After crazy-long day 2 of SSOP Main Event 250,000€ GTD we found sixteen players advancing to Final Day. Chipleader is Lajos Motel with stack 4,840,000. Tommorow Final Day starts at 16:00 and final table will have it´s live stream. There is 55,170€ up top and im sure it will be interesting fight. Since 19:00 we start SSOP Farewell Turbo Deepstack with buyin 55€. We are looking forward to see you !
Stacks and seating for Final Day :
Table 15:
Seat 1: Wacha Rafael - 3,770,000
Seat 2: Motel Lajos Laszlo - 4,840,000
Seat 3: Ješko Peter - 1,230,000
Seat 4: Maceják Matej - 2,700,000
Seat 5: Matkovic Christian - 3,020,000
Seat 6: Katsikas Dimitrios - 1,490,000
Seat 7: Krchnár Marek - 625,000
Seat 8: Kotowicz Sebastian - 4,295,000
Table 14:
Seat 1: Jovanovic Danjel - 2?470,000
Seat 2: Melichar Pavol - 1,655,000
Seat 3: Pesci Alex - 1,020,000
Seat 4: Pichler Peter-Ludwig - 3,355,000
Seat 5: Chollier Alexandre - 2,510,000
Seat 6: Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 2,170,000
Seat 7: Heger Pavel - 1,305,000
Seat 8: Shcherba Vitalii - 200,000
Left to play for :
1 55 170 €
2 32 670 €
3 22 170 €
4 17 170 €
5 13 670 €
6 10 670 €
7 8 170 €
8 5 670 €
9 3 675 €
10. 2 670 €
11. 2 670 €
12. 2 670 €
13. 2 070 €
14. 2 070 €
15. 2 070 €
16. 1 725 €
Payouts for day 2:
17. Špaček David 1,555€
18. Štvrtecký Tomáš - 1 555 €
19. Eliáš Peter - 1 555 €
20. Rehak Roland - 1 245 €
21. Dikoš Andrej - 1 245 €
22. Kozma David - 1 245 €
23. Zerzevski Miloš - 1 245 €
24. Martonski Srdan - 1 010 €
25. Sarkozi Peter - 1 010 €
26. Blaskov Andreas - 1 010 €
27. Mester Gerald - 1 010 €
28. Posta Sándor - 1 010 €
29. Boris - 1 010 €
30. Frese Aaron - 1 010 €
31. Frommel Christian - 1 010 €
32. Teniev Jusup - 860 €
33. Hulston Stuart - 860 €
34. Vettas Christos - 860 €
35. Ižo Gabriel - 860 €
36. Spot Ľudovít - 860 €
37. Baranyi Vincze - 860 €
38. Otlik Krzysztof - 860 €
39. Pekár Roman - 860 €
40. Cintula Andrej - 725 €
41. Bock Gerhard - 725 €
42. Lassu Zsombor - 725 €
43. Bumba Peter - 725 €
44. Koreň Peter - 725 €
45. Pfeiffer Patrick - 725 €
46. Scelsi Francesco - 725 €
47. Harich Julian - 725 €
48. Van Heezewijk Brian - 625 €
49. Aktaa Darwisch - 625 €
50. Moslinger Patrick - 625 €
51. Nagy Barnabas - 625 €
52. Marton Igor - 625 €
53. Kalic Juraj - 625 €
54. Oswald Alexander - 625 €
55. Bathory Richard - 625 €
56. Musca Lucian Gabriel - 545 €
57. Ankucic Nebojsa - 545 €
58. Zimáni Michal - 545 €
59. Lekic Slobodan - 545 €
60. Koloszar Daniel - 545 €
61. Kuník Patrik - 545 €
62. Mohamed Hassan - 545 €
63. Záujec Miroslav - 545 €
64. Kolarski Dalibor - 485 €
65. Křístek David - 485 €
66. Cserhati Zsolt - 485 €
67. Bajon Grzegorz - 485 €
68. Šimovič Sebastián - 485 €
69. Somogyi Janos - 485 €
70. Mišenka Marcel - 485 €
71. Vyhnal Peter - 485 €
72. Abramov David - 425 €
73. Robino - 425 €
74. Nagrabecki Damian - 425 €
75. Knezevic Mario - 425 €
76. Szizov Danyila - 425 €
77. Janošovský Jakub - 425 €
78. Molnár István - 425 €
79. Novoroľník Marcel - 425 €
80. Amir Jusufi - 365 €
81. Flešár Marián - 365 €
82. Baotic Anto - 365 €
83. Hensler Friedrich - 365 €
84. Blaško Marek - 365 €
85. Schnierer Matúš - 365 €
86. Belaj Ján - 365 €
87. Maksymowicz Krysztof - 365 €
88. Stiller Andreas - 365 €
89. Fabian Stefan - 365 €
90. Singh Deep Kandra - 365 €
91. Meszaroš Peter - 365 €
92. Barczi Ivan - 365 €
93. Molnár Alexandru - 365 €
94. Werdenich Thomas - 365 €
4:30 After a crazy setup we are done for today !
