• A total of 111 players participated in Flight 1G, and after an intense bubble phase, the ten advancing players have been determined. Today's chip leader is Kacper Czapla with a stack of 1,627,000. 

    Late registration for Flight 1H remains open until midnight, with 124 players registered so far. Flight 1I – Turbo is still awaiting its start. The current overlay stands at a staggering €25,000. 

    After the conclusion of today's flights, the final opportunities to qualify will be in Flight 1J – Hyperturbo starting at 10:00, followed by the ultimate chance at 12:30 with Flip n Go. 

    Day 2 begins at 16:00, and at 18:00, the SPF Mystery Bounty with a €20,000 GTD will kick off. 

    We look forward to seeing you there! 

  • Chipcounts 1G: 

  • 22:35 Two Players Eliminated on the Bubble 

    At table eighteen, Mauro Montalbano went all-in for about 250,000 with Ax Kx, while Kotowicz held pocket sixes. The board Tx 3x 8x 2x 9x held for the pair, eliminating Montalbano. 

    At another table, Berriozabal, with a stack of 101,000 and Ks Qs, faced off against Jacek, who held Ax Jx and covered him. The board ran out Ax 7x 4x 9x 9x, sealing Berriozabal's elimination. 

    As a result, the flight concludes with ten players advancing to Day 2. 

  • Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 462500, ent.: 12/111, 1H ent.: 59/121

  • 22:20 Kotowicz loosing pot

    Sebastian went all-in preflop with Ax Kx, only to run into Ezra Aslan’s Ax Ax. The board came Kx 5x 2x Tx 3x, and Sebastian handed over about 300,000 to his opponent. However, he still retained a stack of approximately 200,000. 

    Following this hand, Gonzalez Diaz was eliminated, and the tournament has now entered hand-for-hand play. 

  • Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 426,923, ent.: 13/111, 1H ent.: 58/111

    21:55 Czapla Takes It on the River 

    Seferyniak opened to 26,000 from EP, Czapla called behind, and Berriozabal joined from the big blind. On the flop Qs 8c 8h, Seferyniak bet 20,000, Czapla called, and Berriozabal folded. On the turn Kh, Jacek continued for 35,000, and Czapla called again. On the river 5d, Jacek checked, and Kacper bet 77,000. After a brief moment, his opponent folded. 

    21:40 Roie Sheskin Victorious 

    On the river Tx Ax 7x 5x 6x, with about 120,000 in the pot, both Kotowicz and Sheskin checked. Roie revealed Ax Kx, and Sebastian mucked his cards. 

  • Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 370,000, ent.: 15/111, 1H ent.: 54/100 

    Break 15 min 

    21:20 Bartosz Karpowicz Eliminated 

    Bartosz shoved for 82,000 from the small blind with Kx 9x. Mauro Montalbano hesitated briefly but ultimately called with Kx Tx. The board ran out Ax Jx 9x Tx Tx, giving Montalbano trips and eliminating his opponent. 

    21:10 A-High Is Enough 

    Guillen opened to 22,000 from EP, and Czapla called from the small blind. The board Jh 2h 9c 4h 2c was checked down by both players. Kacper revealed Ac 5c, and Guillen mucked his cards. 

  • Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 346,875, ent.: 16/111, 1H ent.: 58/89



  • Gallery:



    20:30 3-bet

    Ezra Aslan otváral z Ep na 17,000. Roie Sheskin 3-betoval z buttonu na 57,000. Ezra po krátkom uvažovaní karty zahodil. Z vedľajšieho stola vypadol Pavel Heger a spájame sa tak na posledné dva stoly.

  • Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 264,286, ent.: 21/111, 1H ent.: 56/80 

    20:15 Marjan Janicijevic Eliminated 

    On the flop Jh 2h 7d, with about 70,000 in the pot, Marjan shoved for 57,000. His opponent made a slow call with pocket eights. Marjan revealed Tx 2x, and after the turn 8x and river 5x, he was eliminated from the tournament. 

    20:00 Filip Filipovic Double Up 

    Kotowicz opened from the button to 12,000, and both Kotryna from the small blind and Filipovic from the big blind called. On the flop 9d 9h Ts, Filipovic shoved his remaining 30,000 with Tx 7x, Kotowicz called with Qx Jx, and Kotryna folded. After a blank turn and river, Sebastian handed over a small portion of his stack to Filipovic. 

  • Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 213,462, ent.: 26/111, 1H ent.: 51/68 

    19:40 Berriozabal Double Up 

    Berriozabal shoved 60,000 from EP with Ax Tx, and Guillen called from the big blind with pocket sixes. The board ran out Ax 8x 9x 9x Kx, giving Berriozabal a comfortable double up. 

    19:25 Quick Play 

    Neagu opened from the CO to 10,000, and Karpowicz called from the big blind. On the flop As 3c 3h, Neagu continued with a c-bet of 7,000, but his opponent quickly lost interest in the hand. 

  • Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 179,032 ent.: 31/111, 1H ent.: 47/63
    Break 15 min 

    18:55 Eden Elbaz Eliminated Again 

    Montalbano opened from EP to 8,000, and Elbaz reshoved his fresh stack of 50,000 with Ax Kx. Montalbano called with As Qx, and the board Qs 9s 6x Ts 9s gave Montalbano a flush, eliminating his Israeli opponent. 

    At the same moment, on another table, Avraham Sisso was also eliminated from the tournament. 

  • 18:40 Elbaz Eliminated 

    Elbaz went all-in preflop with Ts 7s for about 50,000 against Lapaz’s Ac Kc. The board ran out 9d 8c 7c 3h 4c, giving Lapaz a flush and eliminating Elbaz from the tournament. 

    Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 152,941, ent.: 34/104, 1H ent.: 46/54 

  • Banco Casino Championship 200,000€ GTD for 200€ starts the new year!

  • 18:15 Eden Elbaz Losing Ground 

    On the flop Tc 5s 7h, Elbaz bet 15,000 into a pot of about 50,000. Ladislav called, and the turn Qd was checked by both players. On the river 3c, Ladislav led for 30,000 and was instantly paid off. However, Elbaz did not want to see his opponent’s set of tens and angrily tossed his cards into the muck. 

  • Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 121,951, ent.: 41/100, 1H ent.: 43/43

  • Gallery

    17:50 Andrej Double Up 

    Andrej got into a preflop all-in with Ax Kx against an opponent holding Ax Qx for about 20bb. After a blank board, Andrej secured a double up. 

  • Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 99,000, ent.: 50/99, 1H ent.: 34/34 

    17:30 Split Pot 

    On the turn Ac Tc 8c 7s, with about 10,000 in the pot, Lapaz bet 4,500. Zant and Meeuwisse both called. On the river 9d, Lapaz continued for 7,500, Zant raised to 20,000, and Meeuwisse called. Lapaz folded, and both players revealed Qx Jx, splitting the pot. 

    17:15 Roie Sheshkin Victorious 

    On the flop 7d 9h Jc, with 12,000 in the pot, Assi bet 5,000. Roie called, Gejza folded, and Seferyniak called from the big blind. On the turn 4d, Roie bet 21,000, and only Assi called. On the river 5s, Roie bet 100,000, and Assi dejectedly folded his cards. 

  • Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 86,275, ent.: 51/88

  • Break 30 min 

    16:30 Turn Bet Was Enough 

    On the turn Jx 5x 8x 4x, Peter bet 12,000 into a pot of less than 20,000. Manuel immediately folded. 

    16:20 Flop Raise 

    On the flop Kx Qx 5x, Matej bet 10,000 into a pot of about 20,000. One of the Spanish players chose to raise to 28,000, and after a long moment, Matej folded his cards. 

  • Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 79,000, ent.: 50/79 

    15:55 Flop Raise 

    On the flop 2c 8h Ah, with about 20,000 in the pot, Damian bet 11,000. His Polish opponent reraised to 35,000. Damian took several minutes to think and ultimately folded face-up Jx Jx. 

    15:45 Comin Martin Eliminated 

    Eszter opened from EP to 2,500, Martin called, and Ezra Aslan joined from the big blind. On the flop Td 2d Jc, Eszter continued for 3,000, but Martin opted for a raise to 9,000. Ezra reraised to 32,000, and Eszter folded. Martin declared all-in for about 50,000 with 9d Td, and Ezra called with Jx Tx. After the turn 3h and river Ac, Ezra secured the full stack of his opponent. 

  • Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 70,192, ent.: 52/73 

  • Gallery:



    15:20 Flop Bet 

    On the flop Qx Jx Ax, with about 15,000 in the pot, Lopez bet 8,000. His Ukrainian opponent instantly folded his cards. 

  • Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,038, ent.: 53/70 

    14:55 Yakov Elbaz wins on the turn 

    On the turn 5c 6d Th Ah, with a pot of over 25,000, Yakov bet 8,600. Martin unhappily folded his cards. 

    14:45 William Meuwisse doubles up 

    On the flop Kc 7c Jd, with a pot of 11,000, William bet 5,000. Salamanca called, and Harald raised to 16,000. William responded with an all-in shove for 26,000. Salamanca folded, and Harald called with Kx 7x. William revealed Ac 6c and completed his flush on the turn Th and river 4c. Harald was eliminated in the following hand. 

  • Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 63,462, ent.: 52/66

  • Break 15 min 

    13:55 Flip 

    Gonzalo got into a preflop all-in for about 10,000 with Ax Jx against his opponent's pocket tens. An ace on the turn kept Gonzalo in the game. 

    13:45 Elbaz Vs Salabai 

    On the flop 7h 6d 8c, with a pot of 5,200, both Tetiana and Yakov checked. No action followed on the turn 6h or the river 5c. Tetiana revealed Kx Tx, but Yakov held 5d 2d to take the pot. 

    Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 58,333, ent.: 48/56 

    13:20 Squeeze 

    Robert opened for 1,500, Tibor called behind him, and a Spanish player on the other end of the table 3-bet to 5,500. Both opponents folded. 

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  • Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,571, ent.: 42/45 

    13:00 Ilia takes it without a showdown 

    On the turn Jd 4 5h 7h, Ilia bet 1,000 into a pot of about 2,500, and Martin called. On the river 9s, Ilia continued with another 1,000, but this time Martin folded. 

    12:45 Sergio Soler wins preflop 

    Buczko opened for 1,100, Eroles called a few seats later, and Soler 3-bet to 6,500. Both opponents folded slowly, and Sergio showed pocket nines after the hand. 

    Level 2: 200  400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 39/39

  • 12:25 A small pot to start 

    On the flop Qx Ax 5x, the pot contained approximately 5,000. Will decided to bet 2,500, and both opponents folded. 

    12:10 Players at the start of the tournament 

    Salamaca, Niedzwiecki, Buczko, Sisso, Mamon, and others are seated at the start. 

  • Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 30/30
  • Spanish Poker Festival Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
  • Buy-in: 200€
  • Starting stack: 50k
  • Late reg.: 12 Lvls
  • 10% of the field qualify to Day 2
  • All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
  • 5% staff deducted from the prize pool

The Spanish Poker Festival Grand Final will visit Banco in December!

Banco Casino Championship 200,000€ GTD for 200€ starts the new year!


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