulin bets 10,000, Barbarics folds and Arjun raises to 30,000. Assoulin calls and on the river Th Arjun bets 70,000. Assoulin quickly folds.
18:05 Meir Chen winning a pot
On the river 8x 7x 6x 9x 2x there was 45,000 in the middle and Laszlo Klemens bets 45,000. Meir Chen was thinking for a long time about this pot size bet and decided to call. Laszlo instantly mucked his hand.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 101,439, ent.: 123/315, 1H ent.: 92/100
17:50 Koreimann took some again
On the flop Ks 4s 2d pot was 13,000 and Zauner bets 5,000. Koreimann raises to 25,000 and his opponent folds after short while.
17:35 Arjun Mithal with nice pot
On the flop 7h 6h Qd all three players checks with almost 70,000 inside. On the turn 3s Arjun bets 45,000, Palaontas calls and so does Assoulin. On the river 9s all three players checks again and Arjun shows Kh Qh. Both opponents mucks and pot is his.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 86,809, ent.: 141/306, 1H ent.: 69/69
17:15 Looooong game
ON the turn Ac Qh 5s Ts pot is 37,400 and Chalupka bets 12,500. Fabio Muhr tanked for few minutes before he called and Robin Wasserbauer folded quickly. On the river 9s Chalupka shoves for 22,000, few more minutes and Muhr folded his hand.
17:00 Pot for Koreimann
On the flop Qh Jh 9s pot is around 17,000 and Koreimann bets 6,000. Luka Sabo folds, Elod Zsombok calls and Michlmayr folds. On the turn Kc both players checks, on the river Td Koreimann bets 10,000 and gets paid again. Andreas tabled Ax Qx and his opponent mucked his hand.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 77,124, ent.: 153/295
Break 15 min
16:25 Noro Bugár took a pot with flop raise
Haris Karic opens to 3,000, Bugár and Harczman calls. On the flop Js 2s 5d Karic bets 4,000 and Bugár raises to 13,000. Harczman folds instantly, Karic needed some time but he returned cards to dealer.
16:10 Herocall didn´t work
On the river Kc 8h 8d Kd 2d pot was almost 30,000 and Bence Deak bets 18,800. Anton Michlmayr was tanking for long time and decided to call, but Bence tabled pocket nines. Michlmayr mucked his hand swiftly.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,148, ent.: 162/276
15:45 Antala eliminating two opponents
Thomas Q opens to 2,200, Nico Poletti raises to 5,600 and Antala from sb calls. Thomas 4-bets to 16,500 and both opponents calls. On the flop Kx Jx Tx stacks end up behind the line with Antala being covering stack, Thomas Q had around 70,000 and Poletti around 40,000. Poletti held Qx Qx, Thomas pocket aces and Antala luckboxed the flop with Ax Qx. Turn 3x and river 9x didn´t change anything about the hand outcome and Antala busted both opponents.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 60,117, ent.: 171/257
15:30 Helga Vs Paška
Helga limps from Ep, Andrej isoraises to 3,000. Nobody else joined and Helga calls. On the flop As Ts 7c Helga bets 6,000 and Paška folds face up pocket queens. Helga shows pocket tens for flopped set.
15:15 Long tank
On the turn 6d 3d Jc 5s pot is bit over 10,000 and Ari Tenenbaum bets 6,000. Longo doesn´t hesitate and jams for his 24,100. Ari needed around two minutes to decide and folded face up Js.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 55,814, ent.: 172/240
15:00 Robinho out
Robino got his 30,100 in with Ah Kh against Qs Qd held by Bence Deak. Board 7s 5s 8d Js Ks held for pair combination this time and Robinho is eliminated.
14:45 Yaniv Assoulin with a nice pot
On the river Jh Ad Qc Jd Xd there was 46,000 in the middle and Yaniv bets 30,000. Jan Bjel took long time to think, but decided to fold his hand.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 50,824, ent.: 170/216
Break 30 min
14:00 Double seat open
Bence Deak opens to 1,600 from Ep, Gubala calls and so does Michlmayr. Toulis jams from bb for 20,300, Bence rejams and Gubala calls his 11,300, Michlmayr folds quickly. Toulis shows pocket jacks, Bence pocket eights and Gubala Ax 9x. Board 6x 4x Tx 5x 7x brought a straight for Deak and two players are eliminated in single hand.
13:40 Rajmund Eros jams
On the flop Qs 9s 6c pot is around 7,000 and Eros shoves for his 12,500. Lajos Matyási thought for some time but folded face up 9x.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 45,490, ent.: 153/174
13:30 Pot for Ari Tenenbaum
On the river 8c 5c Js Qs 6c pot was 17,000 and Ari bets 11,600. Stephane Nadot was tanking for maybe a minute and decided to fold.
13:10 Yesterday highroller winner is Kadosh Moshe Michel
Highroller recorded amazing 93 entries and prizepool was 44,175€. Kadosh Moshe Michel took full 12,040€ for the winner without any deal !
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 41,471, ent.: 137/142
12:55 Amiri Vs Krajan
On the river Ad 6h Jc Qs 8h pot was around 10,000 and Amiri bets 5,500. Krajan calls after a while and Amiri shows pocket aces. Krajan mucks quietly.
12:45 Florian Ernhart victorious
On the turn Qd 8s 7h Th pot was bit above 9,000 and Florian, Lajos and Adamou checks. River Jd was checked too, Lajos shows Jx 7x for two pair, Adamou mucks and Florian shows pocket jacks for a set.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,345, ent.: 116/117
12:25 Božidar took one of early pots
On the river Tx 6x Jx 7x 7x Gyoergy Pletser bets 5,000 into a pot of 10,000, Lior Levy folded and Božidar calls. Gyoergy shows Ax 9x, but Božidar took the pot with Kx Tx.
12:15 Early birds
Paška, Hofer, Kajan, Halo, Rath, Djordjevic and many others are already in the tournament
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 66/66
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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