On the turn 8h 5h 5c 6s there was about 800,000 inside and Shcherba bets 425,000. Motel called behind him and Špaček jams for 760,000. Vitalli tanked for a minute or two and rejams, Motel called faster than a lightning with fullhouse of eights. Špaček held pocket sixes for lower fullhouse and Vitalii showed up with 9x 7x for a straight. River 4s was formality and we are bagging chips for day 2 !
4:25 Eliáš busts after flip versus Ješko
Eliáš got his stack in with pocket nines against Ješko with Ax Tx. Runout 3x 5x Qx Ax 2x eliminated Eliáš and we ar elooking for last eliminated person from day 2.
4:15 Melichar double up
Motel got into preflop all in with Ax Kx against kings held by Melichar for 885,000. Board Qx 4x 5x Jx Qx brought double up to Melichar.
4:00 We slowed down a tad
Jovanovic opens to 110,000, Maceják call, Štvrtecký tanked for quite some time and folded. Kotowicz called from sb and Matkovic 3-bets to 1,350,000. Nobody was interested in game at this price. There is not much action last couple of minutes.
Level 27: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,780,952, ent.: 21/935
3:35 Pichler adds to his stack
On the flop Ax 2x 2x there was about 600,000 inside and Pichler, Boyer and Krchnár checked. Same went on the turn 7c. River Qh brought bet 250,000 from Boyer, Krchnár counted his stack, thouht for a minute and folded. Pichler called off with sixes and Boyers hand went into the muck.
3:20 Lajos Motel double up
Lajos got into preflop all in confrontation with Kx Qx against Ješko with Ac Ts for like 350,000. Runout Jd 6c Qc Tc Ah brought straight for Motel and gets important double up.
3:05 Sarkózi busts
Sarkózi moved all in for about 600,000 with As 5s against Maceják with Ac Qh. Board 3s 7s 9h Jh 7c was last for Sarkózi.
Level 26: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,496,000, ent.: 25/935
15 minutes break
Stacks and seating 6-max Final Table:
Seat 1: Pliska Marc - 395,000
Seat 2: Koevesi Timea - 98,000
Seat 3: Špány Martin - 329,000
Seat 4: Kráľ Maroš - 189,000
Seat 5: Belaj Ján - 694,000
Seat 6: Ilek Stanislav - 279,000
Seat 7: Barang Elmar - 417,000
2:35 Lost souls:
29. Boris - 1 010 €
30. Frese Aaron - 1 010 €
31. Frommel Christian - 1 010 €
32. Teniev Jusup - 860 €
33. Hulston Stuart - 860 €
34. Vettas Christos - 860 €
35. Ižo Gabriel - 860 €
36. Spot Ľudovít - 860 €
37. Baranyi Vincze - 860 €
38. Otlik Krzysztof - 860 €
39. Pekár Roman - 860 €
40. Cintula Andrej - 725 €
41. Bock Gerhard - 725 €
42. Lassu Zsombor - 725 €
43. Bumba Peter - 725 €
44. Koreň Peter - 725 €
45. Pfeiffer Patrick - 725 €
46. Scelsi Francesco - 725 €
47. Harich Julian - 725 €
48. Van Heezewijk Brian - 625 €
49. Aktaa Darwisch - 625 €
50. Moslinger Patrick - 625 €
51. Nagy Barnabas - 625 €
52. Marton Igor - 625 €
53. Kalic Juraj - 625 €
54. Oswald Alexander - 625 €
2:25 I´m sure this hurts...
Eliáš got into preflop all in for 2,120,000 bvb against Christian Matkovic. Eliáš shows Ax Kx, Matkovic holds Kx Kx. Runout 9x 7x 9x Jx 8x held for Matkovic and Eliáš is left with about 600,000.
