Flight 1D brought 214 entries and after action on the bubble we know only 20 players advancing to day 2. Chipleader is Zsolt Szabo with a stack of 1,065,000. Tommorow there are three flight waiting for you. Flight 1F at 12:00, flight 1G at 17:00 and flight 1H – Turbo at 22:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1D:
4:20 Strácame dvoch hráčov naraz
Na prvom stole Bernd Pichler poslal jeho 71,000 s Kx Jx a nabehol do trojok, ktoré našiel Taipalmaa. BOard 2x 3x Qx 2x 5x bol pre Pichlera posledným a presunuli sme sa na druhý stôl, kde Baláž poslal 328,000 s Ax Tx, Zsolt Szabo rejammol 368,000 s Ax Jx a Mateusz Jablonski oboch pokrýval a dorovnal s osmičkami. Board Jx 6x 3x Tx Kx vyradil Baláža a Jablonski padá v poslednej hre večera na úplny short.
4:00 Flip
Tentokrát Penak dostal do hry svojich 265,000 s desiatkami proti Szabovi s Ax Qx. Blank board 5x 5x Jx 9x Kx podržal lepšiu kombináciu. Z turnaja rýchlo vypadol Dimitrios a Emmanouil a začína sa tak hand for hand.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 445,833, ent.: 24/214
3:50 Pekný call od Frommela
Na turne Qx 3x 6x Jx bol pot okolo 100,000 a Frommel Salah aj Taipalmaa checkujú. Na rivri Jh Salah betuje 100,000, Frommel dorovnal a Taipalmaa zahadzuje. Salah otáča Kh 4h, Frommel pot zobral so 6x 2x.
3:35 Daniel Baláž posiela
Dannevig otvára na 30,000 a niekoľko seatov ďalej hlási Baláž celkom veľký all in. Všetci vrátane Danneviga zahadzujú veľmi rýchlo.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 368,966, ent.: 29/214. HR ent.: 2/37
Break 15 min
3:00 Jablonski with a simple bet
On the flop 7x 5x 8x Jablonski bets 25,000 into a pot of around 50,000. Zacharakis folded swiftly.
2:45 Aziz loosing some
Ont he flop 6h 2h 5h Aziz leads from blinds to 20,000, Leeb calls and Maixner folded. On the turn 7d Aziz fires for 47,000 and gets paid again by Leeb. River 9c was checked through and Aziz shows Jx 5x. Leeb tabled pocket tens and took the pot.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 334,375, ent.: 32/214, HR ent.: 4/37
2:30 C-bet good for Manfred
Manfred opens from Ep to 20,000 and Gronbech calls. ON the flop Ks 6s Td Walter bets 20,000 again and his opponent instantly folds.
2:15 Wozniak Vs. Salah
Salah opens to 18,000 and Wozniak calls out of bb. On the flop 8d 3h 5c both players checked, on the turn Salah bets 32,000 and gets called. On the river Th both player checks and Wozniak shows Ax Qx. Salah mucks instantly.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 289,189, ent.: 37/214
2:00 River overbet
On the river Ax 5x 9x Tx 8x pot was around 80,000 and Erik decided to bet 150,000. His opponent folded instantly.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 237,778, ent.: 45/214, HR ent.: 6/37
1:40 Thomas Leeb took from Bumba
Leeb opens to 10,000, Dimitrios calls and Bumba on the button 3-bets to 33,000. Leeb calls after long tanking, Dimitrios joined aswell. On the flop 7h 5h 5c Bumba bets 31,000 and Leeb jams for a lot. Dimitrios folded instantly, Peter needed a while to think about it but folded.
1:20 Triple up with A-high? Why not !
Taipalmaa opens to 13,000, Bakken 3-bets to 30,000 and Frommel rejams for 123,000. After long time Taipalmaa and Bakken called and on the flop Qd Td 8d remaining 40,000 that Bakken had behind flew behind the line. Frommel tables Ax Kx, Taipalmaa 2d 2x and Bakken pocket nines. TUrn Qx and river Tx brought highest two pair and ace kicker to Frommel and he took the triple up. Bakken took 40,000 from Taipalmaa.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 191,071, ent.: 56/214,HR ent.: 6/37
Break 15 min
00:40 Oh those flips
Two foreign players got their stacks in for about 30bb. Smaller stack with Kx Qx against pocket fives of higher stack. Runout 4x 4x 9x 8x Kx spikes the king on the river and shorter stack will double up.
Highroller final table stacks :
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 147,917, ent.: 72/213, HR ent.: 8/37
00:20 Ivan Gross shoves
Dimitrios opens to 6,500, Wozniak calls and so does Gross in bb. On the flop 8s 7s Td Gross fires all in and both players are folding quickly.
00:10 Aziz tanking
Flop Ks Js 4c brought a bet of 13,000 from Solheim and Aziz raises to 31,000. Solheim jams for 91,000 and Aziz tanks for very long time. In the end he folded his hand.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 124,118, ent.: 85/211
23:50 Long long tank for Michalis
ON the river 9s 5s 7d Ks 3s Gajda bets 52,000 into a pot of 90,000. Michalis needed several minutes but in the end folded his hand.
