The Winamax Poker Open Warm Up with a €50,000 guarantee attracted a total of 252 entries, and the guarantee was not met. After a 5-way deal, Martin Kamenistý came out on top, pocketing a solid 6,700€. The Winamax Poker Open starts on Monday, setting us up for a week packed with poker action. For more information, follow our website and social media channels. We look forward to seeing you!
ITM players:
1. Kamenistý Martin - 6,700€
2. Dobersek Friedrich - 5,750€
3. Bicakci Umut - 4,675€
4. Maceják Matej - 4,600€
5. Schuster Omar - 4,240€
6. Lutišan Tomáš - 2,370€
7. Neubauer Jakub - 1,960€
8. Firka Eduard - 1,555€
9. Boljanac Kristian - 1,250€
14.HRON MILOS - 645€
18.SKRYP ANDRII - 565€
21.MUSIL MARTIN - 505€
22.ANDRAS TOMAS - 460€
25.MULDUR NIHAT - 460€
Deal looks following :
1. Kamenistý Martin - 6,700€
2. Dobersek Friedrich - 5,750€
3. Bicakci Umut - 4,675€
4. Maceják Matej - 4,600€
5. Schuster Omar - 4,240€
Break 10 min
By the end of break, deal discussion has started.
7:25 Nothing happening
Players are shuffling chips back and forth, but no eliminations have occurred.
Level 25: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 2,475,000, ent.: 5/252
7:00 Tomáš Lutišan exits in 6th place
Lutišan pushed his short stack with Qd Td and was called by Martin Kamenistý holding aces. The board ran 5x 2x 4x 7x Jx, leading to Lutišan's departure and a prize of 2,370€.
6:50 A quiet stretch ends with Maceják doubling up; Neubauer exits in 7th place
Maceják got into a preflop all-in situation, pushing his 925,000 with aces against Bicakci's Ks 7s. The board read Ax 2x 6x Kx 2x, granting him a crucial double up. Shortly after, Neubauer shoved his 685,000 with Kd 9d. His opponent called with Ax Jx and with a board of 6x 2x Jx Ax 4x, Jakub left the table, pocketing 1,960€.
Level 24: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,121,429, ent.: 7/252
6:30 Finishing in 8th place for 1,555€ is Eduard Firka
On the flop of Kc Jd 6d with about 500,000 in the pot, Firka went all-in with his remaining 1,300,000 holding Kx Qx. Umut called with Kd 9d, and with the turn being Th and river 8d, Firka exits the tournament.
6:20 Finishing in 9th place for 1,250€ is Kristian Boljanac
Kristian went all-in preflop for 1,100,000 with Ax Kx against Dobersek's Jx Jx. With a board of 2x Qx 9x 9x 9x, Kristian becomes the first to leave the final table.
6:15 Dobersek also scores a double up
Bicakci pushed from the small blind with deuces and Dobersek from the big blind called with fours. After a board of Th 9h As Ah Qc, Friedrich doubled his 820,000.
6:10 Boljanac double up
Boljanac went into a preflop all-in for his 555,000 with eights against Schuster's Ax 3x. After the board ran 3x 2x 6x Kx Kx, Boljanac claims a double up.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,650,000, ent.: 9/252
FT chipcounts:
Final Table payouts:
1. 9,610€
2. 5,985€
3. 4,175€
4. 3,370€
5. 2,825€
6. 2,370€
7. 1,960€
8. 1,555€
9. 1,250€
A total of 252 players registered for the tournament, and the option for an add-on was utilized 225 times. As a result, the guarantee was not surpassed, leading Banco Casino Bratislava to cover the difference of €22,250. Additionally, the final nine participants will also receive a €250 ticket to the SSOP Main Event with a guaranteed prize pool of €300,000. This amount is already included in the payout structure.
ITM eliminations:
14.HRON MILOS - 645€
18.SKRYP ANDRII - 565€
21.MUSIL MARTIN - 505€
22.ANDRAS TOMAS - 460€
25.MULDUR NIHAT - 460€
Short break
5:30 Viktor Rusnák eliminated in 10th place
Viktor pushed his remaining roughly 450,000 with 5c 6c, and Matej Maceják called with Kx Jx. After the board ran 4x 4x Qx Ax 3x, Viktor bows out, and we move to the final table.
Level 22: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,350,000, ent.: 11/252
5:15 Michal Witala is out
Witala went all-in preflop for about 1,200,000 with Jd Td against Firka holding aces. The board showed Kx Jx Qx 6x 6x, leading to Witala's tournament elimination.
