Flight 1E attracted fantastic 448 entries and 45 players found their way to day 2. Chipleader of flight 1E is Rišo Kováč with a stack of 1,038,000. Flight 1F – Turbo attracted 137 entries and 14 players will find their way to day 2. Highroller had 90 entries and prizepool was 42,750€. Highroller is still going on and we will inform about complete results tommorow. Tommorow we are expecting strongest day of this record-breaking Banco Casino Masters. Flight 1G starts at 12:00, flight 1H at 17:00 and flight 1I – Turbo at 22:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1F - Turbo :
Highroller final table chipcounts:
2:30 Bubbleboy of flight 1E is Artur SIergiejuk
Artur jammed 161,000 with Jx 3x and crashed into a Ax Qx of opponent. Board Ax 2x 3x Tx 6x is wrapping up flight 1E !
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 389,565, ent.: 46/448
2:25 Direct bubble underway
Carl Dargren jammed from Co with Jh 4h and Pavlos Konstantinou in bb found pocket eights. After runout Ad 2d 3h 7d 4d bigger stack held this time and we are playing direct bubble right now.
2:15 So far two double ups for a shortstacks
In first hand Marin Glamuzina held Kx Tc against Qx Jx of his opponent. BOard Jc 9c 2c 4h 7c completed flush for shortstack. Few hands later Manfred Walter got his short in with Ax Kx against 2x 2x . Board Ax 8x Jx 4x 8x doubled up shortstack once again.
1:50 Sad end for Rado Fridrich
On the flop Ax 5x 3x Rado was facing all-in for his approximately 190,000. After quite some time he decided to call with Ax Tx, but his opponent flipped 4x 2x. Turn Qx and river Xx didnt help him and he is on his way out. There are two eliminations missing from the end of day 1E and we are playing hand for hand right now.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 365,714, ent.: 49/448
1:35 Oto Ormandy out
Oto got his shortstack of around 90,000 in with Ax 6x against Ax 8x held by his opponent. After runout Ax Tx Tx 6x 7x Oto unfortunately won´t be going to day 2 from flight 1E.
1:20 Kamaras Vs. Michalis
On the flop 7d 7s 5h Kamaras bets 27,000 into a pot of 105,000. Michalis calls and Stefano folds. Turn 6d brought a bet of 50,000 from Michalis and Kamaras folded slowly.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 314,386, ent.: 57/448, 1F ent.: 53/131, HR ent.: 15/90
1:10 Markus Wittmann double up
Miklos Zsuffa opens to 20,000 and Wittman rejams his 83,000 with Ax Jx. Miklos calls with Kx Jx and after board 5x 6x 7x 4x 7x Markus took the double.
00:50 Oravec Vs. Kováč
On the flop 9s 3s 4h there was around 150,000 in the pot and Oravec went with a bet of 35,000. Kováč pulled a raise to 85,000 and Oravec tanked for several minutes. Marcel decided to fold his hand and Rišo won.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 298,667, ent.: 60/448
Break 20 min
00:20 Zimáni busto
Zimáni shoved last 89,000 with Jx Tx from Ep and Ioannis found pocket nines. Blank board eliminated Michal.
Slovak Poker Open is comming back in february !
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 242,162, ent.: 74/448, 1F ent.: 68/99, HR ent.: 20/90
00:00 River bet solved it for Valent
Vlado opens to 16,000 and Felix Link calls. On the flop Ah 8h Jd Valent c-bets 19,000 and Link calls. Turn 9h is checked and on the river 8s Valent bets 45,000. Link was thinking about it but decided to fold face up Ax 2x.
23:45 Častvan shoves
Liu Wenyuan opens to 17,000 and Častvan few seats later rejams his 88,000. Liu took his time but ended up folding.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 173,981, ent.: 103/448, 1F ent.: 61/70, HR ent.: 31/90
22:45 Eva Mandáková double up
Pinchas and Mandáková preflop agreed on 14,000. Flop Qs 5c 4d brought c-bet of 15,000 from Grigorij and Mandáková shoved her 42,000. Pinchas with pocket jacks called, Eva tabled Kx Qx and after turn 7c and river 9s she took the double up.
22:30 Michalis winning nice pot
On the flop Ah Jh 4c there was around 70,000 in between players and Carl Dargren bets 25,000. Michalis calls and turn Td along with river 4h are checked down. Michalis shows Ac Qc and his
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000 avg. 149,333, ent.: 120/448
Break 20 min
21:35 Pascal Hammerl winning with a c-bet
On the flop Kd 4d 4c there was 25,000 in and Pascal bets 11,000. Both opponents folded quickly.
21:20 Nothing to see here
Šmida got his 37,000 in with Ax 2x and Viktor Kuremszki called with Ax 3x. Board Kx Jx 8x Jx Qx brought just a split pot.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 126,286, ent.: 140/442, HR ent.: 43/80
21:10 Sad stories continues
Rasťo got fresh startign stack in with Kx Qx against Ax Qx held by Michalis. Blank board eliminated Antala once again.
