Flight 1A of Winamax Poker Open attracted 427 players and that means prizepool after first flight is 213,500€, however, due to pre-registered players for upcoming flights this number is currently at 264,880€. Chiplead for now belongs to Benjamin Gross with stack of 822,000. Dominik Desset with wonderful 706,000 and Matúš Kučera with 429,000 are only advancing slovak players. Flight 1B starts at 12:00 and you can see full schedule bit lower. Stacks will be published after verification.
Stack of 72 advancing players:
00:45 And that´s it for today
Gourlier and Bebon busted few minutes after level started. In last hand Lormel got his about 85,000 inside with Ax Kx against David Goudedard who held Qx Qx. Runout Tx 8x 2x 2x Qx couldn´t be more clear and that means we know first batch of advancing players !
Level 21: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 288,514, ent.: 74/427
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
Break 15 minutes
00:20 Desset wins a flip
Desset got into preflop all in confrontation with Ad Kd against pocket jacks held by Benjamin. Benjamin had 140,000 and Desset had him covered. After runout Td 6h 5x 7d 9d Desset takes one down and we are one step closer to the bubble.
00:10 Vincent Malet takes from Esnay
On the flop 3h 4h 9s Malet bets 30,000 into about 70,000 and Esnay raises to 75,000, leaving about 100,000 behind. After long long tank Malet goes with the call and on the turn Qc jams for about 100,000. Esnay fold very quickly.
Level 20: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 273,718, ent.: 78/427
23:50 Nasty hit for Desset
Dominik Desset stacked off with pocket queens against pocket nines held by Leandry. Board brought another nine on the flop and Dominik had to pay 280,000 to his opponent. Dominik has 300,000 left after this game. As there is 72 advancing players, bubble is approaching us.
23:35 Paul Saint wins preflop
Remy Cougnenc opens to 16,000 and Paul 3-bets to 40,000. Pierre Lallement tanked for little while in sb but folded. Paul took his time and folded aswell.
Level 19: 3,500 - 7,000 / 7,000, avg. 257,229, ent.: 83/427
23:15 Belioz busto after flip
Esnay opens to 12,000 and Belioz jams for remaining 49,000. After long thinking, Esnay calls with Ax 8x. Belioz shows pocket sixes and after runout 8x 5x 3x Tx 2x flight 1A is done with him.
23:05 Desset in action
Dominik opens his sb to 18,000 and Leandry Ainonkpo calls from bb. On the flop Ad Td 2c Desset goes for 17,000 c-bet and Leandry folds after short tank.
Level 18: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 217,857, ent.: 98/427
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
22:50 River push by Paul Garcia
On the river 3s 4s 8s 7h 6s Paul shoves for remaining 53,000 into pot of 38,000. Villius Augustis tanked for good two minutes but decdes to call. Garcia shows As Ah and proactive dealer mucked hand of lithuanian player.
22:30 Allain double up
Allain got his 84,000 in preflop with pocket queens against Ax 9x held by Jouanneau. Runout 9x 2x 3x 6x 7x brought double up to a short stack.
Level 17: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 197,685, ent.: 107/427
72 players will advance to day 2 !
Break 15 min
22:05 Nice river for Gourvenec
On the turn Ks Ts 5c 6c pot was about 75,000 and Leffeter decided to bet 22,000. After short while Gourvenec made this call. River Ad was checked down and Gourvenec shows up with Ac 2c. His opponent mucks with unhappy look in his face.
21:45 Sad spot for Bartoš
Hand happend level ago but Martin Bartoš told me about it now. One of french guys opens to 7,000 out of button, sb calls and Bartoš makes it 33,000. Button folds and sb tanks for about 3 minutes. Then he decides to ship his 150,000 behind the line with pocket nines. Bartoš held Ax Kx and made the call. Blank board eliminated one of few slovak players out of flight 1A. As for good news, Dominik Desset now sits on one of bigstacks with 500,000 and counting.
Battle Royale K.O Final Table stacks and seating:
Seat 1: Trevidi Ewen - 1,750,000
Seat 2: Janczarski Michal Mariusz - 3,960,000
Seat 3: Progner Boris - 1,190,000
Seat 4: Hem Dorian Sivann - 905,000
Seat 5: Boucherat Nelson Franci - 1,045,000
Seat 6: Lammy GIlles Albert - 3,345,000
Battle Royale Final Table payout :
1. 17,370€
2. 17,370€
3. 10,350€
4. 7,395€
5. 5,280€
6. 3,770€
Level 16: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 177,917, ent.: 120/427
21:25 DeJesus Vs. Moreau
On the flop Qh 7d 2s there was about 25,000 in the pot and Moreau bets 15,000. De Jesus makes the call and turn Ts is checked. On the river 8s Moreau checks again and De Jesus fires for solid 65,000. Moreau tanks couple of minutes and muck his hand in the end.
