Long journey with name TheFestival and its Main Event is over. Winner is Michel Molenaar who took home without deal 126,650€. Main Event attracted 1,271 entries and final prizepool was 603,725€, which is also highest single win in Slovakia. It´s going to be insanely hot in Banco Casino Bratislava this winter, as by the end of october we are hosting another Banco Casino Masters with guarantee of 250,000€ and many other events. Keep checking our website and social media for update. Thank you for staying with us and we are looking forward to see you all again !
Final Day payouts:
1. Molenaar Michel - 126,650€
2. Dijkstra Gerianne - 77,450€
3. Sigurdsson Leo - 50,550€
4. Rakovan Slavomír - 36,975€
5. Kamaras Peter - 27,900€
6. Mann Sascha - 20,375€
7. Berman Mark - 14,350€
8. Dichev Yasen - 9,870€
9. Lugosi Marton - 6,820€
10. Frese Aaron - 5,795€
11. Rajkovic Adi - 5,795€
12. Hanak Andrew - 5,795€
13. Thorsrud Ylva - 4,710€
14. Raettyae Jari - 4,710€
15. Zapantis Ronald - 4,710€
16. Zsuffa Miklos - 4,710€
23:15 Second place finish belongs to Gerianne Dijkstra for 77,450€
On the turn 2x 9x 9x Jx Dijsktra bets 3,000,000 and Molenaar calls. River 6h brought a shove of 5,500,000 and fast call from Michel. Gerianne held 7x 4x for a bluff and Michel Molenaar took the last pot with Jh 5h.
23:05 Heads up stacks
Dijkstra – 10,725,000
Molenaar – 27,425,000
Short break
23:00 Leo Sigurdsson out in third place for 50,550€
Leo got last 6,000,000 in with Qx Tx against Molenaar with Ax 8x. Runout Ax 3x 9x 5x 2x was last for Sigurdsson and he takes home 50,550€. Headsup will begin shortly.
22:20 Gerianne again with a chiplead
On the flop Td 9d 4s Dijkstra bets 1,000,000 from sb and Molenaar calls. Turn 4d brought bet of 2,000,000 from Gerianne and Michel called again. On the river 5d Gerianne jammed for almost ten million, but Michel held Jh 9h and folded. Gerianne with pocket fives got to 28 million and took chiplead again.
22:10 Molenaar with aces
Sigurdsson opens to 800,000 with As Qs and Molenaar 3-bets to 2,300,000 with Ad Ac. Sigurdsson makes the call and on the flop Jc 9c 8h Sigurdsson bets 900,000. Molenaar called and 2c brought bet of 1,300,000 from Molenaar. Sigurdsson thought about it for a bit and made the call. River 7d went check check and Molenaar retook chiplead.
Level 33:200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 12,710,000, ent.: 3/1,271
21:55 Dijkstra double up
Molenaar opens to 600,000 and Gerianne rejams for about 7,000,000 from bb. Molenaar calls with Qs Js and Gerianne shows up with Ad 7d. BOard Kd 6h 2s 8d 4s doubled up Gerianne.
21:10 Slavomír Rakovan out in fourth place for 36,975€
Rakovan jammed his two million from Ep with Kh 4h and Molenaar called in with Kc Jh. Board 8c Qs Jc 2s Kd brought us one step closer to the champion.
Level 32: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 9,532,500, ent.: 4/ 1,271
Break 15 min
20:40 Molenaar nice double up
Molenaar got his 6,600,000 in with Ac 3c against Sigurdsson with pocket queens. Board 7h 5d 4d As Td gave double up to dutch player.
20:05 Peter Kamaras finishes in fifth place for 27,900€
Kamaras jammed his 3,200,000 with Ah 9h and Sigurdsson found pocket jacks in sb. Board 9x 3x 3x 3x 2x didn´t help improve Peter´s hand enoguh to beat Sigurdsoon. Kamaras wins 27,900€.
Level 31: 125,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 7,626,000, ent.: 5/1,271
19:40 Another victim of Final Table is Sascha Manns
Sascha got his chips in with pocket jacks against Ax Kx held by Rakovan. Board Ax Qx 8x 2x 4x meant Sascha looses last 2,700,000 and is eliminated in sixth place for 20,375€.
19:10 Berman busted in seventh place
Bermangot his 12bb in with pocket sixes and Gerianne found aces this time. Board Kx Kx Qx 5x Qx confrimed nice sunrun for Gerianne and Berman takes home 14,350€
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 5,447,142, ent.: 7/1,271
Short break
18:50 Dichev double up and out
At first Dichev found Ax Kx and rejammed onto Peter´s openraise. Kamaras called 930,000 with Qc Tc and after board 9s 8s 9d 6d 3d Dichev doubles up. Couple of hands later Dichev found Ax Kx again and jammed 2,300,000. Gerianne found pocket kings and her stack flew in too. BOard Tx Tx 7x 3x 7x eliminates Yasen Dichev in 8th palce for 9,870€.
18:30 First significant pot
Sigurdsson opens to 325,000 and Molenaar called from bb. Flop 9h 5h 2s was checked. Turn Jd was valued by Sigurdsson to 500,000 and Molenaar calls. River Ad didn´t brought any agressive action and Molenaar with 5d 2d wins this pot.
