TheFestival and flight 1A of Main Event with 500,000€ GTD attracted 134 players and we have first 39 advancing players. Chipleader of flight 1A is Rickard Larsson with stack of 256,000. Main Event will continue with flight 1B tommorow since 12:00. Below you can find schedule of whole TheFestival. We are looking forward to see you!
Chipcounts 1A:
20:50 Last five hands !
20:40 Bad timing
On the flop Td 6d 8d there was about 20,000 in the middle and Kenneth Aspestrand bets 15,000. Ian Vertefeuille calls and Danyila Szizov folds. On the turn Ts Ian leads out for 20,000 and Kenneth slowly calls. On the river Jh Ian jams effective for 43,300 and Kenneth with Ad Ax snapcalls. Ian shows 9d 9x and need to give up part of his stack.
20:35 Rejam
Lykouris opens to 4,200 from Mp, but Krogviv in bb decides to shove for about 50,000. After some tanking, Lykouris folds his hand.
Level 12: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 93,488, ent.: 43/134
Last level of flight 1A ! All remaining players are advancing to day 2!
20:20 Larsson Vs Yitshak
On the flop Ax Qx 7x Shalom jams his 25,000 with Qx Jx and Larsson calls with Ax Kx. Turn Tx and river 5x didn´t change anything and Shalom is eliminated. Larsson climbs to almost 400,000 and takes chiplead.
20:05 Big bet no good for Zoltan Kovacs
On the flop Kh Th 5c there was about 8,000 in the middle and Kovacs from sb bets same sum. Joel Salmirinne calls and turn 3d is checked quickly. On the river 3s Joel bets 6,200 and Kovacs tanked for a while before he fold his hand.
Level 11: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 79,200, ent.: 50/132
19:40 Ciklamíni out
Ciklamíni jammed for his almos 15,000 with Ac Jc and Kristiansen called with Th 9h. Board 9c 8s 9d 6c 4d didn´t help Ciklamíni and he is on his way for reentry.
19:25 Marcin Niedzwiecki out
Marcin openjamemd his 27,500 with pocket threes and Jahn Terje in bb found Ax Kx. Call was quick and after runout Ax 5x Jx Qx Qx Marcin is eliminated.
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
Level 10: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 63,443, ent.: 61/129
Break 20 min
Last break of flight 1A !
18:30 Winner of The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final Warm Up is Peter Zolnai for 7,000€ !
18:20 Patrick Pfeiffer double up
Niedzwiecki opens to 2,000, Hilde Rodsand behind him calls and Pfeiffer from blinds jams for 20,500. Marcin thought about it for a while and decided to acll with As 9s. Hilde folded and Patrick tabled Ac Qc. Board 5d 5c 3s 2c Ad held for Patrick and he got his double up.
Level 9: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 53,239, ent.: 71/126
18:00 Niederreiter good with single bet
On the flop Jh 2h 5h there was 8,000 in the middle and Niederreiter bets 5,000. Frese, Gorej and Vladár folded quickly.
17:45 Michel Molenaar double up through Niko Kvasai
On the turn 2s Qd Th 9c there was about 40,000 inside and Niko bets 16,500. Michel shipped his stack behind the line and Niko called with set of tens. Michel held pocket kings, but river Jx meant Niko will loose about 80,000 in this hand and after nice start is left with about 20,000.
Level 8: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 45,750, ent.: 80/122
17:25 Long tank for Lehtiniemi
On the river Jd 5h 8h 7c 2h Harri Lehtiniemi bets 5,000, Finnbogason folds and Taras Khilko raises to 13,500. Harri thought about this call for about 3 minutes and decides to throw one chip in. Whatever he had, against Ah Jh held by Taras it wasn´t any good.
17:10 Ondruš taking from Leif Larsson
On the flop Qs Ts Tc there was about 7,000 in the pot and Larsson bets 3,300. Sverrisson with Herold folds, but Ondruš decides to call. Turn Kd goes check-check and river 5c is valued for 6,500 by Larsson. Ondruš calls almost instantly with Qx Jx and beats Ax 5x held by Larsson.
Cash Game Challenge livestream:
Level 7: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 41,294, ent.: 85/117
Break 20 minút
One-week long party in early November !
France - Benelux Masters are returning and this time buy in is set to 130€ and guarantee will be 150,000€.
16:05 Gorej takes very nice pot
Igor got into preflop all in with pocket queens against Ax Kx held by Aaron Frese. Board 6x 8x 4x 6x 2x was no help for american player and Igor gives his 55,000 new home. Gorej operates with 125,000 stack right now.