21:10 3-bet pot
Benjamin Garcia opens to 7,000 from Co and Brahimi Messina out of bigblind 3-bets to 16,000. After little while Benjamin makes a call. Flop 8c 6c 2d goes check-check slowly, on the turn Messimi bets 25,000. Benjamin folded after little while.
Level 15: 1,500 - 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 155,839, ent.: 137/427
20:55 Joubert double up
Joubert jammed his last 38,000 with Kx Tx and Jirout behind him called with Ax Tx. Runout Kx Tx 7x 8x 2x held for Joubert this time.
20:40 Registration to flight 1A has been closed
Flight 1A has attracted 428 players and after first day there is 214,000€ in prizepool.
Level 14: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 123,837, ent.: 171/427
Dinner break 60 minutes
19:40 Split pot right before dinner break
On the flop 8s 2s Ac, 12,000 was in the middle and Chiron pulls out very careful bet of 3,500. Julien Dupre calls and both checks on the turn 4d. On the river 2c Dupre bets 5,000 and after long while Chiron calls. Dupre held Jx 8x, which was split against 8x 7x held by Chiron.
19:20 Stevie Radjagobalou out
Stevie jammed from sb his around 30,000 with Kh 6h and Johann Greboval woke up with Ah Jh. After runout Ts 9s 5h 3d Qs Johann doubles up and Stevie was left with last 6,000. He lost those few hands after.
Level 13: 1,200 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 111,905, ent.: 189/423
There will be 60 minutes break after this level. This is last level for registration and reentry to flight 1A and by end of the break registration will close.
19:00 Rebour loosing pot
Theo Rebour in the smallblind bets 12,000 on the flop Qc 6c 9h in pot of about 35,000. De Jesus calls and on the turn 2s Theo goes by checking. De Jesus decides to fire 29,000. Theo responded with superfast fold. Rebour still holds more than 340,000 after this hand.
18:40 A-high was enough this time
On the flop 8s 8h 9d 10,000 was in the middle and Goudedard with Chemarin both checks. On the turn 4c Goudedard minbets and Chemarin calls. River Kh brought two fast checks again and Goudedard shows Ax 7x. Second hand goes right in the muck.
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 93,750, ent.: 224/420
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
18:25 Ješko rejams
Verin opens to 3,500 on the button and Ješko rejams his around 30,000 out of small blind. Desset in bb folds and Verin quickly folds too.
18:15 Nice river for Mahiou
On the river Td 4d 6s 7c 3d there was little under 20,000 in the pot and Mahiou bets 20,000. Bruno Paris tanks a little and calls. Mahiou flips over As 5s for riverred straight and Bruno mucks.
Level 11: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 84,836, ent.: 244/414
18:05 Karol Bogusz win with small river bet
On the turn Tc 6c 5d Qc there is almost 9,000 in the pot. Bogusz, Pontin and Salinier checks. On river 7d polish player bets 2,500, Salinier folds and Pontin calls. Bogusz shows up Ax Tx and Pontin mucks.
17:50 Korchia winning in 3-bet pot
On the flop 9c 8c 5h there was 22,000 inside and Korchia bets 3,000 from button. Gallois calls slowly and on the turn after some thinking Korchia bets 10,000. Gallois decides to fold after some time.
Level 10: 700 - 1,400 / 1,400, avg. 76,779, ent.: 267/410
17:35 Beaumont done
Beaumont got into preflop all in with pocket deuces agains tpocket jacks held by Chiron for about 35,000. After board Qx 8x 5x Ax 4x Beaumont has to leave his seat.
17:15 Game getting crazy
Moreau opens to 2,500, Pirani and Joubert calls. On the flop As 9s 5c Moreau c-bets for 3,500 Pirani folds and Joubert calls. Turn 3h both checks and on the river 8s Moreau bets 5,000. Joubert decided to raise to 16,800, which caused several minutes long tank by Moreau. After quite some time Moreau calls and Joubert shows 6x 9x. No good against Ax 8x.
16:45 Pavel Chalupka busted Battle Royale event in 14th place for 1,140€ + KOs
Pavel jammed last about 10bb with Kx Qx and one of his opponents found Ax Jx. Runout 5x 9x Jx 9x 9x eliminated Chalupka close to the final table.
Level 9: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,276, ent.: 290/396
Break 25 min
16:30 Antoine Bischoff busto
On the flop Jx 8x Tx Antoine bets 5,000 into small pot and Bebonjams for about 40,000 effective stack. Bischoff decides to call quickly with Kx Jx but that wasn´t enough against pocket aces even after turn of 5x or river Qx.
16:20 Stephane Deraet with quads
On the river 6x 6x Tx 7x Jx there was about 30,000 inside and Deraet bets 11,900. Moreau calls very quickly and mucks even faster when Stephane flip over his pocket sixes.
Level 8: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 62,040, ent.: 298/371
16:10 Dominik Desset just got in
Along the Matúš Schnierer and Matúš Kučera, Dominik is next from slovak players in Main Event. Let´s see, how it goes for him.
