19:00 Clocks has been stopped
We'll play the last three games.
18:55 Walking luck
Szablocs Dala opened from EP for 10,000, Shcherba called from the CO, and Batzella joined from the BB. On the flop 8x 6x 5x, Dala bet 14,000, Shcherba called, and Batzella folded. Both players checked the turn 5x, and on the river 4x, Vitalii bet 55,000. Dala called and turned over sevens, but it wasn't enough against 4x 4x.
18:45 The Game slows down
Nobody wants to bust just before making it to day 2, so we're seeing very few flops.
19:00 Hodiny stoja
Odohráme posledné tri hry
18:55 Chodiace šťastie
Szablocs Dala otvoril z Ep na 10,000, Shcherba dorovnal z Co a z bb sa pridal Batzella. Na flope 8x 6x 5x betoval Dala 14,000, Shcherba dorovnáva a Batzella zahodil. Turn 5x obaja checkli, na rivri 4x Vitalii betoval 55,000. Dala dorovnal a otočil sedmičky, čo však na 4x 4x nestačilo.
18:45 Hra sa spomalila
Nikomu sa nechce vypadnúť tesne pred postupom do day 2 a tak už vidímme flopov veľmi málo.
Level 16: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 143,158, ent.: 57/204
Break 15 min
18:30 Much noise about nothing
Gennaro Ranieri limped, and Luciano Messina effectively re-raised from the big blind with about 100,000. Gennaro thought for a long time, but in the end, no action came as he folded his cards.
18:15 Ješko doubles up
On the turn 4s 3d 8c 3c, there was around 60,000 in the pot, and Ješko pushed in roughly 90,000. After considerable contemplation, Lorenzo Acampora called with tens, but Ješko revealed Jx Jx. With the river card showing Kx, Ješko secures a double up, and Acampora falls short.
Level 15: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 121,791, ent.: 67/204
17:50 Giovanni Anello double up
Giovanni went all-in preflop for 72,000 with pocket nines against Mubarek Durmisi's Ace-King. After the board showed Ax 2x 7x 9x 4x, Anello secured a decent double up.
Level 14: 1,000 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 97,143, ent.: 84/204, 1G ent.: 19/37, 1H ent.: 17/24
Registration for flights 1F and 1G has closed, while registration for flight 1H remains open until 18:00!
Break 15 min
17:20 Split
Ješko went all-in on the Tx 4x 8x flop for about 60,000 with Ax Tx against Martin's Ax Tx. Neither the turn nor the river could bring a reversal, so they split the pot.
17:10 Messina Vs Zaric
On the 6c 5c 4c 5s 5h river, the pot was about 40,000, and both Messina and Zaric checked very slowly. Messina showed Ac Jc, while Zaric disappointedly showed only Kc.
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 91,954, ent.: 87/200, 1G ent.: 20/35, 1H ent.: 18/21
17:00 Flop raise
On the Kx Jx 6x flop, the pot was about 20,000, and Erik bet 11,000. Francesco took so long to think that the players at the table decided to put him on the clock. However, at the start of the countdown, Francesco folded his cards.
16:45 Flip
David and Paul went all-in preflop effectively for about 50,000. David showed Ax Qx, and Paul had jacks. However, the ace on the turn sent the British player out of the game.
Level 12: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 83,011, ent.: 93/193
16:15 Open push
Claudiovi hadn't seen cards for a while. Eventually, from early position, he decided to push for 50,000. Who knows why everyone folded...
16:00 Vitalii emerges victorious
Vitalii opened from the button for 3,000, and Janos called from the big blind. On the flop Jx Tx Tx, it checked through. On the turn 2x, Janos led out for 3,600, and Vitalii called. On the river Ax, Janos checked, and Vitalii bet 8,000. Janos called but immediately mucked when Vitalii showed Jx Tx.
Level 11: 700 – 1,400 / 1,400, avg. 74,175, ent.: 103/191
15:40 Andrej Desset emerges victorious
On the turn Qh 4h Ks 9s, Tomáš bet 3,000, and Andrej from the big blind called. On the 8h turn, Tomáš continued for 3,600 and once again got paid off. Tomáš held Js 2s, but Andrej took the pot with Tx 9x.
