Flight 1G of the SOPC Main Event attracted 222 players, and after a turbulent end, 27 players advanced to Day 2. The chip leader is Patrick Pedersen with a stack of 1,306,000. Flight 1H began at 17:00 and has late registration open until midnight. At 22:00, flight 1I – Turbo will start with late registration open until 1:35. The overlay is currently €95,000, and the last chance to advance to Day 2 will be through the morning flight 1J – Hyperturbo, which starts at 10:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1G:
21:00 Hand for hand we didn't play
Before the start of hand-for-hand play, Leško and Chalupka were eliminated from the tournament. Thus, 27 players remain to advance to Day 2!
20:45 Aneta eliminates
Oguzhan Dastan moved all-in from early position with his remaining 110,000 holding Ax 5x, and Aneta called with Ax Jx. With an Ace-high board, the balance of power didn't change and Aneta climbed just above the 500,000 mark. We are two eliminations away from the end of flight 1G.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 370,000, ent.: 30/222, 1H ent.: 89/141
20:20 Li Hao wins
On the turn 6c 5c 3s 6d, there was about 40,000 in the pot, Marlovits bet 17,000 from the small blind, Pedersen called and
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 292,105, ent.: 38/222, 1H ent.: 95/128
20:00 Marek Valenta takes a huge pot
Marek went all-in on the turn Jc 6s Qc 8x for about 150,000 with Qx Qx. One opponent showed Kc 8c, and the other, disappointed, revealed Kx Kx. After the river 3x, Marek secured a significant triple up.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 205,556, ent.: 54/222, 1H ent.: 80/101
19:30 Time!
On the river Qh Td 4d 6h Ah, there was 92,000 in the pot and Hurol Ran pushed his 144,000 across the line. Halkier thought for several minutes and was eventually put on the clock. Floorman Fero started the countdown, and after the time expired, Halkier's cards went into the muck. Before folding, he showed As Kh to his opponents.
19:20 Antonino Karman takes 3-bet pot
Victor Gegersen opened from early position to 10,000 and Karman 3-bet to 30,000. Victor called easily, and on the flop Ah 5h 5s, Karman bet 20,000 and Victor quickly folded his cards.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 179,032, ent.: 62/222, 1H ent.: 76/95
Break 15 min
18:55 Turn bet
On the turn 9x 6x 4x Ax, Andras bet 55,000 into a pot of approximately 80,000. His opponent thought for a while but eventually folded his cards.
18:45 Aneta still climbing
Andersen opened to 8,000, Juhas called, and Aneta joined from the big blind. On the flop Jc 8c 7x, Stine Andersen bet 7,000, Aneta called, and Juhas folded. On the turn Qd, Kalíková led out for 20,000 and Stine called. The river 3h brought a 45,000 bet from Aneta, which was also paid off. She showed Qc Tc, and Stine mucked her cards. After this hand, Aneta moved up to 360,000.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000 avg. 150,000, ent.: 71/213, 1H ent.: 78/78
18:20 Flop raise
On the flop Kx 2x Kx, there was 13,000 in the pot and Jovanovic bet 5,000. Patrick Pedersen raised to 17,000 after a moment and Jovanovic folded his cards after a brief pause.
18:00 Jens Lauritzen takes an easy pot
Jens opened from the cutoff to 7,000 and Halkier called from the big blind. On the flop Js Kh Th, Jens continued for 11,000 and Halkier quickly folded his cards.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 134,615, nt.. 78/210, 1H ent.: 59/66
17:45 Tobias in a tough spot
On the turn 9x 8x Ax Ax, there was about 50,000 in the pot and Tobias faced a bet of 40,000. He needed about three minutes to decide, but finally, he angrily folded 9x 8x.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 100/200, 1H ent.: 66/66
17:10 Mike double up
Mike pushed his 8bb into the pot with Jx Tx and Lars in the big blind called with 9x 8x. After a blank board, Mike with his J-high held and secured a double up.
17:00 Kim Jacobsen all in
On the flop Qx 4x 6x, Daniel Nielsen bet 7,000 into a pot of approximately 15,000 and Kim responded with a raise to 35,000. Nielsen called slowly and on the turn Tx, Kim declared an all-in for about 80,000. Nielsen swiftly folded his cards.
Stream will begin tommorow !
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 97,573, ent.: 103/195
Break 15 min
16:30 Flop bet
On the flop Ax 8x 9x, there was approximately 30,000 in the pot and Erik bet 45,000. His opponent thought for about three minutes and face-up folded Jx Tx.
