Flight 1C of WPO Main Event attracted 929 entries and flight 1D created 234 more entries. From flight 1C there is 155 players advancing to tommorow´s day 2, from flight 1D we will get 39 more names. Stacks from both flights will be published after management verification and registration to Main Event has been closed. WPO Main Event created amazing 2,221 entries and prizepool of massive 1,110,500€ and payout structure will be published as soon as possible. Tommorow´s day 2 will start at 12:00 and we will meet 359 advancing players. If you didn´t made it to day 2, under this post you can find schedule for tommorow, we have wide variety of tournaments running and cash games of all types. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1C:
Chipcounts 1D:
2:00 It took some time but we are done with flight 1C too
After endless streak of double ups for shortstacks Husset went all in for his pocket change with Ax Jx against 6x 9x held by Abuladze. Board Qx 6x 3x 5x 5x eliminated shorter stack and we know 155 advancing players !
1:55 All in and call almost every hand
And shortstacks taking their double ups
1:40 Bubble in flight 1D is done
39 players are bagging their chips right now and i can see that Denis Kurek, Martin Tóth, Patrik Kuník, Jakub Janošovský and Lukáš Benkovič from slovak players made it to day 2 from this flight
01:25 And we are on direct bubble
Shorter stack was all in when posting his blind and ante, one of biggers stacks got pocket kings. Blank board decided we go to direct bubble ! We also play hand for hand in flight 1D now too !
Level 21: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 295,860, ent.: 157/929
We still need to loose two players !
01:15 It´s taking some time
Hand for hand is being played out little bit slower today !
00:55 But why?
De Juniac was 4-betting to 90,000, and his opponent, Haquin jammed as covering stack. De Juniac thought for a long time before he folded Kx Kx. Haquin shows Qx Jx and hand for hand goes on !
00:45 In three minutes we lost 3 players and its 157 remaining
155 players is advancing and we are playing hand for hand right now !
00:40 2,221 entries !
Record breaking WPO Bratislava has prizepool of 1,110,500€ and leaves all tournaments ever played so far in this country far behind collecting the dust ! Oh and hello WPO Madrid ! :-)
Level 21: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 284,969, ent.: 163/929
00:35 Urban ousts Clauss
Clauss had last 120,000 behind and got it in with pocket threes against Urban and his pocket sevens. Board 9x 5x 5x Jx 7x held again for this slovak player.
00:25 3-bet solves lot of problems
Soulier opens to 16,000 and Marcadet 3-bets to 50,000 with about 150,000 behind. Soulier tanked for a bit but folded. Marcadet shows Qx Qx.
00:15 Another pot for Ciklamíni
Gaume Baptiste opens to 20,000 and he has 75,000 behind. Ciklamíni 3-bets to 150,000 and Baptiste decided to make a call with Kx Qx. Ciklamíni flips over Ax Kx and runout 3x 7x 6x 7x Kx eliminates one more player from main event. Ciklamini goes very close to 1,000,000 in chips.
Level 20: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 265,429, ent.: 175/929, 1D ent.: 79/234
39 players from flight 1D will be advancing to day 2 !
23:45 Aces Vs. Kings
Two players got their stacks in with stone cold looks in their faces. Shorter stack had 188,000 and held pocket aces, bigger stack held kings and after blank board we saw double up for the shortstack.
Level 19: 3,000 - 7,000 / 7,000, avg. 248,396, ent.: 187/929
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
23:15 Big pot for David Urban
Timothe Bernard opens to 12,000, David Urban 3-bets to 32,000 and Antoine Goutard 4-bet shoves for 340,000. Bernard folds and Urban calls with Ax Kx and is ahead against Ax Qx held by Antoine. After runout Kx 4x Ax 9x 9x David clearly wins and eliminates Antoine.
Level 18: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 209,234, ent.: 222/929, 1D ent.: 124/233
Break 15 minutes
22:45 Remi Debord eliminates Sigaud
Remi jams his 77,000 with pocket threes and Sigaud calls with pocket eights. Board 3c 4c 6c Jh 6s eliminates Sigaud with better hand.
22:30 George Sandford against aces
On the flop 8d 3h 4h there was about 90,000 inside and George was facing bet of 28,000 from Georgi. George folds face up Kx Qx, Georgi shows pocket aces and table explodes in their laughs.
Level 17: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 191,152, ent.: 243/929, 1D ent.: 140/218
22:15 Audouze all in
On the turn Qd 9d Kc 7d Herbert Stephane bets 20,000 in pot of about 80,000. Audoze jams for something little bit under 200,000. After long long tanking, Herbert folded his hand and Audouze show Ad to the table.
22:05 Julien Fleury double up
On the river Js Tc 9c 7s Ah Julien jams for remaining 48,000 into the pot of 50,000. Paz was tanking for quite a bit, asked few question but after getting no answers at all, he decided to call with Kx Jx. Julien tables Kx Qx for nuts and doubles up.
21:55 There will be 155 advancing players from flight 1C !