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 10: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,429, ent.: 112/186, 1G ent.: 20/26
15:15 Fernando's C-bet sufficed
On the flop Ax Ax Tx, the pot was about 20,000, and Fernando bet 8,000. His opponent hesitated to trust the ace but eventually folded.
14:55 Vitalii Shcherba joins the tournament
Let's see what Mr. Fish brings to the table this time....
Level 9: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 60,000, ent.: 130/170
Break 15 min
14:30 Flip
Thomas went all-in preflop with eights against his opponent's Ace-Jack, with about 15 big blinds. After a blank board, Thomas secures a double up, while his opponent loses half of their stack.
14:15 Gavino Faedda double up
Faedda remained in the preflop all-in for his 19,600 chips with nines against the aces held by Tomas Chrobak. However, after the board showed 9x 8x Jx 4x Qx, Tomas lost some chips.
Level 8: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 55,043, ent.: 117/162, 1G ent.: 14/14
13:50 4-bet
Luciano opened to 1,500 from Early Position, and Giovanni responded with a 3-bet to 5,000. After some thought, Luciano 4-bet to 14,000, prompting Giovanni to fold.
Level 7: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 51,852, ent.: 108/140, 1G ent.: 9/9
13:30 Marco Pizzuro double up
Marco went all in preflop with Ax Kx against Stanislav Tomov's nines. On the board Ax 4x 5x 7x 2x, Pizzuro scored a double up. A few hands later, Tomov busted from the tournament.
13:15 Xavier Servais victorious
On the turn As Ts 7c 6d, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and Xavier bet 3,500. Jakob Rott folded after a brief hesitation.
Level 6: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 47,241, ent.: 119/137
13:00 Turn bet
On the turn Tx 9x 9x Ax, there was approximately 7,000 in the pot, and Ivan bet 4,000. Both of his opponents smoothly folded.
12:45 Safety first
On the river Qx Kx Jx Jx 5x, there was about 20,000 in the pot, and Luca bet 5,000. Martin called with Jx Tx, and Luca, disappointedly, revealed Kx Qx.
Level 5: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 44,948, ent.: 97/109
Break 30 min
11:50 Francesco Longo all in
Markus Cerny opened to 1,200 from Early Position. Longo re-raised behind him to around 17,000. Markus, disappointedly, folded despite having a good hand.
Level 4: 200 – 300 / 300, avg. 45,455, ent.: 88/100
11:25 Peter Gavril Dorel climbs
On the turn of 7s 3s 8h 9d, there was about 10,000 in the pot, and Dorel bet 7,000. Mihaylov called, and on the river Ks, both checked. Mihaylov showed Ax Jx, and Peter took the pot with a set of threes.
11:15 Florian Foucek doubles up
On the turn of Td Ad 9d 2d, there was about 10,000 in the pot, and Foucek pushed the same amount. Markus Cerny called, Francesco Longo folded. Foucek had 8d 8x, Markus had Ax 6x. The river Xx couldn't change anything, and Florian remains at his seat for now.
Level 3: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 43,500, ent.: 80/87
10:50 Luciano Cutri Aggressive
Mikhaylov opened from EP for 600, Tabriz called from the SB, and Cutri raised to 7,700 from the BB. Mikhaylov folded, Tabriz called, and on the flop of 5d 3d Qs, Cutri shoved all in for 39,000. Tabriz folded, and Cutri showed Ax Kx. A few hands later, Tabriz busted from the tournament.
Level 2: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,667, ent.: 60/61
10:30 Slow Start
The game begins cautiously. In one of the larger pots, Andresso bet 4,000 into a similarly sized pot, and three opponents smoothly folded on the flop of Tx Tx 4x.
10:15 There is still over 94,000€ missing to meet the guarantee!
And the following options are still available for you: Flight 1F starts at 10:00, flight 1G – Turbo begins at 13:00, and flight 1H – Hyperturbo starts at 15:00. Day 2 kicks off at 20:00!
10:10 Players currently battling in the tournament include
Foglar, Mauro, Morello, Dohnal, Lukic, Valenta, and others.
Level 1: 100 - 100 / 100, avg. 40,000, ent.: 36/36
Tana Delle Tigri ME 250,000€ GTD:
Buy-in: 225€
Fee: 25€
Starting Stack: 40k
Late reg.: 13 lvls
Each Day 1 will be played for 16 lvls
5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
August 2024 will bring the Swedish Poker Championship at Banco Casino!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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