Level 6: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 38,966, ent.: 87/113
15:40 Kasper Nielsen win pot too
On the flop Td 4d 5s Shalom bets 1,600 and Koloszar with Nielsen calls. Turn Kd is checked through and on the river 7h Kasper bets 4,200. Both opponents folds.
15:20 Thomas Lindstrom takes the pot
On the flop Jd Ad 9d Thomas bets 2,100, Mikael calls and Anton Parso folds. On the turn 7s Thomas continues with bet of 4,500 and gets called quickly. On the river 5s Thomas bets 8,000 and Mikael tanks for a while. After he folds Thomas shows 6x 4x for a bluff.
The Hendom Mob Championship Warm Up Final Table chipcounts:
Seat 1: Aarts Jeroen - 239,000
Seat 2: Rasmussen Ruben - 220,000
Seat 3: Leitenroth Sandor - 174,000
Seat 4: Oswald Alexander - 612,000
Seat 5: Berman Mark - 220,000
Seat 6: Zolnai Peter - 598,000
Seat 7: Klein Niklas - 298,000
Seat 8: Boerrud Kristoffer - 599,000
Seat 9: Wilsom Simon - 330,000
Final Table payouts :
1. 7,000€
2. 4,410€
3. 3,430€
4. 2,660€
5. 2,100€
6. 1,680€
7. 1,260€
8. 980€
9. 770€
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
Level 5: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 35,667, ent.: 90/107
14:50 Small turn bet no good
Erik Suchý went with bet of 1,300 into a pot of about 7,000 on the turn 3d 9c 2c 4s. Rizwan Waqar calls and Ole Wasenius raises to 3,900. Erik folds after some time and Waqar makes the call. On the river Qh Wasenius bets 7,600 and after short while his opponent folds.
14:40 Mikael Zackariasson winning
On the flop 9h 2h Ac Peter Muhlbek bets 2,500 into pot of 10,500, Mikael raises to 8,000 and Christian Arstad folded. Muhlbek called and turn Kc brought two swift checks. River 8c was valued at 9,500 by Zackariasson and after about one minute, Muhlbek folded his hand.
Level 4: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 32,530, ent.: 83/90
Break 20 min
Another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take place by end of October!
Usual buy-in of 170€, but guarantee boosted to 250,000€ will transform Banco Casino Bratislave a must-go poker stop by end of October.
13:50 Niko Kvassai eliminates Sierra Da Silva
On the river 9x Ax Kx 6x 7x Da Silva leads for 2,500 into a pot of about 11,000. Niko shoves for remaining 15,000 and gets fast call from Da Silva with Ax Tx. Niko held Ax Qx and took pot down.
Level 3: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 30,429, ent.: 70/71
13:30 Multiway pot
Five players agreed to pay 500 preflop and flop Jc 2c Jd and turn 9c was checked. On the river 4s Roeder bets 700, Pfeiffer and Hole calls. Roeder shows up with Ax 8x, Pfeiffer took pot with Th 9h and Hole mucked his hand. On next table David Safrany was first victim fo day 1A !
13:20 Patrick Pfeiffer takes down one
On the turn 7s Ts Ad Ac Patrick bets 2,600 into a pot of about 4,000. His opponent fold and pot belongs to Pfeiffer.
13:00 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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Level 2: 100 - 100 / 100, avg. 30,000, ent.: 49/49
12:50 Simple one for Peder Behr
Peder, Rath and Kovacs went on flop 6d 3d 8s for agreed seven hundred. Behr bets in position 1,600 and both opponents folded.
12:35 Split pot for start
On the river Qh 2c 9c Ac 9d there was 2,500 inside and Alfred Muller bets 600. Dimitrios Lykouris call quickly and Muller shows Ax Tx. Lykouris held Ax Jx and players have to split the pot.
12:20 Names in tournament so far :
Kačica, Da Silva, Roeder, Baranyi, Koloszár, Bielich, Grábics, Eriksson, Bugár and more
Level 1: 100 - 100, avg. 30,000, ent.: 32/32
12:00 TheFestival Main Event 500,000€ GTD just started
28 entries right for start and we will begin in a minute !
TheFestival Main Event 500,000€ GTD
Start : 12:00
Day 1 will be played 12 lvls
Late Registration : 14 levels / Late reg open first 2 lvls of Day 2
5 % deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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