WPO Bratislava Main Event up to this point created 2,198 entries, breaking record from May WPO which took place in Madrid. Prizepool at this very moment is extreme 967,560€ and late registration of flight 1D is still open !
Level 16: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 164,134, ent.: 283/929
One Day event with 30,000€ GTD next saturday !
Starting at 17:00 !
21:40 Papazoglou wins right on flop
On the flop Qx 7x 7x Thomas Papazoglou bets 30,000 from sb into a pot of 50,000. Soulier makes quick fold.
21:20 Teo Moreau takes one with a river bet
On the river Ax Ax 8x Jx 6x Teo puledd out a bet of 50,000 into pot of about 90,000. Thomas took few moments before folding his hand.
Level 15: 1,500 - 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 141,641, ent.: 329/929, 1D ent.: 145/176
21:00 Long one
Dorian Hem opens button to 6,000 and Chabannes with Hammann called from blinds. On the flop Qd Ts 2h Hem bets 6,500, Chabannes passes his hand away and Hammann pay. Turn 4c brought bet of 28,500 from Hem and after long thinking Hammann calls. On the river 5h we seen two very slow checks and Hammann tables Ks Tc. Hem return his hand to dealer.
20:50 Harald Sammer takes one
On the turn 4c Js Jd 9d there is 20,000 in the middle and Harald bets 16,000. Kozubski folded his hand quietly.
20:35 Registration to flight 1C has been closed
Last chance how to advance to day 2 is flight 1D - Turbo which have late registration open until 22:45.
Level 14: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 118,878, ent.: 392/929
Break 60 minutes
There is 393 players remaining in flight 1C and they will move for one hour long dinner break !
The Festival is coming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
19:30 Heger ousts Haddad
Haddad lost 57,000 with pocket tens against Ax Jx held by Lorcy because of ace on the river. With last 2,000 remaining very next hand on bb, he puts them in with Ax Tx and both blinds checked. Board Kx Qx 2x 8x Qx was checked down by active players and Haddad take triple up with Ax Kx. In last hand he jams with Ax Tx and Heger on bb with Qx Jx made the call. Board Jx 3x 2x Kx 9x was end for Haddad.
19:25 Wonderful play by Šeffer?
On the flop Kx Qx 7x there was about 60,000 in this 3-bet pot and player in bigblind bets 27,000. Šeffer announced all in, which was in fact 31,000, but his opponent folded his hand with lightning speed.
19:20 Flight 1D started a while ago
Late registration is open untill 22:45 and this flight is also last flight for you to advance into day 2!
Level 13: 1,200 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 105,341, ent.: 440/927
19:10 River raise
On the river 7s 6s Jd 4c As Villaire bets 16,000 into 30,000 and Gaessler raises to 48,000. Villaire folds slowly.
19:00 David Safrány busts in unlucky way
On the turn 3s 6h Td 7c there was 35,000 inside and David decided to shove for 30,400 with Ks Tc. After quick thinking Lefur calls as covering stack with Qs Ts. River brings a Qc and Safrány busts.
18:45 Turbo flight starts at 19:00 !
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 95,342, ent.: 483/921
18:40 Triple barell by Benjamin Hammann
On the flop Td 2d Ks pot was about 15,000 and Hammann goes with a bet of 8,500. Pietro Palomba calls and on the turn 4c is facing bet of 35,000. After roughly one minute of thinking and recounting his stack he proceeds with his call again, having about 80,000 behind. On the river As Benjamin shoves after some time, but Palomba folded instantly.
18:20 Ludovic Breau shoves
Ludovic shoves for remaining 19,000 from Mp, but nobody found hand to make the call.
Level 11: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 86,433, ent.: 527/911
1,000 entries is getting very very close !
18:05 Big flip
Two french players got their stacks, effectively about 100,000 inside with Kx Qx against pocket fives. Qx on the flop was very nice but 5x on the river held for smaller stack.
17:50 Rišo Kováč busto
Rišo decided to rejam his last 25,000 from button into Hj openraise. Player on bb found Ax Qx and called off, original agresor folded. Qx on the flop was only important card and we have one slovak player less in this huge field. Andrej Racek and Ladislav Zubaj busted tournament in last couple of minutes too.
Level 10: 700 - 1,400 / 1,400, avg. 73,710, ent.: 601/886
17:35 Will Soussan in unpleasant spot
Will got stack in with pocket kings against Hoang with pocket aces. Board Tc 9c 8c Th 4d didn´t bring any help to weaker combination, despite the flushdraw on the flop.
17:25 Link for feature table live stream:
17:15 I hope you have ace-high !
On the flop 9d 5d Qc Bathory was defending bigblind against Thomas Ham on the button and action went check check. Richard Bathory on the turn Qs bets 3,000 and Ham decides to make the call. On the river 3s Bathory goes with 5,500 bet and Ham took little bit of time before made the call. Bathory tables 4x 3x with comment that he truly hopes Ham holds only A-high. Ham threw cards into a muck with laugh.
