Tana delle Tigri Main Event 250,000€ GTD concluded its flight 1D. A total of 310 players registered for the tournament, with 70 of them advancing to day 2. The chip leader is Alem Noah, who managed to amass a stack of 531,000. There is still over 94,000€ missing to meet the Main Event guarantee, and the following options are still available for you: Flight 1F starts at 10:00, flight 1G – Turbo begins at 13:00, and flight 1H – Hyperturbo starts at 15:00. Day 2 kicks off at 20:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1D:
23:40 Nasty setup for Krajan
Certainly, Aneta wouldn't agree with us as she started the hand with a limp. Krajan raised to 12,000, and Aneta responded with a re-raise to 40,000. Krajan pushed all in, and Aneta immediately called off her 157,000 stack with Aces. Krajan revealed Kx Kx, and after the board ran out Qx Jx 5x 2x Ax, Aneta secures a significant double up at the end.
23:30 Last five hands in flight 1D!
Just like yesterday, players drew the last 5 hands of the flight!
23:20 Gabo Ižo double up
Gabo shoved 56,000 from EP with Kx Jx. El Mouflih, a few seats down, reshoved his massive stack with Ax Kx, and no one else joined. After the board ran out Jx 6x 3x Qx 2x, Gabo thus secured a double up.
Level 16: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 161,039, ent.: 77/310, 1E ent.: 39/84
Break 15 min
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava:
22:45 Turn bet
On the turn Qh 5d 8s 8h, the pot was around 40,000, and Yasen Trayanov bet 45,000. Istvan Hefler thought for a long time, eventually concluded he got a bad beat, and folded his cards.
Level 15: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 136,264, ent.: 91/310
22:20 Vito Roma eliminated
Vito from Ep pushed around 40,000 into the pot, and Dimitard Ordzhanov from the big blind called with Ah 8h. After the board came Kh 5h 9s 6d 4h, Dimitard completed his flush, and Roma ends his run in this flight.
22:00 Lorenzo Riva quickly claims a pot
Lorenzo opened from Co for 6,000, and Dejan Vrecko called from the button. On the flop As 9s Jd, Riva bet 7,500, and Vrecko immediately folded.
Level 14: 1,000 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 106,897, ent.: 116/310, 1E ent.: 43/63
Late registration for flight 1D was closed, registration for flight 1E – Turbo remains open until 23:50!
Break 15 min
21:20 Nice backdoor
On the turn Ad 6d Qs 8s with around 30,000 in the pot, Angelo Esposito bet 10,000 from the big blind. Pier Zito quickly called, and on the river 7s, Esposito continued for 35,000. Zito reluctantly called, and Esposito revealed As 6s. Zito frustratedly showed Ah 7h and falls to a short stack.
21:10 Jovanovic falls
Branimir Jovanovic opened for 3,500, followed by Aneta's 3-bet to 10,000, which Jovanovic called. On the flop 9c 6x 3x, Jovanovic check-called 6,300. Both checked on the turn Tc. On the river Jc, Aneta tried an additional 16,000. Jovanovic called, but couldn't beat Aneta's Kx Kx, and Aneta crosses the 100,000 mark.
Level 13: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 97,778, ent.: 126/308, 1E ent.: 48/57
21:00 Oreste Bittarelli content with c-bet
On the flop Ax Qx Jx with around 14,000 in the pot, Oreste bet 8,000. Monica Poggi, without hesitation, folded her cards.
20:45 3-bet pot
Valter Pedrinelli opened for 4,200, and Jonny Pedersen 3-bet to 15,000. After about two minutes, Pedrinelli called, and on the flop Ac Jc Kd, faced a bet of 12,000. Shortly after, Valter folded, proudly showing his nines to his opponent.
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 12: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 85,594, ent.: 143/306
20:30 Turboflight started some time ago
Third level started minute ago and there is 40 players in this flight !
20:20 Milan Húšťava eliminates
On the flop Kd 6h 7d with approximately 5,000 in the pot, Francesco Lannino bet 3,000. Cadoni folded, Fondi and Húšťava from the blinds called. On the turn 2s, Milan from the first position goes all-in for about 40,000, and Lannino quickly calls with his approximately 25,000. Fondi folds, and Milan shows As 9s. Fondi has Kx Qx, and after the river Ts, he is dismayed to be knocked out of the tournament.
Level 11: 700 – 1,400 / 1,400, avg. 78,701, ent.: 155/304
20:00 Athanasios Kechagias also out
On the river Td 4d 9c 6s 2c with a pot of over 100,000, Lamas goes all in for about 50,000. Athanasios, after some thought, calls his approximately 40,000 with Ax Tx, but Lamas turns over a set of fours, knocking out his Greek opponent.