2:15 Few stacks :
Shcherba - 1,100,000
Ješko - 1,500,000
Katsikas - 1,000,000
Eliáš - 600,000
Melichar - 700,000
Maceják - 1,300,000
Krchnár - 1,700,000
Dikoš - 1,100,000
2:00 Stuart Hulston out in a sad way
Stuart opens to 75,000 out of smallblind and bigblind jams for about 375,000 effective stack. Stuart obviously calls with aces and faces fours of his opponent but after four on the flop and rest of board bricks, Stuart´s chances got burried.
Level 25: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,206,452, ent.: 30/935
1:45 Shcherba hotrunning again
Vitalii opens to 50,000 and got only four calls. On the flop Qx 5x 5x Maceják bets 85,000 and only Vitalii calls. Turn 9x both checks quite fast and on the river Tx Vitalii fires for 265,000. Maceják calls with Ax Qx but thats not enough for Kx Kx. Very next hand Vitalii defends his bigblind against Christos Vettas. Flop Qx Tx 2x is checked down. On the turn Qx Vitalii bets 65,000 and gets called. River Kx brings bet of 150,000 from Vettas following a raise to 525,000 by Vitalii. After tanking for couple of minutes Christos calls with Ax Jx for straight, but can´t beat ducks-strong fullhouse from Vitalii.
Payouts for 6-max sideevent:
1. 1,870€
2. 1,145€
3. 870€
4. 665€
5. 530€
6. 430€
7. 360€
8. 290€
9. 225€
10-11. 155€
12. 145€
120 players registred for this side event and made prizepool of 6,840€
1:15 Andrej Cintula done after big flip
Andrej got his about 600,000 inside with pocket nines against Ax Qx held by Srdan Martonski. Ace on the flop was only important card and Srdan takes big pot. Andrej takes a trip home isntead...
Level 24: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 935,000, ent.: 40/935
1:05 Gerald Mester fat double up
On the flop 2x 3x 7x there was about 250,000 inside and after few raises and reraises 550,000 went in from Gerald with nines against Kozma with tens. Nine on the turn changed strenght of hands and ace on the river was no fun we were all hoping for.
00:50 Koreň busto
Peter jammed his 13bb with Ax Jx and hungarian opponent called with Qx Jx. Qx on turn meant Peter will sail away.
00:30 Main Event is done for Igor Marton
Igor fallen to last 125,000 and found Jx Jx in cutoff. Jammed and Spot in bb called off with Ax 6x. Ace on board ends Igor´s journey.
France-Benelux Masters takes place mid-july and Main Event guarantee is set to 150,000€ !
00:15 Another batch of eliminations:
55. Bathory Richard - 625 €
56. Musca Lucian Gabriel - 545 €
57. Ankucic Nebojsa - 545 €
58. Zimáni Michal - 545 €
59. Lekic Slobodan - 545 €
60. Koloszar Daniel - 545 €
61. Kuník Patrik - 545 €
62. Mohamed Hassan - 545 €
63. Záujec Miroslav - 545 €
64. Kolarski Dalibor - 485 €
65. Křístek David - 485 €
66. Cserhati Zsolt - 485 €
67. Bajon Grzegorz - 485 €
68. Šimovič Sebastián - 485 €
69. Somogyi Janos - 485 €
70. Mišenka Marcel - 485 €
71. Vyhnal Peter - 485 €
72. Abramov David - 425 €
Banco Casino Masters will celebrate 30th b-day !
Traditional Masters went long way with us and it´s players who will benefit the most. Buy in is 170€ and guarantee set to amazing 250,000€. Add exclusive raffle and juicy side events and cashgames. Mark first august week to your calendar !
Level 23: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 692,593, ent.: 54/935, 6-max ent.: 23/120
Break 20 minutes
23:40 It´s Lord of Rings time for Šimovič.
Second part actually, Šimovič made first one during his day 2. Began of his fall was noted in game where he got all in for roughly 260,000 with Jx Jx Vs. Jx 4x of his opponent on 4x 4x 2x flop. Last jack didnt appeared on turn or river and Sebastian lost huge chunk of his stack. In his last hand Sebastian jammed 120,000 with Ts 9s and someone called off with Qs Js. Runout Ax KX 3x 7x 6x was last for Seb and he have to visit cashdesk.
