WPO Main Event and flight 1B produced amazing 631 entries which brought another more than 277,000€ into a prizepool. That means total prizepool including preregistrations at this moment is little bit more than 466,000€. This number will only go steady up, so we are looking forward to see you in this never ending battle, that does´t spill blood, but definately spills some emotions around the poker room (s). As for complete chipcount, we have to wait a bit for complete verification, but we will publish it as soon as its possible. Tommorow´s day 1C is starting at 12:00 and and if youre huge fan of faster structures, we have turbo flight scheduled at 19:00. For complete schedule of side events check little bit below and if you want to see yourself on the list of advancing and winning players, don´t loose a chance and join us ! ! !
Advancing stacks from flight 1B:
00:45 Aaand bubble boy of flight 1B is.... Juskevicius Gytis !
Juskevicius lost last flip for his few bigblinds with pocket tens against Ax Jx of his opponent. Board Kx 6x 4c Jx 4x didn´t held for pocke tens and remaining 106 players started to bag their chips !
00:30 Antala double up
Rasťo as last of slovak warriors in this crazy game did toug tank fold few hands earlier, but got himself into all in and call situation with pocket aces for remaining 84,000 against Ax Tx. Flop Qx Jx Xx caused lot of laughs around the poker room. Turn and river bricked and Rasťo got his dreamed double up !
Level 21: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000 avg. 294,860, ent.: 107/631
00:15 Few more elimination and we are getting close to hand for hand
In last couple of minutes we lost Lukáš Benkovič, Erik Šeffer from slovak side of tables and we are closing to the bubble !
Level 20 : 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 274,348, ent.: 115/631
23:50 Lot of preflop action going on
Last couple of minutes many of hands contained by openraise, followed by quick 3-bet and long tank. Which in majority cases i saw ended up by folding.
23:45 Sandford trying hard
This time it didn´t work out, when Jimmy Ribes opens to 15,000 and George 3-bets to 42,000. Jimmy takes his time and ships for about 200,000. George instatly folded :/
Level 19: 3,500 - 7,000 / 7,000, avg. 171,983, ent.: 116/631
23:30 Slovak heroes still in
Havavka, Dušan, Antala, Progner still battling in !
22:50 Parisot goes still up
Casal jamms for 70,000 and Parisot goes with the call out of bb with Ax Qx. Casal flip over Ax 8x but after board 6x 5x 3x Tx Qx Casal couldn´t show anything and is eliminated.
Level 18: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 237,218, ent.: 131/631
Break 15 min
The Festival is coming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
22:15 Another flip
It seems that players love to flip at this time and shortstack which i was unable to get a name got his stack of about 100,00 in with pocket fives and Julijan Ivancic made the call with Ax Qx. Blank board brought double up to shortstack, but according to other players he busted few hands later.
22:05 Erik Šeffer at his finest
Erik noticed me walking around the room so he decided to open to 9,000 and Romain from bb ecided to call. On the flop 9x 2x 3x there wa no action. On the turn 3s Erik bets 12,000 and Romain calls. River 2h brought two swift checks and Romain shows up with Qx Jx. Erik took down pot with 6x 9x.
Level 16: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 183,430, ent.: 172/631
21:45 Nasty elimination
On the river 4x 3x 2x 2x 7x there was about 100,000 in pot and spanish player jams for his 72,000. Guy from portugal tanks a bit and calls with 7x 2x. Sadly his opponent is holding pocket fours and with higher fullhouse we see another crazy elimination.
Level 15: 1,500 - 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 146,000, ent.. 215/631
21:10 One more for slovakian players !
Antala raises to 8,000 and his opponent out of bb defends. On the flop Ax 5x 5x there goes check check and same action goes to the turn of Ax. On the river Jx bb check again and Antala checks and his opponent shoves for about 100,000. Antala made the call with Ax Jx and his opponent sadly shows Ax Kx.
20:40 it´s 631 entries in day 1B !
With wonderful 631 entries prizepool sits at wonderful 631 entries prizepool fired well over 500,000. Table right now shows prizepool of 551,320€ and these numbers will only go up.
Level 14: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 133,686, ent. : 236/631
Break 60 min
Beer pong is happening in upper floors !
19:35 Kurek out again
Kurek got into all in on the flop Jx Tx Xx with Qx Tx against Kx Qx. Qx on later streets brought straight to french opponent and dissapointed Denis is leaving poker room.
19:25 Balicki Vs. Gerard
Balicki got into preflop all in for his last 8,800 with pocket sixes against Ax Kx held by Gerard. After blank board Balicki survives and get some chips for next battles.
Level 13: 1,200 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 104,139, ent.: 302/629
19:05 Small c-bet no good this time
On the flop Ad 6s 5s one of french palyrs bets 3,300, but Gregory Goudon isn´t happy with this size and raises to 8,000. After some time his opponent folds.
18:50 Thevenet thought a long time
On the flop Tc 6c As 9d Thevenet bet 8,000 into about 11,000 and Hamou raises to 18,500. after long time Thevenet decided tocall and on the river 2s Hamo shoves for about 50,000. Thevenet folds in seconds.
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000 avg. 93,155, ent.: 336/626
18:20 Ciklamíni scares Šeffer
Ciklamíni opens from Hj and Šeffer calls from sb. On the flop Ts 7s 3x Šeffergoes for half pot bet and Ciklamíni calls. On the turn 7c Šeffer continues with 6,500, Ciklamíni raises to 16,000 and Šeffer makes it 40,000. Ciklamíni goes for all in with 60,000 and Šeffer after solid tank folds. Slovakian brotherhood at it´s finest.