5:10 Rejam
Witala opened the betting from the button for 120,000 and Omar Schuster declared an all-in of 1,015,000. Witala, after some contemplation, decided to fold.
5:00 Witala Vs. Bicakci
On the flop of 6c 3c 4s with approximately 600,000 in the pot, Bicakci declared an all-in from his position with an effective stack of about 1,700,000. Witala took several minutes but ultimately folded. After the hand, Bicakci showed the table his 5x 5x. The game slowed down in recent minutes, and we'll wait a bit longer for the final table composition.
14.HRON MILOS - 645€
18.SKRYP ANDRII - 565€
21.MUSIL MARTIN - 505€
Level 21: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,237,500, ent.: 12/252
4:40 Maceják eliminates a player
Maceják opened with a bet of 80,000, and Zahorec called from the small blind. On the flop, which showed Td 7d 6h, Zahorec pushed his remaining stack of around 120,000, and Maceják instantly called with Ac Tc. Zahorec held Kx Qx, and after the turn card Jx and river card 6x, he had to bow out for the day.
4:20 Umut Bicakci loses a pot
On the turn, with the cards Tx 5x Jx Ax on the board, Umut bet 100,000 into a pot of approximately 350,000. Lutišan called, and Firka folded. On the river card Kd, Lutišan led with a bet of 200,000. After some contemplation, Bicakci called. However, Lutišan revealed a rivered straight with Qd Jd. Bicakci, looking displeased, tossed his cards into the muck.
Winamax Poker Open starts next week !
Level 20: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 990,000, ent.: 15/252
4:10 Mohandas Klausner is also eliminated
Klausner pushed just over 200,000 with Ax Kx, and Jakub Neubauer found himself with Qx Qx. After the board revealed Jx Tx 5x 6x 2x, Mohandas must also depart, bringing us one step closer to the final table.
3:55 A Quite painful clash
Before the flop and with a pot of 760,000, Andrii Skryp from the small blind faced off with Kx Kx against Michal Witala's Ax Ax. With a board of 9x 9x Ax 3x Qx, Witala scores a significant double up. In the subsequent game, Skryp exits the tournament. In quick succession, Redrado, Markovci, and Marthy also bow out of the competition, leading the players to consolidate down to the last two tables.
22.ANDRAS TOMAS - 460€
25.MULDUR NIHAT - 460€
Level 19: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 707,143, ent.: 21/252
Break 15 min
3:20 Boljanac Takes Some
On the river with the cards kh Td 6c 3c 9d, the pot was just under 200,000. Boljanac, from position, bet 60,000. Andrii Skryp immediately folded his cards, and after the play, Boljanac showed 8s 7s to the table.
3:10 Tomáš Lutišan Successful
On the flop with the cards 9d 9h 6d, Attila Markovci bet 53,000 into a pot of about 100,000. Lutišan called while Redrado folded. On the turn card, 3s, Markovci checked, and Lutišan then bet 100,000. His opponent promptly folded his cards.
Level 18: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 594,000, ent: 25/252
2:55 Andrej Desset becomes the bubble boy
On the flop Ax Jx 2x, there was about 700,000 in the pot, and Andrej had the last 50,000 behind. Firka then pushed Andrej all-in, and after a heavy sigh and a long time, he reluctantly called with tens. Firka showed Ax Jx, and with the turn card being a Jx and the river card Qx, Andrej was eliminated as the bubble boy.
2:50 Maceják also takes the pot
On the flop Ks 6c 9s, Maceják bet 30,000 into a pot of 100,000. One opponent folded, but Klausner called. On the turn 6h and river Ad, both players checked, and Maceják revealed Jx 9x. It was enough; Klausner's cards were mucked. On a nearby table, Paťo Ciklamíni was eliminated, and we are just one elimination away from hand-for-hand play.
2:40 Martin Kamenistý takes a smaller pot
Zveniatskyi opened from the button for 32,000, and Kamenistý called from the big blind. On the flop 6s 2s Td, Kamenistý immediately bet 32,000, and after a long consideration, Zveniatskyi folded his cards.
Level 17: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 512,069, ent.: 29/252
2:20 Emanuel Ikic is eliminated
Dobersek limped in, Firka followed, and from the big blind, Ikic pushed approximately 140,000. Dobersek folded, but Firka called with pocket eights. Ikic revealed Kx Jx, and with a board of Qx Ax 7x 4x 2x, he had to leave the tournament.
