The Winamax Poker Open attracted a total of 1,516 players. The prize pool climbed to 667,040€, and after long battles, this year's champion is Aliosha Staes, who takes home 90,000€. Starting on October 3rd, we have the Cash Game Festival. From October 7th, another edition of Tana delle Tigri with a 250,000€ GTD awaits you, which includes a one-day tournament with a 50,000€ guarantee. At the end of October, the Slovak Poker Championship with a 200,000€ guarantee is waiting for you, and at the beginning of November, the Polish Poker Championship starts with a gigantic 500,000€ guarantee and a miniature buy-in of 130€. For more information, follow our website and social media. We look forward to seeing you!
WPO Final Day :
1. Aliosha Staes - 90,000€
2. Timothe Sacha Labassa - 62,000€
3. Benjami Hammann - 43,000€
4. Valentin Imperatore - 30,000€
5. Dylan Cechowski - 21,660€
6. Jonathan Paul Pastore - 16,000€
7. Hugo Menant - 12,080€
8. Peleg Itai Oscar - 9,000€
9. Markachev Anton - 9,000€
10. Albert Clement Yannis - 7,100€
11. Lacroix Arthur Virgile Marc - 7,100€
12. Plantin Nicolas Andre - 5,500€
13. Lamagnere Matthieu - 5,500€
14. Aparicio Agudin Alvaro - 5,500€
15. Stiller Americ Andreas - 4,400€
16. Hoogstoel Victor - 4,400€
17. Andreassen Johnny - 4,400€
2:25 Timothy Labassa končí na druhom mieste za 62,000€
Na flope 6x 4x 7x v limpnutom pote Labassa minbetoval a Staes raisoval na 4,900,000. Po chvíľke Labassa pushoval 24,000 a Staes okamžite dorovnal s 8x 5x. Labassa držal Kx 7x a po turne As a rivri Jc si odnáša 62,000€.
2:15 Staes double up
The Belgian player had a few hands go against him, and he put his last 22,000,000 into play with As Kc. Labassa held Ax 5x, and after the board came 3x 9x 7x 8x 3x, Staes takes an important double up.
2:00 Even on the third attempt, the players did not agree on a deal
The winner will thus take home a full 90,000€
Level 45: 800,000 - 1,600,000 / 1,600,000, avg. 37,900,000, ent.: 2/1,516
Short break
1:40 3-way all-in and Benjamin Hammann finishes in third place for 43,000€
Hammann pushed 13,000,000 with Ks Js. Labassa rejammed 15,000,000 with Ah Jh, and Staes eventually called with Kc Qs after some consideration. There was a total of 44,000,000 in the pot, and after the board came Tc 9c Ts 5s 9d, Benjamin Hammann is eliminated in third place for €43,000, and we move on to the Belgium-France heads-up. Staes currently holds 32,000,000 and Timothe 44,000,000.
1:30 Labassa double up
Labassa got into a preflop all-in with Ah 8d for 7,400,000 against Ax 8x, while Hammann held Jx 2x. After the board came 5x Tx 7x Tx Qx, Labassa takes the double up.
1:25 Staes double up
Staes pushed 23,000,000 with Ax 2x, and Labassa held Ax Kx. After the board came Qx 3x 2x 2x 5x, it brings a double up for the Belgian player.
1:00 Current chip counts:
Staes - 30,000,000
Hammann - 26,000,000
Labassa - 20,000,000
Did not pass, we continue
Another attempt at a deal is underway
00:40 Labassa double up
Labassa completed from the small blind and Staes shoved effectively for just under 10,000,000. Labassa snap-called with Kx Kx. Staes held pocket nines, and after a board of Ax Qx 4x 6x Jx, Labassa secured a double up.
Level 43: 600,000 - 1,200,000 / 1,200,000, avg. 25,000,000, ent.: 3/1,516
00:30 Valentin Imperatore finishes in 4th place for 30,000€
After a series of double ups and drop-offs, Valentin Imperatore lost his stack. On a flop of 7h 2h 3d, Imperatore bet 1,500,000 from the big blind into a pot of around 7,000,000. Hammann called, and both players quickly checked the 6h turn. On the river As, Imperatore bet 6,500,000, and Hammann called instantly with Kx 6x. Imperatore held only 4x 2x and was down to about 8 big blinds. A few minutes later, his remaining stack went in with Ax Qx, but Staes picked up aces. After a board of 6x Jx 8x 8x 5x, Valentin was eliminated and headed to the cash desk for his payout.