23:30 First batch of eliminations :
73. Robino - 425 €
74. Nagrabecki Damian - 425 €
75. Knezevic Mario - 425 €
76. Szizov Danyila - 425 €
77. Janošovský Jakub - 425 €
78. Molnár István - 425 €
79. Novoroľník Marcel - 425 €
80. Amir Jusufi - 365 €
81. Flešár Marián - 365 €
82. Baotic Anto - 365 €
83. Hensler Friedrich - 365 €
84. Blaško Marek - 365 €
85. Schnierer Matúš - 365 €
86. Belaj Ján - 365 €
87. Maksymowicz Krysztof - 365 €
88. Stiller Andreas - 365 €
89. Fabian Stefan - 365 €
90. Singh Deep Kandra - 365 €
91. Meszaroš Peter - 365 €
92. Barczi Ivan - 365 €
93. Molnár Alexandru - 365 €
94. Werdenich Thomas - 365 €
Level 22: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 542,029, ent.: 69/935
Even more photos !
22:55 Nagrabecki not giving up
On the flop 4x 5x 6x Vyhnal bets 12,000 from sb into limped pot. Nagrabecki shoves for about 130,000 and after short tank Vyhnal folded.
22:40 Levik busto
Levik opens to 27,000 from Ep and Koloszar defended his bb. Flop Kx 8x 9x brought 30,000 bet from Levik and Koloszar called once more. On the turn 8x Koloszar leads and Levik jams remaining 60,000. Daniel snap-calls with 8x 7x and Levik shows unlucky aces. River is a blank and Levik visits our cashdesk.
22:30 Final table will be streamed tommorow !
Level 21: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 420,225, ent.: 89/35
Break 10 minút
22:10 Bubbleboy is Andrej Desset
Andrej jammed for last 84,000 from Co with Ad 5d and Harich on sb found jacks. Chollier tanked a bit from bb but folded. Runout 4d 5c 6c 7d Qh decided that Andrej Desset is last one going home without money.
22:00 First out of two !
In todays hand for hand we need two elimination in order to get ITM. First was Dmitriy Ovchinnikov, which got his stack of 156,000 inside with As 9h against Ah Kh of Slobodan Lekic. Board 2d Jh Ac Tc 4h means we need to find last elimination before money.
21:50 3-way all in
Gabzdil with Gasowski went in for about 100,000 with Ax Qx. Jovanovic in bb found threes, called and covered both opponents. Board 4x 9x 6x 2x 7x meant double seat open and we are playing hand for hand.
21:40 River bet
On the river Ax 9x Jx Jx Kx there was 55,000 in middle and Otlik bets 40,000 out of bb. Melichar after long while folded his hand and polish opponent seemed very sad about it.
21:35 Luxurious watches for winner !
21:30 Zimáni double up
George opens and Zimáni called from button. Sb called too and on flop 9x 9x 7x George c-bets for 30,000. Zimáni calls and sb folds. Turn Qx George check-called bet of 50,000 and on river 7x Zimáni ships 160,000. Snapcall from George with Qx Qx was necessity, but Zimáni showed up with quad sevens and took this pot.
Level 20: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 352,830, ent.: 106/935, 6-max ent.: 40/67
Hand for hand is getting close !
Greek Poker Champions starts next week and guarantee is set to a whooping 150,000€ !
20:55 Schnierer got a lesson
On the turn As 8s 7d 5d there was 130,000 in pot and Schnierer bets 73,000. Sarkózi responded with all in of about 220,000 effective. Schnierer tanked quite a while but decided to fold his hand. And didn´t seem even tiny bit happy about it...
20:40 Road to trouble 101
On the turn 9c Jc 9s 6h there is 90,000 inside and Knezevic bets 35,000. Stiller pull raise to 109,000 after some time from blinds and get called after maybe a minute. On the turn Jd Stiller checked and Knezevic insta jammed for about 150,000. Five minutes long tank ended up by folding his hand.
20:15 Hotrun !
Szizov opens to 20,000 and Katsikas 3-bets out of bb for spicy 78,000. Szizov took his time, but folded in the end.
More photos !
Level 19: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 289,922, ent.: 129/935, 6-max ent.: 33/40
19:50 Matkovic tried
Matkovic opens to 15,000 somewhere from middle, but Zoltán Gál sitting in bb jammed his about 100,000. Matkovic was tanking bit longer, but in the end folded his Ax 8x.
19:35 Képeš in trouble
On the turn Td 4h 2d 3h there was about 60,000 inside and Singh bets 40,000. Martin tanked for a bit,but decided to let his hand go.
