Flight 1G produced 392 entries and we got 39 advancing players to tommorow´s day 2 ! Chiplead from this flight belong to Marián Flešár with a stack of 1,779,000. Flight 1H had 245 entries and registration was closed at midnight. Flight 1I- Turbo had 100 entries so far and late registration open until 1:40. After registration to this flight will close, your last chance to qualify to day 2 will be through morning flight 1J – Hyperturbo that starts at 10:00. Day 2 starts at 16:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1G:
23:45 It took some time but we have last elimination of flight 1G !
After some double ups for shortstacks Nagyne Farkas jammed her last 130,000 with Kx 5x and Danijel Roglic found Ax Qx. Board 4x 4x 2x 6x 9x closed flight 1G !
23:25 Double seat open
Ariel Yifrah held Ax Qx and 275,000, Asaf Levi had around 100,000 and Ax 3x. Leonidas found pocket jacks and called both all ins. Board 2x 7x 5x Kx Jx eliminated both opponents. On next table Laszlo Klemens was eliminated and we are playing hand for hand.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 455,814, ent.: 43/392, 1H ent.: 77/245, 1I ent.: 57/73
23:10 Marko Grujič out
Marko survived quite a rollercoaster ride. Last 130,000 went in against Trang. Marko flipped over Qh Th and Trang held pocket kings. Board Jx Tx 2x Kx 5x was last one for Marko in flight 1G and bubble is getting dangerously close.
23:00 Another unlucky hand for Schrittwieser
Stefan got into preflop all in with pocket nines against Wilfinger with pocket sevens for his 115,000. Board Ax 4x 6x Tx 7x brought a set for shorter stack and Schrittwieser has to give up on part of his stack.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 435,556, ent.: 45/392, 1H ent.: 92/242, 1I ent.: 57/63
22:40 Nice reshove
Raul Balogh opens to 45,000 from EP and Nader rejams aroudn 550,000. Czapla on the button was not very happy and took him long time to fold. Raul folded face up pocket jacks and Nader shows Ax Kx.
22:20 Flešár good with turn bet
On the turn 7s 3s 5h Qc there is around 100,000 in the middle and Flešár bets 55,000. His opponent folded slowly.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 376,923, ent.: 52/392, 1H ent.: 112/241, 1I ent.: 33/33
22:00 Limp fold
Rauter limps from Co and Michalakellis on button raises to 42,000. Rauter didnt hesitated too long and folded his hand. On next table Schrittwieser jammed several hands but got no calls at all.
21:50 Nader Vs Roglic
On the turn 3c 9d 7h 8h Nader bets 15,000 and Roglic raises to 38,000. Nader took a long time tanking and decided for a raise to 123,000. Roglic needed some time to think, and suddenly folded his hand.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 350,000, ent.: 56/392, 1H ent.: 119/235
Break 15 min
21:15 Jonathan Shimshon double up
Jonathan got his 57,000 in with Ax Tx against Kx Qx held by Hamama. Board 4x 5x Jx 6x Ax doubled Jonathan.
21:05 Marko Grujič loosing a flip
Marko got his stack in with Ax Kx against Halak with pocket eights. Board 2x Jx 4x 2x 5x sent Marko to a shortstack.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 284,058, ent.: 69/392, 1H ent.: 142/222
20:50 Limpfold !
Ioannis Gemidopoulos limps, Maor Zaharagi raises to 30,000 and Itzhak Rasad tanked for long time in blinds. After he folded Ioannis decided to return cards to the dealer too.
20:40 Big hand for Leonidas
Leonidas got his 435,000 inside with pocket aces against Schrittwiesser with pocket jacks. Board Kx 4x 8x 4x Qx held better hand and Leonidas took full double.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 268,493, ent.: 73/392
20:30 Bencze Deak good with a c-bet
On the turn Ax 4x 2x 4x it´s 70,000 in pot and Bencze bets 30,000. Shamir and Lele folded slowly.
20:15 Jonathan Shimshon all-in
On the flop Tx Tx 3x there is 33,000 in the middle and Jonathan jams for 60,000. Leonidas says its never a ten but after short while he folded his hand.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 215,385, ent.: 91/392, 1H ent.: 146/191
20:00 Heinz Vs Szecsenyi
On the flop Kd Qc 2s there was 36,000 in the middle and Szecsenyi bets 16,000. Muenzer called and on the turn Jc Szecsenyi just checked. Muenzer took advantage of weakness and placed a bet of 26,000 behind the line. Martin folded quickly.
19:45 Zubaj jams
On the flop Jh 8h Js pot was bit over 100,000 and Zubaj jammed his 106,000. Eden Azulay tanked for several minutes before he folded his hand. Nikola Drljaca folded instantly.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 175,000, ent.: 112/392, 1H ent.: 125/156
Break 15 min
18:45 3-way all in
Cohen, Gruszecki and Sela got stacks behind the line preflop. Sela held pocket tens, Gruszecki and Cohen tabled pocket kings. Board Ax Qx 4x 6x 6x changed nothing. Cohen had only 52,000 and was splitting only the main pot. Sela had around 140,000 and Gruszecki had him closely covered.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 141,971, ent.: 137/389
18:30 Marko Grujič strikes again
On the flop 8h 7d 2c pot was around 15,000 and all four players checked. On the turn Kx Marko bets 4,000 and all opponents folded.