00:10 After a long break, we are back to playing
The players decided to discuss the possibility of a deal together. However, no clear agreement was reached, so they returned to their seats.
Level 42: 500,000 - 1,000,000 / 1,000,000, avg. 18,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
Break 20 min
23:15 Labassa first splits, then doubles up
Imperatore opened to 1,600,000, and Labassa 3-bet to 5,000,000. Imperatore shoved effectively for about 3,500,000 more, and Labassa called with pocket sixes. Imperatore showed pocket nines, and after the board ran out 7h Jh 3h Kh Ah, neither player had a heart, so the pot was split. Shortly after, Hammann shoved for 28,000,000 with 3d 3c, and Labassa called from the big blind with As 8s. After the board came Jc 7d 8d 4d 3c, we witnessed yet another double-up.
Tana delle Tigri in October will bring the Main Event 250,000€ GTD for 250€!
22:50 Imperatore znova double up
7,500,000 posunul za čiaru Valentin s Ks Qh a Hammann dorovnal s Ac Td. Po boarde 5x kx Qx 4x Tx si Imperatore zabezpečil double up.
Level 41: 400,000 - 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 18,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
22:35 Imperatore doubles up too
Hammann put Valentin all-in for his remaining 10,000,000. Imperatore quickly called with Kd Kc, and Hammann held Jx 8x. The board 8x 9x Ax 6x 9x comfortably kept Valentin ahead.
22:30 Hammann double up
Staes shoved, and Hammann called from the small blind with his 14,000,000. Hammann had Qx Qx, and Staes held Kd Jd. After the board Qs Kc 3c 8h 8s, Hammann secured the pot, and Staes dropped down.
Level 40: 350,000 - 700,000 / 700,000, avg. 18,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
22:10 Hammann takes a little back
Staes raised to 2,100,000, and Hammann called. On the flop Kd 8s 3d, Staes c-bet for 1,500,000, and Hammann called. The turn Qs brought a bet of 800,000 from Hammann, and Staes instantly folded.
21:45 Imperatore scores a pot
Staes opened to 1,200,000, and Imperatore called. The flop came Th 6d 8s, and both checked. The turn 6h was also checked. On the river 3s, Imperatore bet 1,800,000, and Staes quickly called. Imperatore held Js Tc, and Staes mucked his 8h 4h.
During the break in the Main Event, we crowned the Highroller event champion.
After a tough battle, Romain Lewis took home 17,800€!
Level 39: 300,000 - 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 18,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
20:30 Aliosha Staes takes a commanding lead
Staes completed from the small blind, and Hammann checked. On the flop Qc Jc 3s, Staes bet 500,000 and got called. On the turn 7d, Staes continued with a 1,900,000 bet. The river Qd brought an all-in shove from Staes for 39,000,000. Hammann thought for several long minutes before deciding to fold his Ah 6h. Staes held Qh Jd, taking a significant chiplead.
Break 60 min
20:15 Good fold
Imperatore raised from early position to 800,000, and Aliosha 3-bet to 3,100,000 from the small blind. Imperatore called, and on the flop 2c 7c Ah, Staes continued for 2,800,000. Valentin called, and both checked the turn 9c. On the river 7s, Aliosha shoved for 6,500,000, and after a long struggle, Imperatore folded Ac Qh. Staes held Ax Kx.
20:00 Imperatore evens up the stack
Imperatore completed from the small blind, and Labassa checked. On the flop Ts Ad Kh, Imperatore bet 400,000, and Labassa called. On the turn 5c, Labassa bet 1,400,000, and Valentin called. The river Tc was checked by both players, and Imperatore revealed Tx 9x. Labassa mucked Jx 3x.
Cash Game Festival next week !
Level 38: 250,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 18,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
19:45 Staes double up
Staes went all-in preflop for 10,000,000 with pocket eights, while Valentin Imperatore held Ax Ax. After the board came Tx 8x 4x 9x Kx, Staes, with a stroke of luck, secured a double up.
19:30 Hammann hits
Hammann completed from the small blind, and Imperatore let him see the flop Kc 6c Qh, which was checked. On the turn 2c, Imperatore bet 600,000, and Hammann stayed in. On the river 5d, Imperatore bet 1,500,000, and after some thought, Hammann raised to 3,400,000. Imperatore called, but his Qc 8s was no match for Hammann's 6x 5x.