16:00 Wanted K.O about to start
In next couple of minutes Wanted K.O will start. Buy in is set to 150€ and late registration is possible for first ten levels.
15:50 Marius Rusu loosing tiny one
Beaumont opens button to 1,600 and Rusu calls from bb. Flop 8s 2s 5c went check check, on the turn Ac Beaumont bets 3,200 and Rusu folds.
15:40 Battle Royale KO Final Table stream soon !
Level 7: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 58,442, ent.: 308/360
15:35 Leneveu scoops another one
On the turn Td 6d 8s 7c Leneveu bets 8,000 into 10,000. Beaumont tanked for a minute, but ended up folding his hand.
15:20 Set for Olivier Aulnois
On the river 9d 5h 2h Jd 7c there was 15,000 in pot and Olivier bets 5,300. Pereira thought about it for some time and decided to call, but mucked when he saw 9x 9x flipped over by his opponent.
15:15 Friendly football match between Banco Casino and Winamax ended up 4:3 for Banco !
Quite surprising, regarding physical condition of some of us but it´s there ! :-)
Level 6: 300 - 700 / 700, avg. 54,777, ent.: 314/344
15:05 Jean Sala ships
On the turn Qc Th 4h 2d there was about 20,000 in the middle and Jean bets 12,000. Cecile Pradeau calls and on the river 6h Sala ships for about 40,000. Cecile tanks a bit and folds, Jean shows As 3s.
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride ... If you want to know more, Interview with one of Banco Casino Ambassadors will definately give you few ideas
14:50 This one belongs to Gillardin
On the flop Ac Qh Js Gillardin bets 1,500 from bb, Kristyna Mlikova and Rene Esnault calls. Turn 6s and river 2h went by check-check and René shows Ah 3h, which wasnt enough against Ax 7x held by Gillardin. Mlikova mucked her hand and Gillardin took small pot right after the break.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 53,084, ent.: 308/327
Break 25 min
14:10 Bernard Kobis takes one right before the break
Onthe turn 9s 7s 4h 2d Korben bets 1,800 into pot of about 4,000. Kevin Korchia tanks for a bit and fold his hand.
13:55 Louis Alostery winning
On the turn 5h 5d As 7c Francois Halliez bets 4,100 into 10,000 and Alostery calls. River 9s brings two checks and Louis shows Ax Qx. Halliez mucks quickly.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 51,552, ent.: 290/299
13:40 René Esnault with aces
On the river Qc 8c 7s Kd Jd there was almost 10,000 in the pot and Octa De Lignaud bets 7,500. Esnault tanks for a bit and makes a call with pocket aces. Was more than enough against Qx Tx held by Octa.
13:20 Ouchie
On the flop 5d 3d 5c there was about 3,000 inside and Davor Bojovic bets for 1,200, Elliot Vergne folds and Romain Mahiou calls. . Turn 9h is checked and on the river 4d Romain bets 2,300. Davor raises to 9,500 and Romain tanks for couple of minutes. In the end he calls with his Ac 2d, but that wasn´t enough for Kd 9d held by Davor.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 50,534, ent.: 281/284
13:00 River value
On the river 2x Qx 6s 5x 6x there was about 25,000 in the middle and Tanguy bets 12,500. After short while Gaiddon decides to make a call, but couldn´t beat opponents 5x 5x and mucked his hand.
12:45 Frederic Bebon took one
Frederic with Alexis Leneveu got on the flop Qc 3s 6s for 3,000, where Bebon bets 2,300 and gets called. On the turn 8h we seen two swift checks and on the river 6h Bebon bets 2,500 and Leneveu went into a long tank. After couple of minutes Leneveu folded his hand.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg.50,190, ent.: 263/264
12:35 Tanguy tried
Tanguy opens to 600 from button, chevrel and Gaiddon calls. Flop Kh 6s 5s brought three fast checks. On the turn 9h Gaiddon bets eight hundred and only Tanguy calls. On the river As Tanguy bets 2,000 and get rather quickly call from Gaidon. Tanguy mucks his hand instantly and Gaidon shows him at least Kx.
12:25 Game is very careful in beggining
There was about 1,000 in pot on the turn Ac 5h 4d Kh and Beaulaigue, Ziecik and Lemoine checks. On the river 9c polish player bets 200 and both his opponents mucks.
12:15 Only one slovak player in Main Event so far
Who else it would be, if not Martin Bartoš?
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 230/230
12:10 Shuffle up and deal
Flight 1A started with 230 players seated at table and much more to come.
12:00 We will begin shortly
Players are taking their seats and we will begin in couple of minutes
WPO Main Event:
Start: 12:00
Starting stack: 50.000 chips
Late reg: 13 lvls
All Day 1s end once ITM is reached
Day 2 will start on the level after the earliest Day 1 finish
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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