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Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 101,190, ent.: 168/425, HR ent.: 52/76
20:40 Marko Zerak eliminated
Zerak openjammed around 30,000 from sb with Kx 2x and Lukas Schedl in bb found Kh Qh. Board Kx Jx 4x 9x 6x didn´t bring any surprises.
20:20 Christos Vettas eliminated Kevin
Christos got it in with Ax Kx against Kevin with pocket queens for 56,100. Board Kx 8x 2x 2x Tx was on side of the Christos.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 89,840, ent.: 187/420, HR ent.: 53/75
20:10 Gyoergy Kerekes took small pot
On the flop Js Ts Ad there was 17,000 inside and all four players checks. Turn 3c brought a bet of 1,600 from Pichler and everyone calls. River As was checked again and Pichler shows Jx 4x. Two players mucks and Kerekes shows Qx Jx which is enough to take this pot.
20:00 Sasa Kalac winning
On the turn 7c 4s 5d As there was 18,000 in the middle, Sasa bets 10,000 and after short while Erno paid. River Kh was checked down and Sasa tabled Ax Jx. Erno shows Ax Tx to the table and mucks.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 81,800, ent.: 200/409, HR ent.: 54/72
Break 20 min
19:20 Donald Varonic double up
Varonic got his 39,000 in with pocket tens aganst Vettas with Ax Qx. Board 2x 2x 7x Jx Kx held for pair combination and Vettas had to give up on part of his stack.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 71,589, ent.: 213/383
19:10 Two barrels good
ON the flop 6d 4d Tc Anastasios Parisis bets 3,500 in pot of around 10,000. All three opponents calls and on the turn 7h Anastasios bets 15,000. Nobody was left in game with him.
19:00 Korodi winning after hard call
On the river 2d 5d Ks Ah 6h there was about 20,000 in the pot and Sándor was facing a bet of 18,500 from Christensen. Korodi made the call with Ad 4d and was able to beat Jd 8d of his opponent easily.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 61,135, ent.: 229/350
18:35 Supersimple flip
Eriksson got his 25bb inside with Ax Qx and Piotr called of with pocket tens. Blank board eliminated Eriksson for now.
18:25 Per Hansen busted himself
On the river 7x 8x Ax Qx 2x there was around 30,000 in the pot and Hansen jammed his 61,000. Michalis was tanking for some time but decided to call with Ax 6x. Per tabled pocket threes and is eliminated.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 53,671, ent.: 237/318
18:05 Igor Remenár on ultrashort
On the river Qc Jc 8h Td Jh there was around 40,000 in the pot and Markus Wittman jammed bit over 22,000. Igor made the call with Kc 9c, bbut that wasn´t enough against Ax Kx held by Wittman. After this game Igor is left with last 800 chips.
17:50 Zsolt Nemeth double up
Zsolt got his last 10,000 in with Ks 5s against opponent that decided to call off with his 7x 4x. Runout 2x 2x 5x 6x Qx doubled up Zsolt.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 48,831, ent.: 231/282
Break 30 min
16:55 Takács Gyoergy jams
ON the river 5s 5c Js Td 4c there was little bit above 22,000 inside and Gyoergy jams effectivelly for 15,000. Sándor Dudas was tanking a bit but folded his hand.
16:40 Daniel Farkas winning multiway pot
On the flop Js 6s 8h all four players involved checked with about 5,000 inside. On the turn Ac Kubošek bets 1,900 and Nemeth with Faarkas calls, Meszaros folds. River Ts is checked all the way to Farkas which decided to bet 8,500 and Kubošek folded. Last player in hand called with Ax 6x but that wasn´t good enough against Ks 2s.
Slovak Poker Open is comming back in february !
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 46,305, ent.: 203/235
16:20 Rath eliminates Kocian
Rath got his stack in with pocket kings against pocket queens held by his opponent. Board Ax 5x Jx Ax Ax doubled Siegfrieds around 30,000.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43,030, ent.: 198/213
15:55 Long tank
On the river Jd Jh 4c 3h 8d there was around 25,000 in the middle and Gregor Klun bets 21,000. Linus Elmes called and Pilatowicz took several minutes before folding. Gregor tabled pocket fours and Linus mucked his hand.
15:45 Bernd Pichler double up
Pichler got his 32,200 in with pocket aces against pocket kings held by Bartolomiej Lojko. Board Qx 6x 2x 8x 2x held for the best hand.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,533, ent.: 150/152
15:30 Thomsen Vs Daljevic
On the turn 5c 5h 3h Jd pot was around 11,000 and Thomsen bets 6,300. Daljevic calls and on the river 4c Thomsen fires for 12,200. Daljevic folded quickly.
15:20 Christos Vettas taking early one
On the river 8d 2s Js Tc 9c there was 23,500 in the pot and Waid with Vettas checked swiftly. Waid held Ax Jx, but that was not enough against Td 9d held by Christos.
15:10 Early birds
Thomas Q, Piotr Sawicki, Ondro, Sándor, Bohony, Hajnovič and many others are already playing the tournament.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 70/70
Banco Casino Masters 250.000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
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