2:10 Time fourteen!
On the turn with Ah Kh Qh 7d, there was about 150,000 in the pot, and Eyal Barzilai pushed all-in with 168,000. Laco Lacina struggled with his decision for a long time, prompting his neighbors to call for a timer. However, in the final seconds of the countdown, Laco discarded his cards.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 412,500, ent.: 36/252
Break 10 min
1. €9,610
2. €5,985
3. €4,175
4. €3,370
5. €2,825
6. €2,370
7. €1,960
8. €1,555
9. €1,250
10-12. €805
13-15. €645
16-18. €565
19-21. €505
22-25. €460
A total of 252 players registered for the tournament, and the option for an add-on was used 225 times. As a result, the guarantee was not surpassed, leading Banco Casino Bratislava to cover the difference of €22,250. Additionally, the final nine participants will also receive a €250 ticket to the SSOP Main Event with a guaranteed prize pool of €300,000. This amount is already included in the payout structure.
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 322,826, ent.: 46/252
1:10 Maksym Ronshyn is out
Maksym went all-in preflop with his Ax 3x against the sevens held by Tomáš Lutišan. With a board of Tx Jx 5x 5x Kx, Maksym has to leave his seat.
1:00 3-bet shove
Vadym opened from EP with a bet of 16,000, and a few seats over, Andrej Desset shoved all-in with approximately 140,000. Jonny Pedersen pondered for a while but eventually folded. Vadym folded showing Kd 4d.
Level 14: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 265,179, ent.: 56/252
00:45 Nikolas Stojka takes it from Laco
On the river 5x 7x Ax 7xx 3x with approximately 90,000 in the pot, Stojka bet 55,000. Laco Lacina needed some time to think and eventually called. He didn't look happy when Nikolas revealed a straight with 4x 2x.
00:35 Nihat Muldur wins
On the flop of Kh Jc Ts, Nanos bet 14,000 into a pot of about 30,000 and Muldur called. Both checked the Js on the turn, and on the 6d river, Muldur bet 35,000. Nanos called, and Muldur showed Ac Qc. This time it was enough, and Nanos lost some chips.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 209,155, ent:: 71/252
Break 20 min
23:45 Karol Turčan eliminated
On a flop of 6s 2s 5c with 25,000 in the pot, Dobersek bets 16,000. Firka folds, Turčan pushes approximately 60,000, and Basnakajev also folds. Dobersek calls with Ax 5x and Karol reveals 5x 6x. The turn is a 4x, which changes nothing, but an Ace on the river knocks Karol out of the tournament.
23:30 Time!
On the turn of 7s Kc 8h 6c with around 130,000 in the pot, Amiri pushes Klein all-in for about 125,000. David takes a while to think, and eventually, a timer is called on him. A few seconds after the countdown begins, however, David folds.
Level 12: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 193,919, ent.: 74/243
23:10 Daniel double up
Daniel goes all-in preflop for about 12 big blinds with Ax Kx against an opponent's Ax Qx. With a blank board, Daniel secures a much-needed double up.
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 169,268, ent.: 82/235
22:50 Umut Bicakci double up
On a flop of Js 2s Td with 50,000 in the pot, Umut quickly pushed all-in for 90,000. Maurice took his time before calling, and two other players promptly folded. Umut revealed Qx 9x and Maurice showed Kc Jc. However, with a turn of Kx and a river of 9x, Umut completed a straight and notched a solid double up.
22:40 Jonny Pedersen wins on the river
On the river of 8s 5s 8h 5c Kc with roughly 35,000 in the pot, Jonny bet 25,000. After a long pause, Jovanovic folded, so we never saw a showdown.
Level 10: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 117,850, ent.: 107/214
22:20 Peter Wlachovsky double up
Wlachovsky went all-in for 76,000 preflop with aces against eights held by Mehmet Cetin. With a board of 7x 7x 5x 3x 5x, Wlachovsky held on and records a significant double up.
22:10 Marius Rusu triple up
On a flop of 6s 5s 4h, Marius pushes his last 10,500 over the line, with Vukicevic and Juhas calling. Both active players checked the turn Ks and river 5d, with Marius revealing Ah Ad. This comfortably beats the Ax 3x and 7x 4x held by his opponents.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 105,849, ent.: 106/191
Break 20 min
21:40 Linda Huber finishes
Linda went all-in preflop with just under 50,000 with sevens against Kiselis with tens. After a board of Kx Jx 9x Ax 4x, Jason takes a decent pot.
