After full week of poker winner of Slovak Poker Open with prizepool of 335,240€. Lokšo took home without any deal 61,400€. Definately not an easy task to do in field of 1,971 entries. Next Saturday Banco Casino Bratislava will host another one day event with guarantee of 50,000€. Since third march Polish Poker Days with total guarantee of 350,000€ will begin and if that is not enough for you, right after there is Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ comming. For more informations check our web and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day payouts:
1.Lokšo - 61 400 €
2.Dragar Peter - 37 385 €
3.Bartko Ľubomír - 24 410 €
4.Raderer Gregor - 17 855 €
5.Jakwerth Gunter - 13 485 €
6.Zerzevski Miloš - 9 840 €
7. Vettas Christos - 6 930 €
8. Banyasz Miklos 5 030 €
9. Yosef Dvir - 3 950 €
10.Seremet Mateo - 3 295 €
11.Takacs Gyoergy - 3 295 €
12.Papp Daniel - 2 775 €
13.Tenanbaum Maoz Izhak - 2 775 €
14.Balogh Raul - 2 335 €
15. Zsuffa Miklos - 2 335 €
16.Paval Liviu Marcel - 2 335 €
21:25 Lokšo took a final stab and Peter Dragar ends in second place for 37,385€
On the turn 7x 2x KX Tx Dragar bets 3,500,000 and Lokšo raises to 10,000,000. Dragar shoves for 34,000,000 and Lokšo snapcalled with Kx Tx. Dragar held Kx 9x and after river 7d Lokšo is winner !
21:00 Lokšo catching up
Few pot wents to the Lokšo and he is now holding 47,000,000. Dragar is left with 51,000,000 and we might see end of this show very soon !
Tournament will continue !
Heads up stacks:
Dragar – 60,000,000
Lokšo – 38,000,000
Short break
20:25 Bartko finishes in 3rd place for 24,410€
Bartko got his shortstack in with As 4c and Dragar held pocket fives. Board 7x 5x Qx Qx 2x brought a fullhouse for Dragar and Bartko has to give up on his seat.
20:15 Raderer out
Raderer in sb jammed his 9,300,000 with Ad 2c and Dragar in bb found pocket fives. Board Tx Kx 4x 4x 9x eliminated Gregor Raderer in fourth place for 17,855€.
Level 35: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 24,650,000, ent.: 4/1,972
19:45 Gunter Jakwerth done in fifth plce for 13,485€
Dragar opens to 1,500,000 and Jakwerth 3-bets to 4,000,000, leaving himself with something above 5,000,000 behind. Dragar calls and Jakwerth on the flop Jc 2s 7s jams. Dragar snapcalls with Jh 4h and Gunter tables pocket nines. Turn 2s and river Tc didn´t bring necessary help and Gunter is eliminated.
19:25 Zerzevski out
In first hand Miloš opens and Bartko reshoves his 4,900,000 with pocket eights. Zerzevski calls with Ax Jx and after board 2x 2x 3x Qx 4x is Miloš left with 4,200,000. Few hands later Miloš got it in with Kx Jx against Dragar with Ad 9d. Board 8x 4x 4x 8x Tx was last one for Miloš and for sixth place he takes home 9,840€
Level 34: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 16,433,333, ent.: 6/1,972
Break 15 min
18:40 Zerzevski double up
Zerzevski got his 3,900,000 in with As 6s and Dragar in bb called with pocket sevens. Board Ax Jx Jx Qx 2x secured double up for Miloš.
18:20 Seventh place and 6, 930€ belongs to Christos Vettas.
Vettas shoves his 2,500,000 with pocket sixes and Raderer calls with Ks Qs. Runout Ac 9h 7c Kc 5d was no good for CHristos. For 7th place finish he takes home 6,930€.
Level 33:250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 15,000,000, ent.: 7/1,972
18:10 Miklos Banyasz done in eight place
Banyasz and Bartko got their stacks in with Ad Kd held by Bartko and Banyasz had pocket nines. Both held around 4,500,000 and after runout 4h Th 3d As 8c Banyasz leaves tournament in 8th place for 5,030€.
18:00 Lokšo has no fear !