Level 37: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 19,950,000, ent.: 4/1,516
19:20 Dylan Cechowski takes home 21,660€ for 5th place
Imperatore opened to 700,000, Labassa called, and Cechowski 3-bet to 6,500,000. Imperatore folded, and Labassa reshoved. Cechowski quickly called with Ac Kd for his 11,000,000, while Labassa held Tc Ts. After the board ran out 9d Qd 6d 4s 6c, Cechowski missed all his outs and finishes in 5th place.
19:00 Jonathan Pastore eliminated in 6th place for 16,000€
Imperatore raised to 700,000, and Pastore reshoved for 7,700,000 behind him. Imperatore called with pocket sevens, while Pastore revealed Kx Qx. After the board came Jx Tx 5x Tx 4x, the flip favored the pair, and Pastore bids farewell.
Level 36: 150,000 – 350,000 / 350,000, avg. 12,633,333, ent.: 6/1,516
18:20 Hugo Menant končí na siedmom mieste za 12,080€
Dylan otvoril na 625,000, Menant pushoval 5,000 zo sb a Dylan dorovnal s desiatkami. Hugo otočil Kx Qx apo runoute Qx Kx 8x Ax Jx skompletoval Cechowski svoju straight a súpera vyradil.
FT payouts:
1. 90,000€
2. 62,000€
3. 43,000€
4. 30,000€
5. 21,660€
6. 16,000€
7. 12,080€
8. Peleg Itai Oscar - 9,000€
9. Markachev Anton - 9,000€
10. Albert Clement Yannis - 7,100€
11. Lacroix Arthur Virgile Marc - 7,100€
12. Plantin Nicolas Andre - 5,500€
13. Lamagnere Matthieu - 5,500€
14. Aparicio Agudin Alvaro - 5,500€
15. Stiller Americ Andreas - 4,400€
16. Hoogstoel Victor - 4,400€
17. Andreassen Johnny - 4,400€
FT chipcounts:
17:25 With the elimination of Oscar Peleg, we merge to the final table!
Oscar shoved 2,500,000 from the cutoff, and Hugo called from the big blind with Ah 8h. Oscar held 8c 7c, and after the board came 3h 9c Ad Jd Qd, the 8th place and 9,000€ go to Oscar.
17:15 Anton Markachev takes 9,000€ for 9th place
Imperatore opened to 600,000, and Anton called from the big blind. On the flop 6c 8c Qd, Imperatore c-bet 95,000, and Markachev shoved his remaining 3,000,000. Imperatore quickly called with As Ah, and Markachev with Jc 5c needed some help. After the turn 6x and river Ts, the help never came.
Level 35: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 8,422,222, ent.: 9/1,516
16:50 Timothe Labassa takes a nice pot
On the flop Kh 7h 5d, Labassa bet 450,000, and Markachev raised to 1,200,000. Labassa called, and on the turn Qs, Markachev continued his aggression with a bet of 2,200,000. Labassa called again, and the river 2s was checked. Markachev tossed his cards into the muck, and Labassa revealed Qx Jx.
Slovak Poker Championship prinesie 200.000€ GTD v závere októbra!
16:30 Oscar Peleg double up at the last moment
Pastore opened to 600,000, and Peleg called from the big blind. On the flop 6h 4h 6c, Peleg shoved for 1,300,000, and Pastore called with pocket eights. Peleg revealed Jh Th, and after the turn Ks and especially the river Jd, he secured a double up.
Level 34: 125,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 8,422,222, ent.: 9/1,516
16:20 Clement Albert finishes in 10th place for 7,100€
Clement went all-in for his last 1,300,000 with Kc Qc, and Cechowski found Ad Ks. After a blank board of 3d 7h 7d 9h 3c, Clement also says goodbye, bringing us one step closer to the final table.
16:10 Arthur Lacroix takes home 7,100€ for 11th place
Lacroix went all-in preflop for about three million with Ah Qh against Dylan's Kc 9c. After the board ran out 9s 5s 5d Jd Ts, even Arthur with the better hand couldn't hold on and was eliminated from the tournament.
16:00 Nicolas Plantin takes home 5,500€ for 12th place
Lacroix opened to 400,000, and Imperatore shoved for 6,300,000. Plantin called from the small blind for a bit less with Ah Kh, and Lacroix folded. Imperatore revealed Ac Qd, and after the board ran out Tx 4x Qx 3x Tx, Nicolas was unfortunately eliminated.
Level 33: 100,000 – 200,000 /200,000, avg. 6,316,667, ent.: 12/1,516
Break 20 min
15:10 Hamman loses something again
Menant pushed 2,400,000 with Kc 8c, and Hamman called with Js Jd. After the board ran out 5c 3c 9h 8h 9c, Menant completed his flush and secured the much-needed double up.