Level 9: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 67,052, ent.: 648/869
Break 25 min
16:30 Ciklamíni ousts Alves
On the river As Jx 3s 5s 7s there was 20,000 inside and Ciklamíni jams for 30,000 effective. Alves made the call with Ax Js, but that was far from enough against Ks 4s tabled by Patrik
16:15 Ciklamíni with very nice hand
Patrik opens to 2,000 in Hj, Alves in button calls and noone else joined. On the flop Jd 7d 6x Alves bets 2,800 and Ciklamíni goes for raise of 8,500. Alves calls and turn 9d brought bet of 7,700 from Ciklamíni, which got called again. On the river Jx Alves bets 11,000 and Ciklamíni ships his 65,000 behind the line. Aves fold face up Jx and Ciklamíni shows Ad 9c. Nice one !
Level 8: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 62,219, ent.: 667/830
16:00 Slovak players in :
Ciklamíni, Zolnai, Képeš, Racek, Vladár, Urban, Cintula, Varga, Šimovič and several others are trying hard to make it to day 2 from flight 1C.
15:50 3-bet pot
Gauthnier opens to 1,700 and Arthur 3-bets to 4,500 and Gauthier called easily. On the board Ks 8c 9h Arthur contibets for 3,200 and his opponent got out of his way.
The Festival is coming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
Level 7: 400 - 800 / 800, avg.57,001, ent.: 706/805
15:35 River bluff
On the river As 9h Qc 9d 7c pot was about 15,000 and Anthony Varenne fires for 15,500. Giorgi is thinking aboutit for a while but folds and Anthony shows Jx Tx after the game.
15:20 3-bet is enough
Palomba opens button and Francaise 3-bets from sb to 4,500. Palomba instantly folded.
Level 6: 300 - 700 / 700, avg. 54,590, ent.: 708/773
15:00 Tough tank mode for Francaise
Action was again on the river, board was reading Js 2s Jh 5h 4h and Palomba bets for 8,300 into about 12,000. Francaise was thinking for couple of minutes but in the end he decided to fold. He asked Palomba if he can see at least one card, and could choose. 4s that was turned over didn´t seem to give happy answer to Francaise.
14:45 Béla Miko takes one
On the river Ad Kd 3d 4d 8h there was 12,500 in the pot and Miko bets for 5,000. Victor Salinier folded and Miko tabled over Td 9d.
14:35 Huge flight 1C will continue
At this very moment there is 711 players remaining and late registration is open until the end of level 13. If you can´t make it for this flight, don´t worry, there is flight 1D - Turbo ready aswell, with start scheduled for 19:00 and all blind levels will be 15 minutes long.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 53,592, ent: 711/762
Break 25 minút
14:00 Small bet is more than enough for Ibanez
On the turn 8d 2c 9c 6c 6,400 was in middle and Ibanez decided to bet 2,600. Fabien Doucet folded slowly.
13:50 Nine to five...
On the river 8x 5x 9x 4x Jx there was 20,000 inside the pot and Mourad Amokrane best 6,600. Julien Fleury instantly calls with 8x 5x, but thats not enough against 9x 5x held by Mourad.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,737, ent.: 662/685
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
13:40 David Malaval takes multiway pot
On the flop Jd 3d Ah there was 3,000 in pot and David goes with a 1,600 bet. Both Gras and Gendrau folds quickly.
13:20 Nice pot for Kevin Gregoire
On the river 3d 9d Qh Jh 7c there was something above 20,000 in the pot and Kevin bets for 10,000. Christopher De Barros thought for a long time about it but folded his hand after some time.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 51,020, ent.: 637/650
13:00 This time it´s straight for Sándor Maté
Loriel opens from button to 600 and Sándor with Andrault calls. Flop 9c 4c 8d brought only checks, turn Qs Maté valued for 800, Andrault folds and Loriel calls. River 4h brings another bet, this time 2,500 from Sándor and Loriel calls quickly. He mucks his cards even quicker when Maté reveals Jx Tx.
12:50 Straight for Mallet
On the river Kx Jx Tx 4x Kx there was 6,100 inbetween the players and Mallet came up with bet of 1,200. Bouchard made the call but Mallet flipped over Ax Qx for flopped straight. Bouchard mucked his hand.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,082, ent.: 607/608
12:35 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
12:30 One of early pots for Begougne
On the turn 9d 8h 2c Td there was 1,300 in the pot and Louis Begougne bets 900 from button. Simon Biehler decides to call and river Ad brought bet of 2,400 from Louis. After short thinking Simon folded his hand.
12:20 Known faces
So far in crowd i noticed Denis Kurek, Martin Bartoš, Pavel Heger, Siegfried Rath, Maté Sándor and Lukáš Benkovič
12:10 And we start !
561 players took their seats and battles for day 2 advances begins !
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 561/561
WPO Main Event:
Start: 12:00
Starting stack: 50.000 chips
Late reg: 13 lvls
All Day 1s end once ITM is reached
Day 2 will start on the level after the earliest Day 1 finish
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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