1 55 170 €
2 32 670 €
3 22 170 €
4 17 170 €
5 13 670 €
6 10 670 €
7 8 170 €
8 5 670 €
9 3 675 €
10-12. 2 670 €
13-15. 2 070 €
16. 1 725 €
17-19. 1 555 €
20-23. 1 245 €
24-31. 1 010 €
32-39. 860 €
40-47. 725 €
48-55. 625 €
56-63. 545 €
64-71. 485 €
72-79. 425 €
80-94 365 €
SSOP Main Event produced 935 entries and Banco Casino Bratislava had to fill missing 40,000€ into guarantee. Last sixteen players will get ticket to 30th anniversary Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD with value of 170€ and these money are already included in payouts.
Level 18: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 247,682, ent.: 151/935
19:00 Klein crashes
David called from button openraise of 13,000 and smallblind called. On the flop Ax Ax 5x agresor bets 16,000, Klein calls again and sb makes it 100,000. Agresor pass his hand behind the line, but chips goes behind the line from Klein, 210,000 in total with Ax Tx. Sb calls faster than lightning with 5x 5x and after turn of 7s and river 2x thats end of story for David Klein.
18:40 Abramov takes nice one
On the flop Jh 9h 7d there was 3-way all in with Jx Tx from Miroslav Lelek for about 100,000, Abramov with something above 130,000 and Th 8h. Pliska covering both with Td 9d. Turn 3h and river Ac busted out Miro Lelek and brings nice pot to Abramov.
Level 18: 2,500 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 200,000, ent.: 180/935
Photos !
18:20 Vitalii probably turn on his godmode
Or he is just most lucky fish in this tournemant, who knows. Anyway, out of his 46,000 he made 445,000. In one of hands he found Kx Kx and his opponent decided to defend 9x 5x. After runout 5x Tx Tx 5x Kx Vitalii takes first significant pot for him. Second one is little bit less funny, when he busted Michal Časnocha with Qx Qx against Michals Ax Jx for top pair and flushdraw on the turn. River bricks and Časnocha is unfortunately gone.
18:00 Boris Vs Eliáš
On the turn Tc 9d Ah As there is 50,000 inside and Eliáš fires for 23,000. Boris thinks about his options and calls. River 6c brought all in of 79,000 from Eliáš and Boris unhappily calls. Eliáš holds tens for fullhouse and Boris shows Ax Kx. Still got enough chips behind the line though !
17:45 One for Levik
On the flop Th 9h 8c Levik bets 12,000 into 22,000. Martin calls and Zacharakis gives up. Turn 7c brings 45,000 bet from Levik and after while Martin folds. Levik shows Js Jc.
Level 17: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 166,964, ent.: 224/935
Registration has been closed !
Break 5 minutes
After this break, registration will be closed.
17:00 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram:
Facebook profile Banco Casino:
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Youtube channel Banco Casino:
16:55 Shcherba double up
Heger opens, Ormandy calls, Vitalii Shcherba jams for 46,000 with fives. Heger calls with pocket sevens but board 6x 2x Kx 5x 5x was definately on ukrainian side.
16:35 Sándor Posta takes one off Pirník for start
On the river Tx Tx Jx 8x 5x Sándor bets 23,000 into 50,000 pot. Pirník decided to fold and we didn´t see showdown at this time.
Level 15: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 142,520, ent.: 255/906
Day 2 starting soon
We start at blinds 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000 and all levels will be 45 minutes long. Guarantee is still short of fat 50,000€ and very late registration is possible during whole first level of day 2 !
Chipcount 1A:
Chipcount 1B:
Chipcount 1C:
Chipcount 1C- KE
Chipcount 1D:
Chipcount 1E:
Chipcount 1F:
Chipcount 1G:
Chipcount 1H:
Main Event 250.000€ GTD
Dátum: 28.6. – 4.7.2022
Buy-in: 225€ + 25€
Starting stack: 40,000
Late reg.: 15 levelov
Blinds: Regular Flight 40min, Turbo Flight 20 min, Hyper Turbo 15 min.
Day 2 – 45 min.
Final Day – 60 min.
Levels: Každý úvodný deň bude mať na programe 14 levelov, po ktorých postúpia do Day 2 všetci zostávajúci v hre
Šampión Main Eventu si odnesie aj exkluzívne hodinky od Banco Casino
Slovak Series of Poker s celkovou garanciou 400,000€ !
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
Greek Poker Champions 150,000€ GTD :
France – Benelux Masters Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
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Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 62,459€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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