21:20 Squeeze
David Crepi opened for 4,500 and was followed by 3 calls. However, Bohony decided to 3-bet to 16,000 and all opponents folded their hands.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 99,252, ent.: 108/182
20:50 Desset pushes
On the river Jc 7c 5d 4d with just under 30,000 in the pot, Andrej also pushes a similar amount. Peter Wlachovsky thought for a while but eventually folded his cards in disappointment.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 88,962, ent.: 105/164
20:30 Zlatný's c-bet was enough
On the flop Kd Jd 8c with 23,000 in the pot, Andrej bet 8,000. Zveniatskyi instantly mucked his cards, and after the hand, Andrej showed a Ks.
20:15 4-bet!
Jakub Neubauer opened with 2,000, and on the other end of the table, Felix Magneron 3-bet to 10,000. After a moment's thought, Jakub 4-bet to 31,000, and Felix instantly folded his cards.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 80,962, ent.: 104/144
20:00 Nikolas Stojka double up
Svein opened, Markovci called, and Nikolas 3-bet from the blinds to 5,500. Svein called, and Markovci folded. On the flop Ah 5h Tc, Nikolas bet 4,500, and Svein quickly called. On the turn Js, Nikolas continued for 5,700, with Svein showing no signs of folding. The river 8d brought an all-in from Nikolas for 15,100. Svein called with Ax 9x, but it was no match for Nikolas's Kc Qc.
19:45 Marius Rusu takes the multiway pot
On the turn Ac 4c 3c 3h, Ormandy bet 1,200 into a pot of around 9,000. All four opponents called, and on the river Ad, Marius went all-in for about 35,000. One by one, all opponents folded.
Level 5: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 75,464, ent.: 98/126
Winamax Warm UP 50,000€ GTD with huge value !
At this moment, overlay is gigantic 37,000€ and late registration is open until midnight !
Break 30 min
18:55 David Klein boosts his stack
On the turn 5c Kh Js Qd, David bet 3,000 into a pot of 13,300, and Muldur called. On the river Jd, David bet a solid 25,000, prompting Muldur to fold.
18:45 Miloš Hron took the pot with two barrels
On the flop Kh 6d Js with 5,000 in the pot, Miloš bet 2,500. Musil called, Adler folded, and on the turn 5c, Miloš continued with a bet of 7,000. However, Musil folded his cards.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 69,398, ent.: 83/98
18:25 Gejza on the rise
On the flop Qs Ts 9h with around 6,000 in the pot, Toncer bet 2,500. Two opponents folded, but Gejza called. Both checked on the turn Td. On the river 6d, Gejza bet 5,500 and Toncer called. However, Gejza showed Ah Th and took the pot.
18:15 Nice showdown
On the river Js Kx 7x 3x 5xx with about 25,000 in the pot, Nihat Muldur bet 10,000. Mehmet Cetin called but mucked his cards when Nihat showed 5x 2x.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 65,854, ent.: 82/92
18:00 Mohandas Klausner wins
On the turn Ts 7s 9c Th with around 20,000 in the pot, Klausner bet 5,000. Kvak called while Tabriz folded. On the river 2c, Klausner bet 25,000, and Kvak unhappily folded showing his cards As Js face up.
17:45 Imal Amiri double up
Imal went all in for his 55,900 with Ah Qh on the flop 4h 3h Td against Kh 7h held by Zveniatskyi. The turn 3c and river As didn't bring any drama, and Imal comfortably doubled up.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 58,684, ent.: 76/76
17:30 Imal Amiri rises at the start
On the flop Ts 4c 3d, Imal bet 1,500 into a pot of around 5,000. Lohnický from the small blind called, while Zveniatskyi folded. Both checked on the turn 6h, but on the river 4h, Oto decided to bet 1,500. However, Amiri raised to 5,500. Oto quickly folded his cards.
17:20 Who do we have here today?
From the start, sitting in their places are Studenič, Musil, Adler, Lang, Aren, Foglar, Bihári, Ralbovský, and many others.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 58,636, ent.: 66/66
WINAMAX Warm-up 50.000€ GTD (unl. re-entry) :
- Start: 17:00
- Starting stack: 50.000 chips
- Special Add-on: 10€ / 10.000 chips
- Special Add-on included in the prize pool
- Late reg: 12 lvls
- 10% Fee + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
- 9x 250€ ticket to SSOP ME 300.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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