14:50 Matthieu Lamagnere eliminated in 13th place for 5,500€
Lamagnere pushed 1,760,000 from the small blind with 8d 7h. Nicolas Plantin behind him found Jx Jx and didn't hesitate for a second. After the board ran 2d Qd Tc 7s Kd, Matthieu had to say goodbye as well.
Level 32: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,414,286, ent.: 13/1,516
14:45 Alvaro Aparicio eliminated in 14th place for 5,500€
Alvaro went all-in preflop for about 10bb with Qs 9d, and Peleg had Kc Kd. After the board ran out 3x 6x 7x 6x 7x, it marked the end of the Main Event for this Spanish player.
14:30 Aliosha Staes double up
Aliosha opened to 280,000, and Hammann from the big blind shoved all-in for 6,300,000. Staes instantly called with Ax Ax, while Hammann held Tc 9c. After the board came 3d Ks 7c Jh 7d, Aliosha doubled his stack, and Hammann took a significant hit.
14:20 Imperatore double up
Imperatore went all-in preflop for his last 745,000 with Kc Jc, and Alvaro held Jh 2c. After the board came 3c Qs Jd 7d 9s, Imperatore secured a double up.
14:10 Dylan Cechowski takes the pot
Dylan opened to 280,000, and both Imperatore and Lacroix called. On the flop 2h 3c Ts, Cechowski continued with a bet of 250,000, and both opponents called. There was no action on the turn Qh, but on the river 4x, Imperatore bet 1,250,000. Lacroix folded, and Cechowski called with a set of fours. Imperatore only had Ah 3h and lost the pot.
14:00 The Final Day of the Highroller event has also started!
A total of 64 players joined this tournament, creating a prize pool of 57,600€.
HR Payout:
1. 17,800€
2. 12,100€
3. 8,600€
4. 6,300€
5. 4,400€
6. 3,200€
7. 2,200€
8. 1,500€
9. 1,500€
Level 31: 70,000 – 140,000 / 140,000, avg. 5,414,286, ent:: 14/1,516
Tana delle Tigri in October will bring the Main Event 250,000€ GTD for 250€!
13:30 Victor Hoogstoel and Americ Stiller are also out
Victor went all-in preflop for over 1,000,000 with As Kd, and Oscar Peleg held pocket threes. The board 2x 4x 9x 8x 8x didn’t help Victor, and he finishes in 16th place, taking home 4,400€. Right after, Americ Stiller was eliminated. Labassa opened to 240,000, Lamagnere 3-bet to 800,000, and Stiller shoved from the small blind for 1,800,000. Labassa reshoved, and Lamagnere folded. Stiller revealed As Kd, and Labassa had pocket jacks. After the board ran 4x 6x Kx Tx Jx, Stiller also exits with 4,400€.
Level 35: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 4,737,500, ent.: 16/1,516
12:45 The first player eliminated from the final day is Johnny Andreassen for 4,400€
On the flop Qh 4h 9h, the pot was 550,000, and Dylan Cechowski bet 425,000. After a brief consideration, Johnny raised to 1,200,000 and eventually got called at a very slow pace. On the turn Jd, Johnny pushed for about 1,400,000, and Dylan snap-called with Ah Jh. Johnny only held 5h 6h, and the river Kh couldn’t change anything. Johnny is the first to say goodbye today.
Level 29: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,458,824, ent.: 17/1,516
There are almost 6 minutes left to play in this level. All remaining levels will last 40 minutes. Live report will be running alongside with livestream !
Final Day Livestream:
Final Day Payouts:
1. 90,000€
2. 62,000€
3. 43,000€
4. 30,000€
5. 21,660€
6. 16,000€
7. 12,080€
8. 9,000€
9. 9,000€
10-11. 7,100€
12-14. 5,500€
15-17. 4,400€
Final Day Chipcounts:
SPO Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 440€
- Fee: 60€
- Starting Stack: 50k
- Late Reg.: 13 Lvls
- Each Day 1 is played until 16.6% players remaining
- Winamax Poker Open world event again at Banco Casino - September 2024!
Cash Game Festival is coming back to Banco Casino in early October!
Slovak Poker Championship will bring 200,000€ GTD at the end of October!
The end of the year will bring the beloved TheFestival with 500,000€ GTD Main Event!
Hrajte s Banco Kartou a získajte bonus až 10%!

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