23:40 Yoshikazu Nakai eliminated
On the turn 9c 9d Ad Jc pot was 53,000 and Jan Penak bets 15,000. Nakai raises to 35,000 and Jan jams effectively for about 70,000. Nakai calls with Ax 5x and Penak tabled pocket jacks. River 9x eliminates Nakai.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 110,112, ent.: 89/196, HR ent.: 12/37
23:15 Nuts flush no good for Desset
On the turn Qc Jc Qh 9c Desset bets 15,500 into a pot of 21,000 and Daniel Baláž calls. On the river 5s Andrej continues for 51,500 and Baláž after a while calls. Andrej shows Ac Tc, which is sadly not enough against pocket nines held by Daniel.
22:50 Marian Zahorec out
On the turn Th 9h 5d Ks pot was around 35,000 and there was bet of 30,000 from Zahorec and Michal Maixner jammed for around 140,000. Zahorec was tanking for very long time and decided to call with Kx Jx, but Maixner tabled pocket tens. River 5x didn´t brought a straight for Zahorec and is eliminated.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 94,444, ent.: 99/187, HR ent.: 13/36
Break 15 min
22:20 Gajda eliminates Zacharakis
On the river 6d 5d 8x Kx Qx pot was around 30,000 and Zacharakis shoves for about 25,000. Gajda snapcalls with Qd 8d and Zacharakis shows only Jx Tx, which is obviously not enough.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 82,710, ent.: 107/177, HR ent.: 17/35
22:00 Harmandas winning a pot
On the flop Qc 4c 8h Zoltan Eisenreich leads out for 2,500 into pot of aroudn 5,000. One player folded but Harmandas calls. On the turn 2d both players checked and river Jc was valued to 7,000 by Harmandas, but Zoltan quietly folded.
21:45 Gyula Rapolti gives up on the turn
On the flop As Qc Jh pot is around 15,000 and Viktor Kuremszki bets 9,000 from bb. Gyula calls and Roman Malina folded. Turn Ts brought quick bet of 15,000 from Viktor and Gyula folded quite smoothly.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 71,171, ent.: 111/158, HR ent.: 18/33
21:30 Peter Harmadas busto
Peter jammed his 10,300 from Ep with Kx 8x and Vladár rejammed with Ax Kx. Nobody else joined and after board Ax Tx 3x 7x 6x is Harmadas eliminated.
21:15 Pot for Taipalmaa
On th eflop 9h 8c 2s Taipalmaa bets 11,000 into a pot of around 25,000. Sochor on other side of table tanked and folded after some time.
Its going to be insanely hot in Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,667, ent.: 108/144, HR ent.: 21/30
21:00 Turn raise won a pot for Kastriot Delija
On the turn Ks 8s 5h 6c pot was around 15,000 and Svoboda bets 10,000. Delija raises to 40,000 and Svoboda was tanking for quite long time before he folded.
20:45 Fridrich loosing a pot
On the river Jh 7h 2s Qs 7x pot is around 35,000 and Belaj checks. Fridrich was tanking for long time but checked aswell and Belaj tabled Ax Jx. Rado mucked his hand quickly.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 61,538, ent.: 104/128, HR ent.: 21/30
Break 30 min
19:45 River overbet
On the river Kx Jx 8x 5x Qx pot was around 20,000 and one of norwegian players bets 35,000. His opponent was tanking for couple of minutes but in the end decided to fold and we didn´t see any showdown.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,250, ent.: 104/117, HR ent.: 19/24
19:30 Split pot
On the flop Ad Th 3s pot si around 14,000 and Csaba bets 6,100. Belaj shoves for 31,200 and Evy with Nanchev folded. Csaba called and both players shows Ax Qx. After blank turn and river they had to split the pot.
19:15 Mariusz Wozniak eliminated
On the turn 6x 8x 2x 9x pot was around 15,000 and Wozniak shoves for about same. Frommel calls very quickly with 9x 8x and Wozniak needs some help with his Tx 8x. River bricked and Mariusz has to consider option fo reentry.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 52,778, ent.: 90/95, HR ent.: 21:24
19:00 Quick one
On the turn 9h 6h 9d Jd pot was around 7,000 and Arstad bets 10,000, Vladár snapraises to 30,000 and gets paid. ON the river 3h Vladár bets 25,000 and Arstad folded instantly.
18:40 Christos Vettas double up
Christos got his last 8,100 in with Ax Jx against his opponent with Ax 7x and after the board 6x Ax Kx 4x 9x Christos is saved from reentry.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,602, ent.: 83/84, HR ent.: 21/21
18:20 Nakai Yoshikazu all in
Preflop Nakai and Evy agreed on 3,000. On the flop 8d 3d As Evy bets 4,300, Nakai raises to 8,600 and Evy calls. On the turn 4d Evy continues for 7,000 and Nakai shoves for about 40,000. It took a little while but Evy folded her hand.
18:15 Who is in game already?
Toth, Zloczower, Svoboda, Studenič, Aziz, Harmadas and many others are already playing in flight 1D !
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,658, ent.: 76/77
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 150€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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