19:45 Luca Battisti busts
On the flop Kh 4h 9s, Luca bet 5,500 into a pot of approximately 11,000, and Dejan Vrecko called. On the turn 6c, Luca went all in for 24,100. Dejan called with tens, and to the surprise of the audience, Luca showed Qx Jx. After the river Ax, Dejan eliminated his opponent.
Level 10: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 69,302, ent.: 172/298
Break 25 min
18:50 River killer
On the river Jx Tx 8x 5x 2x, the pot was approximately 50,000, and Guiseppe shoved all-in for about 40,000. Daniel snap-called with aces, but he couldn't beat his Italian opponent's twos and has to take advantage of the reentry option.
Level 9: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 63,169, ent.: 183/289
18:35 Pietro Marras hits the river
On the river Kc 5c Kd 4x 7c, the pot was approximately 20,000, and Pietro bet 11,000. His opponent called, and Pietro revealed a flush with Jc 8c. Disappointed, Gorgiev showed Kx and mucked his cards.
18:15 Athanasios wins on the flop
On the flop Kc Tc 9d, with a pot of 15,000, Athanasios bet 8,500 from the button. Both Testav and Lamas folded.
Level 8: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 56,531, ent.: 196/277
17:50 It didn't work out
On the river Kx Qx Qx 4x Ax, the pot was approximately 15,000, and Luca pushed for about 25,000. His opponent pondered for several minutes and eventually called with Jx Jx. Luca revealed only nines and exited the tournament.
Level 7: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 52,488, ent.: 205/269
17:30 Diego double up
On the flop 8d 6h 4c, the pot was around 10,000, and Diego from the blinds pushed a similar amount into four opponents. Only Umut Bicakci called with 5x 5x, and Diego held 7x 6x. With the 9x on the turn and an Ace on the river, Diego scooped the pot. Umut was eliminated from the tournament in the following hand.
17:15 C-bet sufficed
On the flop Tx 9x 7x, the pot was around 5,000, and Alessio bet 3,000. His opponent thought for quite some time but eventually folded.
Level 6: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 48,846, ent.: 205/254
17:00 Jirout all in
On the turn Jc 3h 9h 3s, the pot was 6,400, and František bet 7,500. Lukas Novak called, and on the river 9s, František pushed for just under 30,000. However, Novak folded.
16:45 Flip
Antonio went all in preflop for 20,000 with his Ax Qx against a Swedish opponent's tens. But a Qx landed on the turn, and Antonio scored a double up.
Break 30 min
15:45 Lada Procházková claims it
On the river Qx Qx 2x Qx Ax, the pot was just under 9,000, and Lada from the big blind takes the initiative and bets a modest 2,500. One opponent folds, the other calls. Lada reveals Qx 8x and naturally takes the pot.
Level 4: 200 – 300 / 300, avg. 43,404, ent.: 188/204
15:20 Another multiway pot
Di Florino started the action with a limp from Ep, Cerrato called, and Baltatu raised to 1,200 from Hj. Fondi called from the button, and Giordano joined from the bb. The limpers also called, and on the flop 5h 3s 6c, Baltatu bet 3,300, with only Fondi and Giordano calling. On the turn Tc, Giordano led for 5,200, and both opponents quickly called. On the river 8d, Giordano bet 5,000 and once again received two calls. Giordano showed Ts 6s, Fondi had Jx Jx, and Baltatu took this pot down with a set of threes.
Upcoming events at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 3: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,457, ent.: 175/177
14:50 Mladen Dobricki takes a nice pot
Libo opened to 500, Bittarelli, Plevano, and Hoffman called. Dobricki from the big blind 3-bet to 2,300, and all opponents called. On the flop 9s 2s 4c, Mladen continued for 3,600, and all opponents folded one by one.
Level 2: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,294, ent.: 136/137
14:25 Antonio gets help in a multiway pot early on
Antonio opened from EP to 300 and received calls five times. On the flop Ax 9x 4x, Antonio bet 1,500, and all his opponents folded one by one.
14:10 Players are already seated in the tournament..
Including Libo, Hoffmann, Palaontas, Stopka, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 100 / 100, avg. 40,000, ent.: 102/102
Tana delle Tigri ME 250,000€ GTD:
Buy-in: 225€
Fee: 25€
Starting Stack: 40k
Late reg.: 13 lvls
Each Day 1 will be played for 16 lvls
5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
August 2024 will bring the Swedish Poker Championship at Banco Casino!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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