Flight 1F produced modest 123 entries and 12 players advances to day 2. Todays chipleader is Andrej Desset with a stack of 1,030,000. Flight 1G is still going on, at this moment has 235 entries and turbo is about to start in few minutes. Tournament is still suffering some overlay and last chance except flight 1H – Turbo is morning hyper turbo that starts at 10:00. Final day will play out tommorow at 15:00 and live coverage will run with its start. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1F:
21:50 Today´s bubbleboy is Frank Skar
Frank was sitting at the short stack pretty much all night long and in his last hand he openjams with Ac 2s and his opponent called with 6x 8x. Last board was Ax 6x 4x 9x 8x and Frank is going out of tournament on least popular places
21:30 Sirotnák double up
On the river 5x 5x 4x Jx 5x Svoboda bets and Vlado raises to 140,000. Svoboda jams effectivelly for 275,000 and Sirotnák snapcalls with Ax 5x. Svoboda shows Jx Tx which can´t beat the quads but after counting the stacks Svoboda is still left with nice stack.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 473,077, ent.: 13/123
21:22 So far in galaxy not so far away....
.... Nothing has happend and hand for hand goes on...
20:30 Andrej Desset surprisingly held
After shitrun Andrej was experiencing last couple of days, After his openraise Stavros reshoves for 225,000 and Andrej fell into a deep-deep tank. Time was called and in last seconds Andrej made the call with Ax Qx and when he saw Tx 9x held by his opponent he just took a deep and desperate breath. After board 8x 6x 6x 4x 8x everything ended up luckily for Andrej and Stavros is eliminated.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 384,375, ent.: 16/123, 1G ent.: 132/184
20:15 Stando didn´t spin it up
After badbead from few hands before Stando got his 70,000 in with pocket sixes and his opponent called with Ax 5x. Sadly for Stando, Ace on the flop was last relevant card for him.
20:00 Suckout for Stando
Stando got it in with Ax Kx for 112,000 effective stacks that his opponent had behind with As Qx. Board Js 6s 8s Qs Ad unfortunately didn´t hold for Stando and he was left with around 70,000.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 292,857, ent.: 21/123, 1G ent.: 128/162
Strong poker action in Banco Casino Bratislava !
19:35 Vlastimil Kudela with a pot
On the flop Ad 4d 6s pot was bit less than 50,000 and Kudela c-bets 20,000. All three opponents folded smoothly.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 256,250, ent.: 24/123, 1G ent.: 124/154
Break 15 min
19:00 Multiway !
Na flope 9d 3d 8h bolo v hre šesť hráčov a všetci zaplatili preflop. Frank SKar checkoval, Henrik Hovsepyan posiela z bb za 34,000, Erwin poslal omnoho viac a Akos Poor aj Frank SKar dlho premýšľali. Obaja zahodili a Topi Hysen tiež. Hovsepyan otočil Kx 8x a Erwin držal set deviatok. TUrn 2x a river 8x v tomto chaose vyradil Henrika.
18:45 S úderom do stola končí Jozef Stern
Stern dostal do hry asi 150,000 s desiatkami proti Ax Qx u jeho súpera. BOard 6x 2x 7x Jx Ax priniesol tupý úder do stola, sprchu nadávok a Stern je na ceste von.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 175,000, ent.: 34/119, 1G ent.: 104/124
18:25 3- way all in
Ofer Vaknin opens to 7,000 Lajo few seats later calls and Jablonski jams his 15,000. Ofer rejams 107,000 and got Lajo covered. Lajo after long time decided to call with 3x 3x, Jablonski shows Jx 5x and Ofer Kx Tx. BOard Kx 9x 5x 5x 4x meant triple up for Jablonski and Lajo is eliminated.
18:15 Boris Urosevic double up
Boris openjams 48,500 with Ax Kx and Miodrag Pavlovic calls out of blinds with Ax 9x. Board Jx 5x 3x Tx Jx held Boris in tournament.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 146,154, ent.: 39/114, 1G ent.: 98/103
17:55 Pavlovic with nice pot
On the river Ts Jc 8d 9D Qh Pavlovic bets 25,000 into a pot of 40,000. Boris Urosevic tanked and folded face up Qs Js. Pavlovic didn´t reveal his hand.
17:40 Small bet works just fine
On the turn As 3s 9h Qc pot is around 30,000 and Simon bets 10,000. Neubauer thought about it and folded.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 129,545, ent.: 44/114, 1G ent.: 88/89
17:25 Svoboda eliminates Bartáloš
Bartáloš got his stack in with pocket jacks against Qs 9s held by Zdenek Svoboda. After the board As Js 4c 5s 2c Bartáloš had to give up on last 40,000 and is eliminated.
