Flight 1B attracted 104 players and 10 players advanced to day 2. Today´s chiplead belong to Dimitrios Nanos with a stack of 1,072,000. Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ has scheduled flight 1C today at 18:00 and at 19:00 we are playing satelitte to HIghroller event with buy in of 60€ and 5x 550€ ticket GTD. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1B:
5:10 And bubbleboy is Jozef Porubský
Jozef at first got it in with Ax Qx against Ax Jx held by Janos Dudas. Board Jx 6x 6x 8x 4x was no good for Porubský and had to give up on 156,000 from his stack. Next hand Porubský shoves remaining 76,000 with Kh Th and Dudas called with Kd Jd. Board 8x Qx 4x Qx Ax held for Dudas and remaining players are bagging their chips.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 472,727, ent.: 11/104
5:00 Double up for Radim
Radim shoves his 170,000 and Priesol calls. Radim shows pocket nines and Priesol held Ax Jx. After board Tx 3x 4x Tx 4x held for paired combination.
4:45 Kizzik double up
Kizzik got his short in with Ax Jx against Grábics with Ax 9x. After blank board Kizzik took double up.
4:25 We are playing hand for hand
Varga tripled at first, then jammed his last approximately 30,000 with 8x 7x. Priesol with Radim called from blinds and both checked the flop 9x 2x 2x. On the turn 3x Radim bets 20,000 and Priesol folded. Radim tabled 2x 3x and after river 5x eliminated his opponent.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 433,333, ent.: 12/104
4:20 Balint Varga crippled
Priesol got his 165,000 in with As Tx against Varga with pocket nines. After board 8s Ts 5s 2x Qx Priesol doubles up and Varga was left with last 8,000.
4:05 Split pot
Radim got his stack in with Ax Tx against Mitka who had him covered with Ax Kx. After runout 4x Jx 6x 4x Jx they had to split this pot.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 433,333, ent.: 12/104
3:50 Kizzik double up
Kizzik got his 108,000 in with Ax Qx against Qx Jx held by Priesol. Board 5x 6x Kx 3x Tx held again for better hand and Priesol crashes to last around 100,000.
3:30 Balint Varga double up
Mitka opens to 25,000, Priesol calls and Varga reshoves his 111,000 from sb. Mitka folded after short while, Priesol decided to call with Ad Jd and Varga tabled Ax Qx. Board Ax Qx 8x 3x 3x held for better hand and Varga is still alive. In last couple of minutes we lost Daniel Farago and Piotr Kasprzak.
Poker Belgique Masters 250,000€ GTD will be back in middle of july !
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 346,667, ent.: 15/104
Break 15 min
3:05 Radim rejams
Richard Priesol opens to 20,000 from Co and Radim reshoves 96,000 out of sb. Priesol thought for few seconds and folded his hand.
2:55 Vlado Bednár out
Mitka opens to 20,000 from Sb, Bednár calls from bb. On the flop Jx 9x Qx Mitka bets 20,000 and Bednár calls. On the turn Ks Mitka bets again for 20,000 and Bednár calls again. On the river 7x Mitka bets 40,000 and Bednár raises to 140,000. Mitka shoves effectively for about 300,000 and Bednár calls with his Tx 2x. Mitka tabled Ax Tx and with this elimination we are going to last two tables.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 236,364, ent.: 22/104
2:40 Christoph Rapf double up
Otto Goschl opens to 22,000 from Ep and few seats later Christoph shoves for his 101,000. Nobody else joined and Otto calls with pocket tens, but Christoph tabled pocket aces. Board 9x Qx 5x Qx 9x didn´t change anything and Rapf took double up. Few minutes later Otto was eliminated from tournament.
2:30 Martina Lišková took 3-bet pot
Dimitrios opens to 18,000 and Martina 3-bets to 45,000. After short while Dimitrios made the call and on the flop Ah 3h Kh Martina bets 30,000. Dimitrios folded very quickly.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 226,087, ent.: 23/104
2:15 Bednár victorious
ON the flop Kh Jh 2s Kizzik bets 11,000, Mitka with Bednár calls. On the turn Kc Bednár bets 25,000 and Kizzik folded. River Qh brought two checks and Mitka tabled Jx Tx. Bednár took the pot with his Qx Jx.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 192,593, ent.: 27/104
1:45 Vasyl Kvak with three barells
On the flop Qd 6c 9c pot was 55,000 and Vasyl bets 28,000. Laszlo Szabo folded, Milan Rakic calls, Kasprzak with Libo folded. On the turn 9S Vasyl continues for 25,000 and gets swiftly paid again. On the river 7s Vasyl shoves for remaining 55,000 and Rakic folded after short while.
1:30 Priesol winning preflop
Janos Dudas opens to 10,000, Kechagias calls and Priesol in button raises to 40,000. Dudas folded instantly, Kechagias was thinking for short while but folded his hand too.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 173,333, ent.: 30/104
Break 15 min
00:45 Itay Mayo double up
On the flop 8h 4h Js Nanos bets 9,000 into a pot of 25,000, Itay shoves for 38,000 and after some tanking Nanos calls with pocket nines. Dimitrios tabled Jx 6x and after turn Ad and river 6h took the double up.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 145,714, ent.: 35/102
00:30 Kasprzak Vs Khalel
On the flop Qh 6h 6d Piotr bets 11,000, Khalel made quick call. On the turn As Piotr continues for 12,000 and Khalel calls again. River 9c was checked quickly. Kasprzak tabled Kx Jx, Khalel took pot with his Ax 7x.