Dragar opens to 900,000 from button and Lokšo in sb calls with Zerzevski in bb. Flop Ac 5c 7h brought a c-bet of 1,100,000 from Dragar, Lokšo calls and Zerzevski goes out of their way. On the turn 2s Dragar continues with a bet of 1,800,000. Lokšo calls again and on the river 6c Dragar fires for third time for 2,500,000 at this time. Lokšo looks like he doesn´t like it, but calls with pocket nines in the end and Peter Dragar tables only Kx Qx.
Left to play for:
1. 61 400 €
2. 37 385 €
3. 24 410 €
4. 17 855 €
5. 13 485 €
6. 9 840 €
7. 6 930 €
8. 5 030 €
Tournament will continue !
Final Table stream:
Break 20 min
16:24 9th place belongs to Yosef Dvir for 3,950€
Yosef got his about 3,000,000 in with Ax Qx and Raderer found pocket sixes in bb. Board 4x 4x 7x 2x Kx was last one and we are moving to the official final table and Live Report will continue with Live Stream from now on.
Unoficial final table chipcounts and seating:
16:15 Mateo Seremet eliminated in 10th place and we are going to unoficial final table
Mateo got his short in with Qx 6x against pocket sixes held by Raderer. Blank board means reward of 3,295€ goes to Mateo and players are moving to last table.
16:10 Gyoergy Takács done in 11th place for 3,295€
Gyoergy jammed his 2,000,000 from sb with Kx 2x and Banyasz found Ac 4c. Board 7c 8c Qh Xx 2c brought a flush to Banyasz and Gyoergy is eliminated.
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 8,000,000, ent.: 11/1,972
Break 15 min
15:35 Bartko double up
Bartko jammed his 1,175,000 from sb with pocket fives and Gyoergy called with 8x 6x. Board Kx Jx Qx 9x 4x held for Bartko.
Polish Poker Days starts in early march !
15:20 12th place for 2,775€ belongs to Daniel Papp
Daniel got it in with Kx Tx for his less than two million against pocket sevens held by Gunter. Board 4x 5x 5x 4x 3x puts us close to final table.
15:15 Way out for Tenenbaum
Tenenbaum got his 1,450,000 inside with pocket aces against Gyoergy with 9x 8x. Board 9x 8x 2x Qx 7x ended this road for Tenenbaum and his take is 2,775€.
15:05 Raul Balogh eliminated in 14th place for 2,335€
Balogh got his around 3,000,000 in with Qd Jd on the flop 6d Td 8c against Gunter Jakwerth with a set of tens. Turn and river were blanks and Balogh is eliminated.
Level 31: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 7,584,000, ent.: 13/1,972
14:55 15th place for 2,335€ belongs to Miklos Zsuffa
I didn´t catch the hand but Mateo Seremet held Kx 5x and river was a king. Miklos lost his shortstack with 9x 7x and is on his way to cashdesk.
14:50 It took a while but we have first seat open
Liviu Paval got his 2,400,000 in with Ax Jx against pocket nines held by his opponent. After runout 7x 5x 4x 6x 6x dealer held pair combination and Liviu will take 2,335€ for 16th place.
14:30 Takacs rejamming
Lokšo opens to 450,000 and two seats later Gyoergy Takács jams from sb for 3,175,000. Lokšo though for a while but folded his hand.
14:15 Lokšo double up
On the turn 8x Jx Kx 9x there was around 2 million in the pot and Lokšo got his 2,900,000 in with set of kings. Dragar held Tx 9x and after river As Lokšo took double up.
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,162,500, ent.: 16/1,972
14:10 Jakwerth 4-bet shoves
Gunter opens, Dragar 3-bets to 1,200,000 and Jakwerth shoves for 5,300,000. Dragar tanked for couple of minutes before he folded his hand.
Level 29: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 6,162,500, ent.: 16/1,972
We have six minutes left to play from this level and all other levels will be 45 minutes long.
Final Day seating and chipcounts:
Final Table stream:
Final day payouts:
1. 61 400€
2. 37 385€
3. 24 410€
4. 17 855€
5. 13 485€
6. 9 840€
7. 6 930€
8. 5 030€
9. 3 950€
10-11. 3 295€
12-13. 2 775€
14-16. 2 335€
All players in Final day have ticket for Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD in value of 250€ included in their payouts.
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 200€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
Banco Lottery v hodnote 150.000€ - vyhrajte každý deň až 1.000€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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