18:15 Marko Grujič winning in huge setup
ON the turn 3x Jx Qx 9x there was around 100,000 in the pot and Marko jammed 55,500. Kazlov called with Ax Qx, Gergopolous with pocket nines and Milisa held Kx Qx. River Kx made Marko jump pretty high as he completed his straight and eliminated two opponents at once. His stack is well over 300,000 now.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 123,856, ent.: 153/379, 1H ent.: 101/106
18:00 Tough spot for Flešár
On the flop Td 8d 7h Marián bets 11,000 into a pot of 38,000. Robert Gruszecki shoves 72,000 and Marián was tanking for a while.
17:45 Nasty way out for Adam Shriki
On the river 3x 9x 9x 4x Tx Adam shoves his shortstack with pocket fours. Leonidas snapcalls with pocket tens and eliminates his opponent.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 112,275, ent.: 167/375, 1H ent.: 85/87
17:30 Pot for Yaniv Shitrit
On the flop As Ks 4c there was 12,000 in the pot and Yaniv bets 6,000. Michail Lugmayr raises to 16,000 and Yaniv calls. Turn 2c and river 6d are checked and Yaniv shows Ac 7c. Lugmayr mucks his hand.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 101,105, ent.: 181/366
Break 15 min
16:50 Shitrit flipping
Marton Lugosi got his stack in with Ax Kx against Yakir Shitrit that held pocket eights. Runout Ax Kx 5x 5x 4x held for shorter stack and Marton doubles up his 54,400.
16:40 Vasko Markoski winning 3-bet pot
Lukas Linzer and Vasko Markoski agreed on 23,500 preflop. On the flop Jh 2h Jd Vasko bets 30,000 and after some time, Linzer folded his hand.
16:30 Flight 1H starts at 17:00 !
If flight 1G was too early for you, in 30 minutes flight 1H open its gates.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 90,365, ent.: 192/347
16:15 Edmondo with unexpected double up !
On the river Js Ts 3s 5s 7s Edmondo announces all in of about 50,000 into a pot of 30,000. Dominik Heithoff was tanking for fair ammount of time and decided to call. Ed shows Ax 8s and Dominik is loosing pot with 6s 6c.
16:00 Gyula Rapolti winning
Yifrah opens to 2,500, Gemidopoulos calls, Cohen calls too and Gyula from blinds 3-bets to 10,200. Yifrah and Gemidopoulos called and Cohen folds. On the flop As 3s 6c Gyula shoves for about 60,000 and both opponents quickly folded.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 81,683, ent.: 202/330
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD will take place in the middle of March !
15:45 Gyoergy Takacs double up
On the flop 4s 3s 3d there was 10,000 in the pot, Gonzales bets 3,500, Gyoergy raises to 12,000 and Zuberovski raises to 22,000. Gonzales folded and Gyoergy shoves for 43,500. Zuberovski with Ax Ax calls but isn´t too happy when Gyoergy shows 6c 3c. Turn 5c a river Ks didn´t brought any help to Zuberovski and Gyoergy took nice double up.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 72,558, ent.: 215/312
15:10 Dor Bendler shoves
On the flop Jc 9c Ts pot was around 11,000 and Dor bets 5,000. Michal Svačina made the call and on the turn 3c Dor jams for 36,000. Michal thought about it, but folded after couple of seconds.
14:45 Karakas double up
Karakas got little bit less than 20,000 inside with pocket jacks against Refael Aharon with Ax Kx. Runout 3x 6x 8x Jx Ax held for pair combination at this time.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 66,743, ent.: 218/291
Break 30 minút
14:00 Split pot
On the turn Kx Kx Qx Kx Karakas bets 5,500 into a pot of about 12,000, Turek folds and Hota calls. River Jx is checked down and Karakas tables Ax 7x. Hota held Ax 5x and pot is being split.
13:45 Nikolaos Mastrantonas winning on the turn
Turn Jd Qc 2h 7c brought a bet of 16,600 from Nikolaos into a pot of 23,000. Zoltan Fabian tanked a bit and folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 60,049, ent.: 204/245
13:30 Stefan Schrittwieser winning nice one
On the river Ad Kd 3s Qh Ah pot was around 15,000 and Agostino bets 13,300. Stefan was tanking for a long time and made a call, Demetris folded quickly. Agostino instantly mucked and Stefan tabled Kx Jx.
13:15 Constantinou took small one
Ont he flop Qh Js 2d pot was 12,700 and COnstantinou bets 5,500. El Bar tanked but decided to fold.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 56,757, ent.: 185/210
12:55 Split pot
ON the river Qs 6h 2h Td 7d Snjezana Milisa bets 3,000 into a pot of 6,500 and Baars called. Milisa held Qh 5h, Baars tabled Qc 4c and pot was split.
12:45 Marius Lazar double up
Marine Godelet opens to 1,200, Marius raises to 6,200 and Gonzales calls. Marine folded and on the flop 7x 5x 7d Marius bets 6,500. Gonzales quickly calls and on the turn 2d Lazar jams for remaining 30,300. Gonzales called with Ah 2h, Marius tabled Ad Kd. River 9d completed flush for this romanian opponent.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,117, ent.: 179/183
12:30 Boris Koldov took the pot
On the river Qd 7d 2c Th 3d pot was 8,200 and Shimon Benaim bets 5,000. Boris shoves for 28,000 and after long tank Shimon folded his hand.
12:15 Early registrations
In this early flight we can see Furic, Czapla, Radinger, Zubaj, Dej, Flešár, Salay and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 106/106
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 200€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
Banco Lottery v hodnote 150.000€ - vyhrajte každý deň až 1.000€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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