00:10 Bubo out
Bubo opens to 6,500, Gasowski calls and Szabo shoves for about 60,000. Bubo calls with Tx 9x, Gasowki folds and Szabo tabled Ah 8s. BOard 4x 6x 7x 7x 3x eliminated Bubo from tournament.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 115,000, ent.: 40/92
23:50 Libo good with A-high
On the flop 7s 8s 6s pot was around 25,000 and Libo bets 12,000. Itay Mayo calls and turn 3h is checked through. On the river 8h Itay bets 25,000 and Libo calls. Itay shows Ax Tx, Libo won the pot with Ax Kx.
23:40 Tamás Grábics double up
On eht turn 4c 5c 9d 2s pot was around 30,000 and Oreskovic bets 17,500. Tamás was tanking for a bit and made the call. On the river 4s Oreskovic shoves effectively for 65,000 and Tamás after couple of minutes made the call. Oreskovic shows 9c 7c and Grábics took the pot with Qx 9x.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 44/88
23:25 Bubovi stačí K-high !
Na flope Ac 8s As bol pot 22?500 a Karl Kienbauer posielala za 30,000. Bubo dorovnal a tretí hráč v hre po nejakom čase zahodil. Karl otočil Qs Js, Bubo držal Ks 2s. Turn 7c a river 5d boli jasné, Bubo víťazí iba s King high !
22:50 Nanos posiela
Na rivri Kc Kh 8h 9h 5h Nanos poslal za 37,500 do potu 30,000. Laszlo premýšľal až kým nebol privolaný time, ale začiatkom odpočtu karty zahodil. Anto Baotic príliš neváhal a karty zahodil.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 86,458, ent.: 48/83
Break 15 min
22:30 Monika Goepfrich reentry
Kang Win Fang otváral na 21,700 a Monika poslala jej asi 45,000. Kang dorovnal s omsičkami a Monika otáčala Ax Tx. Po boarde Kx Ax Tx 7x 8x Kang na rivri trafil svoj set a Monika musela po reentry.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 80,682, ent.: 44/71
22:10 Joseph flipping
Joseph got his 50,000 in with eights against Qx Jx of his opponent. After blank board Joseph took needed double up.
21:55 Christoph Rapf with two barells
On the flop 3x 7x 5x pot was about 5,000 and Christoph bets 3,500. Radim Kaderabek calls and Laszlo folded. On the turn Jc Rapf fires for 15,000 and after some tanking Radim fodled his hand.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 74,419, ent.: 43/64
21:40 Marek Ballan busto
Na turne 2x Tx ýx 6x Marek Ballan poslal jeho asi 15,000. Bubo dorovnal so 7x 6x a Marek otočil Tx 6x. River 7x priniesol Bubovi fullhouse a Marek tak končí.
21:20 Tomislav Kusan pod tlakom
Na flope Jd 3d 3c bol pot 22,000 a Kusan betoval 7,000. Muller pomalým tempom platil a na turne Kd Kusan betoval 7,000. Muller po nejakom čase poslal za asi 50,000 viac. Kusan premýšľal ale karty zahodil.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 63,636, ent.: 44/56
Break 30 min
19:55 Laszlo Blazsej took one on the turn
On the turn Kd 6d 7h 7s Laszlo bets 4,000 into a pot of 6,000. His opponent in bigblind tanked for a minute and folded his hand.
19:45 Small bet good for Alfred Muller
On the flop 3d 2s 7h pot was around 8,000 and Muller bets 2,000. Mayo Itay quickly folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 60,256, ent.: 39/47
19:20 Kasprzak shoves
On the river Jd 7d 9c Qc 6d pot was around 25,000 and Marek Ballán bets 13,000. Piort Kasprzak shoves for 44,000 and Marek after longer tank folded his hand.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,125, ent.: 32/34
18:50 Libo with nice pot
Libo, Foglar and Dudas agreed on 3,200 preflop. On the flop 4c 3c 2d Libo fires for 6,000 and both opponents quickly folded.
18:40 Sandor Vs Matuský
On the turn 5h Ac Qc Kd pot was around 10,000 and Sandor bets 7,000. Matuský slowly calls and on the river 5c Sandor bets 17,000. Matuský needed his time but called again. Sandor tabled 8c 7c for flush and Matuský mucked his hand.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 27/27
18:30 Alfred Muller with a early pot
On the flop Qx Tx 9x pot was 1,500 and Muller bets 400. Janos Dudas instantly folded.
18:20 Flight 1B started and these players are already at their seats:
Aren, Matuský, Blazsej, Muller, Grabics and others.
Level 1: 100 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 27/27
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
Multiple qualification: 2x = 450€, 3x = 900€
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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