17:15 Erwin Marlovits took pot violently
On the flop 5d 2d 8h Stefan Benes bets 8,000, Kudela folds and Marlovits calls. Turn 4d is checked through and on the river 6h Erwin snapjams effectively for 50,000 and Stefan folded.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 112,000, ent.: 50/112, 1G ent.: 60/60
Break 15 min
16:40 Brute force
On the river 8c 5c 2s 3d Ah Malagkaras bets 66,000 into significantly smaller pot. His opponent took a minute but folded his hand.
16:30 Peter Zolnai double up
Zolnai opens to 3,000 and four calls follows. On the flop Ts Jh Ac all five players checks. On the turn Jd ZOlnai bets 7,000 three players folded but Florin Tupita raises to 20,000. After short while Zolnai shoves for 66,100 and Tupita with Jx 8x calls. Zolnai had Qx Jx and after river 5d it held for him.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 100,000, ent.: 52/104
16:15 Freón victorious in 3-bet pot
Freón opens to 3,200, Vlado calls and Malagkaras 3-bets to 15,500 and Freón after some time called. Vlado joined and on the flop Js 8c 3h Freón bets 26,000. Both opponents slowly folded.
16:00 Janos Kubat with a small win
On the flop 6s 3h 9d pot was around 9,000 and both Kubat and Litera checks. On the turn Jc Kubat bets 3,000 and Litera calls. River Qc was checked again and Kubat shows Ax Jx. Petr folded quickly.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 73,387, ent.: 62/91
15:40 No action
Boetcher opens from button to 2,300 and Dala calls in bb. BOard 8h 5d 6c 7c 4s is checked through and Dala shows Ax Tx. Boetcher tabled Ax Kx and they split the pot.
15:20 Freón busto
On the flop Jc 2c 7h Freón jams 26,300 into a pot of about 9,000. Miodrag Pavlovic tanked a lot and folded. Florin Tupita called with 7x 3x and Freón shows Ax Qx. Turn Ax helps to Freón but river 3x burried his hopes and has tot ake a reentry.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 67,188, ent.: 64/86
15:00 Jovana Keljacki took smaller pot
On the flop Kh 9h 7s Jovana bets 2,000 into a pot of around 6,000 and Wolfgang Coural calls. Turn Kd is checked through and on the river 5c Jovana bets 2,000 again, but Wolfgang goes out of her way.
14:45 Alfred Muller shoves
Muller openshoves from Ep his 12,800. Nobody found hand to call with and Muller tables pocket nines after everyone folded.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 61,475, ent.: 61/75
Break 30 min
Actual overlay in Banco Casino Championship is as huge as 63,000€ ! If you want to play for free money from casino, you definately should consider your attendance !
14:15 Neo took small one off Janicijevic
On the flop Ah 9s 5c both player checked with about 4,500 in the pot. On the turn 6c Neo bets 2,000 and Marjan folded face up pocket threes.
14:00 Stern with turn raise
On the turn Kd Td 5c 6c Dietmar Huber bets 5,000 into a pot of 11,500. Jozef Stern raises to 25,000 and Dietmar tanked... and tanked... and folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600 avg. 56,018, ent.: 56/65
13:40 C-bet good
On the flop Jx Ax Kx pot was around 6,000 and Karol bets 4,000. Both opponents folded very slowly.
Strong poker action in Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 54,464, ent.: 56/61
13:15 Theocharis tanking
On the river Qh 7h 5d Kc 7d Theocharis bets 10,000 into a pot of bit more than 15,000 and Vlado raises to 25,000. After couple of minutes Theocharis folded.
13:00 Palmai Ferenc busto
Ferenc opens to 1,000, Bielich calls and Konacoglu 3-bets to 7,300 out of sb. Both opponents called and on the flop 3c 6c 7h Konacoglu bets 10,000, Ferenc jams for 16,200 and Bielich folds. Konacoglu calls with Ac Ad and Ferenc shows 9s 7s. TUrn Tc and river 8c completed straight for Ferenc, but Konacoglu has a flush and eliminates his opponent.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 49/49
12:45 No showdown at this time
Gergo Melicher bets 15,500 into a pot of 20,000 on river Js 2h 5h Th 2s. Tomáš Beňadik called after some tanking and Gergo mucked his hand instantly. Tomáš didn´t show his hand either.
12:30 Alfred Muller winning one of first pots
On the turn 8x 2x Kx Jx there was about 5,000 inside and Miodrag Pavlovic bets 4,000. Muller calls and river 3x is checked down. Muller shows Tx 9x, Miodrag held only Tx 7x.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 29/29
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 150€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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