Anniversary Banco Casino Masters shredded its guarantee today and its clear as sun we will be playing for more than promised 250,000€. In flight 1G we recorded 343 entries and chipleader is Tomáš Szabo with stack of 1,159,000. Registration to flights 1H and 1I - Turbo is still open and if you are early bird, there is flight 1J - Hyperturbo just for you. Start is set at 10:00 in morning and it´s going to be last chance to qualify for tommorows day 2 that starts at 16:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1G:
Chipcounts 1H:
Chipcounts 1I:
22:30 And that´s pretty much it for flight 1G !
In first all in and call situation Niklas Kiebel jammed 143,000 from buttonu and Balasz Ujvari on the bb found aces. Snapcall and blank board meant first of two needed seat opens. On next table Martin Nathaniel jamed his 152,000 with Ax Qx and Lajo found Ax Qx too. No flush for neither player meant split. In last hand Miroslav Druga jamed his 89,000 with Qh Th and Capo called with Kx Qx. Board 5x 6x 6x Kx Jx is last in this flight.
22:10 And we are hand for hand !
Dragan Krzysztof and Lucian - Ovidiu Abrudan left tournament rather quickly and since this moment we play hand for hand and we have to loose two players.
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 351,795, ent.: 39/343, 1H ent.: 174/314, PLO ent.: 19/33
21:55 Split pot
Niklas Kiebel from sb shipped about 100,000 with Kx 7x and Antonino Karman from bb caleld with Kc 9c. Runout 2x 4x Jx 2x Jx meant they need to chop this one.
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
21:30 Sylvain busto
Sylvain got into preflop all in confrontation for last 6bb with Ax Kx against sixes held by Cristian Bele. After blank board Sylvain is leaving flight 1G.
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg.311,818, ent.: 44/343, 1H ent.: 189/296, PLO ent.: 21/31
Break 15 minút
21:00 Stephan Glausch takes a bit from Zacharakis
Glausch opens to 16,000 from Ep and Zacharakis few seats later calls. Flop 2d 7s 4h and also turn Qc was checked down quickly. On th river 8d Glausch bets 25,000 and Zacharakis make the quick call. Glausch tabled Kx Qx and Zacharakis mucked his cards.
20:45 Bartoš all-in
On the turn 9x 7x 5x Qx there was about 100,000 and about same size was all in from Martin Bartoš. Balasz Ujvari fold his hand almost instantly.
20:35 Flight 1I - Turbo will be one of last chanes how to take your place in tommorows Day 2. We are starting at 22:00 !
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg 274,400 ent.: 50/343, 1H ent.: 188/269, PLO ent.: 26/28
20:25 Another pot for Krchnár
On the river 8h 6h Qd 8d 4s Marek bets 57,000 to the pot of about 90,000. Mikuš tanks for a little and folds.
20:15 Szabolc all in
Dala Szabolcz shoved his 60,000. Everyone folded. Nonetheless Dala Szabolc busted his stack few hands later.
Level 15: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 228,667, ent.: 60,343, 1H ent.: 179/238, PLO ent.: 25/25
20:00 Ondrík busto
On the turn 5d Qh Ac Td Adam bets 24,000 and Jian Luo raises to 63,000. Adam thought for a bit and shoved his about 100,000. Jian snapcalled with Kx Jx and Adam shows Ah Th. River Kd didn´t help to Adam and he have to leave flight 1G.
19:45 Marek Studený looses one
On the turn 4d 4c Jc Tc Marek bets 24,000 and Pavelka makes the call. On the river Ah both checks and Pavelka shows Ax Kx. Studený with deep breath mucks his hand.
Level 14: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 175,897, ent.: 78/343, 1H ent.: 180/227, PLO ent.: 20/20
19:30 Marek Krchnár takes a pot
On the turn Tc 2d Qs Ac there was 54,000 inside and Kamil Krátky bets 23,000. Marek makes the call and river 8h brings two checks. Kamil shows 5s 3sand Marek win this hand with As Jx.
19:10 250,000€ guarantee is just a memory.
Flight 1G has closed its registration, but registration to the flight 1H is still open. At this moment in anniversary Banco Casino Masters poker community created 1,621 entries and for beating our own record we need more than 1,831 entries. We will see if its possible within next couple of hours ! Thank you !
Level 13: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 142,917, ent.: 96/343, 1H ent.: 180/226
Break 20 min
18:45 Johann Kubelka tanking
On the flop 6h 5h 5d there was 27,500 and Niklas Kiebel bets 7,500. Johann thought about it for a minute, but decided to get rid of his hand.
18:35 3-way all in
Jes Jensen opens to 7,500, Janos Maté call in position and Laszlo Deak ships 13,100 out of bigblind. Jensen rejams and covers all players in hand. Maté decided to call aswell. Jensen held Axx Kx, Deak Tc 7c and Maté had 7s 4s. Board Qc 6c 7d 2d 5d brought triple up for Deak, Maté after counting the main pot had 13,400 left which he doubled and his stack didnt change much.
Level 12: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 121,441, ent.: 111/337, 1H ent.: 171/192
Last level for registration and reentry to flight 1G.
18:10 Sylvain double up
Sylvain got into preflop all in for his last 9bb with As Js against opponents Ax Kx. Sylvain flopped nuts flush and his stack got to 21bb right now.
Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 110,333, ent.: 120/331, 1H ent.: 153/160
18:00 Pot for David Safrany
On the flop Kd Td 4s Marcin Czernik bets 6,000 into pot of 15,000. Safrany and Rakovan calls. Turn Th didn´t brought any action and on the river 2s David Safrany bets 17,000, Rakovan folds and Czernik calls. Safrany tables Ks 7s which was enough for winning this pot.
17:45 Janos Maté rejams
Roman Mikuš opens to 5,000 from Mp and Maté jams little bit above 34,000. Mikuš thought for a bit, but he decided not to make a call.
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 99,847, ent.: 132/328, 1H ent.: 129/133
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
17:10 Vladár double up
Roman Okoličány si limpol, Norbert Mursza otváral na 3,600 a Richard Vladár poslal 30,600. Raul Balogh za ním okamžite dorovnal a Okoličány s Murszom karty zahadzovali. Vladár otáča šestky, Balogh drží Qx Qx. Board Kx 6x 5x 5x 8x však priniesol tretiu šestku pre Vladára a tak si pripisuje double up
16:50 Sylvain double up
Sylvain jammed remaining 10bb from sb with Kx 3x and Marko Tabak called with Ax 7x. K on the river brought double up for Sylvain after few suckouts.
Level 9: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 77,267, ent.: 161/311
Break 15 min
16:40 Farid Kara double up
Farid jams 16,600 with Ax Jx from Ep and Poluk sitting on bb calls with Kc 9c. Runout As 8c 2c 4h Xx rought double up for Farid.
16:30 Jo Darryl getting some chips
On the river 4x 6x 5x Tx Jx there was 15,300 in pot and Jo bets 12,000. Vladetic needed little bit of time efore folding his hand.
Level 8: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 70,588, ent.: 169/300
Everyday raffle will take place after this blind level. We are playing for 550€ ticket for The Festival Main Event and bunch of 110€ tickets for Thirdy Grand event that takes place next week on Saturday !
16:00 Lachata rejams
Edmondo opens to 4,000 from the button, Szilagyi call s from sb and Lachata jams for 26,100 from bb Both opponents folded their hands.
15:45 Kalíková grows a bit
On the turn Qd 5d As 6s there was 22,000 in middle and Aneta was paying bet of 25,000 performed by her opponent. River 5s is checked down and Ante wins with Ac 8c over Jh Th of her opponent.
Level 7: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 62,599, ent.: 176/277
15:25 Chips for Krchnár
On the river Jh 7d Qh 4d 6h there was about 35,000 in pot and Matkovic bets 30,000. Krchnár tanks a bit and calls with Ad Qd. Was greatly enough against Td 8d held by Matkovic.
15:15 Jasmine Schuster ships
On the turn 9c 9d 8d 7s there was about 20,000 in pot and Boris Urosevic bets 9,500. Jasmine shoves for little bit more than 40,000. Boris after good while folds his hand.
Level 6: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 53,744, ent.: 195/262
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
14:55 Ižo looses a bit
On the river 7c 8h 4d Jd 2d there was not even 10,000 inside and Gabo checks. Czernik checks too and Gabo shows Ax 6x. That´s not good enough at the moment against 9x 7x held by polish opponent.
14:45 C-bet is good for Kradlák
On the flop Ts 4s Jd there was 14,100 in the middle and Kradlák c-bets 6,000. Pavelka folded swiftly.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 48,466, ent.: 189/229
Break 30 minút
13:50 Kučera takes one small pot
On the turn As Ac 8d 9d there is 4,500 in middle and Matúš bets 3,000. Holtzmann folds very quickly.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 44,524, ent.: 168/188
13:40 Častvan si polepšuje
Na turne 6s 9s Kh Ah bolo v pote asi 11,000 a Amir betuje 5,000. Častvan dorovnáva a Stano Smolinský zahadzuje. Na rivri 8c Častvan leaduje za 10,000 a nakoniec dostáva zaplatené. Častvan otáča Kx 8x a jeho súper karty muckuje.
13:30 Gritsch stráca proti Pavlovicovi
Na flope As Qh 5h bolo v pote asi 8,000 a Miodrag Pavlovic betuje 3,500. Fabian Gritsch dorovnáva a turn Qd prináša dva checky. Na rivri Ad betuje Pavlovic 4,500, čo po riadnom námysle Fabian platí, ale na Ah 6h nestačí.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 42,065, ent.: 155/163
12:55 Da Silva rising
On the turn 3x 4x Tx 8x there is about 17,000 in middle and Jonathan Da Silva bets 6,000. Pavel Červený fold his hand quickly.
12:45 Ižo getting stronger
On the flop Jh Kh 2s 6d there is about 8,000 inside and Ižo bets 3,700. His opponent raises to 8,000 and Hulston with Hudec folded. On the river 7h Ižo bets 18,500 and his opponent calls. Gabo shows 3h 5h and takes this one down.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 40,000, ent.: 118/118
12:35 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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12:25 One of first significant pots belongs to Peter Gavril Dorel
On the river 9s áS Tc 8h 2c there was about 5,000 inside and Peter bets 2,000. Marisa Lucchese raised to 6,000 and after long tank Peter calls. Marisa shows Ks 7s, but that wasn´t enough for Kx Kx held by Peter.
12:15 Flight 1G is played by
Antal, Baranyi, Asanger, Bielich, Častvan, Halo, Hulston, Katsikas and lot of others !
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 102/102
11:30 Flight 1G open its gates in 30 minutes
Anniversary Banco Casino Masters is getting wonderful attention from players and this trend will continue over today´s flight 1G !
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Master 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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