Level 29: 60,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,766,250, ent.: 8/1,271
Battle for 126,650€ just has begun !
We are still playing for:
1. 126,650€
2. 77,450€
3. 50,550€
4. 36,975€
5. 27,900€
6. 20,375€
7. 14,350€
8. 9,870€
Final Day bustouts so far:
9. Lugosi Marton - 6,820€
10. Frese Aaron - 5,795€
11. Rajkovic Adi - 5,795€
12. Hanak Andrew - 5,795€
13. Thorsrud Ylva - 4,710€
14. Raettyae Jari - 4,710€
15. Zapantis Ronald - 4,710€
16. Zsuffa Miklos - 4,710€
Stacky and seating Final Table:
Seat 1: Dijkstra Gerianne – 5,798,000
Seat 2: Molenaar Michel – 8,115,000
Seat 3: Berman Mark – 3,520,00
Seat 4: Manns Sacha – 2,425,000
Seat 5: Kamaras Peter – 5,315,000
Seat 6: Rakovan Slavomír – 3,175,000
Seat 7: Sigursson Leo – 8,405,000
Seat 8: Dichev Yasen – 1,410,000
Break 30 min
17:45 Marton Lugosi out in 9th place for 6,820€
Marton jammed his last four big blinds and got two callers. Flop Jc 5s Js brought only checks from active players, on the turn Tc and river 8c Dichev was check calling Sigurdssons bets. Sigurdsson held pocket fives, Dichev held Qx 9x for straight and Lugosi is eliminated with only Qd 6d.
Level 29: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, Ent.: 9/1,271
Live Report will continue along with Live Stream:
Break 20 min
16:35 Bubbleboy of final table is Aaron Frese
Aaron got it in with Ax 9x for like 10bb and Gerianne Dijkstra found aces. Board Ax 7x 9x Xx 7x eliminated Aaron in 10th place for 5,795€. To the final table we go !
16:20 Game slowed down
Not much happend in last couple of minutes, as we are on final table bubble decisions take longer for players, and nobody want to take unecessary risks.
15:50 Adi Rajkovic out in 11th place for 5,795€
Rajkovic jammed his short with Ax 8x and Molenaar called with Kx 7x. Board Kx Jx 8x 5x 6x eliminated Adi.
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,813,000, ent.: 10/1,271
15:30 Next couple of months in Banco Casino Bratislava will be loaded with poker action :
15:20 Andrew Hanak takes 5,795€ for 12th place finish
Adi Rajkovic opens to 280,000 and got call from Kamaras. Hanak rejammed about 1,500,000, Rajkovic folded and Kamaras called with pocket nines. Hanak held Ac 5c and board 3x 5x Tx Tx Kx was last one for Hanak.
15:15 13th place belongs to Ylva Thorsrud
Ylva got it in with Kx Jx against Sigurdsson with 7x 7x .Board 8x 7x 5x Jx Ax is giving Sigurdsson a set and Ylva is another player eliminated from main event.
Level 27: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,177,500, ent.: 13/1,271
15:05 Crazy double for Aaron Frese
On the flop 5d Qh 3h Kamaras bets 265,000 and Frese raises to 630,000 and blinds folded. Kamaras called and on the turn Td Kamaras jams something above 1,800,000. Frese tanked for like ten minutes before made the call with Ah Jh. Kamaras tabled 6h 2h and river 3d brought Aaron to stack of 5,500,000.
14:55 Rattya done in 14th place
Jari jammed his short with pocket eights and Sascha Manns opted in for a call with Qs Tx. Board Ts 7s 5s 4s 7h brought flush to Sascha and Jari is on the leave.
14:45 Roland Zapantis vypadáva na 15tom mieste za 4,710€
Roland dostal stack za čiaru s Kx Qx proti Bermanovi s 9x 8x. Board sme nanešťastie nikto nezachytili, pretože sa hra stala na streamovanom stole, ale ako jeden z kolegov poznamenal, určite tam na Vás čaká pekný badbeat.
14:30 Adi Rajkovic double up
Adi jams 6bb with Qx Tx and Hanak called from blinds with 9h 4h. Runout Ks Jc 2s Qh 8s is good for Adi and he goes up to one million chips.
14:20 First hand first elimination
Dichev opens to 160,000 and Zsuffa jams his 415,000. Zapantis rejams for almost 1,500,000 and Dichev gave up. Zsufa tabled Ah Tc and Zapantis held Ac Jh. Board 8s 4h 6d 5h 4s didn´t brought 3-outer or other theoretical possibilities and Zsuffa takes home 4,710€.
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,383,125, ent.: 16/1,271
From this level there is almost 43 minutes left. All other levels will take 50 minutes today.
What are we playing for today:
1. 126,650€
2. 77,450€
3. 50,550€
4. 36,975€
5. 27,900€
6. 20,375€
7. 14,350€
8. 9,870€
9. 6,820€
10-12. 5,795€
13-16. 4,710€
Final Day seating and chipcounts:
TheFestival Main Event 500,000€ GTD
Start : 12:00
Day 1 will be played 12 lvls
Late Registration : 14 levels / Late reg open first 2 lvls of Day 2
5 % deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
CODE HUNTER - otvorte trezor a vyhrajte progresívny JACKPOT!
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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