Level 10: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 86,088, ent.: 362/625
17:55 Flip !
Another flip happend between two players shorter stack held pocket eights against Kx Qx of bigger stack. Runout 92x Tx 2x 8x Tx brought additional 33,000 to shorter stack and we didn´t see seat open at this time.
17:45 Noone wants to play with Flešár
Marián opens to 4,000, french player on sb was tanking a bit but folded. Slovak poker icon Michal Časnocha folded his bigblind too.
Level 9: 700 - 1,400 / 1,400, avg. 79,199, ent.: 387/613
17:30 Feature table running aswell !
17:00 River overbet
One of french players thought its going to be good idea to bet 50,000 into a pot of a 30,000 on the river 2x 2x 2x 2x 4x. His opponent snapcalled with Ax 8x and second pair of card instantly went to the muck. Ouch?!
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
Level 9: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200 , avg. 68,046, ent.: 435/592
Break 25 min
Remaining 430 players are going for second break of the day
16:25 Lopez double up
Bruno got in with Ah Kh for remaining 22,800 against Ax Qx held by his opponent. After runout 8h 3h 4s 9d 9h Lopez takes the double up.
16:15 Ciklamíni ain´t that immortal as it looks like
Patrik opens from Hj and gets call from bb. Game got to the river Ad Td 5d Jx 4x where Patrik went for full three barells with 7h 6h, but his opponent decided to call down with Ax 8x and Ciklamíni is busted.
Level 8: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 64,607, ent.: 445/575
16:00 Denis Kurek busto
Sad story for slovak players, Denis Kurek got on the turn 2x Tx Tx Jx and somehow managed to get his 35,000 inside with Ax Jx against Kx Qx held by his opponent. River 9x brought straight and we have one slovakian player less.
15:45 Kurek ain´t afraid
Kurek opens to 1,700, Lopez raises to 5,300 and Denis jams back for about 25,000. Lopez folds very quickly and Denis is regaining parts of lost starting stack.
Level 8: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 58,917, ent.: 471/555
15:35 Clash of titans
Couldn´t get names for these two but there was about 70,000 from each side going behind the line with pocket queens against pocket aces of higher stack. Board brought no surprise and we saw one of seat opens.
15:20 Ventura Vs. Tytgat
On the river 7h 6h Jc 5s 4h there was little under 10,000 in pot and Tytgat goes by bet of 11,000. Ventura tanks for couple of minutes and pulls out raise of 35,000. Tytgat folds very quickly.
Level 6: 300 - 700 / 700, avg. 54,574, ent.: 482/526
14:55 Over 500 entries is nice
But Patrik Ciklamíni just took his seat. Let´s see what he will show up today !
14:45 Gregory Goudon takes pot with turn raise
On the turn Tx 5x 7x Jx Julien Da Silva bets 5,000 into pot of 5,400 and Julie Cordes after quite some time folds. Gregory comes up with raise to 11,000 and after few questions if he show the bluff and so on, Da Silva gives up on his hand.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 53,354, ent.: 477/509
First break of day
25 min
14:00 Igor Martoň takes nice one
There was openraise and 3-bet from french players. Igor Marton decides to peel cold 4-bet from bb to 8,500 and only Debregeas found courage to call. On the flop 8c 7c 8h Marton goes with 6,500 conti bet and Debregeas calls. On the turn 8h Marton strikes again, for 12,000 and Debregeas passes his hand.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 52,682, ent.: 466/491
The Festival is coming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
13:35 Tytgat takes small one
On the turn Jh 6h Tc there is 3,000 in the pot and Tytgat c-bets for 1,800. Basserau doesn´t want to play anymore and give up on his hand.
13:25 Split pot
Gallien opens to 1,200 from Co and Gallois calls from sb. On the flop 9d Ac Qc Gallien c-bets for 1,600 and Gallois calls. On the turn Qs they both check slowly. On the river 8s Gallois bets for 1,200 and Gallien makes the call after short while. Gallois held As 7s and Gallien shows up Ax 2x. Pot is splitting between these two.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,690, ent.: 436/442
13:15 Aces for Halin
On the flop Jc Qs 8d Halin bets 2,600 in pot of about 5,000 and Thevenet after some time raises to 7,500. Halin slowly calls and turn Tc and river Jd remain without agresive actions. Halin shows pocket aces and Thevenet mucks.
13:00 Time !
On the river 4h c Ks 2c 4d there was about 40,000 in the pot and Tytgat jammed for about 35,000. Nazarian tanked for couple of minutes and in the end time was called. Floorman started countdown, but by the start Nazarian folded face up Qx Qx.
12:50 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 50,125, ent.: 399/400
12:30 Little bit slower game
On the turn 4d 5s 3s Qc there was about 5,000 inside and Frederic Ledoux decided to bet 2,600. Boulhaouchet called quickly and Guidici was thinking for a bit. He decided to call aswell and on the river 2h Boulhaouchet fires for 6,300. Both opponents took their time and folded their hands.
12:15 From local players i can see ...
Študent and Miro Juriš are already registred in flight 1B !
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 375/375
WPO and flight 1B will start in couple of minutes
Players are taking their seats
WPO Main Event:
Start: 12:00
Starting stack: 50.000 chips
Late reg: 13 lvls
All Day 1s end once ITM is reached
Day 2 will start on the level after the earliest Day 1 finish
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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