16:20 All in and call
Andreas pushed 80,000 from the small blind and Joseph, who checked his cards immediately, called with approximately 50,000 he had behind with Aces. Andreas showed 8x 4x and after a blank board, he handed over a portion of his stack to his opponent.
16:00 Flight 1H begins in one hour!
SOPC Main Event faces a massive overlay, currently exceeding 125,000€, making it definitely worth competing for the casino's free money.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 85,455, ent.: 110/188
16:00 Flip
Tommy went all-in preflop with approximately 25,000 with Kx Qx against the tens held by Thomas. After the board came Kx 8x 7x 6x Jx, Tommy narrowly doubled his stack.
15:45 Turn raise
On the turn Qs 6s 8d 2h, Alexey bet 6,500 and Jesper Kristiansen responded with a raise to 15,000. Alexey thought for a long time and eventually folded. Jesper showed Qx after the opponent's play.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,630, ent.: 119/180
15:20 Trto gets a rough start
Trto went all-in on the flop Kx 8x 3x with his starting stack, holding a set of eights. However, Bozena Skalska smiled and turned over Kx Kx, and with the unsurprising turn and river, Trto quickly decided to re-enter.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 64,961, 127/165
15:00 El Dave double up
El Dave went all-in preflop with approximately 60,000 with Kx Kx. John Yde somewhat disappointedly showed Qx Qx and after the board came Kx 9x 6x 4x Jx, he had to hand over a significant portion of his stack to his opponent.
14:45 Dejan Vrecko triumphs
On the flop Js 4s 5c, there was 22,000 in the pot and Dejan bet 7,500 from the button. Jonas Pettersen in the small blind folded his cards quite quickly.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 60,976, ent.: 123/150
Break 30 min
13:55 Aneta Kalíková double up
Aneta bet on the flop 7s 9s 2d, 15,000 into a pot of approximately 25,000. Three opponents folded and only Jesper called. On the turn 3h, Aneta pushed her remaining 15,000 across the line and Jesper called with Tx 8x. Aneta held As Ks and after the river Kx, her stack rose to around 85,000.
13:45 C-bet solved it
On the flop Ax 5x 4x, there was around 20,000 in the pot and Peter bet 12,000. All four opponents folded smoothly.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 59,346 ent.: 107/127
13:35 Moeller wins pre-flop
Kubat opened to 2,000, Jess called, and Jensen from the small blind 3-bet to 7,200. Both opponents folded their cards rather quickly.
13:25 Antoniades gives up some chips
On the river 2h 8h 5c 7s Qh, there was about 12,000 in the pot and Antoniades bet 8,000. Fournet called and Antoniades showed Jx Jx. However, it wasn't enough against the opponent's Qx Tx.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,922, ent.: 102/110
12:55 The winner of yesterday's high roller was Janos Peter Somogyi for 7,740€
HR Payout:
1. Somogyi Janos Peter - 7,740€
2. Karlson Stinus Elbaek - 5,647€
3. Hofseth Johnny - 5,432€
4. Thorsrud Ylva Kim - 5,280€
5. Kechagias Athanasios - 2,700€
6. Ulriksen Christer Johan - 2,250€
7. Freestone Stephen Andrew - 1,800€
8. Koloszar Daniel - 1,400€
9. Lauridsen Steen Groendahl - 1,000€
A total of 70 players registered for the HR event, creating a prize pool of 33,250€
12:45 Long Game
On the turn Qc 3c Td 9c, there was around 20,000 in the pot and Chris Petersen bet 6,500. Kim Jensen called, and Paz decided to go all-in for about 45,000. Petersen folded after a moment, but Jensen asked his opponent why so much and thought for a while. Eventually, he called with Kc Js, Paz revealed Qd Tc but after the river Ad, he handed over his stack to his opponent and went for a reentry.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 91/91
12:25 Gawor vs. Kruopis
On a flop of 6c 4c 8h with a pot of about 3,000, Kruopis bet the same amount. Gawor called, and on the turn Js, he called a bet of 6,000. The river Qd was checked by both, with Gawor showing 5x 5x and Kruopis taking the pot with tens.
12:10 Flight 1G starting players
Redl, Madsen, Szabo, Matiko, Juriš, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 55/55
SPPC Main Event 250,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 180€
- Fee: 19€
- Starting stack: 50k
- Late reg.: 12 lvls
- 12.5% of the field qualify for the Day 2
- All players qualified for the Day 2 are ITM
- 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
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